Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1940)
1 I/O T 1. : l .. - -1 Official Notices Al httnn Offhfl hrmcfct t* TW Offtoa kf J |k Umt m-« U ■ An It prwm »! Om f»r»i CH* m^tinc » Md 1 at T Jt «■ room IB THX BATTALION V OF «l TV » TV 9mm Mm Ml SERVICE IS ONE MAIN DIVISIONS la twoaty fW* la 1»1» by IV Thirty fawrth T« o# tV •aa of IV DNi*t" SEE FOR YOURSELF.. You can fo ovar your car with a mafnifyinf f la** whan wa gat through aanridng it — and aaa for youraalf if It doaan't satisfy a vary standard Wa Call Far And ftattaar. GRANT’S Service Station Highway « knt MKiMtor «.f tV 1S40 ■umm.r Msion will ha pahlMVd noxt work ad all whwtVn la TV km aar Battalion will roeotro a fra* ory with tV aost moor a# tV SLHMBt SCHOOL L TV ragnlar raka al gaatlo- Btaaly conduct aa pahhahid ia Cal- lag* Rofulation* will V phaaroid hy all atadaata. Partkalar am •haoia la alacad aa thoa* par* ao-ftfth ad tV araa ad Taiaa, at S& imhi.OSO acraa, b covarad with aoma ktad ad far aat growth WVt b usually tanaad aa tV foraata ad Baal Taaaa aa<i aba tV faroata ad baaar rt^mmcrcial ralaa la Cootral sad Waat Texas ara all hnmload b tV ^ .tr atioa ad tV tV state. 8* far, awjar attention | at la b sa* ad tV ch ad tV Texas Far- MV 4 drinking intoxicating L looms will V kept in s aaat and ardarly condition. Fre- guent iasfaetteas ad dowlteriaa will V mad# by s repreaantative (ram the Coauaaadaat's Office. 1 Al sladsM wttl V sttawad lights not in excsss of 71 watts par pstaaa. Cookiag ia tV daraii- tery b strictly agalaot tV roga- Istioas aad psrssas wV riolaU this rogalstioa nmy V rogalrod to amts oat of tho daradtery. TV aa* af obatrbal appiiaaro* atVr than s fan or radio b not pormli- iod. 4 Students n*t roeidiag b the dormitory are rautioned to oonoult the Bui lot in Board |a tV Rotunda >t tV Aeadaaiie Building daily They will V hold responsible for proper observance ad all orders and instructions posted tVreon Fail ure to consult this Bulletin Board will not be accepted as an txruse for non-com pi lanes with such or ders or Instructions b TV Battalion carries im portant announcement* and all high tieoabaa Guadalupe M* New Mextao, ft Southern Bock ir brake* aad, at la tV Davis aad >te> tarns south «d •casts typical ad tV Mountain araa. IV r ' ■ • ! P CeAsA. Count— (Cantinas4 From Fag* !) By aMte IV tea deal |40. are » anlaaa tV applicant Bib te qualify In this eaae V will haw U pay H far tV physical eumi- f t TV kUetmaat far tV summer m a students TVas student, will roaahre h minimum af M and h maximum ad M Vara ia tV air together with 71 Vara af claas work. When a student completes tV course V will recuhr* his stu dent pilot certificates aad S hours college credit TV ground course wttl V taught by Mr. Higgins and Mr. Trnettaar b tV Mechanical Rnginearing Building TV tram tag fwM b located bet west al -UONDAY, JURE 10. 1*40 mg fire aat farast fires Where Maras Vet failed. tV agaat procedure of bw \ students will lx held responsible for propor obeervance of notieos and tmtructioaa appearing m TV Battelipn 1 Regulations governing traf fic and tV operation of motor vehicles on tV < ampua In affect during tV regular ssaaMn will V adhered te during summer school Students whs desire ta hasp a m* tor vehicle during summer school must register it at tV Command ant's Office for that period 7. Student* staying in law, Furyear, BtaselL and Hart Halls will park Uwtr aar* in the parking lot between the Petroleum Bngt neering Building and tV Petroleum Engineering Field Metoi vehicles for this parking area will enter and leave tV Chmpus through tV gravel street entrance adjacent tu tV parking araa. time tV officer* has bean roaortad te. At tV pci operates 71 looiaewt towers and thra* camp*, and ever 1,000 