Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1940)
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1940 Official Notices The Arts and Sciences faculty will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday October 15, in the Physics Lecture Room. —T. D. Brooks, Dean, School of Arts and Sciences. REGISTRATION OF STUDENTS FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE Place of Registration: All students reg istered in the College may register for the selective service at the Registrar’s Office. This office will be open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. on Wednesday, October 16. All students "regardless of residence may register here. It will not be neces sary for any student to return to his home to attend to this duty. Persons Required to Register: “Except as otherwise provided in this Act, it shall be the duty of every male citizen of the United States, and of every male alien re siding in the United States, who, in the day or days fixed for the first or any subsequent registration, is between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-six, to present himself for and submit to reg istration at such time or times and place or places, and in such manner and in such age group or groups, as shall be determined by rules and regulations pre scribed hereunder." * Al-Tiili AmLVVKLY HALL THAT BLONDE’S BACK! Stranded...out West... with a woman-hater! It’s Maisie’s funhiest! A METRO-GOIOWIN-MAYER PICTURE starring-' ANN SOTHERN »'*LEE BOWMAN SLIM SUMMERVILLE VIRGINIA WEIDLER Wed. & Thurs. Oct. 16th & 17th 3:30 & 6:45 Each Day Regulation SOCKS Nu-Weave Nu-Weave Crew Socks are famous for their long wearing qualities . . . full cut and correct color. 35^ 3 pair $1.00 WILSON BROS. Try these sturdy crew socks that Wilson Bros, have made for us. There is extra wear in every pair. 25# f llaldrop & (8 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Exemptions: Members of federally recog nized active National Guard, the Officers’ Reserve Corps, the Regular Army Reserve, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, and cadets of the advanced course, senior di vision, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps are exempted.—E. J. HOWELL, Registrar. SENIOR RINGS The October 15th order of rings will be the last order to leave in time for you to get your Senior Ring for the Official Corps trip, November 9. Get your order in before 4 P. M. October 16, E. J. HOWELL. Registrar. GREETING FOOTBALL TEAM The Executive Committee has authorized classes to be suspended from 9:40 until 10:15 a.m. today to permit the student body to meet the football team at the train. —F. C. Bolton, Dean. DIRECTORY SALESMEN Student directory salemen will meet in room 228 Dormitory No. 4 tonight (Tues day) at 7:30 p.m. FOOTBALL PROGRAM SALESMEN There will be a meeting of the Foot- bal IProgram Salesmen for the T. C. U. game in room 3 Milner on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. SWIMMING TEAM There will be a meeting of all last year members of the varsity and fresh man swimming team, and all others inter ested in going out for swimming Wed nesday night at 7:30 at the pool.—A. D. Adamson, Swimming Coach. THE FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB meets every Thursday at 12:10 in Sbisa Hall. BIOLOGY CLUB The A. & M. Club will meet in the lec ture room of Science Hall Tuesday night after Yell practice. Dr. W. F. Taylor, Chief, Wild Life Research, will speak to the club on some phase of Wild Animal Conservation. Election of officers will follow. All old members urged to be in attendance. Fresh men and other prospective members are also asked to be at this important meet ing. The second meeting of the A. & M. Dames Club will be held Wednesday eve ning, October 16, at 8 p.m. in the par lour of the Y. M. C. A. Building. Mrs Dona Carnes will give a travel talk entitled “A Bird’s Eye View of South America”. Mrs. Carnes has traveled ex tensively in North America, South Am erica, and Europe. She is the former pres ident of the Texas Women’s Press Asso ciation. The wives of all students are invited to attend this meeting. WAYS AND MEANS WITH FOOD The Ways and Means With Food Group of the College Social Club will meet Thurs day, October 17, at 3 o’clock in the home of Mrs. C. A. Bonner. The leader of the program will be Mrs. D. W. Fleming and her subject will be “Foodstuffs and Their Function in the Body.” NEWCOMERS CLUB The Newcomers’ Club will meet Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 in the home of Mrs. Edwin M. Burnett on Houston Street. The name plate on the door step reads “Karper”. This is the last house on the left before you make the turn to pass the AAA building. ECONOMICS CLUB The first meeting of the Economics Club wil be held in the physics lecture room at 7:30 on Thursday, October 17. Arthur J. Mandell, Houston Attorney, will speak to the club on “Qualifications of Labor Leaders.” Mr. Mandell is a well known labor lawyer who addressed the club last year. Visitors are invited. R. L. Elkins, sponsor. FACULTY TENNIS CLUB The schedule of play in the singles tourn ament will be prepared late this week and announced in the Saturday’s Battalion. A copy of the pairings will also be posted in the box at the courts. Entrys and dues for prospective members must be in the hands of W. S. Flory, Experiment Station, or G. J. Samuelson, Box 118 Faculty Ex change, not later than 8:00 A. M. of Fri day, Oct. 18. Only those Club members who send in entrys will be included in the tournament. —G. J. Samuelson. A. S. C. E. The A. S. C. E will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Civil Engineering Lecture Room Final plans for the Dallas Confer ence will be discussed. All Civil Engineed- ing students are requested to atend. GRAYSON COUNTY CLUB There will be a meeting of all boys from Denison, Sherman, and Grayson County Tuesday night in Room 120 Aca demic Building after Yell Practice. Elec tion of officers will be held. AGRONOMY SOCIETY The Agronomy Society will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 311 Ag Building. Dr. J. O. Beazely will speak on “Recent Im provements in Plant Breeding.” Orders for the official key will be taken and dues can be paid at this meeting. HOUSTON A. I. E. E. The Houston Section of the A. I. E. E. wil meet in the auditorium of the Hous ton Light and Power Co., Wednesday evening at 7:30. Dr. M. M. Stolnick, Humble Oil and Refining Co., Houston, will speak on “Seismic and Gravity Meth ods in Petroleum Geophysics.” AGRONOMY SOCIETY There will be a regular meeting of the Agronomy Society next Tuesday night, October 15 at 7:30 in Room 311 of the Ag. Building. All members, as well as those who want to join are urged to be there. Dues and orders for the official key will be taken. Refreshments will be served. BIOLOGY CLUB MEETING Dr. Walter Taylor, head of the Fish and Wild Game Department, will conduct a tour of the Wild Life Museum this eve ning immediately after yell practice at about 7:30. Meet at the Agricultural Eng ineering Building. Bring dues, 50 cents, if you wish to be come a member of the Club. Membership is limited to 40. —R. S. Crawford, Pres. Classified LOST—In C. E. or Acad. Bldg. Log- Log Duplex Sliderule No. 696777. Bob Burns on case. Reward. R. E. Burns, North Gate P. H. Phone 4-4764. LOST: Black zipper portfolio in room 202 ME Bldg. Thursday morning. Call Joe Gross, 4-7894. Reward. LOST: Log Log Decitrig Slide Rule Num ber 535012. Please return to Room 80 Milner for reward. LOST: In or around Campus Theatre, one pair of glasses in blue case If found, please return to C. C. Homan, H-14 Wal ton and receive reward. DYERS hatted* AMERICAN- STEAM IAUNDRV DRY ♦ ♦ CLEANERS PHONE 585 BRYAN Patronize Your Agent in Your Organization LOST: On October 2 in EE Bldg., one Log Log Decitrig Duplex slide rule number 626724. Name E. A. Sterling written in small letters on back of case. Liberal re ward for return to E. A. Sterling, 226 No. 6. FOUND: A gold signet ring with init ials I B H or J B H on face at Hrd- licka’s. Call at Student Publications of fice. FOUND: Gold plated watch chain knife with initials engraved on handle. Owner may have same by coming by 1-4 Hart and identifying it. FOR RENT: 4 room house recently paper ed and painted. All conveniences. Well lo cated. South exposure. Garage, $12.50. Phone Bryan 887W or College 4-7174. R. H. Ballerstadt, YMCA. HELP WANTED: Cadet to work on Sat urdays- selling ladies shoes. Only an ex perienced person considered. Eugene Edge & Sons. Legal Notices SANITARY CODE FOR A. & M. COLLEGE OF TEXAS ARTICLE 1—GENERAL Section 1. The Sanitary Board shall be charged with the enforcement of this Sanitary Code as well as all State laws regarding the handling of food and other laws relating to sanitary measures for the protection of public health. Section 2. Since the general health of the residents of the College community and the control of communicable disease is of paramount importance, every official, teacher, or other employee of the College, whether living on or off the campus, will be expected to co-operate fully with the Sanitary Board in the enforcement of and compliance with, the provisions of the code. ARTICLE 2—MILK Section 1. No milk may be sold or offer ed for sale on the campus, directly or indirectly, for student use, or served by the Subsistence Department, or in the project houses, unless it is Grade A pas teurized. ARTICLE 3—MEAT Section 1. The provisions of this article shall apply to all meat and food products sold or offered for sale on the campus, either raw or cooked, by restaurants, cafes, etc., or served by the Subsistence Depart ment or in project houses. Section 2. Meats shall be Government inspected or inspected by a veterinarian designated by the Sanitary Board. Section 3. Meats shall be stamped on the principal cuts by the meat inspector. ARTICLE 4—FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS Section 1. This article shall apply to the Subsistence Department of the College, to project houses, and to all restaurants, soda fountains, confectionaries, meat mark ets and hamburger stands on the campus Section 2. Each food handler shall ob tain a health certificate as required by State law from the College Physician. Section 3. Milk served for drinking or as an ingredient of drinks, and milk pro ducts used or served, shall conform to the requirements of Article 2. Section 4. All dishes, receptacles and utensils used in the preparation, storing, transportation, serving and eating of food shall first be washed and sterilized as follows: 1. Cleaning by washing in warm soapy water or in warm water containing an approved alkaline solution; 2. Rinsing in clean water; 3. Sterilization by: a. Holding in boiling water for not less than 2 minutes or b. Soaking in a chlorine solution of a strength of not less than 100 parts per million for not less than 5 minutes. 4. Air dried without wiping. The foregoing requirements shall also apply to cups or glasses used for beverages and drinking water. At project houses dishes and utensils shall be washed as re quired in (1) above and may then by rinsed in water at a temperature not less than 180° F. for at least 2 minutes. CRUSHER ... to wear with your tux pug-band $2.95 ★ Thom McAn Tux Shoes - $3.35 ★ Special Order Tux - $20.00 ★ NORWOOD’S Bryan Yea Aggies... BEAT T. C. U.! Meet at George’s during the intermission of the season’s first official corps dance. GEORGE’S Confectionery In New “Y” Section 6- No dishes, receptacles and utensils shall be used that are cracked or broken in such a manner that washing and sterilization cannot be effectively done. Section 6. (a). No napkin, cloth, or other articles that has been used shall be furnished to any other person until said napkin, cloth, or other article shall have been laundered or sterilized. (b). No napkins, straws, or tooth picks shall be offered for use unless they have been protected from dust, dirst, in sects, rodents, and other contamination. Section 7. No polishing or cleaning ag ents containing cyanide or other poisonous substances shall be used, unless the utensil, dish, or receptable is subsequently cleaned to remove all traces of the poisonous ma terial. Section 8. Kitchens, dining rooms and other rooms where food is prepared or served shall be screened or otherwise pro tected from flies. All practicable measures shall be taken to eradicate roaches, rats, mice and other vermin from food handling. Section 9. Foods shall be protected from dust, flies, rats, mice, and other vermin. Foods so exposed or showing evidences of contamination by vermin, or of being wormy or decomposed shall be destroyed either by or under the direction of the representative of the Sanitary Board. Section 10. Floors, walls, tables, refrig erators, ice boxes and counters shall be of such construction that they may easily be cleaned and shall be kept clean. Section 11. Food handling establishments shall have running water, provision for supplying hot water and approved plumbing and sewer connections. Section 12. Toilet rooms for employees shall not open directly into rooms used for preparing, storing or serving food. Toilet rooms shall be kept clean and facilities be provided for employees to wash their hands after use of the toilet. Section 13. Proprietors and managers shall see that employees have clean hands and clothing and are careful in coughing and sneezing in close proximity to food. Spitting shall not be permitted. Section 14. Establishments must conform to the requirements of this article and must display an official placard that will be furnished by the College Physician. Establishments not located on the campus and voluntary complying with requirements may also display the placard. ARTICLE 5.—PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE Section X. Dwellings, including servant houses, on the Campus where sewers are available shall have water-flush toilets and sewer connections. Section 2. Connections between a house sewer and a sewer lateral or main shall be made only by the Department of Build ings and College Utilities. Section 3. Plumbing installed in Cam pus buildings, or in buildings owned or controlled by the College, or in buildings served by the College water distribution system or sewers, when the work is not done by workmen of the Department of Buildings and College Utilities shall be inspected and tested by a representative of that department who shall see that materials and workmanship shall conform to standard practice. He shall have the power to order such changes as he may deem necessary. The Department of Build ings and College Utilities shall provide in formation as to its requirements to plumb ers planning to do work on property men tioned in this Section. Section 4. All plumbing work in Campus buildings, or in other buildings served by the College water distribution system or sewer system, shall be done by plumbers holding a license from some city or licensed by the College. Licenses shall be granted by the Department of Buildings and College Utilities after the applicant has appeared before a board consisting of the Superintendent of Buildings and Col lege Utilities, the foreman plumber of the College, and a representative of the San itary Board, and has demonstrated his knowledge of plumbing. At its option the College may refuse to recognize licenses granted by cities. Section 5. In no case shall flushometers or other flushing devices for toilets and urinals be purchased or installed unless such flushing devices are adequately safe guarded against back siphonage. No de partment shall purchase any plumbing fixture until approval as to its design has been given by the Department of Buildings and College Utilities. Section 6. Where sewerage is not avail able, methods of excreta disposal shall be approved by the representative of the Sanitary Board. ARTICLE 6—REFUSE Section 1. Each residence, project house, store, restaurant, or other building where kitchen wastes or other vegetable or animal wastes are produced must be provided with a covered metal can of adequate size for storage of such wastes. Such cans shall be kept covered at all times and shall be free from holes. Section 2. Mixture of other refuse with garbage may be permitted by the Depart ment of Buildings and College Utilities or other agencies having the responsibility of collection and disposal of the refuse. Section 3. Garbage and refuse containers shall be placed for collection at such times and places as may be desig nated by the Department of Buildings and College Utilities or other collection agen cies. Section 4. If garbage is fed to chickens or hogs, uneaten residues shall be removed and buried or otherwise disposed of satis factorily daily. Methods of disposal of such uneaten residues shall conform to the requirements of the sanitary inspector. Section 5. Combustible refuse shall be burned by householders only in incenerators of design approved by the Department of Buildings and College Utilities. Section 6. Stores or other establish ments which convey garbage and other refuse to points of disposal or arrange for such conveyance shall dump or otherwise dispose of refuse at such points or by methods prescribed by the Department of Buildings and College tilities. ARTICLE 7.—MOSQUITOES AND FLIES Section 1. Departments of the College, residents and business houses shall use all practical precautions to prevent mosquito breeding by elimination or prevention of standing water. Section 2. Directions relative to elimi nation of mosquito breeding places which are given by the sanitary inspector or other person responsible for mosquito con trol shall be promptly complied with. Section 3. Improvements, new structures, or other contemplated changes which will effect mosquito breeding shall be dis cussed with the Sanitary inspector prior to completion of plans or starting of work. Section 4. Fly breeding in stables, poultry houses, and in manure wherever produced, shall be prevented by the follow ing means. 