Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1940)
'# r > ! 1 A. I Marine Band Director , MmU VvV ' - " V ^A,vN<r ff i'-m: Ui VOL 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDO. COLLEGE STATION, TI XAS. THURSDAY MORNING, OCT *, 1M0 ZT2* NO. t Cathey Elected Junior Class President 11. S. Marine Band Opens Town Hall Series With Two Programs Today px r. V , ** | C«tUta WilHaa F. HARUlninm. 1v4»t al %k* r*H«4 ftUtn Maria* Hand will raadart tW fa Bird Maaaral ariaaitattaa ia ita tar* raararta at A. A M Una aftrraaaa aad taaiglit. ( a*Uia **aat*laiaaa ia ka*«R aa aa* a* the momi gif tad af pror ra n kaild ara a ad far ladayt raararta. k* Kaa praparrd raararta aiada-ap aatiraiy af Alariraa <*■ paaad aiaair Cadets Will “Move” Saturday; See “Second Battle of the Alamo” Matinee Program At 2:30 This Afternoon Tfca UaHad Stataa Marina Band will pat on a apartal matinaa par fonaanea for jrownf paoplr at 2:10 a’etoek Uua afternoon ia Onion Hall aa wall aa Ut# regularly arhodalad night parformanrr areordiof to Paul Hainaa. atndent manager at Town Hall Tk* matinaa wiU b* primarily for tha high eehool atu danta of tha anrroandinff ton and tha number* on tb* program will faaUir# mu air of intareat to them but it will atao be open to Aggie* who do not have a r ha nor to attend the rearing performance The pnc* to aU for the matinee will be Hi Reserved aaat ticket* or aeaaon ticket* will not be good for thia matinee. The evening pro gram. wbieh will have entirely dif farent numbers, will be at 7 JO tonight Tickets for this perform ance will be 60 rents 6>r students -N- Dairy Judders Leave" For Pennsylvania BY HI B JOHNSON fha* played an “uncertain" roll in Battalion Sports Kdilor j A * M ’• grid history What kind After a brief stay in and mostly i of a story will it tell this year ’ around the Alamo City this sum Taice before the two teams have mer the larger part of the Senior "‘'l on *h« gridiron. |^ich has car- claas will return there this week rM ‘^ h,,m< Mie crown of victory In f ( >r LaOrange, TeKas, where they end taking with them the Junior IW® the hurricane awept the field will judge at a stock show to he class for the witnessing of the * n ^ * ,, o p 13 to 10 decision, j held there at that time From "Second Battle of the Alamo” and Two years ago in the annual Cal‘range, the team will depart I Cl’8"—Haywood for the acquainting of the third 1 rose festival tilt in Tyler, the Ag for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 1 g ( a j “TH6^ The student dgiry cattle judging team, consisting of J. K Adams, iC. F Baird, B B Fowler, ahd N B Yarlmg, will leave OcL>ber 4 and |1 far adults wfc* da not have aanaon UckeU TtckeU for either of tbooe perform*nca# or aoaaon ticket* to tha Town Hall atrioe may be obtained nt the door The Marin* Band, first, foremost, and oldest military hand in the country, ia coming to Texas A. A M College today for these two performances under the special permission of the Proaident of the United States Thia famed organi sation ia making a limited tour through the United State*, and the A A M appearance will b* on* of throe made in Texas The general tneme of both pro grams will be to give recognition to the American composer* whose influence is ataadily gaming and becoming more strongly felt in our country's musical life It is e* penally fitting that the works of thee* native composers be present ed by this band whwk has been so intimately ronnarted with A mer ran muar and has been a national institution since 17Mi Selections for the matinee per I formance will be 1 Overture — “YOUTH TRI UMPHANT" Henry Hadley 2 “MARCH OF THK TOYS" from “BABES IN TOYLAND”- Victor Herbert I “COMIC STRIPS” from Speaks Here Gillis Named Vice President As Wolfe and Hervey Also Elected lit. C. O. JOHNSON Johnson to Address Cadets Today and Friday Dr C, Oscar Johnson, who will speak to the cadet corps in claas “THF. TABLOID SUITE’’. “BUCK - (group* today and Friday, will ar LKBFRRY FINN” from “MIS- U**» •< f* 00 " from Dallaa, having Star Spangled Banner Becomes A & M’s Latest Heated Campaign Song O-o-o-oh, aay can you tec f. ," Yaa, that ia the opening words to the Star Spangled Banner, and those aame stirring strain* came in bandy for candidate Weldon Me Reynolds of the band tn his can didacy for vice president of the Junior class Voting