Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1940)
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, FEB. 29, 1940 Cunningham Writes of A.&M. In American Legion Magazine A. & M. is again receiving na tion-wide publicity. This time it is through “The American Legion Magazine” in Bill Cunningham’s story “And What A College.” A. & M. is highly praised as the larg est single military unit in the Unit ed States, and as the college that contributed the greatest number of naval as well as army officers dur ing the World War. Concerning the school Cunning ham says, “The men are soldiers. They are a Corps. The college has a president. His name is T. O. Walton, and he’s an able man. But the corps likewise has a command ant. He’s Colonel George F. Moore, C. A. C., U. S. A. He’s likewise not only an acknowledged authority upon the art of military science and tactics, which depart ment he heads, but is a splendid practical soldier.” And not briefly mentioned in the story is the new $23,000 American Legion Hall that houses 84 boys whose fathers are, or were Ameri can Legion members. To cite some of the successful ex-Aggies, the names of A. F. Dickerson, prominent in General •Electric at Schenectady, N. Y., whose recent job was lighting the San Francisco World’s Fair; Mar vin W. Smith, vice-president of Westinghouse at Pittsburgh; L. W. Wallace, Director of Research for the American Engineering Council in Chicago; Charles S. Atwell, vice-president of the Texas Com pany; and Albert Sidney Burleson, who was Postmaster General under Woodrow Wilson, were given. The school spirit and coopera tion at A. & M. was heartily ap proved, and praise was heaped on the Aggie football team, as well as the entire corps that stands and lends moral support in the form of the “twelfth man” during the entire 60 minutes of each game. As a final approval Cunning ham ended with, “Its football team indeed was great, but it was really only catching up with the rich service in peace, the gallant record in war, the potential bulwark if our national honor or safety is def initely challenged in the future that make this one of the distinc tive educational institutions of these entire United States. Yeah Aggie!” Best Show in History Promised By Manager of Southwestern Exposition FORT WORTH. — More than 300,000 stock show visitors in Fort Worth, March 8-17, will witness the best lineup of entertainment features ever offered in the 44- year history of the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, according to secretary-manager John B. Davis. “Outlook for the show is the best I have ever seen,” Davis said in revealing that an effort was be ing made to assemble an entertain ment program that will outrival amusement attractions in former years. There will be a “new deal” in the way of wholesome, informal en tertainment in the amusement building, formerly known as The Roundup. Also, new specialty acts are being lined up for the world championship rodeo and horse show for two daily performances. There will be “bad actors” among the outlaw horses, but not the least of the actors will be 100 Brahma calves, which will take the place of the customary Angus calves for the cowboys’ calf roping event this year. Verne Elliott, rodeo manager, has just returned from the Gulf Coast country where he selected the roping calves. March 1st has been set as a deadline for receiving entries in the first statewide sheep-shearing con test, a feature even of the rodeo. Sponsored by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, Fort Worth business men are undertaking a series of five goodwill trips throughout Texas to round up vis itors for the stock show. The first trip Thursday and Friday will be a two-day tour sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce with plans to salute 18 Southwest Tex as towns on the itinerary. Texas towns continued to line up their delegations for organiz ed visits to the show, planning to bring home-town talent for the All-Southwestern Roundup. f J Make the Sacrifice And Run For 7 Campaign Begins AUSTIN.—Now that the timeffolks something new with his slo gan, “Pass the biscuits, pappy.” But I saw a sign on a cafe the other day that would rival that for a campaign cry: “Thick steaks and thin pan cakes.” is at hand when patriots are an nouncing for public office, those Siamese twins, “point with pride” and “view with alarm” will get another thorough working out comments Boyce House, well known newspaper man. His observations continue: Innumerable manifestos will be gin: “Yielding to the earnest so licitude of hundreds of friends”— (probably the only one urging the race in some cases is a brother-in- law who has been contributing to his support)—“I have reluctantly decided to make the sacrifice and run for ” Everybody will come out in fa vor of “efficiency and economy.” Why doesn’t someone—just to be different—come out for “ineffi ciency and extravagance”? That’s what it usually works out at, any how. Of course, every candidate was A.