1. Daily removal of manure from stables. 2. Manure shall be (a) spread on fields or (b) stored in fly-tight bins until spread on fields or (c) stored in compact piles until removed for spreading. If stored in piles compaction and use of borax or other larvicides shall conform to instruction of the sanitary inspector. 3. Larvicides shall be used as directed in stalls having earth floors. Section 5- Pens for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry shall be well drained and kept free from manure and other putrescible matter. Manure shall be dis posed of as prescribed in Section 4 above. Section 6. Ensilage shall be so handled that fly breeding will not occur and silos shall be drained to prevent fly breeding in nearby soil. Section 7. Cows, horses, ponies, and other livestock, shall be kept by campus residents in the residention sections of College property, or adjacent to dormi tories and project houses, only under conditions approved by the representative of the Sanitary Board. ARTICLE 8.—HOUSING Section 1. The provisions of this article shall apply to rooms on the campus and elsewhere which are rented to students of the College as bedrooms and combination study and bedrooms. Section 2. Rooms shall have a volume equal to 600 cubic feet for each occupant Section 3. No occupied room shall have a smaller dimension than 7 feet and the total floor area shall not be less than 90 square feet. Section 4. Each room must have at least and preferably two windows located to light it properly. The window area must be at least one-seventh of the floor area and at least one window shall have an area of 12 square feet or more. Windows must open in all their parts. Section 5. Artificial light provided in study rooms shall be approved I.E.S. study lamps equipped with 75 watt frosted globes. One such lamp shall be provided for each study table. Section 6. Windows shall be supplied with screens of not less than 16 meshes to the inch and the screens shall be tight fitting and kept in good repair. Section 7. Occupants of rooms shall have access to lavatory, bath and toilet facilities that are approved by the repre sentative of the Sanitary Board. Section 8. Rooms, halls, wash and toilet rooms shall be kept clean and free from vermin. ARTICLE 9.—MISCELLANEOUS Section 1. All dogs kept on the campus shall be vaccinated annually against rabies. A tag attesting to such vaccination shall be attached to a collar worn by the dog. The owner shall preserve a vaccination certificate issued by the veterinarian who performs the vaccination. Section 2. Dogs not having vaccination tags attached to collars shall be considered as strays and will be subject to destruction by the college authorities. Section 3. No campus resident, proprie tor of a place of business or head of a college department shall permit a nuisance of any kind to exist upon property under his control. The foregoing code has been adopted by the Board of Directors upon recommenda tion of the Sanitary Committee. Gibb Gilchrist, Dean School of Engineerimg J. E. Marsh College Physician James A. Watson Lt. CoL, U. S. Army Chairman, Sanitary Committee If all the boys and girls in the United States who were members of 4-H Clubs in 1939 were to join hands and form a circle it would have a diameter of about 500 miles. Texas was second among the 48 states in enrollment. DO YOU NEED FURNITURE? I will sell you furniture at cash prices and lend you money to pay for it. For Full Details Write James L. Coleman Cameron, Texas Miss Elmer Wheatly’s SCHOOL OF THE DANCE Parker Club Rooms THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY BALLROOM SPECIALTIES Private and Class Instruction s TUESDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 15 - 7:30 Box Office Open 6:30 - Second Showing 9:30 WORLD PREMIERE °f AGGIETONE NEWS TWICE EVERY MONTH "The Aggies O’wn Story On Celluloid” Produced and Directed By George Fuermann Associate Producers IRA F. LEWIS GEORGE MUELLER GRAHAM PURCELL Photography W. ROLAND TANEY, DIRECTOR M. K SODERQUIST L. J. ALLEN Assistant Director E. R. (BUSTER) KEETON Art PETE H. TUMLINSON, DIRECTOR SID C. LORD LAVERE BROOKS Sports H. O. (HUB) JOHNSON R. V. MYERS JACK HOLLIMON Technical Advisor HOWARD BERRY CAMPUS THEATER No Advance In Prices Also “GANGS OF CHICAGO” with Lloyd Nolan