The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1939, Image 1

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VOL. 88
. j
The Weather
Fair and ( ool
nt Semi-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College CIRCULATION'
i •
■■ ■ ■■
NO. 63
Festivities I
King Cotton
mdidates 'Sweat’ Before Yell Practice
Models, Dancers,
Musicians and Court
Featured at Pageant
Friday night A. A M * Agrono
my Society will yr«?»ent the eighth
annual Cotton Pageant, Style Show
and Ball, with Governor W. Led
O’Daniel on hand tc place die crown
on the head of the king of the
The fWatiritie* will get under
way at 8 p. m. with the coronation
of Beal Hargrove of Troy, and
Ruth Gordon of Bryan, aa king and
queen of the ahew. Immediately
following the coronation the queen'a
court will be preeented, the court
consists of 100 gh*ls aa duchesaet
and maids of honp.
The style show will be the pro*
sentation of Ft)ley Brothers of
Houston. A grout! of profession*!
mannequins will model the exclu
sive creations of 1939. press for
formal and informal occasions as
well as for recreation will be fea
tured during the show. A wedding
party, whose members will wear
all cotton d re sees, Will climax the
style show. ~ j -3 * ,
As a special feature the festi
vities for this year will include «
floor show by the Pennington
Dance School of Houston. The pro
gram will include the Savage Sere
nade, a group number combining
savage rhythm with modem sophis
ticated rhythm. Other numbers will
feature Maxine Manor in a routino
aa modem aa tonesrr*w, a smooth
graceful number entitled The
Walts, a modernistic “shim-shim'
Sue Webb in a Hula, dance, and d
Jitterbug jamboree.
In order to have time for the
pageant, the time for the ball hat
been set at 10 o'clock, and
* last until 2. Tommy Littlejohn
the Aggteland Orchestra will tuti
nigh music for the entire occasion.
Admission to the ball will be $1.60.
Children’s tickets to the pageant
will be 2&C while adults will be
charged 60k. Reserve seats may bo
obtained for 76k.
Contestants in Monday's election ere shown above jest preceding talks made by the candidate*.
Two Most Outstanding Saddle
iorses of College Sold Saturday
V. K. Sugareff. having been
named by Dr. Charles Grove Haines
to represent the American Political
Science Association, will attend the
ceremonies to be bold at the San
Jacinto Memorial and in Houston
on Thutetoy and Friday as a
gional delegate of the Association.
R. W. Steen, alao »f the history de
partment, baa been invited to at
tend aa an authority on Texas
History. •
The ceremonies will both inaugu
rate and dedicate the activities of
the San Jadnto Mo arum of History
in the varied field of historical re-
search. Ail the state historical as-
■oqiationa will be represented and
many national and international
societies will amid delegates. The
Houston Post has estimated that
a crowd of 20,000 will witness the
The programs indudes * speech
by Eugene T. Barker of the Univer
sity of Tegas, “Three Type* of
Historical Interpretation", and a
speech by Governor O'Daniel, "Thu
History Museum as an Agent of!
International Friendship". Dr
Barker will speak or. Thursday and
the governor will speak on Friday.
Two of the moat outstanding sad-f
1 le horses of the college stables,
liberty's Fox and Hellin Texas,
' fere sold by the Animal Huaban*
1 ry department laat Saturday
morning in One of the biggest
l sited horse sales of the year
1 ccording 1 to an announcement
1 isde yesterday by Q. W. Williams,
1 e*d of the department
Liberty's Fox, a ten month old
ilt by JUberty Loan, sold for
11,060 to Campbell Sewall, Houv
tin, who baa purchased two bn>
t aers a*d sisters of the colt in the
I set Liberty's Fox. though only *
c >lt was selected as the Champiot
addle Stallion in his class during
he reosnt Fort Worth Fat Stock
ihow, the only show of merit at
1 rhicb he has appeared. Sewall is
< ne of the most outstanding ex-
ibitors of saddle horses In bp
<ni thw«st and is the owner of
V’illiam the Conquer, the ouU
1 tending fine harness and show
I one of the past two yean.
Ht llin Tcxhs, mother of Liberty’s
ox, w*s the other show animal
Id ; btiig j purchased for $1,100
R. W. Mormon, owner of Anar
ho Ranch of Spofford, Texa*.
ellin Texm, the most outsUnd-
brood mare that the college
ever owned was purchased by
orriaon aa a mate to Edna Mae’s
ing, the renown stallion which
purchased by the Anacaho
for $40,000 in order to main-
it’s record aa the most widely
wn saddle horse breeding ea-
ishment in the United States
is 17 yean old.
Plaisted Begins
Water Safety Course
R. C. Plaisted .member of the
national Rad Cross staff, arrived
at college Monday afternoon to
begin his annual classes in aquatk
The course, known aa the Water
Safety Instruction Course, began
Monday night and coatiaues each
night through next Friday. The
f l^FI • *
Nine chril engineering students
left Monday morning to attend the
Spring Meeting of the American
Society of Civil Engineers. The
meeting will be held in Chatta
nooga, Teaneeaee. Wednesday thru
The students making the trip
are B. B. Cloud, J. D. Hancock, A.
