Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1940)
Freshman Team Faces l Big Job Replacing Grads Charlie DeWare spent most of his time this past week lining up the freshman football players who registered Wednesday and who have already reported to Coach Hub McQuillan and histwo assist ants, Charlie and Dr. Virgil Jones. Nine men from the starting Ag gie varsity will be graduated in June 1941 and many of the reserv es on the varsity will follow the same route. This will leave many places on next year’s varsity to be filled from this present group of freshmen and they make a wel comed sight to Coach Homer Nor ton. Such boys as John Kimbrough, Ernie Pannell, Marshall Robnett, James Thomason, Tommie Vaughn, Marion Pugh and Marland Jeffrey will have to be replaced. From this freshman team there are many backs and linemen who scale better than 200 pounds and stand well over six feet tall. The freshman backs include: Wil liam Andrews, Amarillo; William Barry, El Paso; Earl Bemus, Hous ton; Tom Carlile, Temple; Warren Clifton, Sulphur Springs; Harvey Crittenden, Forney; Leo Daniels, Bryan; Richard DeArment, Besse mer, Po.; Eugene Ellwood, Lock hart; Ronald Featherstone, Hous ton. Ellis Hollis, Fort Worth; Landon Irwin, Dallas; Robert Jackson, Houston; Duane Martin, Donna; Bert Richey, Dallas; Lincoln Ro man, Houston; Warren Simpson, Hugo, Okla.; James Skelton, Hous ton; David Terry, Greenville; Rob ert Utley, Belton; Daniel Webb, Sinton; Robert Williams, Eldorado and Willard Woolverton, El Paso. The linemen are: Albert Aikman, Fort Worth; Britton Bell, Houston; William Boles, Forney; Truman Cox, Donna; W. J. Davis, Crane; Jamie Dawson, Crockett; Charles Edmondson, Mineral Wells; Wil- ■fliam Gillilland, Raymondville; Ber ry Hickman, Dallas; Burgess Hick man, Cleburne; Richard Hill, Ama rillo; William Hodge, Somerville; Gordon Hurd, Brady; Ben John son, Perryton; W. R. Johnson, Sweetwater. Victor Kaspar, Houston; Dan Luethy, Monahans; Marshall Ma- gers, Gainesville; A. J. Mercer, Temple; James Montgomery, Mo ran; Glen Newton, Sinton; Darrel Pedigo, McGregor; Wilbur Pet- sick, Gustine; Floyd Puckett, Big Lake; David Schmidt, Gregory; Ma rion Slaughter, Houston; John Stout, Handley; John Swain, Tem ple; Shelton Wagner, Yoakum; Earl Whitworth, Bastrop.; and Rus sel Wilkins, Odessa. These Aggie freshmen will play three games this season in addi tion to scrimmaging the varsity regularly. Their first fray will be against Allen Academy in Bryan October 14 under the lights. The other two games will be against the Rice Institute freshmen at Col- legt Station and the University of Texas freshmen at Austin. University of Texas scholastic figures show that high school stu dents in the top 25 per cent of their class passed 88 per cent of their freshman work while groups in the lowest 25 per cent of their high school work passed only 32 per cent of their beginning courses at the University. Chances for employment prom ise to be better next spring than they have been since 1930, for men and women ready for training for better positions, according to a recent survey by Dr. A. H. Edger- ton of the University of Wiscon sin. A man with a hoe is still the best weed-killing machine. WELCOME AGGIES For Quality Foods at Reasonable Prices We Are Ready to Serve and Cooperate With You. DELUXE CAFE The Meeting Place for Aggies BRYAN SLACKS Cleaned & Pressed 150 SUIT Cleaned & Pressed 300 CASH and CARRY SEE US FOR YOUR UNIFORMS LAUTERSTEIN North Gate Hi - Aggies WE’RE GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK When you unpack your trunks, get all of your old books, Sam Browne Belts, Slacks and Blouses and bring them to .. LOUPOT’S TRADING POST We will give you more money for items than you would ever believe . . . Loupots Trading Post North Gate Tickets To Tulsa Game On Sale At Athletic Office Local followers of the Texas Ag gie football team who intend to fol low the team to San Antonio to see the Cadets in action against Tulsa University, Saturday Oct. 5, are advised to get their tickets now from E. W. Hooker at the Texas A. & M. College athletic of fice at Kyle Field without delay. Hooker announced that all un sold tickets in the Aggie section will be returned to San Antonio on Sunday, Sept. 29 and that they will then be offered to the general pub lic. He said that he has several desirable seats left but that they are moving fast since the students returned to the college. The price for the Aggie—Golden Hurrican game will be $2.20 tax included. He also announced that students desiring to purchase tickets should get them at the Y. M. C. A. and not at the Athletic Office. No stu dent tickets for the game will be sold elsewhere than at the Y. M. C. A., he explained. These will be on sale Monday through Friday only. He also advised the fans and students to get their tickets for the opening game with Texas A. & I. on Saturday, Sept. 28 if they want the more desirable seats. There are plenty of tickets left but he says that the turnout is ex pected to be the largest the Aggies ever played before in a home open er. Price for this game will be $1.10, tax included and the tickets will be on sale at the same places as for the Tulsa game—Faculty and general public at the Athletic Office and students at the Y. M. C. A. Tickets for the U. C. L. A. game at Los Angeles, Calif., are also on sale at the Athletic Office and cost $2.20 tax included. Three Grid Stars In TCU Spotlight During First Drills Three boys have grabbed the spotlight in early grid sessions at Texas Christian University—two sophomores and one senior. The senior is Connie Sparks, one time fullback and leading confer ence scorer in 1938, now an end. Connie has been snagging passes all over the place in early scrim mage sessions, and going place with the ball after he got posses sion. Derrell Palmer, 230-pound soph tackle from Albany, has Line Coach Mike Brumbelow using his best superlatives. “The boy is big and strong and fast and smart. What more can a coach ask of a tackle?” Mike demands. The third student trio is little Dean Bagley, 155-pound soph from San Saba. Bagley runs like a scar ed rabbit and the results bring cheers from the coaching staff, the railbirds and even the players on the sidelines. The first-string eleven is shap ing up largely as Coach Dutch Meyer predicted before workouts began. Connie Sparks and Phil Roach are at the end posts. Woodrow Adams and Palmer supply about 450 pounds of tackle ability. Bill Crawford and Ennis Kerlee at guards are being hard pushed by Ray Standley and Bobby Sherrod. Capt. Lefty Alexander is the No. 1 center. Kyle Gillespie, sparkplug of ’39, and little Bagley are alternating at quarter. Nolan Sparks and Bill Ramsey form one combination of halfbacks, with Gus Bierman and Logan Ware not far behind. Frank (“King Kong”) Kringe gets the call at fullback. This gives a team average of something like 201 pounds, the line measuring up to around 207 pounds and the backfield 189. The Horned Frogs play their first two games at home, meeting Centenary here Sept. 28, then Ark ansas Oct. 5. Their first road trip takes them to Chapel Hill, N. C. where they play Coach Raymond Wolfe’s Tarheels Oct. 12. In the history of the Dutch col- only of New Amsterdam, there is mention of a yacht or a boat built for pleasure boating named the Ondust (Restless), which is claimed to be the first decked vessel built in America. While the Ondust was spoken of as a yacht, there are no authentic data relating to other yachts before the beginning of the Nineteenth century, when a 20 foot sailboat for pleasure cruising was built for John C. Stevens prior to 1809, and named the Diver. In 1816 Stevens built a perigua nam ed the Trouble and his name is one intimately connected with the de velopment of yachting in America. —rl 1 BATTALION S(ft Saturday, September 21 Page 3 TEXAS AGGIE FOOTBALL 1940 HEAD COACH, Homer Norton (Birmingham-Southern 1916) ASSISTANT COACHES J. W. (Dough) Rollins (Texas A. & M. T7) Marty Karow (Ohio State ’27) W. N. (Bill) James (Centre ’21) H. R. McQuillan (N. Dak. State T6) Charles DeWare (Texas A. & M. ’37) Dr. Virgil Jones (Texas A. & M. ’38) Manning Smith (Centenary ’34) Hai'ry Faulkner (Okla. Teachers T6) Lil Dimmitt (Southwestern) No. Name Home Town Pos. Wt. 53 Abbott, John Corpus Christi B 185 26 Bando, Woodrow (Butch) Beaumont B 160 Blessing, William (Bill) Dallas ' E 190 37 Brewer (Jim) Bryan T 200 36 Browder, Harris (Mac) Groesbeck G 210 68 Bucek, Felix Schulenburg G 186 44 Bucek, Roy Schulenberg G 195 57 Buchanan, William (Buck) Weatherford E 177 49 Conatser, William (Bill) Denison B 175 69 Cowley, Harold Freer E 185 56 Dawson (Big Dog) Crockett E 225 Drake, Kyle (Duck) Laredo B 175 34 Force, Henry (Bud) Orange B 175 Gerner, William (Bill) Dallas T 190 62 Hauser, Henry (Bear Tracks) Kerrville T 212 55 Henderson, Bill (Jitterbug) Houston E 195 38 Henke, Charles (Charlie) Kerrville G 207 35 Henry, Pete Lake Charles, La. G 202 59 Herman, Odell (Butch) Abilene C 190 28 Jeffrey, Marland (Jeff) Port Arthur B 185 64 Joeris, Leonard Abilene T 225 40 Kimbrough, Jack Haskell E 200 39 Kimbrough, John (Jarrin’ Jawn) Haskell B 220 52 Knight, Jimmie LaGrange E 180 Mansfield, Robert (Bob) San Angelo B 195 42 Moser, Derace (Mose) Stephen ville B 180 66 Motley, Zolus Abilene G 210 72 Mulhollan, Ray (Mullins) Belton G 185 54 Pannell, Ernest (Ernie) Waco T 215 30 Pugh, Marion (Dookie) Fort Worth B 189 50 Rahn, Leon Dayton G 195 73 Rankin, Sam Brenham C 195 24 Reeves, John (Bubba) San Antonio G 173 27 Richardson, Lester (Les) Houston G 205 43 Robnett, Marshall Foch (Foxey) Klondike G 205 45 Rothe, Joe (Grandpa) Hondo B 180 58 Routt, Chip Chapel Hill T 205 65 Ruby, Martin Waco T 210 74 Shelton, Howard Hillsboro C 185 33 Sibley, William (Bill) Abilene C 175 29 Simmons, Elvis (Boots) Somerville E 204 32 Smith, Earl (Bama) Frisco City, Ala. B 175 25 Spivey, Marshall Lufkin B 175 67 Sterling, James (Jim) Panhandle E 190 78 Teubner, H. C. Dallas E 200 47 Thomason, James (Tommie) Brownwood B 200. 77 Thompson, Freeman (Nubby) Texarkana G 185 60 Vaughn, Tommie Brownwood C 186 48 Webster, Jackson (Jake) Sweetwater B 192 63 Wesson, Euel (Poppa) Temple T 230 70 Williams, George (Pinkie) Eldorado B 190 75 Williams, Maurice, (Cotton) Marlin E 192 76 Wilson, Jamie Belton E 183 46 Zapalac, Willie Bellville B 203 Passing Attack Worries Moriey Jenning’s Bruins Passing play is giving Coach Moriey Jennings plenty of trouble these days as the Baylor gridders begin to bear down in daily scrim mage drills in preparation for their opening game with North Texas State Teachers College in Waco September 28. The ground game has been well above par in the early workouts; but the Bears just can’t seem to get the hang of their passing chores and a good overhead attack is one thing that the Bruin mentor has to have this year if the Baylor eleven is going to figure in the conference grid chase. Jennings has six boys tossing the pigskin around in every drill, but none of them have been able to keep the passing plays working. Jack Wilson, Jimmy Witt, Dwight Parks, Bill Coleman, Homer Pitt man and Travis Nelson have all been working overtime in this de partment of play to try and bolster .the passing game, but right now it looks like the Baylor coach may have to send out and S. O. S. for a dependable chunker. The rest of the Bruin play is coming along as well as Jennings expected and the Bears should have just as good defensive tactics as they had last year. Line play has been a feature of every scrim mage and indications are now that the Baptist eleven will be well for tified at every place in the forward wall. Jack Russell, big sophomore end from Cleburne has come along fast in the drills, and seems set to open up at one end post with Jack Lumus and Wilson Lucas, both let- termen, waging a tight battle for the other place. Reserve help will come from George Koch and Ed Hickman. Tackle play caused the Baylor coach some worry at the start of the training period but all of the difficulties seem to be straightened out now and Jack Anderson, Rex Gandy, Bubo Barnett, Bernice Fitz gerald and W. B. Godbold will all see plenty of play at these posi tions. Three lettermen give the Bears planty of power at the guard slots, but Lewis Self, back from last year, has moved up rapidly after being changed back to his old post and should be in the starting lineup when the Bears start their ten game schedule. Pat Mickler, Don Haley and Jack Willis, lettermen will alternate back and forth at the two posts. Robert Nelson, Baylor All-Amer ica candidate, has the center post well taken care of with relief work coming from Buddy Gatewood and Jim Callam. It’s Time ... ... to go and get our in-between-class “Snack.” MEET THE GANG at AGGIELAND GROCERY Campus S.M.U. Picked By Sports Writers As Southwest Conference Winners The Southern Methodist tangs have been awarded the job of beating out the Texas Aggies for the 1940 Southwest Conference grid championship and the uphold ing of the old tradition that “Cham pions don’t repeat.” That is the consensus of more than two hundred Southwest news paper sports writers and radio sports commentators, in a survey made by J. Willard Ridings, pub licity director at Texas Christian r University. The Mustangs were picked as the probable championship winner by the narrowest margins, beating out the Aggies as pre-season favorites by only 8 per cent of the total points. S. M. U. received 108 votes for first place and the Aggies 69. Forty-eight second-place votes went to the Methodists and 90 to the 1939 champions. The Mustangs received scattered votes all the way down to last place, while no one placed the Farmers lower than fifth. Baylor came up third in the pre dictions, with Texas in the fourth spot, only a few points behind. Both the Bears and the Longhorns were picked for every position, from top to bottom. “In fact, there are'five teams that, before any games are played, look to be in the running,” one man commented. “These five belong in two groups. S. M. U. and A. & M. have a de cided edge over the field. Baylor, Texas and T. C. U. are all high- ranking dark horses. Arkansas and Rice don’t figure to finish in the money.” T. C. U., picker for fifth place in the season’s standings, received votes for every position but the Mus-f-top. Arkansas, placed sixth, got no vote higher than fourth place. The Rice Owls, placed last, were named sixth or seventh by most of the men polled. Several sports editors volunteer ed the comment that whoever the champion of ’40 may turn out to be, there will be no undefeated teams. “It will be a cut-throat season,” (Continued on page 6) Mow £<?t m/ asstenment Vi This New Book Makes Life Easy For You ... Read "Blow to Choose a Slide Rule” IT’S HUMOROUS . . IT’S HELPFUL. . IT’S FREE by DON HEDOLD Don Herold takes the mystery out of Slide Rules with this helpful new book. He tells you, in the twinkling of an eye, how to decide on the kind of rule that will do the most for you. The story is simply told, as from one old slide rule slider to another, and profusely Ulustrated in two dazz ling colors, as only Don Herold can illustrate. “How to Choose a Slide Rule” is yours for the asking—providing you ask before the supply runs out. See your campus K & £ dealer at once. EST. 1887 KEUFFEL& ESSER CO. NEW YORK—HOBOKEN* N. J. CHICAGO • ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO • LOS ANGELES • DETROIT • MONTREAL WELCOME AGGIES PARKER-ASTIN IS GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK You’ll Find What You Want Here ... Regulation 28 inches tall $2.49 Indirect Study Lamps with 100 Watt G.E. Mazda Bulb Alarm Clock Safe and Dependable 980 Tackle Box for Drawing Instruments 650 Waste Baskets 190 Brooms 250 Mirror Cabinets 980 9-Foot Extension Cord 200 Cold Water Paints -10 Colors - 5-lb. box 600 PARKER-ASTIN HARDWARE GO. MAIN STREET BRYAN, TEXAS