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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1940)
Page 7r THE BATTALION ■TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1940 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. * M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and ■echanie&l College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $8 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-5444. Bob Nisbet Editor-in-Chief Keith Hubbard Advertising Manager George Fuermann Associate Editor Hub Johnson . Sports Editor Tommy Henderson Circulation Manager Phil Golman Staff Photographer Pete Tumlinson Staff Artist J. B. Fierce Editorial Assistant T. R. Vannoy Editorial Assistant Tuesday Staff Bill Clarkson Managing Editor Jack Hendrick Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors Lee Rogers E. M. Rosenthal Sports Staff Bob Myers Assistant Sports Editor Jack Hollimon Junior Sports Editor Reportorial Staff Jack Aycock, Don Corley, J. M. Huling, Ralph Inglefield, Tom Leland, W. A. Moore, J. M. Speer, Jack Decker. A Hint to the Wise LATE LIGHTS for sophomores has been a much- disputed question since the recent ruling by the Faculty allowed such. Some think it is the logical solution to raise bad grades. Others think it will lead to an enormous “corps trip” when the mid semester grades are passed out. We are inclined to think the former opinion is the proper attitude to hold at least until it is proved otherwise. It certainly stands to reason that if lack of study time caused bad grades, more study time would be the solution. More studying can not be done unless more time is allowed for that purpose, .jt The sophomores will be tempted to waste the early-evening hours in worthless occupation know ing that they have extra time, and they will be worse off than ever. That statement came from a senior. We believe and we hope that he is borrowing trouble. Some of the juniors are worrying about the rul ing giving their privileges away to such an extent that sophomores cannot be distinguished from jun iors. They themselves know that is the wrong at titude, and such a statement needs no comment. Possibly the strongest argument against the new-found privilege was voiced by one of the soph omores. He claims that regularity is the key to health. The chief reason most freshmen gain weight their first semester in school is because they are put on a regular schedule. He raises the question of whether or not sophomores have learned the value of regularity in their schedule in the short space of a year. Lack of sleep and skipping of meals brings on a run-down condition inciting colds and leaving the skipper susceptible to anything he may become exposed to. At any rate it means that the sophomores will be under the strictest observation during the next month or so. An epidemic of colds or an epidemic of bad grades might mean the revoking of said priv ilege. We hope that will not be necessary. Whither Now Columbus? AMERICA celebrated the four hundred and forty- eighth anniversary of the landing of Columbus Oct ober 12. This year, more than ever before, we can well give a silent vote of thanks to the Genoese sailor who first started the westward trek from Europe. Since 1492 has come from Europe the stuff that makes the American People. Since 1492 human be ings have been driven from Europe to the Land of Columbus by intolerance, hatred, and the lust for power and blood. But America has been well-reward ed for its goodness. With these harried immigrants have come some of the greatest minds this world has ever known. Temple University and every educational institu tion in America have profited immeasurably from the great brains that have been placed at their disposal. Men such as Albert Einstein and Dr. Thomas Mann have escaped, with many others, to the Land of Columbus. But press reports, letters, and the few foreign scientific journals that trickle through tell of scores who failed to make the boat. America, with its own economic difficulties, has long since passed its saturation point insofar as immigration is concerned. But exceptions have al ways been made for another whose talent is dis carded in a scheme that substitutes burning for learning; another who would not sell his soul to a soulless system. America, even with ominous shadows overhang ing, still cherishes its wealth of learning in its free institutions and strives to gain more. Indeed, we can and learn in a free land and say in 1940: Thank you, Columbus. In the meantime, on the continent from which he came, a beleaguered and weary people, their channels of refuge damned, turn troubled faces to a world with no more undiscovered continents and ask: Whither now, Columbus? —Temple University News OPEN FORUM AT ONE TIME in A. & M. a person who got on the “Bull Ring” was considered to have been very much “out of line” in his “outfit” or to have com mitted a grave offense