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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1939)
Sports Galore In Store For Aggies At New Orleans E-CCJeep' OATES BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR Aggies Are Guests Of Pretty Sonja Henie Who Is Sweetheart Of Champion Team Last Saturday evening the Ag gie football team, champions of the nation, went to Houston as honor guests of Sonja Henie whom the Aggies have selected as sweet heart of the team. They gave the beautiful blonde skating star a “T” blanket and a silver football. Sonja, with a smile as big as Texas on her face, shook hands with every member of the party, and just before she went back to her dressing room Odel Herman said, “Aren’t you going to kiss the captain?” Sonja turned and asked, “Who is the captain?” Herman meekly replied, “I am,” whereupon Sonja planted a big smack on the side of his face. Herman has sworn that he will not wash his face until after Christmas. For that matter I have seen none of the bunch washing their hands since that long to be remembered night! It was one of the most beautiful shows that this writer has ever witnessed. How that bunch can skate! And if Miss Henie and about half of her girls are looking for someone to get in double har ness with, the Aggie football team is waiting. Five Aggies Are Selected All-Conference By Almost Every Guy Who Makes A Pick John Kimbrough, Marshall Rob- nett, Herb Smith, Joe Boyd and James Thomason have been picked on nearly every All-Conference team that has come out. Ernie Pannell has popped up and made a few of the teams that are pick ed on the basis of ability instead of pre-season choice. And so they fired Jimmy Kitts. It must be hell on a man to be flattered one night and then fired the next morning, and all by the same bunch of men. It was pretty well known that he would be let out after such a deplorable season. Kitts made his error by not beating them to the draw and resigning when the as sistant coach did. That is the life of a football coach, however. There are seven men in the Southwest who are sitting on TNT and it is liable to go off at any minute. This Writer Wishes Every Aggie Best Of Cheer During The Holiday Period This is the last issue of this paper until after the holidays and this writer wishes to take this means of wishing every student and his friends a MERRY CHRIST MAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope you will all be able to follow the Aggies to New Orleans. But wherever you are on the fijrst day of the new year, be giving the old Aggies all the support you can. “Hitler,” says an overseas dis patch, “was beside himself.” We can only say that a fellow is known by the company he keeps. After all, there are but two de pendable ways to get a person to do somethings he’d rather not do: Pay him, or scare him. WISHING ALL OF YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BRYAN MOTOR CO Official Route A. & M. BAND SPECIAL TRAIN to NEW ORLEANS from College Station, Dec. 30 SUGAR BOWL CLASSIC NEW YEAR’S DAY Homer Norton’s MIGHTY “AGGIES” vs. TULANE “GREEN WAVE’ ONLY $7.15 Coach Round Trip from COLLEGE STATION Special Train Schedule Going— Lv. College Station 8:30 PM, Dec. 30 Ar. New Orleans 7:45 AM, Dec. 31 Returning— Lv. New Orleans 1:30 AM, Jan. 2 Ar. College Station 11:30 AM, Jan. 2 COACHES and LUNCH CAR Buy Tickets Now! Southern Pacific Phone No. 9 T. H. Black, Agent Champs—And Bowl Bound! Bottom row, left to right: Herb Smith, Marland Jeffrey, Ed Robn ett, Walemon Price, Marion Pugh, Frank Wood, William Henderson, and Joe Rothe. Second row: Harris Browder, Finis White, Charles Henke, Marshall Robnett, Tommie Vaughn, Euel Wesson, James Thomason, John Kimbrough, Henry Force. Third row: William Conatser, Derace Moser, Odel Herman, William Miller, Hugh Boyd, Bill Buchanan, James Sterling, James Williams, John Reeves. Fourth row: Marshall Spivey, William Duncan, John Abbott, Zolus Motley, Bill Blessing, Leon Rahn, Harold Cowley, William Dawson. Fifth row: Howard Shelton, Joe White, Jack Kimbrough, Chip Routt, Carl Geer, Chester Heimann, Joe Boyd, Gus Bates. Sixth row (center): Roy Bucek, Henry Hauser, George Williams. Top row: Backfield coach, Marty Karow; line coach. Bill James; assistant coach, H. R. McQuillan; head coach, Homer Norton; assistant coach, Lilburn Dimmitt; assistant coach. Manning Smith; and assistant coach Harry Faulkner. AGGIE P0L0ISTS LOSE TO LAMESA The Aggies lost their second game to the Lamesa Polo Club Sunday by the score of 9 to 4. Outstanding members of the win ning aggregation were Gus White and Eri Barrom, each of whom scored three goals while Carl Ma loney and Sid McDonald of the Aggies were scoring two each. Last Friday this same team de feated the Cadets by a score of 5 to 3 on Jackson Field. Lamesa has one of the strongest teams in this section of the coun try. All of their players are vet erans of many polo wars. INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS By HUB JOHNSON Time to apply the brakes for a short time. The Class B swim ming meet is now on record, and what a meet it was! Four hundred and fifty boys in the various events. That’s the largest ever held. The preliminar ies even ran over into Sunday. This boy Taylor made the best of his entries. Each boy was al lowed to enter three events so he proceeded to enter his quota and set his team in fourth place with his three first place wins. B Cav alry owes five of its extra points to him. In the breast stroke, Eddie Hedges and Tommy Reiner showed the onlookers a bit of form as well as speed. And so it went; C Field Artillery fish carried off 2nd place to stay in the lead for the season stand ing. They took the cross-country meet earlier this year. You can sure tell Christmas is nearing