by naing to their feet in favor of the candidate of their choice, the members of the Junior claas were aatoniahed no little when upon the call for votes for one Mr Reynolds, the junior mem her* of the Band pulled forth hid den instruments and broke oqt in to a rendition of The Star Span glad Banner Patriotically the crowd roe* to their fort, and Mr Reynolds was elected by a unani mous decision—at least until the . opposition called for another vote On second vote, Tom Gillis was elected. year aUaa with the will known “spots" of the ancient city. Promising a good time for all who come, the Saa Antonio Cham bar of C<imm#rc* j* preparing to receive the large crowd arriving j Tulsa eleven for the first college gem« in the j the Mikeourt SISSIPPl SUITI*—Ferde Grofe 4 Cornet aolo — “SPANISH C A PR H’E”—Leonard Smith. 5 Deceptive-“TO THE HR Jones SQUIRREL” _ MOS g'es *s*bt the Tulaa crew hack to where they will enter the National j Pi IWf .|) Weaver, la) ‘THE the Sooner State and the Indian | Inter-col legist* ftudent Dairy Cat- QUITO" - Paul White Reservation with a 20 to 0 defeat tie Judging Contest at the National i 7 Xylephoiw Sol<> “BAIUN If tw* out of three games tell *' <how ^ ** thrr « ™ AGE" Victor Herlert the tola, this la the one If the <*tob*r i* The result, of the con is the dark hora# of ,, ‘* t ^ announced by October Valley Conference. ** newly constructed Alamo Memorial Stadium Old timer* can recall the signi ficance of the Alamo City game* Here the Aggies for the first time stopped the Ttxaa University gang This #as back in 1902 At that time the schools were playing two games each year In the first, the cadets tied up with the Austin team 0 to J. la the second game of the year the farmer* tamed down tha capital team ia the capital city, It to •. This was the first time the Aggies had ever claimed a vic tory over the Longhorns, and it eras to AuaUn this might be the turn to the left i The team will viait many school* for the Aggies But If they are *n route ta and from the show better than aome of the *o-call*d where they will practice judging (Con#need on Page 61 H "STEPHEN FOSTER FA VORITES” Stephen Poster 9 "REVOLITIONARY FAN TASY" from the opera “RIP VAN | WINKLE" Emeat William*. . (Continued on Page «) flown there from hia home in St. Louis by night plane. A* previously announced, I>r Johnson come* to the campus as one of the nation's foremoat reli giou* personalities His first ad dress will be to the aophomorru at Guam Hall at 4 60 p. m today Hia address will he along the them* of religion as the first line of national defense A large audi ence ia expected to hear the famous •peaker talk on an timely a sub Allen Elected Dallas A.&M. Hub President Military Departmemt Is Now 'Comfortably Situated' In Ross Hall Orvilto A Allen w a a chosen president of the Dallas A A M from its former location in the Academic Building Sunday and now occupies offices on the firat floor of Rosa Hall Lieutant Col James A. Watoon. Commandant club a an election of office* at t ^ p g g Bnd T ., ha. hi. office their first meeting of the year Wad | fa ^ .outheaat comer room and Davis, assistant The CommaiMtonfs office moved am ember* The office force now in clude* Lieutenant Col Wataon. Lieutenant Dana. Lieutenant E M White, Office Manager, Harry Boyer, in charge of rooms; two The next year, the first game nesday night Jack B Bailey was lieutenant Joe ama playad in Houston and fall to rhoaen vtca-praaidant, E B. Jung* tha cadet*, 23 to 0. Then the jinx sec y-tmnanrw, Charles Haggard started to grow and the score dropped a hit With the second fray in A matin, tha Aggies just won out with the baseball acore of 6 to 0 Michigan State was the last eleven aa A A M teem has fac •d tn the Army town In 1934 the Aggie* f*U to the North-Eaet team M to It. And ao R go**, the hiatonc city •octal esc'7, and Phil Golman, pub licity Plana were made to ban a nat tonally known band play for the annual Chnatmaa dance of the club The data for the Chnatmaa dance and the name of the hand and place where the dance will be bald will be announced at a later am ing of the dab "Big Doins" Planned After Milking-Time IBth By La* Begera Boy* got out year boat pair at tfeo jeans and pat a little fan on thoaa cowboy boot* eaaa* tbera'a • radao coming to Aggio- loud on October 11 Thia ain’t