&M. May Take Part In California Rodeo To Be Held in April A. & M. may again take part in an intercollegiate rodeo to be held at Victorville, California on Satur day, April 13, with the contestants limited to colleges and universities of the West, and Southwest, R. M. Denhardt of the Agricultural Eco nomics Department has announc ed. This college rodeo was started last year and was highly success ful. Teams consisting of two riders and two ropers from each school born on a farm or, if not, he keeps will compete for a perpetual trophy quiet on the subject. They also awarded by the city of Victorville, came of “poor but honest parents.”] The trophy was won by the Uni- I never could understand the logic of the expression, “poor but hon est”; why not, “poor and honest”? Nearly every candidate will modestly admit he is a “self-made man.” I never hear the expression but what I think about the bald headed fellow who made that claim and a small boy asked, “Then, mis ter, why didn’t you give yourself a little more hair?” Of course, the candidate is “clean as a hound’s tooth” and “as straight as a string.” Most of them will proclaim a platform committing them to the “abolition of needless departments, bureaus and commissions” and think they have hit upon an idea as new as Columbus’ discovery of North America. After being elect ed, many of those same candidates will try to get kinfolks a job in those “needless departments, bu reaus and commissions.” Each announcement will pledge the aspirant to “conduct a clean campaign, free of mud-slinging and personalities.” However, down near the close there will be the promise to “let the chips fall where they may.” One thing about W. Lee O’- Daniel’s campaign in 1938, he gave versity of California last year. The cup is awarded to the team that builds up the most points in the rodeo. The events consist of bronc riding, bareback riding, bull rid ing, calf roping, single steer rop ing and team roping. Contestants from eleven western colleges participated in the event last year, and more are expected this year. Contestants participat ing last year were from Texas A. & M., U. C. L. A., U. S. C., Uni versity of Washington, Arizona State, California Polytechnic and the University of Nevada. Scholarships At Tennessee Offered Dean E. J. Kyle of the School of Agriculture has announced that the University of Tennessee is of fering scholarships in agricultural economics and rural sociology for the session of 1940-41. Students interested should read the announcement on the bulletin board of the Agricultural Building and should consult with J. Wheeler Barger, head of the Department of Agricultural Economics, and Daniel Russell, head of the Depart ment of Rural Sociology. Bucking Horse Talent Is Uncertain Quality, Declares Verne Elliot FORT WORTH.—You never can tell for sure when a chicken is going to cross the road or when an outlaw bronc is going to buck for his rodeo fans. That is a gentle moan from Verne Elliott, rodeo impressario and manager of the world cham pionship rodeo which will be held in Fort Worth, March 8-17. For many year,s Elliott has been searching for “talent” among buck ing horses. He found Midnight, the king of all buckers, and Mid night’s successor, Five Minutes to Midnight. Now Elliott has young outlaws in his string of more than 100 horses. They look promising, but without warning, one of them is likely to quit cold when he gets out of the chute. “Just remember,” Elliott said, “that bucking horses have a high mark to shoot at, because Five Minutes to Midnight has only been ridden 111 times in more than 700 times out of chutes. That is a high substitute average in any body’s league.” St angel Retires As President of Nat’l Block-Bridle Club W. L. “Runt” Stangel, ex-Aggie, ’15, head of the department of animal husbandry at Texas Tech, is the retiring president of the Na tional Block and Bridle Club, a student organization composed of animal husbandry student organi zations in the leading agricultural institutions of the United States. Current secretary-treasurer of the national organization is Maynard G. Snell, ’21, professor of animal husbandry at Louisiana State Uni versity. Stangel has headed the animal husbandry department at Tech since 1925, resigning as a member of the A. & M. faculty to accept that post. He is chairman of the Tech Athletic Council. In his pro fession he is one of the best known livestock men in the Southwest and since 1937 has served as super intendent of the Aberdeen-Angus Division of the Fort Worth Fat Stock Show. Students of Future To Get Diplomas By Listening to Radio? It won’t be so long, maybe, till the day when you can get your diploma while lying in bed by turn ing the radio on. Northwestern University has announced that part credit in the undergraduate course in Modern Life and Letters will be given students for listen ing to CBS’ “Of Men and Books,” broadcasts by Professor John T. Frederick of the University Medill School of Journalism. This is a first step, and a cau tious one. In order to receive credit, students must listen to the broadcast in Columbia’s Chicago studios, and must stay in the studio for two hours, while Pro fessor Frederick lectures after go ing on the air. In addition, out side reading is required, and a final exam will be taken after conclu sion of the program series in May. The broadcasts will be an ex tension of Professor Frederick’s regular college course in Modern Life and Letters. Founder and editor of the famous middle-west ern literary magazine, Midland, until it stopped publication a few years ago, Professor Frederick is recognized as an authority on reg ional literature. A friend of many of the most important literary fig ures of our time, he is frequently assisted on his broadcast by the novelists and poets whose books he reviews. / Not pulling any punches, and staying friends with his authors is a trick that few besides Prof. Frederick have mastered. Ludvik Ribak of Detroit was granted a divorce when he testi fied that his wife fed him soup made of soap, rubber bands and eggshells, and had hung this sign in his garage: “Garage for rent and Man for Sale.” Harvard University has received a donation of 57,000 orchid speci mens and $68,000 to care for them. J’! 6 WORLD'; LARGEST SUN-DIAL JS ON THE CAMPUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANILA (PHILIPPINES). IT IS 65 FEET WIDE AND 40 FT. HIGH/ Albert and Thomas Palnaerlee, TWIN ALGEBRA INSTRUCTORS AT THE UNIV.0F KANSAS .CONFUSE STUDENTS WITH DUPLICATE FACES AS WELL AS ' • • DUPLICATE PROBLEMS ' ' • Megro BUTLERS OF THE U.0E ALABAMA FRATERNITIES HAVE A FRATERNITY OF THEIR OWN -THE SIGMA KING/ Ex-Aggie Pledges Support To Help Aggie Hitch-Hikers A. T. Patrick, ’83, Once Sentenced To Die. Succumbs to Natural Causes 277 Hospitals And Clinics Aided By NYA During 1939 Completion of construction of, addition to, and repair and improve ment of 277 hospitals and medical buildings and production of 4,308,- 111 articles of hospital supplies were among the contributions of the National Youth Administration work program to better health dur ing the last fiscal year, N.Y.A. Administrator Aubrey Williams announced today. Youth employed on N.Y.A. work projects also contributed to public safety through such activities as construction and repair of 372.5 miles of curbs, gutters and guard rails, construction and repair of 508 airways markers, and construc tion or improvement of 524,946 square yards of parking areas and overlooks. Health services have been en larged in a number of hospitals by the assignment of N.Y.A. youth to assist regular staff members in various types of work. Projects -f- Albert T. Patrick, 74, who was once sentenced to death for the murder of William Marsh Rice, Texas multimillionaire, died late ly in Tulsa, Okla. Patrick, who was graduated from A. & M. with a degree in mechanical enginering in 1883 and received a law degree from the University of Texas in 1886, was pardoned by Governor John A. Dix of New York in 1912, six years after Governor Charles Evans Hughes had commuted his sentence. After leaving Sing Sing, Patrick worked his way back to a position of prominence. Although he always maintained his innocence, Patrick, then a New York City attorney, was con victed of persuading Rice’s valet to chloroform him. In pardoning the prisoner, Governor Dix said he believed Rice, 82 years old, died of natural causes after eating nine bananas. The prosecution contend ed that what Patrick claimed was Rice’s will was a forged document. It would have left the estate to the lawyer to administer under a deed of trust. Patrick prepared his own defense and argued his case. After leaving prison, Patrick of this kind have provided service? went to Tulsa to direct the oil interests of his brother-in-law, the which while needed could not hav? been made available within the normal budgets of the sponsors. The work program of the Nation al Youth Administration provides part-time employment on useful projects undertaken in cooperation with public agencies for needy out- of-school youth between the ages of 18 and 24. Projects are designed not only to enlarge community services but to enable young men and women to acquire basic work experience and sound habits of work which will fit them for private employ ment. Fish Class Clears $415 Profit on Ball The Fish Ball, held January 13, was a success, at least from a fi nancial standpoint, according to freshman class president Frank Young, who has announced that a profit of $415 was cleared on the affair. A meeting was held re cently to determine what was to be done with the money, but no definite agreement was reached. Another meeting will be held at a future date to decide the dis posal of the funds. Corrections Announced For Holik School Fund Report Corrections and additions have been announced for the list of con tributors to the Holik School Site Fund published in a late issue of The Battalion. They are as fol lows: Lieutenant-Colonel O. E. Beez- ley contributed $50, and Rev. James Carlin $10. R. H. Ballerstedt, owner of the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, gave $10, l STUDENTS LIKE OUR SERVICE Careful attention to details, prompt service and fair prices—these have won us many campus friends. CAMPUS CLEANERS Above Exchange Store In New “Y” — late John T. Millikin, St. Louis chemical manufacturer. Later he engaged in independent oil opera tions, and in 1938, moved to We- tumka, Okla. Charged with assault and bat tery, a Wilson, N. C., man told the sheriff: “I’m ready to sign those paper.” “What papers?” asked the sheriff. “I mean those papers that say I’m sorry I did it,” re plied the prisoner. Farm News Network Is New Field For Ag- College Grads Go Ag and bag a radio job. This seems to be the moral for college students in the current for mation by the Columbia Broad casting System of a farm news network under the direction of Charley Stookey, editor of the Country Journal, heard over CBS Saturdays at noon, EST. So far all the members of the network are graduates of agricultural col leges. The job’s a nice one, too. The reporters just keep an ear to the ground and a hand to the typewrit er, telling Charley at St. Louis how the crops he in their parts of the country. Charley passed the word along to CBS listeners. This isn’t the only contact Stookey has had with Aggies. He’s offering five dollar prices to farm ers for the best ideas on how to pick up extra money, and so far most of the prizes have been tak en by students now in college. Which ought to show the older generation who complain that col lege students not only can’t make money, but can’t make it last. Brazos County Planned Crippled Children’s Aid For the past three years Brazos County has helped an outstanding cause by sponsoring an annual drive to raise funds for the sup port and help of crippled children. Recently the 1940 campaign was organized by the appointment of the following to this committee: Mrs. J. L. Brock, Dr. T. E. Dodd Mrs. Hayden Duke, Mrs. Harold Dreyfuss, Coulter Hoppiss, Dr. R. B. Grant, Mrs. W. E. Neeley, Mrs. Lee J. Rountree, Dan Russel, Dr. R. M. Searcy, W. Clin Sanders, W. D. Wilkerson, Judge A. S. Ware, and D. L. Wilson. Officers of the society are: Dr. K. W. Fox, chairman; W. W. Scott, vice-chairman; Dr. Allen Goldsmith, secretary; Miss Jane Singletary, treasurer; John Rosser, publicity; Miss Nina Bess Astin, personal solicitation chairman; Miss Francis James, Easter lily sale chairman; and Mrs. Byron Win stead, chairman of school solicita tion. The main feature of the drive will he an Easter seal sale which will begin several weeks before Easter and take the form of a mail campaign. Miss James will conduct a sale of paper Easter lilies on the College campus to permit the students to contribute their share. It’s a “Hello Day” at Morning- side College. Students there are more informal, they call it “Hi- yah Day.” By A. J. Robinson A. & M. is always proud of the Aggies who stand up to fight for the rights of the khaki uniform. And a reward for such a move by ten students was given Monday in an offer from Hal H. Collins, pres ident of the Crazy Water Crystals Company, during the Crazy Water Crystals radio program. A short time ago, Collins had warned the public against giving rides to strangers—regardless of whether the hitch-hikers wore uniforms. In response to this warning, a letter signed by ten A. & M. students—W. L. Bryce, I. C. Baucom, A. J. Knippa, E. J. Schawe, C. J. Jones, R. P. Barnhill, J. C. Creager, E. C. Ellis, J. L. Heard, and Marion Wilkerson—was sent to Hal Collins. The writers explained in the letter that al though they enjoyed listening reg ularly to the Crazy Crystals pro gram, they had been disappointed by Mr. Collin’s sentiments. In his answer on Monday’s radio program, Collins stated that thirty years ago he bad been an Aggie, had lived in Austin Hall in B Company, Infantry, and knew the transportation hardships of an Aggie—a problem which then some times involved the riding of freight trains. But he made his warning, Collins said, in the hope that he might, by doing so, someday save a life. However, as a solution to the problem, Collins advocated the forming of an organization which would protect motorists and pro vide ways for making college stu dents easily recognized as students. He also suggested that various col lege student bodies send represent atives to a meeting place to ef fect such an organization. As his contribution, Collins offered to fur nish room and board in Mineral Wells, Texas, for twelve students during a meeting of this nature. Collins said, in answer to the let ter sent him, that he would co operate to the limit in working for the cause. Flowers . . . Order them in person or by telephone. Either way she will get a beautiful corsage and you’ll pay a moderate price. Wyatt’s Flower Shop Commerce Bldg. Bryan 93 AFTFR THE BALL OVER! We swing- right into the spirit of the dance season by furnishing you and your dates with dinner and supper party menus that are a thrill to every palate. Our service is excellent and if you like to be with . . . smart company, you’ll find it here at its gayest. COFFEE SHOP COLLEGE COURTS I < V i j * X 4 * ;i i ? i % r