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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1940)
\ m' ' m r . ■ • N Leads Former Afr^e, Jake Mooty, la Pitchinv Great Ball For The Chleago Nationala Leaders And (ampus (lean<*rs Still Undefeated Twiight Mm Moot?, aur Affte t«irl«r4t safety )ust oot of HUUar4’i reach is INI II14, Is really ffetnc la for Um only Wow la Um fourth law* this eeasoa with Um Ckteaco frame Caha Jake ha* wen hla last ftw Mouthy pltebod the Afftoe to f If awe. Hit last three frays have title ka 1M4. haea all hittora Here la a quote —— frtMa a recent aporta pa«e of a Beau Boll la afain enjoying a laetrap<>htan daily. great year la the majors after be “The ray el auashtne in Gabby’s in f l" * alump f«»r a ceayla of life has beea the ahesrtag of Jake •«*•<>*• Meoty a forgotten man oa the * l » n « '* from Cab squad until the failures of Lee • eoamaeieo which he received froes and Paaeeeu forced Gabby to look • ^ ^ nareace Pfail. behind the taryaelm rolls end other Univeaeity bell hawk wbo was sign bull pen impedimenta la such « "d by the Boston fted Sos and aoarch. Gabby found Jake. In the farmed to their Eastern Shore first few months of the season the League clnh, bad luck about like tone notice Jake bad received as a $a>th Cub was a life story’ in the Sport- ** ^ outfielder, who is s ing News teat March ” That prob- rrsut thrower as well as a great ably was a slip on somoone’s part ‘‘itter. was clouting at a .417 dip as tt was exported that Jako would * or 11 games, but went to the be left at the docks at Catalina. | *** “ ***** wh * n be suffered a broken wrist. \AW Nwtni End Of Mnd Somreter Rivalry By Bouay ( ampholl Btaadteg* Won Loot Llpoaomb Pharmacy 0 Campus Ctennors *... 4 0 Bit soil Hall] J 2 Aggtotend Pharmacy s 2 Boahoard Life * * t Campus Theater J S Faculty X. - 4 s Agronomy L. .,.^..1 4 Hispano t 0 Marion Pugh’s Lipi •comb Phar THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1*40 PAGE 8 SALMAGUNDI By MABGABBT HOLLINGSHBAD Oates Reveals Hitler-Scaring Aggie Statistics By I. C Having better with Jake has been in the big show at various times but has always been sent back Last season be was with the Beds, but they let him go and the Cubs picked him J. P. Wood need good judgment when he decided to give Rice the air for professional baseball He V, . ^ . . . would probably have boon a swell If he continues to hurl the , . „ . .. ^ football player this fall, but not »f ball he has for the past few . type of week* be may (aba staff It arasn’t when he set the Giants down un der the arcs Thinking of Jake makes us re call the hurling duel between Jake and Norman Brunch of Texas They prere probably the beat two barters the conference has had In the first inning with Bohn Hilli ard on first. Mooty let one come ever too fast and Graham rattled the hoards for a triple to score Bohn Prom then on he set the Steers down with only two more bingles This was not good enough thodph. as Branch was right, and only one cadet reached him for a Single Dutch Voelkel dribbled t*. ere of the 10 •*•0 “ NA00 bonus he is reported to have received. long ago Lefty Bumpers teat hta first game since he has been playing with Grand Prise the other day when Abercrombie beat him 4 to S macy waded succeasfully through a busy week to gain an undisputed in the Twilight League Al which to teed off this week, we might npts as the first sign of fall the football weather of the past week end. as though there hasn’t though the Campus Cleaners are b* en enough said about that wea- stiil undefeated, they were idle ther already, two nights last week giving the Ahd along the same line, here Pharmacist^ who won four are two piscatory items (we need straight games in as many starts, a dictionary for that one! that a full game lead. washed ia. M L Cushion. Y A Secretary, is telling about EXPERT WASHING and GREASING W« rail for and lletiier Prod Wolcott ia still breaking records Hi timber topping He boated Dugger, the negro who beet Mm a few days before, by three