to be the recipient of that many demerits from the Commandant’s office. But in this day of “New Deals,” dirty deals and so forth, a person who hasn’t collected at least twenty (20) demerits has been a “day dodger” since school started. Since when have non-military students in A. & M. gotten into the Army? We haven’t received our $21 a month yet, but we are putting our close to $30 a month to get “rammed.” Of course we over 21 have registered, but the day after we registered one of our number was classed as an ordinary sol dier with no individuality and no right to think for himsWf. This was the case of a Senior who had a rocking chair and a shop-made book-shelf in his room. When a boy has spent four years at A. & M. and collected a fair-sized library of valuable books and has one little shelf to put them on and then brings in a well constructed attractive bookcase to put them in and is told it is unauthorized furniture and is given ten demerits we begin to wonder, are we being allowed to go to school to get an educa tion or not? These books are valuable and are used almost daily for references, where else is there to keep them ? Isn’t this supposed to be a man’s home for the 9 month’s term? Why can’t he make it com fortable? In the College Regulations issued Septem ber, 1940, Section 4, paragraph 1, line 3, we read, “Every effort is being made to make dormitory rooms comfortable. With cooperation of occupants they can be made attractive.” Isn’t a rocking chair attractive and what is ugly about a shop-made book case? If any rule against personal furniture has ever been passed we cannot find it in the “Blue Book”, and we have not seen an order from the Commandant’s office on the subject. From the way demerits have been passed out the past few weeks, it seems that those giving them don’t realize that it only takes a few to make a “MAN” get back on the so called “line”, but they hand him 20 to 50 for such things as untidy bureau drawers, bookcases, excess cowbody boots, dirty sink stoppers and wet towels, in the closet or hanging up drying in the room. At home we can find our own things pretty quick in drawers in worse shape than any in the dormitories and no one but a “busy-body” is going to look in the bureau drawer on coming into a room. At home our mothers spend less time cleaning ten (10) times as much room, as is necessary for us to clean our rooms to pass room inspections. At the same time they have all morning to do this and we go to school every day from 8 to 5 and study until at least 12 every night. All we ask is that a little consideration and thought be given us. When a person who has been here four years and collected less than (20) twenty demerits in those four years, get 20 to 30 at one time and yet is trying to do the right thing everybody begins to wonder, are we getting a fair deal or maybe we were left out on this deal. (Names omitted by request) THE TIME OF year for corps trips is here again. We are all pouring out our spirit, energy, and pride for the greatest school on American soil, and for the mightiest football team on the globe. The ways and means of releasing this proud, voluntary energy were originated on this campus. Along with these, other traditions are practiced here on the campus and on the corps trips. We often begin actions on this campus that are amusing for a length of time, then they become destructive and degrading to the whole student body, and to the public into which we go. When traditions begin to be of this nature we generaly find some remedy. Would we be proud of our football team if they came staggering onto the gridiron saturated with alcohol ? Is the school proud of the rooting twelfth man when he is reeling from excessive drinking? Do the public, our parents, friends, and fans enjoy watching this kind of show? Liquor is a dictator. It makes us do what it wants. As men of a democratic school are we going to continue to bow down to something that is stronger than we ? Liquor dictates this, “I throw men to earth. Whoever foolishly sets his strength against mine will find himself flat on his back, groveling on the ground without rule of mind, feet, or hands, though still strong in his speech.” Who is the stronger in this, school, Aggies or liquor ? An Aggie O. A. Stevens, North Dakota Agricultural Col lege botanist, each year identifies from 300 to 600 plants species for farmers. As the World Turns... By DR. R. W. STEEN THE AXIS POWERS are continuing their move to the east. Yugoslavia has announced an economic agreement with Germany, and it is stated that the agreement has definite political significance. To say that the agreement has political significance is almost a miracle of understatement, for the arrangement means in fact that Yugoslavia is now taking orders from Berlin. Bulgaria will doubtless receive callers from Berlin and Rome in due time. The British diplomatic agents in that country are reported