miles af telephone lb*. Six CCC fores try earn pa (at on* Urn* there ware 17) hava constructed over 1,000 miles of forest truck trails and helped greatly ia erecting the above-maationed Improvements Rtgiatration (Continued From Page 1) terms Farther than this, tV an- Short Courses— (Continued from page 1) Course tV annual Farm Sm Administration Conference will be held with 000 persons In attendance from July 1ft to July 20 TV i Firemen’s Short Course will see 000 in attendance and will be held from July 28 until August t. Fol lowing this will V the State Con ferenew of Teachers of Vocational Agriculture, August 7 to HI, with R A. Mamre af Austin, Tex**, acting as chairman Seven hun dred teacVre from o*or the entite state ars expected An Air (’•ondlttenlng Short (ourae will bo Vld Augast ift and 17 under the direc tion of Wayne B lung of tV tire factIKies and oervteeo of tV Mechanical Engineering Depart college are svsilabte te soimner m * nl ■»«l a hundred are sx- students pected to attend TV final course will be tV annual Coaching School to V Vld August II to 14 One i , ■ - j « A . L mi ^ The first ehart eaure* was Vld at A. B M. la Janaary. ItlL It WELCOME was a Farmers* Coarse and aaly It am* attended They ware haaaad | SUMMER ia Unto near tV Agrirultur.l ' ' i * Building. The following year tV SCH(X)L roure# eras again Vld la Jaaaary la Iflt, hawavar, tV mono was If STUDENTS Vld in Jafy aad has been a sam- mer coarse ever store. TV Ex- 1 tonaten Service took chorg* of tV OUR JOB 18 short court# in 1922 and has foa- terwd them atom that time TO KEEP YOU LOOKING A tlftft.OOa eyctetrwa la being coaatrartod ia 8L Leate by Wash- NEAT. mgtoo University 1 * ! * '' ' TV UaivaraMy of Mtoaaoata • will tara ever throe blocks of Ha street* to local police Be that park- lag aad traffic may be batter con trolled COME IN TO SEE US IN THE Dr. A. Ben how DENTIST Y. M. C A, Phone STS Barber Shop Artin Building . Bryan TEXAS A. & I THE AGGIES CHOICE North Gait MEAL TICKETS .50 for $5.00 .00 for $10.00 Regular Meals - 25f A REAL MEAL IS A REAL TREAT "TV summer session enroll ment," Dean Winkler said, "as in the regular session. Is representa tive of tV entire state and tV SUIWlier SeHe*- South" He added that the sum- _ . . _ _ ft TV parkbg lot immediately ^ drew man end women (Continued From Page south of Walton Hall will be used from many otVr major Amen for cars Vtengbg to occupants of colleges and universities Wslten Halt Motor vehicles fur this parking ayes will enter and leave the oampus through the north gate entrance adjacent to tV drug stare. 9 Motor vqhicies will not be 1) In addition to tV regular couraes. four three-week special ,-nurses will be made svaliable ami | will be taught by visiting pro fee i sore, from various colleges aad ; universitMs. wV are outstanding driven on any street on the campus ! aB thorit»e» in tVir otVr than the two that are de ftelds respective signaled in Paragraphs 7 and » of this order G$0. F MOORE. ■ enmaattab Classified F B Morrison, head of tV De partment of Animal Husbandry at Cornell University, will be in charge of the three week animal husbandry course which will be Vld from June 1ft to June W From tV University of Nebraska comes Dr F. D PCeim who will Week of July 2S—TV Case Coun ty Ktde will present a program m tV Assembly Hall for tV bene fit of tV Fit emen attending tV 1 short course Thursday, August 1—The Marim ba Duo. featuring Doris Jean Peterson, Msnmba Virtuoso, two charming young women present s concert at marimba muaic, with selections ranging from classical to popular music. Miss Peterson appeared on tV Kraft Music Hall with Bing Crosby some time ago and received such an enthusiastic ovation sV was brought back for a return engagement