or four feet. And talking abeut retards In the meet test week end they were throwing the discus •hove 17D feet, pole vaulting evet 1ft feet, setting new records In the I.M0 meter One of the Rideout lads held the record In the I.MM. but run behind in It this time mday’s gaasea: Lipscomb blasted out It runs to easily swamp the Pacuky by s count of 12 to 1. The scoring was pretty evenly divided among the Lspoeomb beys while Terrill’s lone run in the fourth frame saved the teachers frpm a shutout. Bisaeil Hall hung up a IS to 7 victory oeqr the Campus Thea ter. The dormitory hoys, aided by 17 walks from Simpson, scored six ruts ia ths test two frames to sew up the hell game Phil Goiman's Aggieland Phar macy boys outaeored the Agron omy teds by a IS to 10 score After finally quelHtg a sixth inning rally that netted the Farmers four runs, the Pharmacy sent the final throe men down in order Scoring was evenly distributed on both tennis In looking ever the Aggie feot- baU team far 1N0 K is seea that the squad will he an athlete stand ing SS7 fast inches tall and weighing in.4^ pounds This would mako a saAn that evwn i unbalanced Mr. ■Bier ahd his tank corps would -to* toll and i from” just aa some of the cadet opponents will probably do this | fall Plory defeated Whall and Gomes, heol to heel on the foot- replacing Valte. and Farrow and ball field, starting at one goal lina, .SSKAMILY K rarmer defeated Holmes and the Mth man would have his back Cterke. A complete up-to-date beneath the goal post at the far srhadule ia potted oa the bulletin end Cut dawn into horse flesh of the Y M.CX, and there you would have a six horse team is wise a list of players’ add res iy* m a friend of km who wus catching fish on ths old highway Sunday it seems a small lake overflowed so that the fiah were right in the road The other item concerns Ms small soa, oa the seme day, m fishing down a drain in the street The catch was only a holt and a piece of wood, however The rain held up the tennis tournament very successfully, and consequently the dead line for the first round in men’s singles and double* has been put up to Thun day. July 4. at I P M A number of the first rouad singles matches have already been played, and players are requested to notice that the second round dead-lms is also Thursday. July 4 Those play tng in the second round are Per nandet vs Beck. Vogel man vs Holmes ot Jackson. Campbol! vs In the swimming pool, Aggie div an an working against does juve nile competition—there an a num ber of youngsters who have grad uated from the jumping stage One eleven-year-old doii^ cioee-to-per fect jack-knives and iwana, de- of draft bone* like thorn widely known brewery steeds. While this giant would be larger than any man who we can think of, he would be older than anyone the Bible re fen to. His age would total l.ltt years Boiling this man down to an average it is seen that he fits ABLK MoiL-Tuea. - July 8 7:30 P. M. 9 dared he worked from a 42-foot the average football player This tower test summer . , . And hert an the particuten concerninr the swimming tournament It will be held Friday night, July 12, at 7 10 P. M The swiming events will be in six divisions, that ia, junior, intermediate, and senior classes for both men and women. Diving will be in two classes, men’s and women's. A few special events an being contemplated, such as the man would stand an even six feet tip the scale* at 191 pound* and b* 21 years old. Ths expected first eleven will be a man 07 feet on* inch tall, weigh mg 2,141 pounds and 235 yean old. Snaking this down to an average it is seen that the aver age fint team man will be just over six foot tall, tip the scales at 196 and be a few months over In one of the be*t played games Taytef, KlrMner vs. Vannoy or Thors an 414 Sport* editors radio commentators, statistical ex perts ind others who receive ill the •porta information Oug ia sent out by the college publmtg department These outlet* are from coart-to- rouat *nd from bnrder-to-border of Uw ammon Lipscomb