Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1940)
Page 4 Official FACULTY BANQUET Friday night, September 27th, has been set as the time for the annual dinner honoring new members of the staff and their wives. Under the new regulation, it will be necessary for each individual to pay for his ticket. The price of each ticket will be 60<£. New staff members and their wives will be guests of the ofae/iiotL SHOE^S FOR MEN . . . The comfort you en joy wearing EDGER- TON’S will make you feel I at home everywhere. Come see these unusual values and smart new : styles ... Fortune Shoes $5 to $6 Fortune shoes are out standing values . . . They are smartly styled and will give long wear. Red Wing Shoes $3.95 See these sturdy drill shoes . . . moccasin style with heavy Gro-Cord soles. There’s plenty of wear in every pair. $3.95 Lace Boots For Mounted Units $5.95 to $7.95 f lyaMropflfQ “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan - Notices Deans and Directors. We hope that all members of the staff will keep this date in mind and make their plans to be present. Further details con cerning the dinner will be announced later. OFFICIAL NOTICE Basements of Dorm 3 and Guion Hall will be open for the last time Thursday 26, 1940, from 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. for the removal of lamps and miscellaneous arti cles. An extra charge of 10 will be made for each article removed after 5:00 P. M. Thursday. Unclaimed lamps and miscellaneous ar ticles that were stored in 1939 will be sold from the rear basement of Guion Hall at 4:00 P. M. Friday, September 27. PRE-MEDICAL SOCIETY The Pre-Medical Society will hold its first meeting Thursday, September 26, in the Biology Lecture Room at 7:30 P. M. All freshmen pre-med students are re quested to be there, as well as the old students. Plans for this semester will be discussed. HORTICULTURE SOCIETY The Horticulture Society will meet Wednesday, September 26, at 7:00 P. M. All Horticulture majors are urged to be present. . COLLEGE SOCIAL CLUB The Literary Group of the College So cial Club will meet at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Paul J. LEWIS MICKEY STONE•ROONEY CECILIA FAY PARKER • HOLDEN Ann Rutherford • Diana Lewis am JUDY GARLAND a Waxctfolduyn-fta/n picture Screen play by Annalee Whitmore & Thbmat Seiler ■ Directed by GEORGE B. SEITS Wed. - Thurs. Sept. 25 - 26 3:30 & 6:45 Each Day Talley in Oakwood. Dr. T. F. Maye will discuss the books selected for study dur ing the year. This group, as distinguished from the Circulating Library Group, will discuss two books, one fiction and one non-fiction, each month. Anyone is welcome to join the Literary Group who is eligible to membership in the College Social Club. GRADUATE CLUB A meeting of the Graduate Club will be held for all graduate students Wednesday night, October 2, at 7:30 P. M. at the old science hall lecture room. OFFICIAL NOTICE There will be a Kream and Kow Klub meeting at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday night, September 24, at the Creamery Lecture room. All students interested in Dairy Hus bandry are urged to attend. An important address will be given by Mr. Shepardson. Also, refreshments will be served. Those interested in playing in a small orchestra see Wittenbach at 227 dorm 12 or Beeler at 98 Milner. Dormitory Laundry Service All laundry from old dormitories will be turned in at laundry sta tion in two west rooms of Austin Hall. All laundry from the twelve new dormitories will be turned in at the laundry station north end of dormitory 12. Laundry slips will be secured from 1st Sgt. The name, address etc., will be placed in the space designated. It is very essential that the surname be written first on the laundry slip in order that the old students may retain their same laundry mark and marks be assigned new students. If you were in school last year please put your laundry mark on your list. The stub is then torn from the slip and presented to the agent at the time the laundry is turned on. When stamped, the stub is your check for your laundry. The stub is stamped only when presented with laundry bundle. If stub is lost a duplicate copy may be secured at laundry for 5<£. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Austin Hall ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A. B. C. D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 3-6 P. M. E, P, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Wednesday 3-6 P. M. J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-S A. M. Delivered back Thursday 3-6 P. M. O, P, Q, It, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 3-6 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundle in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 3-6 P. M. Students will be allowed 23 piec es per week with limit of 4 shirts, 2 pants, 1 coverall and 3 polo shorts. Shirts may be exchanged for pants. There will be a charge on all ex cess pieces above the regular 23 pieces. Shirts lOtf, pants 15tf, cov eralls lOtf, polo shirts 5tf, all small pieces 2tf. An extra 23 piece bundle may be sent in for 55 tf. Small extra bundles are charged by list prices. The 1st Sergeant may secure laundry lists from the Laundry. SCHEDULE FOR DAY STUDENTS Turn in laundry Friday 7-8 A. M. Call for Saturday 12-2 P. M. We will not accept any day stu dent bundles any other day. Turn in bundles at North wing of laundry. Day students POSITIVELY will not be allowed to turn in laundry at the laundry stations. Please do not club your bundles as this is very confusing and makes it hard for us to keep your cloth es straight. SCHEDULE FOR GROUP PRO JECT HOUSE AND AMERICAN LEGION HALL Laundry will be picked up Thurs day 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Fri day 3-6 P. M. SCHEDULE FOR ARMY BAR RACKS, SMITH, DALLAS, AN DERSON CO., POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM Pick up Thursday 7-8 A. M. De livered back Saturday Momrning. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Dormitory 12 ac cording to the following schedule: All students whose surnames be gin with the letters: A, B, C, D, inc., bundles in Sat urday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Tuesday 11-2 P. M. E, F, G, H, I, inc., bundle in Monday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Wednesday 11-2 P. M. J, K, L, M, Me, N, inc., bundles in Tuesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Thursday 11-2 P. M. O, P, Q, R, S, inc., bundle in Wednesday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Friday 11-2 P. M. T, U, V, W, Y, Z, inc., bundles in Thursday 7-8 A. M. Delivered back Saturday 10-1 P. M. Laundry must be turned in and called for as scheduled as other laundry will be coming back on the following days and unless cleared there will be congestion at the laundry rooms. Students please note your respective dates and cooperate with us to avoid confusion and mix ups. All late or out of place bundles THE BATTALION will have a charge of 15tf. Bundles positively will not be ac cepted from dormitory students at the laundry. Classified LOST AND FOUND One bill fold in Fiscal Department on Thursday. Name Charles L. Smith in it. Please return to room 124, dorm. No. 4. FOR RENT—Beautiful new un furnished five room home with many attractive conveniences. Phone Bryan 1095. Guardsmen (Continued from page 1) “that our military set-up at A. & M. would make is improbable that we have many guardsmen.” Interpretation of the Joint Reso lution in respect to ordering into active military service the National Guard indicates that collegians who are also Guardsmen will not be exempt under the exemption noted above in Section five, article (f). Section five of the Joint Reso lution reads, “All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby suspended to the extent that they may be in conflict with any provision hereof.” This( of course, nullifies the exemption of colle gians listed in Section five, article (f) of the Burke-Wadsworth Act. A. & M. Reaction Since the passing of the Burke- Wadsworth Act there has been con siderable question in the minds of Aggies as to what their fate would be. Student reaction has been strongly opposed to a peace time draft which would force students to leave their studies. However, although the nation’s collegians are exempted from mil itary conscription until next July, they will be required to register along with other groups. Registra tion dates will be announced in the near future. War Department of ficials have indicated. The Battalion is asking all mem bers of the Texas National Guard who are enrolled at A. & M. to notify the newspaper in order that a reasonably accurate accounting may be made in advance as to how many cadets the College will lose in November. ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF MEETING There will be a called meet ing of the Art and Photography departments of The Battalion to discuss plans for the next magazine which comes out Oct ober 2. Old members are to attend, this meeting if at all possible, and new members will be welcomed. The meeting will be held in room 122 Adminis tration building immediately af ter yell practice. Col. Watson (Continued from page 1) Commandant charged with en forcement of the regulations gov erning conduct and discipline in this Corps. This I will do impar tially and to the best of my ability. “I expect and will exact implicit obedience from you. I hope that I shall have you utmost loyalty, confidence, and support in the in terests of the Corps and each of its members. I win try to earn your respect. “Selection for your appointment was made by my predecessor, Colonel Moore, in whose judgment I have the utmost confidence. You are selected as leaders of a superb body of men. Do not fail.” CAMPUS TODAY IS BARGAIN DAY - 150 to 11 p. m. TODAY ONLY “ZANZIBAR” with Lola Lane - James Craig Also LATE NEWS - ACT WED. - THURS. Hugh Herbert —in— “LA CONGA NIGHTS” with Constance Moore Dennis O’Keefe Also Selected Shorts ■ Add Zest to Your Daily Life Chew Delicious DOUBLEMINT GUM Discover for yourself this easy way to get a bigger kick out of daily activities: Chew refresh ing DOUBLEMINT GUM. You know how much fun it is to chew. Well, there's extra fun chewing smooth, springy DOUBLEMINT GUM and enjoying lots of delicious, long-lasting flavor. And chewing this healthful treat daily helps relieve pent-up nervous tension. Aids your digestion, too, and helps sweeten your breath and keep your teeth attractive. Treat yourself to healthful, refreshing DOUBLEMINT GUM every day. Buy several packages ol DOUBLEMINT GUM today I I, TUESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1940- WT A W (Continued from page 1) of programs similar to the Texas Farm and Home Program now heard daily over the Texas Quality Network. These broadcast, featur ing services rendered to the people of Texas by A. & M. College, would be distributed to radio sta tions throughout the state. In addition, whenever the Col lege takes part in any important broadcast or when prominent speak ers visit the campus, the recorder will afford a means of adding a vivid type of historical document to the College archives. Another new piece of equipment at WTAW is a boom stand to be used in the presentation of studio programs. “This may seem a simple matter,” Rosser said, “but you’d be surprised now much difference it makes to a program if you can put your mike anywhere you want it.” The boom stand is expected to be particularly useful in solving production problems attendant up on the broadcast of A. & M.’s por tion of the Texas School of the Air. This program will originate at the College one day a week and will also be carried over TQN. The engineering staff is at pres ent engaged in a sweeping over haul job on all the equipment of the station, some of which has been in use for many years. Movie Review (Continued From Page Two) them by twisting up his face, but he insists on running too far in every direction, and like a be wildered ham, acts and runs him self beyond the goal of high class acting. You will always know what to expect as Mickey twists and squirms beyond the bounds of pru dence and good taste. The story follows the famous formula of all the other Hardy classics. Both Mickey and the Judge get in some kind of mess and have to take a trip somewhere to straighten things out. Celia Parker, the daughter of the family is also having boyfriend trouble, but co incidence of course sends the whole group to the same place. After ups and downs and a little fun, things straighten out and the family re turns to the little town of Carvel and Ann Rutherford and the gang. It’s the same old stuff, dressed up with different gag lines and twisted a little tighter, and although Roon ey is the main show, he overdoes it sickeningly. Faithful little Judy Garland gives Rooney her adoring hero worship in spite of mawkish tactics. Williamson Picks (Continued from Page 3) descendingly to run in Second stringers so the William and Mary score would not be too great. Most surprising result in the Texas league was San Marcos’ IS IS upset of Howard Payne. The System had expected this game to be close, but had given a nod for a 7-6 victory, to Howard Payne. Note: This week’s table includes only those teams that have played this year according to reports and that have ratings of 60.0 or more. Perfect Team 100.0 1 Kentucky 96.0 2 Boston College 91.4 3 N. Carolina 91.0 4 Oklahoma A. & M 88.6 5 Mississippi 88.4 6 Texas Al & 1 88.2 7 L. S. U.i 87.8 8 Wake Forest 87.5 9 Clemson ' 87.2 10 N. Carolina State 86.4 11 San Jose $t 85.0 12 Washburn 84.0 13 V. M. I 83.6 14 Washington - Lee 83.6 15 Hardin-Simmons 83.5 16 William and Mary 83.1 17 V. P. I f. 83.0 18 Davidson 82.4 19 Centenary 81.5 20 Richmond 81.1 21 Butler 80.7 22 Texas Mines 80.4 23 Iowa State 80.0 129,480,000 pounds, and estimates place the 1940 figure at 159,000,000, Battalion Classified Ads get re sults. Aggie Jewelers for over 50 Years IF IT’S NEW— WE HAVE IT! Hosewives used to spend much time stringing ‘sting’ beans, but new varieties brought out in the past few years have few or no strings. That’s why ‘string’ beans are now called ‘snap’ beans. CALDWELL Jewelery Store Bryan Probable production of peanuts in the United States for 1940 has been set at 1,521,705,000 pounds, 29 percent above last year’s pro duction. In 1939 Texas produced When in Doubt About Your Eyes or Glasses, Consult . . . DR. J. W. PAYNE Masonic Bldg. Bryan Desk - Chairs Study Lamps, etc. McCULLOCH- DANSBY CO. “Complete Home Furnishers” Phone Bryan 164 Let us help you to start the new term off right > by serving you . . . • Zenith Radios ! I. E. S. Lamps , School Supplies : Parker Pens • TRY OUR QUALITY FOUNTAIN • LIPSCOMB’S Pharmacy North Gate J ..Jiausut/uf.. HOME AND BACK BY Railway Express! Direct as a "touchdown pass” is the campus-to-home laundry service offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. We call for your laundry, take it home ... and then bring it back to you at your college address. It’s as quick and convenient as that! You may send your laundry prepaid or collect, as you prefer. Low rates include calling for and delivering in all cities and principal towns. Use RAILWAY EXPRESS, too,for swift shipment of all packages and luggage. Just phone SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT Phone 9 College Station, Texas RAI LWAYmfiXPRE S S AGENCY INC. We have time to give you expert personal attention plus fast service on or ders for . . . UNIFORMS SLACKS SHIRTS See us for Junior Caps, Sam Browne Belts, Sa bres and Insignia for all branches of military ser vice . . . ROSS TAILORS 209 Main Bryan NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE ■ ■Ilf TIWIWM I—aBM— ^ START THE TERM OFF RIGHT! If you have not purchased these items yet, come by and let us help you. • SHIRTS - SLACKS STETSON HATS - TRENCH COATS DRAWING INSTRUMENTS COVERALLS DRAWING BOARDS The Exchange Store “An Aggie Institution”