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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1940)
THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, JAN. 20, 1940 PAGE 2 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings: and is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office. Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone t-6444. 1939 Member 1940 Associated GoUe&sate Press BILL MURRAY _ LARRY WEHRLE _ fames Grits E. C. (Jeep) Oates S_ G. Howard 1, ‘Hub" Johnson Philip Golman John J. Moseley EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ADVERTISING MANAGER Associate Editor Sports Editor Circulation Manager Intramural Editor Staff Photographer Staff Artist SATURDAY STAI'F James Critz Acting Managing Editor Don Burk Asst. Advertising Manager W. C. Carter Editorial Assistant Junior Editors A. J. Robinson Billy Clarkson Cecil De Vilbiss Senior Sports Assistants Jimmie Cokinos - Jimmy James Junior Advertising Solicitors J. M. Sedberry G. M. Woodman Reportorial Staff Lee Rogers, E. M. Rosenthal, W. A. Moore, Glenn Mattox, Les- lie Newman, M. L. Howard. Thirteen Days Thirteen more days and students will be faced with “stark reality”—final examinations for the first term which begin Friday, February 2, and last through the following Thursday. The practice put into operation last year where by the top 25 per cent of each class with an A or B average will be exempt from final examination in that course still holds true this year. But it is not this type of student who should be worrying at this time. It is those students who are straddl ing the fence, those with which the difference of one or two points means continuing his studies here or planting his feet under mother’s table once more. On December 1 of this term a larger percent age of students were passing less than ten hours of work than ever before in the history of the school. There are arguments why such a condi tion might exist, but the one object today for those students who do care is to pitch in and work for a grade which will show to their instructor that they have gained a knowledge of their course during the year and receive a grade that will pass them, not the reason why they are flunking. There remains practically two weeks yet, and no time should be lost in getting down to get those deficient subjects. Some instructors might give their analysis on “how to study for a final ex amination” as, undoubtedly, will many fellow stu dents. But the matter is still left up to the student and the energy and work he expends in doing the job in his own manner will no doubt be the stepping stone either up or down the ladder. It’s time now to start preparing for what’s coming ahead. Economy of Scarcity “The economy of scarcity,” says Dean Carl F. Wittke of Oberlin College, “represents glaring fail ures in our whole system of production and dis tribution and, in my opinion, these failures out weigh all the success in science and technology of which we boast.” And what is an “economy of scarcity?” The -term is rather new and not widely understood yet. Broadly speaking it means creating an artificial scarcity to keep prices up. This is the belief that ihigh or well sustained prices make prosperity. So they do apparently, for some people. But the benefit of the many seems to demand making and distributing goods and services as cheaply and plentifully as possible, depending on many small profits rather than a few large ones. This process is obviously good for the mass of consumers. The idea has been spreading, in recent years, that it is also good for the business man. < > 1' K N FORUM You probably read in The Battalion the story concerning the amnesia victim, whose mind a blank as to his identity, home and past, that was identified when his classmates rallied to his aid. This story was read by people throughout the state and below is what one reader thought of the episode. The irony of it all is that the writer is a University of Texas graduate. But he expresses the true state of being that is connected with A. & M. and what it stands for. “If a man is ever in trouble, the best asset he can have seems to be a schooling in Texas A. & M. A demonstration of Aggies rallying to the side of a former schoolmate took place the other night in the chief of police’s office in Beaumont, when the Aggies swarmed over the place for hours, attempting to identify an amnesia victim known to have attended the college at one time. (They final ly did it, too.) “Even so, it wasn’t a full show of strength, as only those were called who attended the school about the time the amnesia victim must have. “There wasn’t an answer of, ‘So sorry I’m awfully busy as the Aggies SOS went out over town. The answer was always, ‘Be right down.’ The chief was on the phone but a few minutes before the lads started pouring in. And they were sincerely eager to help and anxious over the condition of the other Aggie. “I believe it can be said without great fear of contradiction that no college in the state—and maybe in the nation—has a spirit that lives as long after graduation as A. & M.’s.” —Jimmie Cokinos, ’40. Medical Victory While civilization latterly seems to be ailing in many ways especially in economics and interna tional relations, it is making remarkable progress in the medical arts. This is true alike of surgery, drugs and the courses of living prescribed for pat ients. Some of the most spectacular developments, lately have been in the nature of what laymen are inclined to call “miracle drugs.” The best known recent contributions of this sort, perhaps, are sulfanilamide and sulfapynidine, used for various ailments for which there have been no satisfactory remedies. The latest wonder-worker is a chemical bear ing the terrific name of “hydroxyethylapocupreine” and obviously impossible for a layman to spell or pronounce. It’s chief use so far has been for pneu monia, and in Pittsburgh hospital where exten sive tests have been made it is credited with re ducing the mortality of such cases by one-half. Such gains as these promise to increase the average span of life considerably beyond its present length. What remains is to make the life itself more worth living. That\ is a job outside the medical field, falling particularly upon statesmen, economists, educators, and pacifists. Parade of Opinion Keeping pace with the ever-increasing move ments of the Democratic Donkey and the Republi can Elephant, college and university students are gradually taking a more active part in party polit ical activities. As evidenced by the early organiza tional activities on many campuses, 1940 promises to be a banner year for student participation in a national election. So far as can be determined at the present time, the winter book ranking of the political horses seems to be: Dewey is the favorite, with McNutt (carrying democratic colors) picked to run second. Hardly a third of the collegians favor a third term for F. D. R., so he seems to be ruled out as a starter at post time. However, all collegians feel that it is a bit too early to start picking candidates now—they feel that too much can happen between now and convention time to upset many a candidate’s chance They’re organizing, yes, but along party lines. Now let’s turn to a cross-section of undergrad uate opinion on current political developments as expressed by student editorial writers: Concerning Thomas Edmund Dewey (Michigan ’23), the University of Kansas Daily Kansan says: “This is the day of ear-consciousness and a radio- dominated public. To compete with a swing band, a politician has to be pleasingly vocal. Dewey may or may not write his own speeches, but he can deliver them in a manner to warm a ghost-writer’s heart. He threatens the Rooseveltian supremacy as America’s Number One political bedtime story teller.” But, says the Dartmouth College Daily Dart mouth, “the present campaign will be fought out on some very specific and important problems, the most important of which is America’s policy during a European war, and not the least important of which is what to do with twelve million unem ployed. The public is pretty well aware of these problems, and so Handsome Tom Dewey will have to be presented to America as something more than a racket-buster if he is to be treated with any more seriousness than the polite amusement with which most people greet him now.” John Nance Garner’s announcement of his willingness to accept the nomination from the dem ocrats drew this comment from the Universitiy of Iowa Daily Iowan: “There will be many who will hesitate before accepting him. It will be remem bered that he is an old line southern democrat, a traditional ‘party man’ candidate. He is an expert politician, but his qualities as a statesman have not had an adequate test. The feeling still remains that he lacks youth, the statesmanship and the foresight necessary for the presidency at the most critical time in the history of the U. S.” Warning the G. O. P. not to disregard the social advancements made under the New Deal, the University of Michigan Daily says: “It is not so much our leanings toward any one party that causes us to express our opposition to such measures as the Republicans are now supporting; what disturbs us more is the callous destruction of reforms which have been established and accepted, and which we believe America needs.” As the World Turns... By AL B. NELSON Japanese admit that 70,000 of their soldiers have been killed in their unofficial war with China. If they admit that number the total must be much larger. They have met with few successes and a number of defeats in the last few months. King Gustaf, the 81 year old King of Sweden, still plays tennis and actively leads his nation. At the present he is concentrating on building up the