E. Koch, W. W. Potter, W. H.
Oswalt, A. P. Rollins, D. H. Rose,
E. J. Wentworth snd J. R. West
Rainey Guest of
A. & M. Professors
Wednesday Night !
New University of Texas
Head Will Address Profs
During Annual Banquet
Dr. Homer vP. Rainey, newly
elected president of the University
of Tega*t will be the guc.-t of honor
and principal speaker at the Second
annual banquet of the A. A M.
chapter of the American Associa
tion of University Professors to be
held in .Sbisa Hall Wednesday ev
I'n ii.h nt Walton and other ad
ministrative officers of the college,
and a large number of the mem
bers of the staff, will join with the
Association in honoring Dr. Ram. y.
and in welcoming him back to Tex
as. Tie Science Seminar and the
Social Science c-minar, which have
held a joint lunqu-t with the As-
Fsociation in the past, will join them
again this year in honoring Dr.
(Continued on Page 4)
D. B. Varner, Infantry junior,
and W. B. Buster, ala^ an Infantry
Junior, were selected Friday aa
the winners of the Danforth
scholarship given each year by
Purina Mills.
The scholarship, giten by Will
iam H. Danforth, president of
Purina Mills, will entitle the two
cadets to a month’s ptady In St.
Louis, Mhs., and in Shelby, Mich.
They will leave for |t. Louis on
July 81 where they wil spend two
weeks oa the payroll of the Purina
Mills studfying in all departments
of the mill aa well as an the Purina
Experiment farm at Gfrey Summit,
Miss., where all feeds ’used by the
company are tested.
On August 12 they will Idavc
for Shelby, Mich., where they Will
spend two weekk in classwork and
recreation at the Amwxan Youth
Foundation Camp bn |he shore of
Lake Michigan.
Positions in
Runoff Vote
Shields-Haines, Are
Others in Finals
Bodie Pierce, infantry junior,
was elected Chief Yel Leader, and
three publications poaitions will be
decided in a runoff election next
Monday a* results of yesterday's
general election. . '.T jV
James ‘ Hymie" Critx, Field Ar-
ller)i Jenior, and Bill Murray,
instruction begins at 7:30 each The students ere being accotnpan-
night and lasts three hours, which I W by two professors of the civil
makes the course fifteen hours I
Before this year the course has
been principally devoted to life sav
ing, but it now covers all phases
of aquatic work, and for the first
time text books are being used.
According to W. ,L Penberthy,
director of intramural athletics,
between 20 and 26 men will take,
the course which will be the larg
est clam in the four years that
Plaisted has beet conducting the
engineering departmen, J- T.
Me New and J. A. Orr.
If possible, the men making the
trip will atop off on their return
to A. A M. nt Vicksburg, Vn., to
inspect the Federal Experimental
Hydraulic Laboratory located there
Warfare Gets Colors
. .i-f !
* - . •
thr»Mi hundred peeple attended the
annual Hillel Inst Sat
urday night. The dance was held
in the banquet room of Sbiaa Hall
and featured Tommie Littlejohn
and his Aggieland Orchestra. Many
A. A. M. ex-students were in at-
Students Speaking
b High Schools
ill Get Banquet
Wednesday night the annual
given the students wh*
selected to visit their home
high aeLM will be held ia
the mesa hall The annual visit*
introduced in 1933 by Jo*
1 cHaney, the cadet colonel at th*
time, and each year thereafter the
of the boys has been car
on by the cadet colonel and
regimental commanders. Ap*
teiy 300 boy* will make the
Dm speakers for the banquet
h follow*: Dr. Walton; Cot
Ash burn; Dean Bolton; Dr. Russel;
J* Hovel; David Thrift, toast-
ster- These speakers will give
information relative
for the coming year.
Aldrich Elected
Head of Y. M. C. A.
C abinet Here
Earle W. Aldrich, lafantry jun
ior from San Antonio, was elected
President of the senior Y. M. C. A.
Cabinet at the regular meeting at
the cabinet last night.
'•Other elected include
James F. Pouts, Coast Artillery
junior from El Peso, Vice P ■-
dent; Preston Bolton, Field Artil
lery sophomore from College Sta
tion, Secretary; and Tom Richey,
Cavalry sophomore from San An
tonio. Treasurer. .
Band Junior, both managing edi-
t< rs on Thi Battalion, will be in
the runoff for Battalion Editor
in-Chief. Mick Williams, CavfiipJ
yunior. and Jimmy Cokinos, Field
Artillery junior, will be in the run
"ff far Senior Representatives on
:nt SUniont Pub ications Board,
and Earle Shields, Field Artillery
sophomore, and Paul Haines, Qs*-,
airy soph*more, will be hi the
runoff fos Junior Representative.
Total votes in the four
For Battalimi 'MHor-in-CMaf:
Bill Murray 721
James. “Hymie" Crita 491
C. M. Wilkinson 131
L. E. Thompson 101
For Chief Yel! Leader:
Bodie Ptetee 761
Bert Bunta 671
For Senior Representative: i
Jimmy Cokinos KH
Mick Williams 441
Ray TYeadwell 421
hor Junior Representative:
Pmm! RaMw r $2:
Earle Shields
Bob Nisbtt
Gdorge Fuermann
C. F. DpVabias
Monday afternoon a mounted re-4
view of the Corps of Cadets was
held with all classes suspended at
2:60 p. m. to permit all students
to participate in the review in
honor, at the Chemical Warfare
Battalion of the Composite Regi
ment and the Smith-Hughes boys.
The new National and Chemical
Warfare Service Colors were pre
sented to the Chemical Warfare
Battalion at the beginning of the
review when the Battalion marched
Thirteen Gun Salute and All the Trimmings DueaGovemor
to Be Observed When Governor O'Daniel Visits Campus
The Board of Directors of A. A
M. voiced disapproval to the legis
lative proposal to convert the jun
ior colleges at StephenviUt and
Arlington into senior institutions in
s lette* to Senator Albert Stone nt
Brenham. These schools have bo. n
to the reviewing stand aid the Bat under ihe W P enrisk,n the A. A
talion Commander reirr-* *»J * Board of Director, and ad*M-
Colort. This sqpviee, wh|£h
last branch of military training to
Governor W. Lee O’Daniel has
accepted the invitation to visit
A. A M. daring the Cotton Pageant
I Ball this weekend aacording
to an announcement by th* gover-
r during hit weekly radio talk
laat Sunday. The announcemnet has
been confirmed by President Wal
ton who spoke to the governor by
telephone Monday.
According to arrangements, a
13 gun salute will greet the gover
nor ae he enters the east gate. He
will be accompanied by hit family,
and they will be met nt the east
by a cavalry escort, and President
Walton and Cel. George F. Moore.
The party will immediately proceed
to the patade grounds in order to
review the cadet aarpa in mounted
review. It la expected that the re
view will begin around 6 o'clock.
Governor O’Daniel and hia family
were invited to attend the Cotton
Pageant and Ball by the Cotton
Ball Committee. Molly O’Daniel, the
governor's daughter, will be a
duchess in the Cotton Pageant
Alas expected to attend the re
view is the Speaker ef the Texas
House of R*-presentotivea. Emmet
Morse and faaaRy, whose daughter
ia to net ae duchess ef the House
oi iftfirfii*mauve*.
Governor O'Daniel will crown the
King of the Cotton Ball and Pag-
•ant at the ceremonies Friday
The governor nod bin family
will come to A. A M. from the dedi-
| cation of the San Jacinto Memorial
Museum located at the bottom ef
the new 867 foot
The O'Duniels are expected to re-
main at A. A M. over
at which tone they will return to
Austin. ;
be established at A. A If., was or-
gaaised here four year* ago with
only one company and;has since
been enjoyed by eaough students to
make two compaaics T}ir Chemi
cal Warfare SerVM.eatfuwio]
chemical enginers and Chemistry
majors, is composed, only of chemi
cal engineers, and ontalhs moat of
the chemical engidec s on the eam-
P u».
During the re vie' h«' presenta
tion of a medal to e k D of the Ehiels
brothers of Deli a, both electrical
engineers in D Battery, Field Artil
lery, was made. .Present T. 0.
Walton made both pi open tat ions
to the brothers.
R- T. Shieis. Jr., wnalpiunqnted
the United StaU s Field ArtHery
Association medal which is award
ed each year to the -<tudtrt ia the
first advanced field'artflery R-O.
T.c. who best exemptt$ies char
acteristics of the Army. lugsos
F. Shieis was presented ihe medal
for the beet timed fire Aeore In *
three team meet L tw.yn the A.
A M. pistol team. Department of
Public Safety pistol team, end the
Bayon Rifle Cleb of Hauston
i m. Board of Directors and admJbi-
^ stored as a part of the A. A M.
system for many years.
The jBciard declared that there
was no justification for raising the
rank of these institutions at this
time and that because there are
not sufficient funds for the exist
ing senior colleges, there shou I
not be any more senior colleges
established until the present ones
are better financed.
Disagreement between the Sen
ate and the House of R. pr, . n u
tries has caused delay in the pass
age of the bill, and further eon-
American Revolution have given
a $110 lean fund to University of
Akrea students who *.4“ 100 per
April 24.
'-vn postponed until
Annual Texas
A M. profs
a prominent pert in the annual
meeting of th* Texas Academy of
Srience which wa* held to Hous
ton last Friday and Saturday.
Dr. Wlnkjer, head of the
Psychology Departin' nt, *as chair
man of the Saturday meetfa* of
the social sciences section. The
Saturday session was opened a r
Dr. R. Steen ef the A. A M.
history department delivered an ad
dreaa oa the •Industrial Develop
ment of Texas since lyoo."
The meeting wUa 'held hi
L*Mt,«gh School and ended
Saturday night J . I