Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1940)
V 1 f-* -* > *' f* ^ > C' ^ > 4 * • ^ I «* 4 i » ^ > HO.'HOD" JOHNSON BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR Writer To Serve On All-American Board; Bonfire & Dance Moved To Tuesday Night Your writer has been asked to help select the National Inter collegiate Sports Writers Associ ation All-American players for the year. Other Battalion sports writers who have been given this honor are Alton Queen, Sam Levine and “Jeep” Oates. Joe Routt was named on the team in 1937 and Joe Boyd was selected last year. Dick Todd, Mar- *Way in front MANSFIELDS Mansfields stand out like stars in any store display; look like a million on your feet; pass beyond the possibility of an adequate description in comparison with any other shoes you ever bought at the same price. $5 to $5.50 WlMBERLEY sfONfe DANS8* W.sJLi/ CJ/OCKIERS Shoe Dept. B. C. ALLEN, Owner COLLEGE and BRYAN shall Robnett and John Kimbrough have also been recommended in the past but made less important squads. Board members are asked not to nominate their own players in line-ups but to list the same as a group of candidates. ’After much unfavorable com ment, the bonfire and dance dates have been changed from Wednes day night to Tuesday. The change was necessary due to the number of students who plan to leave for “Forty Acres” right after their last class Wednesday. Here’s a question for all time books. Is the Aggie football team a machine? Saturday, Tommie Vaughn went down in a pile-up and failed to come up. Coach Homer Norton af ter pleading with the firey center decided to let him stay. For thir ty minutes he played the same type of football that Vaughn has always played. Sunday morning he was told that the Aggies had won —he had played out of his head for the whole first half but as many say—it was not over his head. He played one of the best games ag ainst the Rice Owls. Is he one of the nuts of the Aggie machine 1 ? Statistics show two Aggies in the top seven ball carriers of the Southwest Conference. Marion Pugh is in, fourth place with an average of 4.1 yards per try. John Kimbrough has set an average of 3.63 yards per carry. In the top seven are three Baylor Bears, one S.M.U. player, and a Rice Owl, yet John has carried nearly as many times as all three Bears. Are these the drivers of the Aggie ma chine ? The fly wheels are played by Pugh and Bill Henderson with Jim Thomason and Jim Sterling. The passing attack has added many yax-ds to the books when the ground way was hard. Pugh and Jeffrey send the skin into the air ways with Bill Henderson, Jim Thomason and Jim Sterling on the other end. Dookie has an aver age of .583 per cent and has ac- (Continued on Page 4) J. P. Dobyne JEWELER North Gate Two Watchmakers To Give You 24-Hour Service Save Yourself From That Last Minute Rush. Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Now For The Holidays. QUALITY CLEANING and PRESSING DEPENDABLE SERVICE CAMPUS CLEANERS Over Exchange Store — In New “Y” FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Sugar, 10 lbs. for Tomatoes, Solid Pack, 1 No. 2 can for Ranch Style Beans, 3 for Sunny Morn Coffee, 1 lb. package 49*? -9*? 220 160 Del Dixie Black Eyed Peas, 3 cans for 22^ Beech-Nut Tomato Catsup, 14 oz. for 19*? A. B. Hot Sauce, 2 for 270 Welch’s Quart Bottle Grape Juice 39^ Crystal White Soap, 5 bars for 19^ Sun Bright Cleanser, 3 cans for 12^ Yresh Cranberries, 1 lb. for 19< Lettuce, Nice Heads, 2 for New Texas Spuds, 5 lbs. for 190 Texas Grape "Fruit, 6 for 210 , YVinesap Apples, Hox 190 AGGIELAND GROCERY Phone 4-5344 — We Deliver Around End— Leo Daniels (49) is here shown skirting end against the Rice Slimes last week. He will lead the Fish this afternoon in Austin when they tangle with the University Shorthorns. Other Aggie Freshmen in the picture are Ellis Hollis (37), and Dennis Andricks (39). On the ground are two Slimes blocked out by a fourth fish behind them. Aggie Fish to Test Bible Plan On Texas’ Memorial Stadium Today Woolverton And Daniels To Lead Freshman Attack Memorial Stadium in Austin will be the scene of a Thanksgiving Day football clash this afternoon when the freshmen teams of Tex as A. & M. and Texas University tangle in their annual prelude to that traditional game on Novem ber 28th. Both clubs, undefeated and