shut out Jimmi* Davis' Campus Theatr* 4 to 0 Pttchsr Hadley of the Phar macy let the Movie boys down with five hits while Boyd of the Theater was almoet as stingy, giving up Gomes, who is rvptecing Whall} it II, til im! underwater distance contest held 21 years old. laat summer. Entries may be turn- ■ , t c#n ^ M#n fr#n thw firirM I ed in at the swimming pool desk tlut th# #ntlr# „ tn j the latter pert of this w*ek and kg , comparos about the same as all of noit week, and there will he tl * lh# fini a list of event* th*rv for which ’ . contestant* may sign up. Foe Um second consecutive year NBW lomt _ a. »»>-4 — --*»• getetemMaNM'terttegB aiumm* Ms*** Mfceum um ua*f teaesJ * mss mss Slightly off the subject w# hear a Rh<xl# | iUllMl guu (>> || #f# play that the junior* at camp are learn tr hM brok#n th# nat ional inter- mg the hard way on their trip collegiate basketball scoring roc- through Mexico For the first few j - July 4th 7:30 P. M. A Terrell vs. Psrrow. and Kreedorn day*, snyhow, they set up camp, ** Okie I Mverslty faculty com vs Coekrwll or Mayberry Two In dristiea, slept between *how#rt, for seven soneocutiv* year* games have been played thus far broke camp in downpours, and: mttte# is worfkmg out a curricular 1 HIGH VOLTAGE in the men s doubles- Terrell and traveled through just plain ruin. rrxrrrr,™ 1 TEXAS A. & M. STEPS ahead in salendar that will chart college activities until 2,000 A D. GRANT’S Service Station Phone ( oUegr 2 Disxy Dean, one of the most likeable, unusual, disliked, eccen trie, and egotistical of baseball players m history has left the majors, perhaps never to return He was the hero of the St. Louis Cards (for awhile) and the bum of the Chicago Cub* The Cuba paid 1166.000 for his arm but didn’t get many wins out COLLEGE AND AMUSEMENT CLUB SNOOKER and POCKET BILLIARDS GOOD FOOD — REASONABLE PRICES \9% Dinrount on Meal TWketn OPEN ALL NITE for the winners (’ampus Cleaners remained un defeated a* they ran over Agron-1 omy to the tune of 19 to 4. The Cleaners made nine runs in the first inning ind 10 ia the sixth. FIELD OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION The wildlife program at Trxas+is felt that Texas has really step- A A M came to lift officially ped ahead in the rank* of those December 9, 1936 when the Bureau Building, was established at Texas Seaboard scored seven run* in 0 f Biological Survey, the American states doing similar work in the tihe second inning and then protect Wildlife Institute, the Texas Game, ed their lead despite big Hispeno fM,h end Oyster Commission. A. uprisings in the fifth snd seventh AM College, including the Teach innings The final score was 11 to J mg Division, Extension Service, 8 j and the Experiment Button, agreed to establish and support the Tex as Cooperative Wildlife Research Wednesday's Karnes: Lipscomb continued to run rough _ .. .bod .» .. tk., 1 ’"'' •* *• L r: h “," •" *~ 1 r ~*" h TOk '" 4 Charlie riTml mt C®* 1 *** SUtion, Dr Walter P Taylor, senior biologist of the Biological Survey, assumed active charge as leeder of the unit. Those responsible for the or- ganisation of the unit were Presi trounced Hispeno IS to Kane continued his high scoring for the Pharmacy getting thro* runs from e walk, a hit, and a home run Hispano's finely little catcher scored half of his team’s NOTICE! MATCH FOR THE OFFICIAL OPENING DATE OF THE CASEY - BUROESS BUILDING in Nut Wcwfc’a BalUlkw The Aggieland Pharmacy scored six of their seven runs Hi f^e test two inning* to pull one out of the fire from Bryant's Bixsell Halt by n seven to six score Campus Theater broke a five inning ti« with two runs hi the sixth frame and then aet the Fa culty down to win six to four Thursday's games Earl* Hawthorne's Campus Cleaners won their second game of United SUtes, and that a great step forward was taken when the unit was organised, and provision made for a cooperative program of ocnaervation and development of wildlife resources, under the lead of competent and qualified teach Bom* Research Projects The research program is under the immediate supervision of Dr Taylor, and is a regular part of the work of the Agricultural Ex-; fbs'i • TNTsrssd# from dswe Meites wsy let her shed high seeiety dews le eertAWbeepee, , lapel For EATS DRINKS SMOKES It'a dent T 0 Walton, who has taken Sutk>n ^ program is Don't Be Caught Napping! Personal appearance means to much theae daya. Neatly cut hair may make the difference! Our bar ben are ready to rive you exactly the kind of a good of it' Ditty probably packed in *>nough eftra cash customers to pay the chewing gum people thelt in- veeteteetj Ole D(k is Mill popular in the Texas league as ran be seen from the fact that he ia right at the top ia the ballot for the All Htars a personal interest in the work from the beginning. Dean E. J Kyle, School of Agriculture, Di rector A. B Conner, Texas Agri cultural Expenxsent Station, and H H Williamson, Director, Texas Extension Service Previous to the establishment of the unit. Prof** sor D. H Retd, head of the De partment of Poultry Husbandry. School of Agriculture, pioneered the wildlife instruction. of wide compass nett Job you want WelcMM. Short (otime Y ini tom. N \ 4* Um Y.M.C.A. 'BARBER SHOP t % It looks like the softball race here at Uotteg* has settled down to • fight between Lipscomb Pharm ary and Campus Cleaners Marty Karow is playing a little softball this summer Marty will have no Better lurk with the ump* out here than he has witA the “blind Toms" ia the conference, The untps out here make their own rules Mqrty, so you can't even use • rule h+ok There is nut enough heckling of player* around hire this sum mer. iVat is half of the fen Hi softball hare and a little mart af h will create more mteroet, “All-Conference manager’ Handley wan pretty fair Hi the conference hut in tem* this eummer. Maybe the fnaq at Austin gut him di about the 17th and IBth of May. They gave old “Porky" the Um Reeoerrb Paint* the Way The wildlife program at A 4 M is divided into research, educe tkm, and extension, so that the problem* af restoration, conaerva- tion, snd management can be at tacked from all fronts Research must of necessity be basic to any sound wlldltfs program—it mast load the way Only "through well planned and consistently pursued A. d M ranarch can the intricacies af the doubtedly the u Teaching Depart meat The Department of Fish snd Gam* of the School of Agriculture, located in the Animal Industries A. d M in the fall of 19S7, with Dr. Walter P. Taylor as head and Dr. W B Davie as professor and acting head of the department of instruction In the fall of 1998, Dr Kelahaw Bonham was appointed to handle the fisheries work From the beginning, Doan E. J. Kyle of the School of Agriculture has tak en a deep personal mteroet in the fish and game work, and has estab lished national leadership for the Texas institution among tha agri cultural schools of ths snttrv country Well-Bounded Cnrrknlnm The course of study offered nt Cottage is un- CASEY'S In The “Y" Sat • July 6th 7:30 P. M. Jm 4 ■ NOTICE The following Cleaners will be closed Saturday, July 6th instead of July 4th: ! id the Bouth probtemn of wildlife end Its en-j^ Htmtenta may taka such vtrovinMfit be uvuferatood and mymmh jm wiUfUf# wiafiadevnent Midi roMdtea penacrteed for atetattena conaarvvtiM| orotthaUfy (hM >, mammalogy (mammal ), scology (plant-animal ra th# weak at the expense of Ag- tettens), wildlife photography, fish whore Nature ia oat of balance. It gieland Pharmacy Rune by Kelly and Hay cinched tha game in the fifth inning. Farrow of tho Pbar msta and Nothortend af Ms Ctennors both hit for tha circuit lipocomb Pharmacy increased their lead a half gaaao over the Cleaaere as they whipped Agron omy 14 to 1 Kaua amd Dana ted In the fteal life 11 to I. id oaunnrvntion. sys- study af ftehaa. and pond Of ovary 1.M4 rotteg* gradual who marry only It will bo dhmreod. an eompnrad with the goaoral aver age af 164 divoraaa far ovary 1,000 i. LAUTERSTEIN8 CAMPUS CLEj HOUCK tt fra*. l rtrttitti w • CwmII ZUBIK AGGIE f- X