to be burning their secret papers, and making plans for a hurried exit. The British have had enough experience in getting out of coun tries in recent years that they do not have to bum their papers and make plans for leaving just for the practice. The move indicates a British belief that German troops will soon be in the country. Russia is having difficulty deciding what to do. British, Turkish and German agents are quite busy in the Russian capital, but the future will have to reveal the victor. Russia is certainly not pleased at the prospect of German bases on the Black Sea, but Russia has healthy respect for the German army. Hitler is doubtless tempting Russia with of fers of land in Persia and perhaps in India. Hitler, of course, has no hesitancy in offering Russia lands belonging to Britain. Japan has been doing a great deal of inter preting during the past week. It now appears that all of her threats made following the signing of the pact with Germany and Italy were simply friendly statements which Americans saw fit to misinterpret. It is interesting to watch the facility of the Japanese in giving unique and unusual mean ing to simple words. BACKWASH ^ George Fuermann “Backwash: An agitation rasnRin* from aetioa or •ccturanca.**—WoMtea. Tish-tosh . . . “Unique” is the word for the Y. M. C. A. Hand book’s definition of the Aggie term “goldbrick”. Most cadets can think of another way to describe the term, but there it is, God bless it, reading “carefree student”! . . . One of the Los Angeles newspapers follow ing the Aggie-U. C. L. A. game Octob er 12, declared that, “. . . . and fewer than 300 Texas Aggies out- Fuermann ye]led ^ 50()() members of the U. C. L. A. pep squad with ease.” . . . Overheard at Saturday’s A. & M.-T. C. U. tilt: “Now I understand why peo ple say that the Aggies have a yelling section and other colleges have cheering sections.” . . J Best of the past week’s stories coming from the Infantry Regiment con cerns the inquisitive freshmen who wondered how Cavalrymen could gracefully do an about-face on their horses . . . Life’s minor tragedies: It was W. L. (Tick) Bryce who left the stadium Saturday afternoon at the beginning of the second quarter to buy a cold drink. The score was 0 to 0. Seven minutes later he re turned. The score, A. & M. 21, T. C. U. 0! . . . The September issue of “Texas Parade”, official publica tion of the Texas Safety Associa tion, Inc., includes an article' titled “The Ramparts They Watch”. Writ ten by H. B. McElroy, assistant head of A. & M.’s publicity depart ment, it concerns the college’s part in national defense as the largest military school in the world and you’ll find the story well worth your reading time . . . Stories and superlatives concerning the 300 Ag gies who made the Texas-to-Cal- ifornia trip to watch the Aggie- U. C. L. A. game October 12 are many, but here’s one that was omit ted in the rush. It concerns G Bat tery Coast Artillery which claims, and apparently rightfully so, the medal for having more representa tives than any of the other 56 military organizations. The bat tery’s 11 representatives were John H. Holly, Willis Kellog, Leslie Mc Carthy, Mayo Thompson, Earl E. Jones, S. M. Jonas, Charles R. Johnson, Charles J. Flynn, Whit K. Alger, Horace Jennings, and W. J. Moraski. • Aggieland Miniture. It happens almost every Sunday —usually late in the afternoon. And it’s six-two-and-even that it’ll happen any given Sunday that has been preceded by a football game or a dance. You can see it many places, but the best places are the depots at the old entrance, or in front of Aggieland Inn, or outside of any of the dormitories. There’s a cluster of cadets and they’ve got a funny expression on their faces. They’ve got something on their arms too—a girl. There’s usually some baggage around somewhere, but the cadet and his date are little concerned with that. Yeah, it’s the same old thing— just a different Sunday. The cadet spent a week anticipating the love ly; she probably arrived sometime Friday afternoon; the next 48 hours went as fast as a ten dollar bill at a carnival; and now (it isn’t right, but it’s so) she’s going back home or back to her own share of a college education. Then a train, or a bus, or a car honks or blows; there’s a lot of last-minute laugh ing and useless gibberish; a fond farewell—usually; and she’s gone. That’s when a fella has to reach up to touch bottom. • Number Eleven Ross. The old guard room, as such, is history, but the title still goes and now it’s applied to room 11, Ross Hall. That’s where Claude K. Jones, Tom Seay, and Walter M. Lee do a little more than just sleep and study. They live there, true enough, but they’ve got a job that’s tied-up with their room. In truth, the old guard room is now an in formation booth and especially be fore eight o’clock in the morning and after five in the afternoon. That’s when all other offices are closed, but there