The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 27, 1940, Image 3

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Om aid Mmi Brnia PumoU
to ail prtfeaMKr ba tW fr«i
Udiia to th» ontiT* U»Mad M
Uia loll Thia aatoM Ua (Mt
•4 all aloac that ha woa tha
torkla to tt
tort «« w«
that «ora hr • tomth of pooplf who
boat know tha i ffanmca hatwaaa
• forward paaa and aa and run
Hor* to as* of tha raaaona wt
think Crnit woo a front bojr toot
fafl Ha had aafhaniaro anda ptojr-
to« nast to htoi and haoidoa ptoj
tof hto poaition ho had to ho randy
to mow «p for tho tooxportonood
hoys ptoyinf on hto ontokto.
Loot fall whan too toon wont to
Baa franatoea. Ftomol) hurt hto
onkto tho night tooy warkad ant
to B Paaa PrWtoy night to
•todtom ho woo tho firtt man down
undar too pnnU. Ho nnd Marahnfl
Robfltott bBtll (Ml Muck td>
f«tt>ng that Mg eon tor oat of too
gnaao m John Kimhcough did
In only mm holt fame did wo
think Pnnnoll ioohod hnd, that bo-
tog tho Arknnana fray. Ho wni
front to tho B. M. U.. Tosna, Ktoo
•onto Clam, Oontonnry. aid Tu-
loao fOBMO.
Bmio to now tipping tho
at IS! and looks like a Crook God.
Ho boo a pair of poworful should
ora and anno, and spood to hum
Thfc fall ho wHI hart an oxporione-
od ond on hto oido of too lino, ho
I bo ploying hto toot
ho wiD r*
hna. Undor 1
ho tho
Twilight League Ends
Lipscombs And
Campos Cleaners
Still Undefeated
Wo aottoo that too Dtoa’ Com-
mitto to mortog into Auatin to
•tort tTirootigattog oomo (htogs that
aro taking ptom around tho bard*
or and oa up. Wo haao hoard m-
mon that that toetioa of tho ooon
try to fall of Rodo
Wo otnearaly hop* that Umto to
no Fifth Colwnn stuff to or sround
our owa A k M.
of tho flrot
oanoro and Martom Pugh's Lip-
Tho Clsaosri scorexi throo runs
to tho flrot throo fraasoo, and thou
mud off a last toatdg rally by
too Camput Thao too to win I to 1
Tho fooso fontarad tho tight pitrb-
tog of Bndfwirth for tho Clot
on and lhapaaa fur tho Thoat
Carta Kaaa stogtod and ooorod la
front of Dunn’s ooc<>nd hH to tho
loot of tho soaonth to giou Lipa-
oomb Pharmacy s 1 to I wta over
Bonbonrd Ufa 1 ipooomb spot
tho laaMMM moo a four-run U
to tho flrot, but )>ullr<l up to knot
too count at aix oil to tho fifth
oa Duna'o run.
la a froo hltUng, wild scoring
f*mo too Paeulty finally out
eountod tho H tioll Hall hoys II
to 11
Tho loaboard lids team bias tod
out a II to I rictory ooor Aggio-
load Pharmacy. They wore working
behind Lo Paros fine I hit pitch*
tog and aided by a flock of Phar
macy errors.
Guy Boyd, sptkiaf tho piste I
timos, ltd tho Campus Thoatrt
to a t to t rictory over Agronomy
Scorinf sooon timos to too first
throo frames, they wore ncror
Scoopin’- %mnd
With Margarot
fUlor whoa# length M toaorsoly pro.
partlBanl to too inortia of too writ*
or, and whooo oontonu moot ho
fathered hurriedly fhrs mtoutoo ho*
fore dood-ltoo. This edema nosds
ns farthor totroduotisn it will
sorry all tho littlo odds and ends
of teterast to tha oporto lino, lo
Kimbroaghs Not
Carrying A. & M.