untied, boast similar power and ability which sets the game up as a climax of freshman football for 1940. A. & M. vanquished Rice by the heavy score of 26 to 7, and the Owl ets fell before the Shorthorns 19 to 0. Both teams dropped Allen Acad emy handily and today a battle is expected to find the air around Austin filled with pigskins and cleated athletes. Leo Daniels, looking like Aggie immortal Dick Todd who has been burning up the professional leagues this year, does wonders in a broken field and he couples with “Wolf” Woolverton to give the Aggie fans many happy memories. Still trying to make a success out of a system called “the Bible Plan,” Texas will send a combin ation of orange-clad players against A- & M. that should make those junior editions of the National Champions hustle and rustle in an effort to stem a Shorthorn stampede. A. & M. can move around on their own, however, and the tilt will be a test between two aggre gations that have equal chances for victory. Consolidated High Prepares Grid Team For Marquez Struggle By Dub Oxford In reach of the highest stakes an A. & M. Consolidated Tiger team has ever sought, the Tigers were hard at work this week pre paring for their District 26-B championship battle with the Mar quez Yellow Jackets at Forest Field tomorrow night at 7:45. The Tigers will face the hardest ball club they have ever run up against, and must stop the best offense they have faced all year in order to gain district honors. Last Friday, Marquez crushed Centerville 39-0 while the Tigers beat Centerville 40-0. This tends to show that the Tigers have very lit tle edge over the Yellow Jackets. This is the first time that the Tigers have ever approached a title since their beginning of in terscholastic football five years ago. Fitz, of Marquez, is high scoi*e man of the district, while it is be lieved that Todd of the Tigers would have been high tally man if he had not broken his leg at the first of the season. BATTALIONA— THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 PAGE 3 Intramurals Hq Signal Corps Is First Team In Class A Basketball Semi-Finals By Bob Myers Managers are reminded that en try cards for class A water polo and class B Ping Pong must be turned in by 6:00 p.m. Friday. Class A Basketball is fast com ing to a close with Headquarters Signal Corps being the first team to reach the semi final bracket. In their game with 5th Corps Head quarters Tuesday night, they only had one point on their side of the score card at the half way mark and came back in the second half to chalk up sixteen points behind the accurate shooting of Schram to run away with the game 17-5. Another fast moving, hard- fought basketball game between 3rd Headquarters Field Artillery and H Field Artillery saw the 3rd Hq. team rally in the fourth quar ter behind the ball hustling of Francis and shooting of Sabins to come out on the long end of a 24-19 score. This game was the league playoff and placed the winners in quarter final play. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE 2nd Corps Headquarters 3rd Corps Headquarters 4th Corps Headquarters C Infantry D Coast Artillery M Infantry E Infantry was another team that trailed at the half way only to rally and come out victorious. B Signal Corps led 7-4 at the half but couldn’t get going in the sec- (Continued on Page 4) Early Turkey Day Features Football Games Hard To Pick By Paul B. Williamson On President Roosevelt’s early Turkey Day, Thursday, November 21, there will be several important games. The championship of the smaller teams in Ohio depends upon the outcome of the Dayton, Ohio- Wesleyan game where the System picks Dayton overwhelmingly. The championship of Virginia may be decided in a very closely rated game between Richmond and William and Mary, with Wil liam and Mary underdogs by the slim rating comparison of 87.1 to 87.7. While no other games this Thurs day are championship affairs, the names involved mean close follow ing by interested fans. Among those games, the system picks Fordham over Arkansas, Colorado over Denver, LaSalle over Penn, Texas Tech over St. Louis, Wash burn over St. Benedict’s, Western Reserve over Case, and Xavier of Cincinnati over Ohio Univers ity. The last one should be a hot ly-contested battle. SATURDAY, probably the most interest will be attached to the meeting