are still lots of mothers wanting to get in touch with Jim, or a family wishing to notify their son of illness at home, or a thousand other things. “It’s appaling,” Claude observed, “how few parents seem to know where to locate their sons on this campus other than by his post office box number. Every Aggie should let his immediate family know exactly where he can be lo cated in case of emergency.” How ever, when a parent doesn’t know where to locate the son, the job of locating the cadet belongs to Claude, Tom, and Walter. “And sometimes,” Tom said, “it’s a sev eral-hour job that seems to be al most hopeless, but we seldom fail to ‘get our man’!” Propaganda. Since the publication of Satur day’s Backwash, your correspond ent has been repeatedly quizzed in respect to the so-called fifth col umn activities here at A. & M. To that end, here’s an explanation: (1) The facts concerning the two cases mentioned were given the writer “off the record” and, there fore, in no case will they be re vealed here until the word “go” is given. (2) Neither of these cases is of sufficient importance to cause alarm and, as mentioned in that column, one of them has already proved to be a blank. The other will be settled one way or another with in 30 days. Furthermore, the ex ercise of fifth column activities is apparently considerable less here at A. & M. than at many other major American colleges and uni versities. Since the item appeared Back wash has been notified by well- meaning cadets and civilians of 14 other cases of fifth-column activi ties. Most of them have been un founded and ridiculous, but it clear ly shows the attitude of the Texas Aggies—one that’s okeh all the way! Let us help you to look your best by cutting your hair . . . Jones Barber Shop By Tom Gillis Everyone at least likes to think that he has a sense of humor and a good way to test it is to go to either show on Wednesday or Thursday. If you can see either of the pictures on those days at the Campus or Assembly Hall without doing your share of the laughing, you may truly conclude that you have lost your sense of humor be cause two of the most hilarious comedies of the year are running. Both of these are high grade com edies with top ranking stars and that just makes them funnier and better dramatically too. “I LOVE YOU AGAIN” gets its word ‘again’ from the fact that leading man William Powell leads a double life, and two more con trasting lives could never be im agined.*” Powell grows up as a slick ‘con’ man but lapse of memory turns him for eight years into the most perfect angel and grown up Boy Scout that could be imagined. During these eight years he has become the leading citizen of a small town, where he belongs to all the lodges, the Chamber of Com merce, a scout troop, and is treas urer of the local Community Chest. The fun starts when the show opens as Powell gets struck on the head again and assumes the character Tennis Racquets Restrung String available for own use. We have presses for complete restringing job. STUDENT CO-OP 1 Block East of North Gate of the slick crook with all the past years a total blank. Thereup on, he and a small time crook Frank McHugh decide to return to his little hamlet and plunder the place for all he could get under his angelic reputation. A complicating element in the form of a wife whom he married before regaining his memory threatens to throw a monkey wrench in the deal but things finally work out. The funny part of the show comes in the situations Powell toss es off back in his little berg when he has returned to skin the place. The smooth manner in which he passes off remarks and little in cidents about which he should know everything but has forgotten are really marvels to watch and would give any pretender lessons. Myma Loy, as the wife, has almost al lowed herself to become typed, and this role is another in the same type as just the loving wife. Pow ell is the whole show but Myrna is plenty of complication for him to try to explain during his lapse of memory. CAMPUS 150 200 to 5 p.m. to 11 P-m. Today Only “The Man With Nine Lives” with Boris Karloff Roger Pryor Also Selected Shorts Wed. - Thurs. “He Stayed For Breakfast” with Loretta Young Melvyn Douglas News - Cartoon Weather Insurance For BAYLOR TRIP and all the season For Cold Weather Glover Outdoor Leather Coats Wool Coats Wool Jackets For Rain Weather Alligator Slickers Alligator Silk and Wool Top Coats U. S. Raynster Coats Sizes for everybody— prices to fit every purse. Bullock & Akin Bryan YOU get both smart st 7 \e and e * CeP "° i for\ in this Thom NAcAm. Come m an com acquainted v/ith Amevica s leading shoe brand. PIPE TIME! See Casey’s pipes before you buy. Also finest to bacco assortment in the state of Texas. CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY Old “Y” they had to be good shoes to sell 100 MILLION PAIRS THOM McAN STORE Care of NORWOOD’S 102 South Main Street Bryan, Texas