go ing la to Jaat aa ordinary rodeo like yov can sat ia Houston or •Ow Towa", tot H*a a rodeo put on by the Saddle and Sirloin Hah for the Aggie* and by the Aggie* And la erder to keep you cow puncher* from noticing tow bard tbooe oarrml rail* ar* there ta go- illc to to A herd of Texas moat beaatifal cowgirls to rida, rope end add that oaceaaary something that tt take* ta make a good stow ftidia’ at the toad of those prairie far— will to Qw**« Molly Me 1*1 far from down at SanTono. Queen McKeUer. who was roped out by King Graham Parcoll. has a riding rooord that would moke 0 pinto ntr bach and wort la au She toe rid dir la ton* show* all over Texas, takaa part ia 1 ‘ “ato las performed in Madia Square Garden AU ytm Aggies who have learned to rida tofort you could walk and cut your tooth on a lariat will probably find out that it juet nt every one who con rope o Jock mbtot at full run whoa you 1 Profeooor* Hog-Roping Caatoot And there ie no need in tolling you not to toon before thoe* steer erased, broac fearing downs "Duke" Harrison and "Jope" Al lan give their demonstratioa of how to braak calve* and rope horses Some cd you guy* that haven’t eeen any ammala around boro th look fK to kick a board off ehuto might to wondering wta th* stock i* coming from Wall, its going to to furnished by N. G Shaddock from Baaadneh. It’* I gom oa around tore that to ha* got aome moan critton over th If yea want to got ia for two- tots cmao around to tha Mvuol 1 < onunued aa Pag* •) mmandant. occupte* the south- 1st comer room Porto phone* have been temper arily installed ta the new suite of offices but aa yet it has not been decided whether the use of thee* machines will be continued Th* commandant’* office haa toon aaovvd many times tn the past year*. It originally occupied its previous location in the Academic building until H was moved ia 1933, at which time it was moved the location now occupied in the Administration Building by th* Student Publications office In 1930 aoved back to th* Academic building where R haa remained on til the present move was effected The Commandant s office force has grown from Ra original force of throe to ita present corps of ID in •ecretanee, employees and fourteen stadent A. W. Berry Added To Accounting Staff Arrangements for Dr Johnson * appearance on our campus have been made by the First Baptist Church of Bryan in cooperation with the executive committee of the faculty and the Y’MCA His schedule of addresses he gins with the class of '43 today and continues with the seniors and juniors Friday sioming at 11 Special hours have been arranged for the freahmen All of the ad dresses aril] he in Guton Hall. By arrangements with the faculty classes will be dismissed, although attendance is voluntary Dr Johnson has held pastarstvs tn several cities throughout the United States and haa been in $t Louis since 1981. PERMANENT PROMOTION U8T The list of permanent pro motions will be published lata thia afternoon, it was offic ially announced by Major Wise, Adjutant. The eiact time of publication can not be determined. hut it was Muted that the list would be post in! on the MilAary th>- partment bulletin board a* won as the list is completed This list was Completed early in order that cadets making the San Antonio trip could obtain the proper insig- is Only junior and senior promotion* will be published at this time Corporal rat ings will tie published at a later date It is suggested by The Bat talion that juniors who do not intend making the San An tonio trip refrsm from send ing sergeant stripes On the local cleaners to be sewed on until after th# weekend in order that those who do intend to go may get quirk and effic ient service. Kenney, SorreR, And Clark Named As Representatives Aldan Cathey af Fort Worth wo* elected president of th* junior das* after a run-off with Tom Gillis, also Of Fort Worth, in a meeting of th# claaa in Guieo Hall, Tues day night Gillis waa rhoaen viee- prvoident and Jack Wolf* of Brody waa the claaa selection for th* of fice of eocTetary treoauror Dick Hervay waa elected class historian; Ransom Kenney, A. C Sorrell, and Willard Clark were elected mem bers of the Stadent Welfare Com mittee Following the election Tom Rich ey, president of the Senior class asked the junior* to consider 0 petition which has been sent to the board of directors concerning tha visitor* charge for meal* in th* I mess hall. The claaa roe* to a man in support of the petition. After Cathey took over th* meet ing in his new position as president he appointed a committee compos ed of Skeen Staley, Bill Beck, and Luke Moore to meet with repre sents Uvea of the Senior class to discuss a junior section in th* sta dium Results of committee action | will be reported at an early meet ing of the claas. All the race* were heatedly con tested by e large number of nom inees for each office until motiom were made for nominations to cease In the presidential run-off Cathey defeated Gillis Ml t* 147; vice-presidential run-off, Tom di lls M9. Weldon Mr Reynold* l&J. Two run-off* were necessary in the seen tary treasurer's race. First Jock Wolfe 119, Fred Smitham 12J, Jon#* Webb 49 Swnond runoff, Jack Wolfe 14d, Smithsm 140 For historian. Dick Hervey 192, Weldon M< Reynold* 64 A W. Berry, who received bis master’s degree at A d M in June Student Directory Pubbahed October 12 Forestry Service and baa accepted employment oa the teaching staff , of the accounting and stotisttcs da partment. Two additional members of the' teaching staff of this department haw received certificate# aa Certi fied Public Accountants Thaae were S M Stubbs, claas ef '34, and N. D Durst, who raeotved aa M S degree at A. A M The department now baa four members with a Car lifted Public Accountant's certi ficate. Work will begin today on the new student directories for the com ing school year. The delay in getting underway on the directories can be attributed to the moving of the commandant's office frpm which all names of stu dents and their organisation, home town*, classification and place of residence here rauat be obtained Plana now are to hava the new directories ready for distribution by October 12. Swift Company Again to Dffer Annual Contest Each year Swift and Company iimducts what is known aa the Swift College Eaaay Contest The winner ef thia contest ta given a free trip to Chicago by Swift and Company to study the organisa tion and operation of a large meat packing plant. Word haa been received from P M Simpson to the effect that Swift and Company is again offering 1 free trip to the winner of thia con test The contest haa been offered and A AM haa been represented by the winners af the local contest. Last year, L H Mead, CoOaft Sta tion, was the winner The contest is open to all un dergraduate students of the school of agneultare. All contestant* are (Continued <m Page <) Plays Two Town Hall Concerts Here Today Oct. Battalion Magazine Will Be Issued Next Week • 1 > That the isaue of th# Drtohet Battalion Magniine would be sub ject to a short delay roused in directly by thia year’s uneopected and unprecedented large number of megnitne aubamptiono was an nounced today by Battalion Mag- aime Editor, A J. Robinson. San Antonio The covers containing national advertising used by th* Battalion Magazine ar* ordered weeks before each issue ia printed and this year, doe to th* large number of sub scriptions, 0 reorder of eovurt hod to be made According to Robinson, the contents of the magazine ar* ready and the covers should ar rive in time for th* issuance of the magazine sometime next week. The October cover wIB carry out a Halloween theme and waa drawn by Art Editor Pete Tumlinaon Th# cover features again, aa in month* to come, the beautiful “Betty* Bat talion ” The Halloween issue of th* mag azine will include artidaa and stor ies by Emulb Retlaw, E M. Roaan- thal, L B Tennison, Bah Meyers, Earl Harris, Morton Robinson, and others, and will contain Qhistra- tions by members ef the Battalion's a art atoff, including, Frank KnowIan, Mac Storting. Boh Mil ler, George Ben tick, sad Phil Oow«. mm SB Jf I.W1 Entomology Club Makes Plans For Coming Long Session Flan* were mad* for a benefit •how at the first meeting of th* A. A M. Entomology club hold la Sctrtc# Hall Wednesday night Th* club plana to oa* tha money de rived from this show, aa tha duos from tt* varioua membara, to aond tha senior members to th* meeting of the Texas Entomological So ciety next spring and to pay tha coat ef publishing tha annual Taxes Aggie Entomologist Officer* for the chib this yoar ia- ciyQr mivon IwViimv, pi vmhpbh* t w* G. Whitehead, nrepresident; D.