Banner, Says Utay
Joe Utay of Dollaa, chairman of
tho sthlotk cummittoo of tho hoard
of directors of tho Agricultural and
Kachan icol Orttogo of Tana, fo*
candy Isanad tha fdtowtag state-
"Certain letters carry tog
tho ito-
ran h0
at tho
Hob Johaaon, who will ho sportsf
editor of this paper starting to the
fall, dropped us a few linos from
Bullie Yeah, door old Bullis . . .
wo will newer forgot it Hub says
they aro leaving for a 2.H00 mil*
maneuver starting the toth He
says the column will bo shout II
miles long ond will be composed of
tho Const Artillery from Galveston
in addition to the several bronchos
st Bullis and Blton.
Hub says be walked guard the
other night and it mined. He no
doubt received o drenching because
those pathos aro like o trench
coat ... it rams for ton minute*
inside them after it has quit oat-
W« notice "Dookie" Pugh study
tog up on his football ploys this
summer Ppgh will bo tho firtt
string quarterback oomo Beptemb-
ar Ban tola Handley tho othor
night talking to a «mpi* of dumb
iaa. Oa# rould hoar, but tho other
•ouldat talk so they ware having
s groat Uma
Jinx Tuckor and Charlie Steven
•on am having thair troubles Char
lie is pitching far Mount Pleasant
The other day Jinx said be wasn’t
o pitcher and it mad# Steve mad—
tad to fact that ha wanted to
get hold of Jinx. The next day
Stov* pitched against to* Waco
Done and got hit oars pinned down
while allowing U hits. Jinx came
back and said it was the best game
Stove bad over pitched It was
juat another way of taking a crack
at Stove
Wo contended before the poet
••ooon ovar started that Stove
wouldn’t win half of bis conference
gomes This statement brought fire
from Charlie DoWsrs ... firs and
s littlo hot , . . that reminds mo,
Charlie rtill owes mo tho hot Tho
othor pitcher Marty had loot year
was Umaal “Lofty" Bumpers and
ho will ha tha only pitcher ho has
next year One pitcher and Baas
and Stevsnaon is all ho needs
though Bumpers son win 10 of tho
II games
Jim Coirall, tha equipment man
st the sthlotk department, is leav
ing Ike first of Boptombor Wshovo
a idea who ko going to lake
hio plaee, but tho offlotal announce
ment lo not put as yet Jim has
boen around hors for many moons.
Hispano 10
Stogol sack
the winners
Pharmacy trounced
to t Hue kobo* and
•cored twice to load
Agronomy pounced
on pitcher Bullock of the faculty
for 14 hits and anS to S victory.
Black and Krtsdom paced tha
winners with throe runs oach and
Terrell starred for tho looors get
ting two hits and a run to throe
Bitsoll Hall won their first game
at tho txpenae of Hispano by a
count of 14 to I. Schovartaonherg
pulled the remarksM* foot of ocor-
inf four timoo to four trip* to bat.
Tho breaking up of tho Loupot
team has cauoad a now schedule to
bo drawn up by Director Harrison
T^o complete schedule will bo
printed elsewhere to this paper.
League standings art also given,
but duo to unforeoon difficultly,
no hotting loaders will bo kept.
Thooo warm summer days have
mode tho swimming pool tho cantor
of the social whirl. If everyone who
has boon la M far this summer
wort to got to at onoo, they would
hav« to bo stocked—at this writing,
tJM people have Signed tho reg
ister sines school started . . . Con
gratulations to whoever is roe
siblo for tho rope at tho shallow
sad—It sltsoinateo a groat deal of
sou fusion , . Very totorooUng to
watch Coach Adaatoen sad a num
ber of local sub-dobo ploying tog
They keep him pretty busy . . ,
Life-guard Boh Taylor ia thanking
hie slightly more famous namesake
for his now nick-nanM, "G.B" Ho
knows what it moans . . . Details
for the esrimmiag tournament will
be announced soon It should be
very suceeeeful ss • number of
Johnny Tartans and Kquacade
Hloanors bare been spotted
The tennis tournament bos been
going on since Monday, and may
we suggest that, considering the
well-known crowded conditions of
the tennis courts, everyone obeerw
the rule that when there are others
waiting to play, thooo on the courts
limit themoelv* to one set, or not
• than an hoar’s play at oao
time If this nils is ignored, those
waiting may instrt on ita onforoo-
L And hors ia ths schedule for
the firtt round at the tournament
in the men's singles, which must be
played by Saturday. Juno 29. ore
H. V. Kennedy m. W J Bock; F.
N Stubbs ra Las Vogolman, L R.
Holmes et. Curtis Jackson; J. K.
Taylor n. H H. Lata; R H Mc-
Larn ra. F. R Gloadoaning; J. C.
Boudreaux vs. J. R. Clark#, Rex
li a spass f Walton vs. C. J. Farrow; oad Bob
OeekrsU vs. P. 0. Mayberry Those
drawing a bye to tha first round
X. H. Fernandes, Bonn)
pbell, M. 1. Kraomor, T. H
Tsrrslt, A. H. Lynch, J. R. Barf
trand, and A. H Krsadorn.
la the men's doubles, which moot
ho played by Monday, July L ore
Krsadorn aad Fernandes vs. Simp-
sou oad McBride; Taylor and Wyn
ne vs Beck and t; Whall and Vails
vs. Torrsll sad f { Farrow and Krao
mor vs. Holsts* and Clarhs; Glon-
donning and Vannoy vs. Mayberry
and Lynch; Cook roll and Harris vs.
Kennedy and Goaoett; Me Lam and
? vs. Campbell and Levine. A bye
wss drown by Stubbs and Lonoy
In tho mixed double*, which must
also bo played by Monday, July 1,
aro Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Torroll vs.
Hattio Roaanatoin and B C. Og
deaf sit; and Ruth Thubenhaus and
Lao Vogolman vs. Batty Shelton
and Robert Cockrell. Your writer
and Suany Campbell drew a bye.
Tho entire schedule will bo post
ed on the bulletin board of the
Y. M C. A., and contestants ore
urged not to wait until tha last
minute to arrange their matchoo
Team wars recently oant out over
tho SUte by John and Jack Kim
brough, students of the A. A M.
College to tho interest at a candi
date soaking high public office to
Texas. These letters wars isanad
without tho knowledge, coimodt or
approval of tha authorities at the
Collage and wore to strict eoeflirt
with tha policy which boa Invariably
h*-ri maintained by the H'>ard at
Directors of tho A. A M. Collage,
■aid policy haiog to taka no part
whatsoever on oa institution to
anybody’s candidacy for public of
fice That policy remains unchang
ed today. Tha College, oc on tosti-
tntion supported by all tho tax
payers of tho State, can ho neither
for nor against any candidate far
"This statement is mad* without
prejudice for or against any of (
tho gentlemen now running for
public office to Texas."
Harter Shop
O’Conner • Jones
Bryaa. Tnas
Agronomy Courses
Gain Recognition
The four special summer courses
offered in the Department of
Agronomy received national raeog-
nition to tha form of a full page
special announcement recently to
the Journal of the Americas So
ciety of Agronomy published st
Genova. New York.
This journal la the profeaaions 1
publication of agronomists through,
out tho United States, and in addi
tion ia circulated widely among
agronomists to all porta o' tho
world. Such oa announcement,
therefore, is aa outstanding recog
nition at the character of work bo-
tog offered by Tessa A. A M. Col-
lag* to the now plan sponsored by
Tom D. Cherry, Instructor In |
the Department of Agricultural
Economic*, has bean aclected to
work for the Attorney General of
the State of Texas oft his Fact
Finding Committee oa Tranupor
tstioft Rates. Mr Cherry will work
during the summer months only
with headquarters to Austin
the board of directors during the
summer in bringing distinguished
visiting professors to the college to
teach special courses in the fialds
in which they are recognised auth
Correspondence already received
by the Department of Agronomy
froir men interested in studing one
or more of these special courses
has come from the following itales
loom, Missouri, Arkansas, Wyous-
ing, Michigan, Mexico, Louisiana,
West Virginia, and Mississippi It
is believed that tho othor course*
to bo offered during tho second
term of summer school will still
further enlarge this list of inter-
Mtod EtudenU.
0 L
It's vary aimptot just
taka thinga aaay and
waar tha right kind of
summar clothaa. Coma in
and lat ua ihow you tha
“right kind” of cm>l
clothaa you can waar for
any occaakra aH tummar.
Arraw Maak Sport Shirta
Arrow Mt^k Draw Shlrta
\rniw Maak Undarwtar
La Playa
ih Sport Suita
Sheer I’a jamas
(Short Sleeve Knee
Interwove* Maak Sacks
Summer Wash Robes
Ventilated Straw Hata
Ventilated yOlfords
Gantaer Swim Tmaka
Gantnar Swim Suita
for Ladiaa
BUI Spark* M trying to got a
"Uaguo of Naiioo. h* ' dub to-
falhir. Ml* Agfioland Pharmacy
tea* is floundering around with
tho collar lade Doc Llpacomb's
are topping tho leagu*. hut
thoy lucked out oa on# game They l>o«tolana.
boat Seaboard 7 to 4 with the help tH * r *
of Joe Woolket and Harry Royer
Jo# and Harry should go into the
A.A.A. Officitli
Inspect Local Unit
Oa Saturday, Jiao ft. I. W
Duggaa, regional duecter at the
A A A and R. M Ivaaa, national
odmtototrater, werq oa the oampus
Inspoettof tho <><ul divistoa of
the A A A.
Thooo official*, with Georg* A.
Rlaugher, rhairmafi of tho Texas
But# Agricultural Coaearvatto*
Committee, come to tho oampus
directly from Shreveport whore
thoy ottondod tho Nottonal Rio*
ConforoMo oft Juno 10-11. Blaugh-
tor and others from Tomas, os well
as rcprvaeateUvas from Arkansas.
and Caltfornk, mot
Washington officials.
utsH Ull
hit tiaai
Thurs., June 27th
7:30 P. M.
Tom Adams
Air Cooled
Ground Floor of Maaonic
fctdf. * Bryan
Sat, June 29th
7:30 P.M.
W* want to gat them
in parfect order to ra-
calve war nawa, iporting
•vanta and entartain-
Nwtk Get,
Duggan and Even* wore to eon-
rtneo Saturday morning with
official* of the local A.A.A. and
also with coltogo authentic* Tho
visiting official* loft CoUogo Sto
tion Monday for Midland whore
thoy will tab* part in tho National
Rang# Conference, an tnopaction of
tho ranches through tho Big Bend
country from Marfa through Del
Rio to Son Angelo.
Howell ReturnH From
National R.O.A. Meet
Major B. J. m
at tho collage, n
thr national meet!
mm Officers
Oklahoma Cl
WMort than
city, June 1S-M.
fhrs hundred officer*
sent including thooe from *1. over
tha United Butos, Puerto Rico, and
Major Hawaii to a
at the Eighth C#ri>« Arua Coun
rtl. This arm includes Tamm, OH-
mam. Maw MaXtm, Artaaaa, aad
Hast ymr Hto maaMag will ho
a Drag Store — MADELEY DRUG a Life Insurance — SEABOARD LIFE
a General Insurance—JOE VINCENT a Doctor — DR. D. W. ANDRES
M • •• - ’
blind aa the ^*t at them. Rook
Aadtob aad Kan Smith are still try
ing to got * hit .. . thoy have gat-
tea oat ar two, b <t singles don’t
ommt Smith to getting u*. old te
play ball tkeagh Ho ma stlU field,
hat Ids hatting «yo to gaao.
West Side Addition