army and in sending aid to Finland. Recent reports indi cate that a total of about twenty thou sand volunteers from all nations have reached Finland. Several companies of these are from the United States. The U. S. has established a lega tion in Australia for the first time. The new Minister is Clarence E. Gauss, who has been stationed at Shanghai recently and has learned the Japanese problem thoroughly, and is directly responsible for much of the war and misery in the world today. A Texan, Admiral Richardson, has just taken command of the United States fleet and will com mand it in the midst of its great expansion program. Wm. E. Borah, isolationist leader in the U. S. Senate for the last thirty odd years is at the point of death as this is written. Senator Borah is one of the smartest and most capable of the men in Congress but his very ability and isolationist lead ership kept the U. S. out of the League of Nations and is directly responsible for much of the war and misery in the world today. Nelson Off the Record 'No, no-that's not the way to bust rocks—here, hold my gun, • J’H show you how to do iH" by Dob Nisbel Perhaps the lowest trick pulled during the current cold spell was some low-life digging into the store-room of a theater and drag ging one of last summer’s signs reading “Twenty degrees colder inside” to the front of the show. Speaking of the cold spell, it ought to make us feel all right about traveling “down Mexico way” with Gene Autrey at the Queen Sunday and Monday in “SOUTH OF THE BORDER.” Gene and his pal, Smiley Burnette are in Mexico this time as Federal agents on government business. However, as a sideline, they break up a revolution. You know Mexi co is always a good ground for at least one revolution. This show itself is not much, but it did serve to introduce a very popular swing tune, that was not written by Gene Autrey as many believe, but by two song writers from London, England, who wrote the song about Mexico looking at the Thames river. The song writers were Jim my Kennedy and Michael Carr. Saturday night at the Assembly Hall in “THE SUN NEVER SETS”, the English again enter in, but this time the whole story is about life in the English army at an outpost in dark Africa. The cast contains enough outstanding characters to make the show ap pear very attractive. John Randolph Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Clive Randolph....Basil Rathbone Phyllis Ransome....Virginia Field Helen Randolph....Barbara O’Neil Hugh Zurof.... Lionel Atwill Sir John Randolph C. Aubrey Smith As the story begins, Basil Rath- bone, who has served as district commissioner on the African coast for two years, arrives home to hear his younger brother, Doug Fair banks, rebelling against the family tradition of entering the service. C. Aubrey Smith, as his grandfath er, persuades him to enter in or der that he and Basil can return to Africa to quell a plot to overthrow the great United Kingdom. This upsets his plans to marry Phyllis, but he reluctantly leaves for Africa and proves himself a hero, thus upholding the family tradition and at the same time finding himself enjoying the service. Rating — a strong two grade-points. WHATS SHOWING AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Saturday 12:45 — “OUR LEADING CITIZEN,” with Bob Burns and Susan Hay ward. Saturday 6:30 and 8:30— “THE SUN NEVER SETS,” with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Basil Rathbone, and C. Au brey Smith. AT THE PALACE Beginning Sunday—“GER- ONIMO,” with Preston Fos ter and Andy Devine . AT THE QUEEN Sunday and Monday— ‘SOUTH OF THE BORDER,’ with Gene Autrey and Smiley Burnette. ECENT |U| ECORD I 1 ELEASES It is difficult to conceive of a popular tune more completely suited to the personable song styl ist, Bea Wain, than the new Cole Porter selection, WHEN LOVE BECKONED. This song from the “DuBarry Was a Lady” score has already achieved a considerable measure of fame and seems bound for top place among current hits. In this recording, Miss Wain de serts her usual vocadance style for a vivacious ballad type of pre sentation. The orchestra presents a brilliant background and adds greatly to this Grade-A vocal disc. BLUE RAIN, a Johnny Mercer- Jimmy Van Heusen composition, is in medium tempo voca-dance style. Like its companion piece, it is one of today’s more promising tunes and easily doubles the worth of this record. BACKWASH in George Fuermann “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence."—Webster. While College Station freezes . . . Authentic reports from Holly wood indicate that John Kimbrough will be offered a hard-to-refuse movie contract when he graduates in ’41. The re- ports indicate that John will im mediately be giv en starring roles in a series of six westerns . . . And here’s one turned in to the column which the writer will let you decide upon. It seems that a certain Chinese wom an, anxious to enter the United States, swam the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass. Soon after arriving she gave birth to a baby who might, without much stretching of the imaginaiton, be considered an American citizen. The youngster was scarcely born, however, before immigration officials hustled moth er and child back to Mexico. Then it happened again—another child, this time born in Mexico, there fore a citizen of that country. The problem being: one twin a citizen of the U. S., the other a citizen of Mexico, and the mother a Chin ese. Two to one you don’t get it right the first time: Psychologists and educators throughout the country have ex hibited an unusual interest in the following test, which gives a per son a chance to test the sharpness of his vision. Scrutinize the fol lowing sentence and state how many F’s, either large or small, it contains: “The Famous Valspar finish is the result of scientific study com bined with the experience of years.” Out of twenty people of intelli gence, not more than two will get it right the first time, and a large proportion will not find more than three after being told that there are more. Testing a few members of the corps, it was found that the Cosmopolitan Club’s president, Mike Rodriquez, only found three F’s on first reading; Duron Kerby found three, and John Collier found two. Vernon Woolridge was high man having located four; a freshman, Leslie Peden, found on ly two; “Rip” Collins and Morris Hooton both found three. This isn’t a fool stunt, but it’s interesting as showing how little we see of what we look at. How did you make out on the test? Most people find only three F’s. There are, however, five F’s. AH WOMEN Tess Charlton Special to The Battalion from The Lass-0 of T. S. C. W. Freshmen returned to T. S. C. W. rather nonplussed after the great time they had at the Fish Ball. “I met John Kimbrough,” said one thrilled freshman in the post of fice Monday. We hear that Bonny Bess Nummy had a date for the dance Friday night with the boy who invited her down to Aggie- land, but she spent most of her time with Fish Phelps. Was a time when Aggies didn’t put up with that sort of thing . . . Pinky Win slow, freshman from Illinois, couldn’t get over all the fellows yelling at the girls from the win dows of the dorms. She said she wondered if she were popular or if the Aggies yelled at all girls! . . Gloria Wynne came back to school minus an Aggie but pretty happy about the whole thing neverthe less. Six Lowry freshmen have form ed a new club, the Alpha Alpha Alpha (Anti-Aggie-Association), based on the principal that all Ag gies fall into two groups: (1) the wolves, and (2) those with cogs in their brains, therefore, Aggies are to be shunned and given up as bad jobs. And of course, Helen Joyce Schott only went to the Fish Ball as a secret agent of the A. A. A. to pile up evidence against the long-suffering cadets. Anti-Aggie Association members say they are holding out for fraternity men with pipes in their mouths. Members say that membership in their or ganization will soon be increasing. That’s to be seen! Nan Vineyard says Harvard and Yale unknowns have more glamour than unknown A. & M. boys, so she’s stopped writing to her box number down there. Now ain’t that heartbreakin’ ! Missing from the T. S. C. W. campus last weekend—a pair of auburn-haired monkies. Secret agent X5z reports they were seen running rampant over the Aggie- land premies. Did they answer to the names, Imogene and Kath ryn ? That’s our part of the menagerie, boys! But speaking of menageries, we hear part of your barks. Martha Teas reports that while she was eating in the mess hall a Fish came up to her and said, “Bow! wow!” We wonder if George “Buck” Bentinck has digested his recent stack of fan-mail. The Brack Jun iors sponsoring this drive are hop ing that this will help overcome his “I hate women” complex. STUDENT WELFARE COMMITTEE MEETS The regular meeting of the Stu dent Welfare Committee was held Thursday night in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall will Dean Bol ton presiding. Talks were given by Bruce Davis and Keith Dahl, concerning their recent trip to the National Student Federation convention in Minneapolis. Subjects presented were joint student-faculty curric ulum change committees, student finances, the honor system, and student activity fees. Ideas and information obtained at the con vention are to be the subject for discussion . of the next two meet ings of the committee. Massachusetts State College has the only two-year hotel stewarding course in the country. NEW MONEY The Car You Are Now Driving Can Be Used For A Loan. EASY ONE-STOP TRANSACTION Titus-McCullough, Inc. Phone 1310 215 S. Main Bryan CAMPUS FAVORITES Glover Pajamas A Large Selection of Arrow Shirts and Ties A Wide Selection of Trenchcoats THE EXCHANGE STORE “AN AGGIE INSTITUTION” ( « 4 * 4 » 4 * * 4 4 <• !S *