PANNELL MAY BE OUTSTANDING TACKLE OF NATION IN 1940 Om aid Mmi Brnia PumoU to ail prtfeaMKr ba tW fr«i Udiia to th» ontiT* U»Mad M Uia loll Thia aatoM Ua (Mt •4 all aloac that ha woa tha torkla to tt tort «« w« that «ora hr • tomth of pooplf who boat know tha i ffanmca hatwaaa • forward paaa and aa and run Hor* to as* of tha raaaona wt think Crnit woo a front bojr toot fafl Ha had aafhaniaro anda ptojr- to« nast to htoi and haoidoa ptoj tof hto poaition ho had to ho randy to mow «p for tho tooxportonood hoys ptoyinf on hto ontokto. Loot fall whan too toon wont to Baa franatoea. Ftomol) hurt hto onkto tho night tooy warkad ant to B Paaa PrWtoy night to •todtom ho woo tho firtt man down undar too pnnU. Ho nnd Marahnfl Robfltott bBtll (Ml Muck td> f«tt>ng that Mg eon tor oat of too gnaao m John Kimhcough did In only mm holt fame did wo think Pnnnoll ioohod hnd, that bo- tog tho Arknnana fray. Ho wni front to tho B. M. U.. Tosna, Ktoo •onto Clam, Oontonnry. aid Tu- loao fOBMO. Bmio to now tipping tho at IS! and looks like a Crook God. Ho boo a pair of poworful should ora and anno, and spood to hum Thfc fall ho wHI hart an oxporione- od ond on hto oido of too lino, ho I bo ploying hto toot ho wiD r* hna. Undor 1 ho tho Twilight League Ends Week Lipscombs And Campos Cleaners Still Undefeated Wo aottoo that too Dtoa’ Com- mitto to mortog into Auatin to •tort tTirootigattog oomo (htogs that aro taking ptom around tho bard* or and oa up. Wo haao hoard m- mon that that toetioa of tho ooon try to fall of Rodo Wo otnearaly hop* that Umto to no Fifth Colwnn stuff to or sround our owa A k M. HUB JOHNSON DROPS US A LINE FROM R. 0. T. C. CAMP AT BULLIS of tho flrot oanoro and Martom Pugh's Lip- Tho Clsaosri scorexi throo runs to tho flrot throo fraasoo, and thou mud off a last toatdg rally by too Camput Thao too to win I to 1 Tho fooso fontarad tho tight pitrb- tog of Bndfwirth for tho Clot on and lhapaaa fur tho Thoat Carta Kaaa stogtod and ooorod la front of Dunn’s ooc<>nd hH to tho loot of tho soaonth to giou Lipa- oomb Pharmacy s 1 to I wta over Bonbonrd Ufa 1 ipooomb spot tho laaMMM moo a four-run U to tho flrot, but )>ullrard at Directors of tho A. A M. Collage, ■aid policy haiog to taka no part whatsoever on oa institution to anybody’s candidacy for public of fice That policy remains unchang ed today. Tha College, oc on tosti- tntion supported by all tho tax payers of tho State, can ho neither for nor against any candidate far office "This statement is mad* without prejudice for or against any of ( tho gentlemen now running for public office to Texas." Harter Shop LA SALLE HOTEL O’Conner • Jones Bryaa. Tnas Agronomy Courses Gain Recognition The four special summer courses offered in the Department of Agronomy received national raeog- nition to tha form of a full page special announcement recently to the Journal of the Americas So ciety of Agronomy published st Genova. New York. This journal la the profeaaions 1 publication of agronomists through, out tho United States, and in addi tion ia circulated widely among agronomists to all porta o' tho world. Such oa announcement, therefore, is aa outstanding recog nition at the character of work bo- tog offered by Tessa A. A M. Col- lag* to the now plan sponsored by CHERRY WILL WORK FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Tom D. Cherry, Instructor In | the Department of Agricultural Economic*, has bean aclected to work for the Attorney General of the State of Texas oft his Fact Finding Committee oa Tranupor tstioft Rates. Mr Cherry will work during the summer months only with headquarters to Austin the board of directors during the summer in bringing distinguished visiting professors to the college to teach special courses in the fialds in which they are recognised auth orities Correspondence already received by the Department of Agronomy froir men interested in studing one or more of these special courses has come from the following itales loom, Missouri, Arkansas, Wyous- ing, Michigan, Mexico, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Mississippi It is believed that tho othor course* to bo offered during tho second term of summer school will still further enlarge this list of inter- Mtod EtudenU. HOW TO BEAT THE HEAT! 0 L It's vary aimptot just taka thinga aaay and waar tha right kind of summar clothaa. Coma in and lat ua ihow you tha “right kind” of cm>l clothaa you can waar for any occaakra aH tummar. Arraw Maak Sport Shirta Arrow Mt^k Draw Shlrta \rniw Maak Undarwtar La Playa ih Sport Suita Shear lire** Weight Slack* Sheer I’a jamas (Short Sleeve Knee length) Interwove* Maak Sacks Summer Wash Robes Ventilated Straw Hata Ventilated yOlfords Gantaer Swim Tmaka Gantnar Swim Suita for Ladiaa WeVXj-/ CXOCMERS Bryaa BUI Spark* M trying to got a "Uaguo of Naiioo. h* ' dub to- falhir. Ml* Agfioland Pharmacy tea* is floundering around with tho collar lade Doc Llpacomb's are topping tho leagu*. hut thoy lucked out oa on# game They l>o«tolana. boat Seaboard 7 to 4 with the help tH * r * of Joe Woolket and Harry Royer Jo# and Harry should go into the A.A.A. Officitli Inspect Local Unit Oa Saturday, Jiao ft. I. W Duggaa, regional duecter at the A A A and R. M Ivaaa, national odmtototrater, werq oa the oampus Inspoettof tho <>