between Cornell and Penn in a traditional Thanksgiving meeting of many year’s standing. Cornell’s earned rating of 94.6 on the assumption they beat Dart mouth 7-3, gives them the shade over the Quakers , with the rating of 93.9. However, if the Dart mouth debacle indicated slipping of the “Big Reds”, and Penn’s 48-0 rout of Army last Saturday was truly ‘ a mighty comeback, then Thursday, November 21 — New Thanksgiving Day Home Team WR. Visiting Team WR Denver 81.3 COLORADO 83.9 FORDHAM 92.5 Arkansas 87.1 MISSOURI 87.0 Kansas 78.1 SAM HOUSTON 75.7 Stephen F. Austin 67.3 UTAH 81.7 Idaho 77.8 WASHBURN 72.7 St. Benedict 69.2 Friday, November 22 Schreiner 64.6 KILGORE 73.4 Southwest Conference Football Statistics - (Through Games of Nov. 16) % (Compiled by E. C. Oates, Texas A. & M., from statistical summaries submitted by team representatives.) Games— A&M — 8 Opp Ark — 8 Opp Bay — 8 Opp TCU — 8 Opp Tex — Opp s' SMU — 7 Opp Rice - Opp 7 First Downs 94 77 88 79 72 86 74 74 88 90 75 47 80 61 Net Gains 'Rushing U56 296 711 905 1060 651 911 1072 1178 875 730 625 1193 795 Net Gains Fwd. Fass. 969 811 890 680 508 973 785 672 930 918 889 556 354 608 Net Gains R. & P. 2225 1107 1601 1585 1568 1624 1696 1744 2108 1793 1619 1181 1547 1303 Fwd. Pass Att. 140 152 174 142 119 179 159 149 156 175 148 98 84 118 Fwd. Pass Comp. 71 69 57 64 42 72 73 55 75 75 69 33 24 41 % Completed .507 .454 .328 .451 .353 .402 .459 .369 .481 .429 .466 .337 .286 .347 Own Fwd. Pass Intcp- 11 19 23 14 15 14 13 17 1-3 25 15 11 10 18 Avg. Punt 37 36 33 35 35 34 38 36 37 36 36 36 35 35 Yds. Lost Pen. 442 285 273 445 355 294 319 435 367 285 220 313 337 319 Varsity Takes Monday Off Before Preparing For Thanksgiving Meet The Texas Aggies went back to work Tuesday after taking Mon day off following their victory over Rice Saturday and set about getting ready for their final game of the Southwest Conference seas on against the Texas Longhorns in Austin, Thursday, Nov. 28. Backfield Coach Marty Karow scouted the Steers for the past two weeks and brought back the not surprising news that the Longhorns will be tough anywhere let alone on Memorial Field in Aus tin where the Aggies have never won a ball game. “I believe that they have been going on all season and just waiting for their game with us”, Marty said. “They have looked great against some teams, according to what I have read, and they have shown me that they have more than they used on the field in the past two weeks. Don’t take it for granted that the Aggies are a cinch to win. ” Marty went on to compare the season records of the two teams to show what he meant. “All right”, he said, “so they lost to Rice and we beat the same team, but just remember that we have to play them in Austin and only three A. & M. teams have won there since 1894. teams have won there since 1894. (A. & M. won in 1902, 1909 and 1922). Would you bet on a horse QUARTER BACK CLUB A. & M. and the Rice Owls tan gle again tonight as the Quarter Back club offers the game pic tures in Guion Hall tonight af ter yell practice. The picture will start immediately after yell prac tice. Franklin Field will seat many a happy Quaker fan in Philadel phia. that won in only 3 out of 24 starts on a certain track,” he asked after counting up the number of times A. & M. and Texas have played in Austin. He says Pete Layden, R. L. Har kins, Jack Crain and two or three other backs cause lots of trouble and advised the punters not to kick down the field unless they want to get run over on returns. There are more than 600 laws pertaining to wildlife on the Tex as status. 1. “Five O’Clock Whistle” Glenn Miller Dinah Shore Dina Shore 3. “Only Forever” Tommy Dorsey 4. “A Handful of Stars” Artie Shaw” 5. “Our Love Affair” Bea Wain 6. “Pompton Turnpike” Charlie Barnett Ask about the new RCA Victor Long Life JSeedlo HASWELL’S Bryan —.*£/ dyers hatters * AMERICAN-STEAM I IAUNDRY I SEND ;r TO THE LAQMDRY DRY ♦ ♦CLEANERS PHONE 585 BRYAN Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization iy. J&J& 1 Coca-Cola with food is a taste experience mil lions welcome. A natural partner of good things to eat, Coca-Cola sends you back to work with that feeling of complete refreshment; ’^auTe that refreshes Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Co. by Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc.