I VOL. 88 IONE8 . j TION The Weather Fair and ( ool nt Semi-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College CIRCULATION' y COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS/TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL IsT ^ i • ■■ ■ ■■ NO. 63 CRUZ D HURRA RUNOFF; O’Da Festivities I King Cotton Mi mdidates 'Sweat’ Before Yell Practice Models, Dancers, Musicians and Court Featured at Pageant Bj BOB NOUV. Friday night A. A M * Agrono my Society will yr«?»ent the eighth annual Cotton Pageant, Style Show and Ball, with Governor W. Led O’Daniel on hand tc place die crown on the head of the king of the pageant The fWatiritie* will get under way at 8 p. m. with the coronation of Beal Hargrove of Troy, and Ruth Gordon of Bryan, aa king and queen of the ahew. Immediately following the coronation the queen'a court will be preeented, the court consists of 100 gh*ls aa duchesaet and maids of honp. The style show will be the pro* sentation of Ft)ley Brothers of Houston. A grout! of profession*! mannequins will model the exclu sive creations of 1939. press for formal and informal occasions as well as for recreation will be fea tured during the show. A wedding party, whose members will wear all cotton d re sees, Will climax the style show. ~ j -3 * , As a special feature the festi vities for this year will include « floor show by the Pennington Dance School of Houston. The pro gram will include the Savage Sere nade, a group number combining savage rhythm with modem sophis ticated rhythm. Other numbers will feature Maxine Manor in a routino aa modem aa tonesrr*w, a smooth graceful number entitled The Walts, a modernistic “shim-shim' Sue Webb in a Hula, dance, and d Jitterbug jamboree. In order to have time for the pageant, the time for the ball hat been set at 10 o'clock, and * last until 2. Tommy Littlejohn the Aggteland Orchestra will tuti nigh music for the entire occasion. Admission to the ball will be $1.60. Children’s tickets to the pageant will be 2&C while adults will be charged 60k. Reserve seats may bo obtained for 76k. -»—r Contestants in Monday's election ere shown above jest preceding talks made by the candidate*. Two Most Outstanding Saddle iorses of College Sold Saturday SIIGiUtEFF. STEEN ATTEND MEMORIAL ceremonies! V. K. Sugareff. having been named by Dr. Charles Grove Haines to represent the American Political Science Association, will attend the ceremonies to be bold at the San Jacinto Memorial and in Houston on Thutetoy and Friday as a gional delegate of the Association. R. W. Steen, alao »f the history de partment, baa been invited to at tend aa an authority on Texas History. • The ceremonies will both inaugu rate and dedicate the activities of the San Jadnto Mo arum of History in the varied field of historical re- search. Ail the state historical as- ■oqiationa will be represented and many national and international societies will amid delegates. The Houston Post has estimated that a crowd of 20,000 will witness the ceremonies. The programs indudes * speech by Eugene T. Barker of the Univer sity of Tegas, “Three Type* of Historical Interpretation", and a speech by Governor O'Daniel, "Thu History Museum as an Agent of! International Friendship". Dr Barker will speak or. Thursday and the governor will speak on Friday. Two of the moat outstanding sad-f 1 le horses of the college stables, liberty's Fox and Hellin Texas, ' fere sold by the Animal Huaban* 1 ry department laat Saturday morning in One of the biggest l sited horse sales of the year 1 ccording 1 to an announcement 1 isde yesterday by Q. W. Williams, 1 e*d of the department Liberty's Fox, a ten month old ilt by JUberty Loan, sold for 11,060 to Campbell Sewall, Houv tin, who baa purchased two bn> t aers a*d sisters of the colt in the I set Liberty's Fox. though only * c >lt was selected as the Champiot addle Stallion in his class during he reosnt Fort Worth Fat Stock ihow, the only show of merit at 1 rhicb he has appeared. Sewall is < ne of the most outstanding ex- ibitors of saddle horses In bp