Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1940)
»' DIAL 4-5444 OmOAL NVWIPAPtB or thi cm or OOLLMI STATION l\ "/J ^ vaL DIAL 4-5444 HTl’DBNT MCMMER WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OT TEXAS ASM. COLLEGE 4 m ADMINISTRATION BUILDING COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2ft. 1940. Ifil NO h Dorm Assignments To Be Same As Last Year * » Field Artillery UniU To Be Reorganized )!• ehMiw will b* m* in fmtr mtmpi In Um •idOion of wv- (MtMto. ot tte rwu ArtilWr, Eayii—t, it Imm Jast bMii in by Um rommaiMlant'i if. Official Hours Given For Hospital, Library, > Swimming Pool, and T For tbo benefit ot tbooe who were not bore tbo ftrot ooniter tbo fottowbtf hot of official boon M (teen for referoore: Tbo Library will be open front * a. m. to 19 y m Monday tbrou(b Friday, • a. at. to noon latnrday, and | to I f. at. and 7 to 10 p. ». Sunday Tbo Collect Hospital boon will Preu Club Officer* It tbo PWd Artillery lUfiment tbo lat < ombot Train baa boon rodaaijnatad Headquarter* Battery 111 Battalion Headquarter! Bat tory, lat Battalia; tbo tad Coat- bat Traia; and tbs 4rd Combat Train bare boon ronamsd Batter ios 0, B, and I importhnly TU * 10 a. at. ta t p at. Maaday room oaoifaoionts will bo (hroa Uiniwti Saturday. 8 to 10 a. m a^ m as t» inaare two bono- Sunday, and noon to S p. m boll, drawn and two track-drawn bat- 4,^ ^'“iLtent. wKo ^ F 00 * wU1 ^ Malar aad malar caiaonta aa fro|> | § I* the afternoon and ^ ^ f -MM ^lx -cep. * m Ito. c**.+*■ ^ ^ y Catpa students adB make ap lal Catpa Headqaarten and aM Rat tal the two bwor stoops of Lotfett Hail The Coealry and Cbomira! Warfare students will bo placed in tnd Corps Hoadquarters and will occupy the two top floors of Lotfett Tbc Coact Artillery will awbe op the Ird Corps Hoadquar ten and will lira in Goodwin. The lafbatry will moke up 4th Corpo Headquarter* and will be placed ia the lot and 2nd floors of Na. 12, and the Field Artillery students wtB make up 6 Corps Headquarters and he* in the two top floors of No. It. Football players who lived in No. It last year will be alk>ered M. C. A. d« wM bo from » a. at to It noon, Ittlp. qUMdlWV** CM pass art mhoduiod bt l morn In* frtNa T.00 to t:0B SA to 1044, 10:10 to 11 » Mi 11:10 tc It W Afternoon rlaaoos 1 befin pt 1:10. REGISTRATION FOR 2nd SEMETSER LESS THAN EXPECTED Total of Women Students Drop As 43 Register The officer* of the Preea rleb elected for lost semester etll carry 00 for the seroad sii-eeoks Loft to riffbt. they are ss foliees Msr ■•ret Heilinfsbeed. tressorer; Jsmes 4sbb> vice-preeideot: Pefty < ompbell. president Second Semester Press Club Meets; Plans Made for Remaining Session New Ruling Allows Public Use of A.&M. Library Facilities Loon facilities of the Cushing Memorial Library have been made available to tvoryont under recent provisions mark by the Board of Directors of the Collefe. In the past the use of the li brary books and facilities has beef! limited to students, employes of Ihs roller* system and their families, bat under the new pro visions others may now borrow books from the library, Dr T. F With 14 members present at ♦elected during the first term of Bayo, librarian, has announced UM lirtl meeting for the second cummer school, and these same of-1 Th* requisite is that non ismeamr, Bm Summer Press Club fleers will be held over They are ^Hegv connected borrowers will V* Mr W • eUi < MomU) Peggy Campbell, president, Jim required to mak* s »« deposit •ifbt at IBo BatlaHaa ctftoa. K • Ashby, vice-prsoident, and Mar with the Fiscal Department of ot the MW mombscs Mm twaret Hollingshoad, treasurer the college before any books con secretory, will not ** drawn The borrowers will be On Defeme I loan! t tbo eeuecq cf tbo ww momboro tbo Igai-vt Hollmgsh. ocUvtttoo and polk ios W tbs organ Aiwim Moor*, •* imMm won mMBned Um* osmos bo hi osbool tbw fnr omaUkBi wot' held on Sundays 1 tbo meeting Man to ovoid cnnfBot with the Twilight teetdM that tbo President Waites, she has re cently been appointed to repreeoot By Monday night a total ot 1.100 Students had registered for the < second term summer school. This figure almost equals the enroll ment for the same time loot year, showing a decrease of Only tight. Thor* were, however, MS more studento enrolled for the ftrot •emeeeter of summer school this year Total registration is nine par cant higher than It was last sum mer. K. J. Howell, Begtatrur, predicts that a number of late regietratioas will bring up tbo total enrollment before the deadline Thursday aflsr- noon v I There ar* only 48 women stu dents registered for this semester. Walton Hall ban been assigned to semester, sqd st required to maintain such deposit (fc# um Grant < ellegoo on the these women students and to mar- scom OKDDtS REVOKED; WILL NOT BE HERE M It was * n d *ny fin*, or other charges M mure muat ** paid at the loan desk in library If they are not paid Bta loan desk they will be poked from the deposit and other books loaned until the oolt, after such deduction, shall brought book to its original Colonel W. W. Scott, wbo was afternoons to have beer Commandant at A for work on the pope term. A M. during the 1040-41 to remain there this year if they has received word that bis trana desire but it the future, they must fer has beer revoked, which means stay with then organisation or that the office of the Cummand the proper Corpo Hoadquarters. ! snt remains unfilled The Chief —— - - - ' of Staff. Washington. D. C.. has ordered him to Camp Ord. Cali- hntertainment Sene* I form* where Major j a c«iia To Knd This Week -< < V- c r su^k League ball games, but from now tary wouM bo Msgouasd with on they will be held every Thun Members of the Bummsr Pvwas day night st 7 80 (lab are Bob Nisbrt, Farts A. Members of the ataff will re- Shields, D C. Thurman, Jeff ceive their assignments at The i^larke, W. 0. Brimherry. W. D Battalion office Monday afternoon.* C. Jones, Tommy Cnllins, Jack rather than st the weekly meet- Decker, John Sandstedt. Margaret ^ mgs. as has been customary in Hollmgshead. Lucille Thornton The iepNlt may b* withdrawn the past Monday and Tuesday Kate Stowe, Sunny Campbell, Jim an ) r t,m * toom the Final De- have been set sank Ashby, Margaret Ann W'illiams. partment on nmaulatiou ot a Phil (iolmaa. Betty Jane Winkler, clearance slip fro* the Mbnry tKficers of the Press Club were Betty Shelton and Pegpy Campbell whe " ^ borrower tNbbii la die- continue the use O^ tbo Mwury. Dr Mayo pohNi Ml that the ruling does ia uo wug apph the use of material bmMe of library, as st present, bdt has been' made so that books may be taken from the library, s service that Gordon Gay, assistant seere tHays, University of Nebraska; Bob has not been possible in the past Nstiaual Committee 00 Relotton ship of Kdocslion to Defense Eleventh Annual Coaching School Is August 18-24 risd students, while Law, Puryear and Bitaell Halls are occupied by the remaining students. Many of the project houses are open during the summer, and there are a num ber of commuters from Bryan and other neighboring towns Gay Elected to Executive Committee Of Y. M. C. A. Secretaries Association 337 STUDENTS DISTINGUISHED Texas A A M. will offer its Rventh annual dosching school for IN LONG TERM Aches and athletes here August A total * 4»1 It-24, aoesrdfaw «■ ags Mm U ’\nu#w 0. W ft M. tto sf lbs •f A. . One ot the most successful En tertainment Series ever to be pre sented during an A. A M Summer Session will be wound op this week with two musical programs The first of these will be the to be stationed three months Caao County Kids, popular radio temporary duty entertainers, heard frequently over, station WFAA. They will present 0 program of light folk song* “right off the cob." This program will bo bold la the Assembly Hall Tuesday morning, July 80, at 10:00 a. m As usual, classes will be dismissed for this period in order that professor* and studento may report, on August 1. Col. Moore tory of the College Station Y M stated that Col. Scott was greatly C A., was elected to the executive Schumpert, Uaivcrsity of Wiscon sin, Bob Bishop, University of disappointed in his change of or- committee of the National Student OncmnStti; Henry Wilson, Univer- drrs Y M C. A Secretaries Assorts sity of Illinois; M. D. Woodbury, Lt. Col. R L. Christian left t * on tbo notional convention University of Washington; and W Monday for Washington from ^ ooootiotioo held in Este* J Davi% University of Californio, where he will go to South America Pmrk - Colorado, July 1 to 18 Accompanying Gay to the meet- Goy was elected to represent the ,n * w> * * A. Smith, general sec- southwest region of the bssocim r *tory of the l mversity of Texas tkin which is composed of Texas Oklahoma Arkansas, and Missouri Sunday. August 10, will be used to a list released by the Registrar’s for registration. The only charge Office This is an increase of for the course will be $3.00 room 28 over tbe second semester last rent in the darmitory for the ee year, and shows the increasing tire course. Room and board may schoksatic ability of A. A M. stu- also be secured at othar places in dents. College Station and Bryan Studento whose names appeared Solo Work At Knd The football courses will be eon 0,1 ^ lirt "<> rrade below Twenty Seven Do Of First Semester A. & M. ENGINEERS Officers of the association elect AGAIN VICTORIOUS ^'^'TJZn^ — a. at Blue Ridge, North Carolina. About one hundred persona at- tiag Tbe last entertainment, Tbe Marimba Duo, featuring Mise Doris Jean Feterson, will be an evening program, August 1, at 7 48 p m in the Aaeembly Hall. Work Finished By Equalization Board Tbo Board of Equalisation for tbs CKy of College Station com pitied its work this week, follow tag 0 long series of night meet togs Members of the Board ore A. Mitchell U1 Dtmmitt, Not Bdtaomtoon. J H Quito berry and E. E. MoQuilkn, all property owners of the city. In a statement to Tbe Battalion tbo Board Mid, “Tbe chief tin of this group has been to place equable and cempsrtlw values upon all personal aad real proper ty in the city. To that end the rendition shoot of every property owner bt been reviewed. With the information available to os wo have made every effort to value both personal and real prop- •rip upon a Just and equal basis.” Principal locroots in property roudHiono wore muds by tbo Board ap Personal Property, such Ip- wo ssi being based not only upon aotomebilt, but eddtUoMl porounal property t well Tbs Bourd will bold Strings ou August It and II, st which thus pvapsrty owners are tnvHod ta apptr to diocut any valuation GETS BAD BURN ON MANEUVERS Jack Hendrick. Band tnior and member of tbe advertising staff of The Battalion during the long term, suffered s severe burn oa bis head while oa maneuvers around Hot Spring. New Mexico, in con nection with RO.t.C. comp IN SPEE CONTESTS City; Kenneth Kline, vice-president. t U ,„ nnu ... ?*.»««» u-'—w. *r~ JACK HENDRICK losmg iwo nrsts, two seconds, Hssck, secretary-treasurer, Wash and one third place out of a poesi University, St Louis, Mia- bio 17, A. A M engineering drew- gouri Besides Gay, other mem mg students tied for first place, bert of the executive committee in number of plocings, with elected Include W W Mendenhall. Rensoeleor Polytechnic Institute, Cornell University, Ithico. New Troy. N. Y„ st tbe annual National York; Fay Campbell. Yale Unhrer Drawing Competition held in con t jt 7 , New Hawn, Conn.; Harry nsqtion with the meeting of the Seamens. Penn State Collage; P Society for the Promotion of Engl- B Holtaendorff. Clemeon College. •taoruig Education at Berkeley, ctemson. South Carolina; C. D Calif., this past month .. , .. By tying for first place, Tepaa A. ft M. ssaintained its load over the entire field of engineering schools and bos won mors awards in the SPEE contests than any other school In the country Last year they took first place untied Uniwroity of Detroit placed third with one first, two seconds sod on* third placing Texas A. A M students winning places included Firsts—Arthur Huse and William Adktaaon. sec onds F T. Phillips and J H Scholl; third-R L Rii r. Lynch, Texas Tech, with a third piuea, was the saly other Texas collage student to finish m the winners circle ducted by Homer Norton, coach “C" and had a grade point aver- of the 1089 national gnd cham of <H,t °< • Possible 1.00. pions; J V. Sikes, end coach of Of the 837 so hoaorod 10 were the University of Georgia; Jack ***** make a grade of ;*A* in all their sobjects Tbe majority the minimum required by the U.| Sut « Teachers College, champions ,,f thw •«•«> rolled ta the 8 Civil Aeronautics Authority, 27 * LoB * SUr Conference; and ^ 1 * 00 * ® f Art though ot the 45 students enrolled in the * G Keyes, cooch of Lubbock High | * Engumering and Agri School. After having completed eight Y M C. A. Gay also attended hours of dual instruction, which is i S'*™, j*»aeh thv North Texas the last conference held in 1980 A. & M. STUDENT DIES SATURDAY AT SILSBEE, TEX. Edwin A. Bo iron, a freshman rtudent thq part year from SI taboo, Texas, was drowned Saturday while swimming hi • nearby crook Dolton, white hi A. ft M . was a mimhar ot Hoadquarters Signal Curds Company and wm a stu dent hi Etertrteal Engineering Eighteen years ot ago, Edwin was a former Bilahoo High School football player. Sugareff Returns from Washington, D. C, With Interesting War Facts Returning from Washington, D Professor Sugarrff left the lega cy V. K Sugareff, professor of tion faeling, os hr put R, “As history, brought with him sn ta- ; though it would bt better for me terestisg side light on tbe present to plan to publish my book ta the European War. United States” Professor Sugareff spent most — 1 * ■ ■■ .' ' —' of this past semester doing rv- 11 4 ivyc D A DPI V search is tbe Library of Congress ** 1 on bis new book Tbe Bioe ot Bel MISSES INJURY *!*<■■»» u -" ’- FROM BUIXET to tbo Library of Congress the professor quite naturally visited Last Wednesday sight Paul the Bulgarian legation ta search Homos, manager of Town Hall for of information. Ho was received "«* nairewly escaped being with ovary courtesy, but there wo* by • bullet when some an no information forthcoming bnown person fired. Though the Bulgarian represent or otherwise, 0 .80 eel tbe atlvs told the professor that ho was lnt ® bta horn* ta Bryan quite aura that bta government Members of the fatally wuuld welcome the booh, and even listening to tbs radio whoa the bul suggested that the hook bo first published la Bulgaria, >bo also taftafetel tkta# kta Wtata Uinta KIta tdy mpiwta vwUM A MM WM® MrlMUlW WlV pTWW any official nows from tbo gov- onuuoot, since be has not reooivvd say information hi the post throe months Tbo EMUok blockade has frit off all stall channels ta as tbe Balks ns, and at tbs present m time tbe only possible Una ot tbe tnute-Siberian route * . Tv l .* L A • ; lot ws# fir*d through the front M itaMhit «4<wk* — — -A m rwn tnHit , viirtJU®n • obuir, and iodgod hi tho booksnu Puol sold K mtaaod him shoot two foot Knowing of no ono wbo weotd to uo» tbo Haines borne tergal tbo fondly dsekted someone muet hove fired »t a Stray cut sr possibly sotao fear led in truder without taking inn. account tbo tats tion of tbe Hataue home course hove done solo work The first ten of these are as follows: Gey Davis end Frederick Ander son, first on July 12; Alfred Nel son. Raymond Berger, Glenn Rolo- aon. Ford Ivey, Carl R Higgins, Jack Cox, Jock Garner, and Lowis Ritchey Solo work represents the first major step toward tbe receipt of s private liconae for operating an airplane In order to fulfill the remain tag requirements, students must fly from 38 to 80 Hours ta the primary training planes and 17 to 27 hours of this time must be solo flight The dead-line tor the primary course ta September 18, hut W. I. Truettner, instructor in charge ot C.A.A. operations st A. A M , announces that he expects all students will finish before Sep tember 1. The two plane* which burned July 4 are ta Dellas being com ptetoly remade end are expected to be sent back bore next week after being ro-Uconood by Wash ington authorities Of Urn 19,000 students from over tbe United States who art taking tbe summer CAJk. training course, l.(MK) ore enrolled in tbo advanced tours* Spring graduates from A. ft M who were selected to take advanced work include V. M. Kummol, Sam K. Brown, and H. M. Rollins. However, the time and place for those boy* to take tbo course has not boon doeignatod This advanced work eonotota of • minimum of 40 end • maximum of M Hours flight In • Typo 1-8 •bip which ta of tbe L400 lb eiaoo powered by a US heteopowor mu ter, and 141 hours of ground sebool. When they have comptetod this Murto, students art then oligi- Mo for a commercial Itaonoo You now rrafta of tbo 01 boros- powwr ijrp* win pro Ml My M fMO# availabta for primary work next m J W Rollina. H R MrQuill.n,; end Marty Ksrow will conduct courses in track, basketball, tnd base boll respectively There will slso be couruos given by Lil Dim mitt on prevention and treatment of injuries, end by W. L. Pen berthy on pbyoicol education end intramural sports This is the moat complete school which any high school consb eon attend Harry Vi net, • mombar of the Southwest Conference Fastball Officials As sociation, will be bar* to discuss football rwtae culture students also attained this honor. 181* straight A students toe lode: Billy D. Brondidge, Dallas; Oran L Culberson, Luling, Tom Strat ton Gillis, Fort Worth; Ralph THL man Groan, Paxton; Robert L. Gulley. Dellas; Gaurgo C. Hardin, Oak wood; Donald J. Here tag, Con verse; Robert A. Lynch, Point; Curtis L Mason. Now Boston; Wil liam J Montgomery, Maeoa; A. T. F Seale, Lufkin; R. H Shannon, Fori Worth; Robert B White. En nis; Phillip T. Williams, Pfert Arthur; Jordan B Wolf, Lamps***; Paul Wolfe Jr., Amnrfllo. Four Short Courses Remain On Calendar ‘te* Foot short courses remain oa the lendar far tbe rest of the sum cr session. This ta tbo Mh year short courses hove been bold ot A. A M , but tbo Extrusion Service has only fostered them store 1923 Tbo mooting will begin with the Firemen’* Short Course to bo held July 20 until August I with ap proximately 000 firemen f sad city officials from all ever tbo state to attendance. Following tbs Fireman's course will be Um annus) State Confer- enee of Teachers of Vocational Agrtoulturo. August 7 te Id, with B. A. Man ire of Austin acting as chairman. Seven hundred teach era are sxpartad. Wayne E. Long of thu Mschani- cal Enghtsering Department will direct aa Air Osndtalisiag Sh Coo roe from August 18 te 17 wHh over a buudrad to sttondaum. Tbe final eeqrse wiB b* I annual Coachtef HcH-h.I to be baM August 11 to M . One bund rod high sebaal Mte aaltate Maobee a! Sthtatk directors sis *xpoetod te MUSEUM ADDS SNAKE SKULL TO COLLECTION Tfc. ( olUt, Hinmia bu bn. fortunate to obtaining tbs sirsp ttonally rare iportmea of a foatol iba skoll, found by Mrs. Clauds Riley, of Crockett, to a shale ex- •nre near Cold Springs. C. J. Hose* asetotaat curator of tbe museum, says that there has boon but little eridoucu of feuafl snakes dtooavorsd to tbo reeks tal North America From tbe ftost find to Iddd down te tbo prsaint time only 04 species have boon (ullootad Meet of tbeee are te- complete aad are fragments such om o tow vortobra* or a piece of ja« with ewe or two teeth. Tbo skull aew hi tbo A. ft M. Muooum ta tbo third wbkh has boon found la A marten, which xtakoo B an object af sxtrouM te- Dr. Hess* says that B ta awl tbe skull af s poisonous aaake aa B baa ho ftoodlo Ittm fangs H* «tao says that tbo abalsa la which It was dlofovored, tbs Fiimteg, art af tbe Middle Miocene age and ware m^mtoxt fttons ftas ^mftl VPS MV wwwWV BBB*