two week* later This concert promise* to be TIP A • e tH SHIKFCRAFT AIRMAN 11.00 SPORT to SHIRTS $1.95 SMXrtSiACK $2.95 ENSEMBLES to $7.95 FOR RENT—Room for two; single beds, adjoining baths, just off tV Campus Car ia not rvecss sary, but a convenience Telephone Collage 244. WANTED^ Two passenger* to go to California Call 4-7074 Cal- IMV, IX mwiMM J Airman Sportwear io designed for life, liberty and the pnnait of bappinea^ The abirts give you plenty of freedom for action... the perfeet ittiag, pleated trouser* art tailored to perfection with prong-buckled self belt* In cool, yet full-bodied fabrics, guaranteed to bold their sise. Calling All Summer Student* For EATS DRINKS SMOKES It* S - teach tV course "Fundamental* one of Grass Pasture Improvement" son which includes study of botany, genetics, and pasture problem* This course will V Vld from July 22 to Aagwst 10 Dr R F Chand ler, member of the staff of tV Department of Agronomy at Car- nell University, will teach a course concerning forest soils This is s study ef tV application sf basic soil principles to tV problems af forest soils and will V taught from June 10 te July 10. "Soil CUssi- flration and Mapping' will V la- atructod by E. A. Norton, head of tV soil survey work for tV Soil Conservation Some#, from August It to August tl. Other visiting professor* include W, R Carmichael, principal af Bryan Junior High Bchool, L B Freeman, assistant principal af AasUn Boater Htgk School. C K Hays, member of Denver Otrupa- Ml Adjastawat Bereto#; C. ft. laden, assistant praftoaac ef Michigan Bute Calleiw, who will exchange with J. W. Barger as professor ef Agvtraltaral Econom tea; K T. Bahblns, Superintendent ef Taylor Fabitr Vboole, E E Bartlett, ax Aggie of tV class of Frank A. Thornton, College af tV CKy of New York, who will exchange with Dr F B Clark aa profeeoor af Economic*; end Samuel L tsdrigasa. University of Puerto Rico, who will exchange with Dr G. W priMeastamn as prof*soar of Agricultural Eeonom tea. As in tV past, summer field trips aad tours will V made in civil and patrolman engineering, architecture, geology, and agricul tural economies. of tV highlights of tV sea TV week of August ft feature* tV Wells' Dramatic Company in one of their unexcelled production* TV company conaists of two cou ples who Vve played together for many years Still more entertainment is is store for tV summer session A series of dances are to be held in the Banquet Room of Shins Hall and are to be called "Juke Box Promt" There ia an inex haustible supply of recordings. In cluding all ef RCA's latest re tea*** Also tV Assembly Hall will show movies, and all facillttea of tV Y. M C A win be mads available WINGED WILDCATS IpHag • Bandit Trap... tob It te sasasred H N WE RENT TYPEWRITERS Sec GUY H. DEATON Typewriter Exchange N«Rt Ta Paatoffire Cal Brraa 14U IIO 1 1*00 TUESDAY, JUNE 1:* P. M. II BOTH GET THE BANDITS BUT ONLY ONE GUS THE BLONDE 1 wiCHOuf AL. aid ION StOC to. tebwy tody and U- COSMETICS Wc Carry a Complete Una of Harriet Hubbard Ayer Early American Cody’§ Alao Bath Powderi, C ologne* Sun Tan Oil WE DELIVER BLACK’S PHARMACY Eaal Gala ( all Col. 170 CHEF JOHN'S STEAK HOUSE Steaks and Fried Chicken Are Our Specialty. Plate Lunches - 25l - 30? - 35{ Served Aay Time During The Day Highway No. 6 Next to Gnuit’a Service Station THE ACGiELAND PHARMACY . . . . Invites you to use our store for anything we can do for you. SPECIALS FOR SUMMER STUDENTS 40% BETTER PRICES on Emeraon and G. E. Fans from $1.29 to $19.95 12 Ft Extension Cords for 25< 1. E. S. Lamps Complete • $2.89 School Supplies at beat price* USE OUR FREE DEUVERY SERVICE Telephone ( allege 2S4 Soda • Sandwiches • Curb Service The Acraaa from Port Office at Nortk Gala .i 1 i.