around the Intramural Of fice these days as everyone seems to have a smile on his face and is ready for the rest. Spike is headed to the wide open plains, Amarillo; “Mr. Penny” will stick around the school a while; “Mr. Dewey” will find it a relief not to have to travel the 27 miles from Navasota every morning be fore eight; “Col. Andy” no doubt will take a few more deer trips. And speaking of deer trips, the colonel’s eleven year old son, Rusty, downed an eight point buck Sun day. Here’s saying he’ll probably get a new rifle for the day. Well, the year has grown old and needs a shave, so I will take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope I see you in New Orleans. BATTALIONA- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1939 PAGE 3 Texas Junior College Conference Chooses An All-Conference Eleven Shortly after the close of the 1939 football season, the “Moun taineer”, Schreiner Institute stu dent newspaper, sent out invita tions to all coaches in the Texas Junior College Conference to name their choices for an All-Conference team. Five Texas junior college coaches answered the call, and the composite results of the coaches’ nominations are listed below: (The Texas Junior College Con ference now comprises all junior college athletics in Texas, follow ing a merger last year of the Cen tral Texas Conference with the old T.J.C.C. This year in football, Kil gore won the state title by defeat ing the Schreiner Mountaineers 13-0. Schreiner, although nominally runner-up, was dropped to third place because Paris Junior College had played one more game than Schreiner, and all standings were computed on a percentage basis.) FIRST TEAM Leonard Dickey, Kilgore James O’dell, Lon Morris Hays, John Tarleton C. Jungmichel, Kilgore O. McKee, Paris Loyce Baillio, Kilgore Harold King, Schreiner Charley Smith, Schreiner Clyde Stone, Paris Wallace Driskill, Schreiner Dell Taylor, Kilgore Position end tackle guard center guard tackle end QB HB HB FB F FIELD ART. FRESHMEN WIN CLASS B SWIM Taylor Of B Cavalry Is Standout Individual The swimming fish of F Field Artillery carried off the Class B Swimming meet Sunday evening by setting up 25 points to their nearest competitors’ 20. The preliminaries Saturday eve ning attracted some 450 entries with 150 boys swimming in the 100 ft. free style. This was a big job for the officials and some of the prelims were postponed un til the next day. The artillery team claimed both the relay and the medley relay to mark up 20 points and then car ried off two individual places in the races. Robert Taylor of B Cavalry was the individual star of the meet. He alone captured fourth place for his troop by winning three first places and setting a total of 15 points. Winners of the various events are as follows: 400 ft. relay—F. FA; C. FA, time 1:10. 100 ft. breast-stroke—Hedges, B CWS; Reiner, 2 CT FA, time 20.4. 100 ft. back stroke—Taylor, B Cav; Baird, F FA, time 18.4. 100 ft. free style—Taylor, B Cav; McBride, C FA, time 16. Diving—Hedges, B CWS; Higby, B Eng. 100 yd. free style—Taylor, B Cav; Rogers, C CWS, time 1 min ute. Medley relay—F FA; B CWS; C FA; 1 Hq FA; Hq Cav. Track, Tennis, Basketball, Water Events Featured Program Gets Under Way December 27; Aggie- Tulane Game Is Climax NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 18.—An nouncements by President Herbert Benson of two water events com pletes the annual Sugar Bowl pro gram of sports festivities which will be climaxed oh New Year’s Day with a gridiron classic bring ing together the undefeated, untied Aggies of Texas A.&M. and the undefeated Greenies of Tulane Uni versity. Although the gridiron battle, for which 70,000 tickets have been sold, will be the big event of the entire affair, the Sugar Bowl pro gram first gets under way on De cember 27 with a basketball game. In this the Wildcats of the Uni versity of Kentucky, Southeastern Conference champions, will be pitted against Ohio State, cham pions of the Big Ten. From then until the whistle on New Year’s Day it will be one sports event after another. On December 28, the annual invita tional tennis tournament starts and runs four days through De cember 31. On the 29th a box ing tournament, bringing together amateurs from Philadelphia vs. New Orleans Simon Pures, will be staged. On December 31 the big event is the track meet. For this such outstanding stars as Glenn Cun ningham, Archie San Romani, Don Lash of Indiana, Walter Mehal of Wisconsin, Tom Dechard, Indiana, Blaine and Wayne Rideout of North Texas State, Charlie Beeth- em of Ohio and Louis Zaperinio of Southern California have en tered. The two water events announced by President Benson are rowing and yachting. The rowing race will be held on December 30 and will bring together Rollins College vs. the Orleans Rowing Club. ATTENTION R.V.’S Drop by to see us and place your order for your Uniform—Delivery after holidays. 0=s=]G][=]El[==0 Wishing All Of You The Greetings Of The Season UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP MENDL & HORNAK North Gate A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR To Each Of You MANY THANKS FOR ALL FAVORS BULLOCK AND AKIN Bryan GOING HOME? SEND THAT LUGGAGE by fast RAILWAY EXPRESS! Just phone the Rail way Express agent when your trunk or bags are packed and off they will speed, direct to your home; in all cities and prin- cipal towns. You can send "collect” too, same as your laundry goes. Use this complete, low-cost service both coming and going, and enjoy your train trip full of the proper Holiday spirit. When you phone, by the way, be sure to tell our agent when to call. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Phone 9 College Station, Texas Railway Express NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE