Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1940)
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices discussed. GRADUATE CLUB A meeting; of the Graduate Ciub will be held for all graduate students Wednesday night, October 2, at 7:30 P. M. at the old science hall lecture room. •SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Senior Mechanical Engineering students should register for Aerodynamics (Now M. E. 428, 3 hrs.) the first semester if they wish to take seven hours of technical electives in aeronautical design courses next spring. These ten hours will qualify them LET’S MEET AT THE to take the Civil Service examinations for Junior Aeronautical Engineers.—GIBB GIL CHRIST, Dean of Engineering. Registration for children’s riding classes will begin Saturday morning at 8:00 at the stables. Classes will be held on Thursday afternoons at 4:00 and Saturday mornings at 8:00. There will be a charge of $5 for the term, payable in advance—MAJOR E. M. BURNETT, Cavalry. Registration for the ladies riding classes will begrin Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the stables. Classes will be held three after noons a week. There will be a charge of $10 for the term, payable in advance— MAJOR E. M. BURNETT, Cavalry. MEMORANDUM TO DAY STUDENTS: 1. Day students living in the vicinity of the old mess hall, who are taking their meals in the mess hall, will fall in with the Non-Military group and march to their meals. This group forms adjacent to Mil ner Hall on Military Walk. 2. Day students living in the vicinity of the new mess hall, who are taking their meals in the mess hall, will fall in with the Infantpr Corps Headquarters and march to their meals. The Infantry Corps Head quarters forms on the east side of Dormi tory No. 12. By order of the Commandant: J. E. DAVIS Assistant Commandant Y CHICKEN SHANTY Chicken Dinner Lunches - Sandwiches Drinks At the Bryan Y After The Game —-New Thrills Here After the football game, review its thrills and get new ones by dining with us . . . HARRY’S CAFE Hwy. No. 6 - At Y Roads Football program salesmen meet in room 3 Milner tonight, Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7 :30 p. m. Mechanical Engineering 406 will meet each Friday afternoon from 1 to 2 o’clock in Room 104, Petroleum Building.—Judson Neff, Head, Industrial Engr. Dept. There will be a meeting of the staff of the Agriculturist and Presidents and Sec retary-treasurers of the member clubs Thursday afternoon at 6 o’clock in Student Publications Office. FACULTY BANQUET Friday night, September 27th, has been set as the time for the annual dinner honoring new members of the staff and their wives. Under the new regulation, it will be necessary for each individual to pay for his ticket. The price of each ticket will be 60^. New staff members and their wives will be guests of the Deans and Directors. We hope that all members of the staff will keep this date in mind and make their plans to be present. Further details con cerning the dinner will be announced later. Basements of Dorm 3 and Guion Hall will be open for the last time Thursday 26, 1940, from 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. for the removal of lamps and miscellaneous arti cles. An extra charge of 10^ will be made for each article removed after 6:00 P. M. Thursday. , Unclaimed lamps and miscellaneous ar ticles that were stored in 1939 will be sold from the rear basement of Guion Hall at 4:00 P. M. Friday, September 27. The Junior Collegiate Chapter of The Future Farmers of America will meet on Thursday night at 7:30 in the Ag. Engi neering Lecture Room. All Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen who are interested in F. F. A. work are urged to be present. The A. & M. Biology Club has a 16 mm. Bell & Howell sound projector which it provides for use by clubs and organizations on the campus for a minimum fee. The Biology club furnishes the operator for the machine. Interested organizations should call or see Dr. Charles LaMotte Biology Department. PRE-MEDICAL SOCIETY The Pre-Medical Society will hold its first meeting Thursday, September 26, in the Biology Lecture Room at 7:30 P. M. All freshmen pre-med students are re quested to be there, as well as the old students. Plans for this semester will be WHITE SHIRTS 1 WITH THE GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR THE SHIRT Expertly tailored of crisp, costly white broad cloth, AIRMAN SHIRTS launder beautifully, won’t shrink below size and have a great PLUS in the frayproof LIFE- INSURED COLLAR that is guaranteed to last the life of the shirt! This specially - woven collar won’t wilt under the hot test sun, and its perma nent fold line assures perfect ironing. $1-65 fl7aldrop6(3 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Sh&ihjL. S H 0 EJj FOR MEN Be at Ease in Edgertons W Ad . . . The comfort you en joy wearing EDGER- TON’S will make you feel at home everywhere. Come see these unusual values and smart new styles. $5 to $6 Fortune Shoes Fortune shoes are out standing values . . . they are smartly styled and will give long wear. $3.95 Red Wing Shoes Seef tHese sturdy drill shoes . . . moccasin style with heavy Gro-Cord soles. There’s plenty of wear in every pair. $3.95 Lace Boots For Mounted Units $5.95 to $7.95 riTaldrop&fl “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Those interested in playing in a small orchestra see Wittenbach at 227 dorm 12 or Beeler at 98 Milner. NOTICE—AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER ING We expect to arrange our classes in Aerodynamics (Now M. E. 428, 3 hrs.) by the first part of next week. It is necessary that all juniors and sophomores desiring to change to Aeronautical Engineering do so by the end of the week in order that we may substitute Aerodynamics for some course in their schedules.—GIBB GIL CHRIST, Dean of Engineering. AVIATION Primary Students desiring consideration for Pri mary Ground School and Flight Training for the first semester may obtain applica tion blanks at the Mechanical Engineering Building, Y.M.C.A. and my office. Freshmen are not eligible. Advanced Students who have finished the Primary Ground School and Flight Training course and desire to apply for the secondary course may get application blanks at my office.—GIBB GILCHRIST, Dean of En gineering. Classified LOST—one bill fold in Fiscal Dept, on Thursday. Name Charles L. Smith in it. Please return to Rm. 124, No. 4. $5 reward for return of a G. I. blouse, pair of slacks, 2 O. D. shirts and tie, taken from office of Y. M. C. A. Friday, Sep tember 20. No questions asked.—Lloyd Clyburn, Washington Co. Project House or Call 4-4439. LOST—1 Stetson Campaign Hat. In old mess hall. Size 7 1-8. Burger, A. Engin. written inside. Return to, or notify Burger, Room E-8, Walton Hall. LOST—1 pair rimless glasses in black case. Case dented in top and has rubber padding on inside—Carl Leary, Box 2346 College. LOST—One high school class ring. Has large "A” with Adamson 1940 on it. Initials O. M. B. inside. Reward, return to Room 126 Adm. Bldg. WANTED—Passengers to share expen ses to Dallas and return this week-end in 1936 Oldsmobile with radio and heater. Leave College 2 o’clock Friday. Leave Dal las 6 o’clock Sunday. Price $1 either way, $2 round trip. If interested see Jim Gillespie, 120 Dorm No. 12. FOR SALE Cheap—1940 Packard car with over-drive in good shape. Phone Project House No. 12, Davis. FOR RENT—6 room brick veneer cot tage in College Park, close to school.. Phone G. B. Wilcox, 4-8669. FOR RENT—Two furnished bedrooms in Bryan. Residence on bus line. Shower bath, private entrance, garage. Graduate stuednts or Instructors preferred. Also extra garage in College Park. Phone Bryan FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room in Oakwood Addition for permanent roomers. Phone 4-8544. Legal Notices RESOLUTION: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: Section 1. No houses, garages or other buildings shall be moved across the streets or along the streets of the City of College Station, Texas, unless there shall be a per mit issued by said city for the moving. Section II. Said Permit will designate the streets to be used and the time which the moving will be done. Section III. Before any permit will be issued a deposit of $100 shall b® made with the City Secretary. Such fee will be held by the city until the structure is completely moved, and then such damage to the city streets, bridges, city utility lines will be repaired by the city and the costs charged to the deposit. The bal ance of the deposit remaining after re pairs are made will be refunded to the owner. Section IV. Anyone violating the pro visions of this ordinance, when found guilty, shall be fined not more than $100, and each day of violation shall be deemed a separate offense. An election will be held Saturday, Octob er 6, 1940, as provided in Article 947 A, Section 10,. Vernon’s Texas Statutes, 1936 Edition, to control all future real estate developments or land subdivisions within the City of College Station, or within a radius of five miles thereof, exclusive of the territory of the City of Bryan. NOTICE - - AGGIES! J. M. SMITH (Formerly with Jones Barber Shop) Invites His Friends To See Him at The Varsity Barber Shop Near The Dormitories YOU should rely on our expert dry cleaning of fine fab rics, delicate colors, and formal styles. Economy prities prevail—we call and deliver. MODEL CLEANERS Bryan — Ph. Bryan 800 The purpose of this ejection is to fore stall improper developments with particular regard to a proper layout of streets, alleys, drainage, and utility installations. The enactment of this law is very necessary at this time. Public interest demands that developers should be required to give proper space for, and location of, streets and alleys, and that such developments may fit into the city’s utility potentialities. You are invited to attend a public hearing on the city budget for the coming year, and for an explanation of city activities at 7 p. m. Thursday, October 3, 1940, in the chemistry lecture room. Dormitory Laundry Service All laundry from old dormitories will be turned in at laundry sta tion in two west rooms of Austin Hall. All laundry from the twelve new dormitories will be turned in at the laundry station north end of dormitory 12. Laundry slips will be secured from 1st Sgt. The name, address etc., will be placed in the space designated. It is very essential that the surname he written first on the laundry slip in order that the old students may retain their same laundry mark and marks be assigned new students. If you were in school last year please put your laundry mark on your list. The stub is then tom from the slip and presented to the agent at the time the laundry is turned on. When stamped, the stub is your check for your laundry. The stub is stamped only when presented with laundry bundle. If stub is lost a duplicate copy may be secured at laundry for 5^. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Austin Hall ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A. B. C. D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 3-6 P. M. E, F, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Wednesday 3-6 P. M. J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Thursday 3-6 P. M. O, P, Q, R, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 3-6 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundle in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 3-6 P. M. Students will be allowed 23 piec es per week with limit of 4 shirts, 2 pants, 1 coverall and 3 polo shorts. Shirts may be exchanged for pants. There will be a charge on all ex cess pieces above the regular 23 pieces. Shirts lOtf, pants 15tf, cov eralls lOtf, polo shirts 5tf, all small pieces 2(i. An extra 23 piece bundle may be sent in for 55tf. Small extra bundles are charged by list prices. The 1st Sergeant may secure laundry lists from the Laundry. SCHEDULE FOR DAY STUDENTS Turn in laundry Friday 7-8 A. M. Call for Saturday 12-2 P. M. We will not accept any day stu dent bundles any other day. Turn in bundles at North wing of laundry. Day students POSITIVELY will not be allowed to turn in laundry at the laundry stations. Please do not club your bundles as this is very confusing and makes it hard for us to keep your cloth es straight. SCHEDULE FOR GROUP PRO JECT HOUSE AND AMERICAN LEGION HALL Laundry will be picked up Thurs day 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Fri day 3-6 P. M. SCHEDULE FOR ARMY BAR RACKS, SMITH, DALLAS, AN DERSON CO., POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM Pick up Thursday 7-8 A. M. De livered back Saturday Momrning. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Dormitory 12 ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A, B, C, D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 11-2 P. M. E, F, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 ■THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1540 Senior Meeting— (Continued from Page 1) thing before school is dismissed. The senior section at football games will be enforced this year by painting the section of the sta dium in question so there will be no doubt as to its location. Khaki slacks will be regulation to meal formation and optional for wear on the campus according to the class ruling. Organizations will make drill and meal formation in khaki henceforth, but serge slacks are optional for wear to and from class. It was decided that for wear off-campus except into Bryan, the serge uniform should be worn. Serge slacks were made the only “reg” uniform for wear at foot ball games. The class agreed to encourage the preservation of grass and SMU— (Continued form Page 3) hamper squads from the South west. The squad has worked with Bruin plays, and yesterday, S. M. U.’s backs and ends got together, borrowed a center and tossed U.C. L.A. passes at each other. The Mustangs have their minds made up to put a sudden stop to the touchdown cavorting of Wild- horse Jackie Robinson, U.C.L.A.'s sensational triple threater. The team is slated for night workouts at Tucson, Ariz., and at Los Angel es before the game. Wednesday 11-2 P. M. J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Thursday 11-2 P. M. O, P, Q, R, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 11-2 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundles in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 10-1 P. M. Laundry must be turned in and called for as scheduled as other laundry will be coming back on the following days and unless cleared there will be congestion at the laundry rooms. Students please note your respective dates and cooperate with us to avoid confusion and mix ups. All late or out of place bundles will have a charge of IStf. Bundles positively will not be ac cepted from dormitory students at the laundry. Hamburgers 5^ & 10^ Short Orders Northing Over 25£ GRILL SYSTEM NO. 19 East Gate - Next to College Courts shrubbery on the campus and es pecially in the new area. Silver taps, a tradition that has almost lost its significance with the construction of the new dorm itories, was voted to be played only from the roof of the Academic building, and that organizations in the new area should assemble in the old area to hear Silver Taps played. SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY PEACHES, large halves, No. 2»/ 2 can .15 PEARS, Libby’s, No. 1 tall, 2 for .25 TOMATO JUICE, Libby’s, No. 1 tall, 3 for 23 RINSO, 2 large boxes 38 OXYDOL, extra large size and 2 bars Camay Soap--.65 SOAP, P. & G., large size, 6 bars .23 SPRY, 3 lb. can .52 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Won-up, 46 oz. can, 2 for._35 CUT BEANS, Trappey’s, No. 2, can, 3 for .25 PEAS, Monarch, No. 2 can .15 FOLGER’S COFFEE, 2 lbs. 55 FOLGER’S COFFEE, l_lb .28 SWIFT PREM, Special 29 POTTED MEATS, Armour’s, 6 cans .25 MARKET SPECIALS BACON, Sliced . . . Rath, Banquet, lowana, 1 lb—.25 FRYERS, F. & B. Full Dressed, 1 lb. 29 FILET of PERCH, 1 lb .28 BONELESS ROAST, (Branded Beef), 1 lb 25 CHEESE, Elk Horn, 1 lb 20 VEGETABLES JONATHAN APPLES, 150 size, 1 dozen 10 CALIFORNIA LEMONS, 490 size, 1 doz .12 GRAPES, white or red, 1 lb. 05 CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, each 04 CABBAGE, green, 3 lbs. .10 There will be a cake sale at Luke’s Saturday morning, benefit A. & M. Consolidated School Athletic Fund. WE WILL HAVE A FULL LINE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LUKE’S Phones: 4-1140 and 4-1141 We Deliver Penney’s Offer You DRAWING BOARDS Complete with T Square Special - - - $2.50 The Famous MARATHON CAMPAIGN HAT Pure fur felt . . . permanent brim $5.00 BOMBAY SLACKS GENUINE ARMY TWILL Regular Waist Band - - - $1.98 Pair Polo Back Waist Band - - - $2.25 Pair Sanforized Shrunk - Vat Fast Colors - Zipper Fly (Lowest Price in the Community) GENUINE GLENGARRIE POPLIN REGULATION SHIRTS Form fitting, Vat Fast Dye - Best Shirt Obtainable $1.95 FAST DYE BROADCLOTH - - - $1.75 Patches furnished and sewed on J. C. Pennei) Co v Inc. “AGGIE ECONOMY CENTER” WANTED! $5,000.00 WORTH of USED BOOKS and CLOTHING Meet LOUPOT... your friend and a real trader • FOR SALE — 24 Junior Blouses ... $9.50 up 50 Fish Slacks ... $1.95 up • AGGIE and EX-AGGIE OWNED and OPERATED MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ON ALL TRANSACTIONS LOUPOTS TRADING POST “We Buy, Sell, or Trade Anything” J. E. LOUPOT, Class of ’32 North Gate