Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1939)
I PAGE 4 College Students 56 Per Cent Vote For Communism, 44 for Fascism ConmunUm would be the choice of a majority of Americas college studenta if they had to decide be tween that system and fascism. This trend has been reran] ed by the latest nation-wide poll of the student Opinion Surreys of Ameri- Within the last two decades fas cism and communism hare come into the front ia the news as a re sult of the set-ups in operation in Russia, Germany, and Italy. Dur inf that period of time today’s college youth haa been growing up Because of the directly opposite policies of the two forms of gov- emment, in theory at leant, specu lation as to which is batter has dereloped, especially in halls of learning. Frequently asked is the question, “If yoa had to make a choice, which would you prefer, fascism or communismf" When this hypothetical question was put bafore the nation's college students, representing in the Survey’s cross section erery creed, race, and poli tical affiliation, the results were Common i>m . &6.i% Fascism 43.6% When the same question was ask ed to the entire nation a little more than a year ago by the American Institute of PibHe Opinion, exact ly opposite reealt^ were shown. Then 67 per cent of the voters favored fascism. Therefore, either college students 1 differ with their elders, or recent events in Europe have changed thnr opinio- - A curate comparisons art not possi ble since no nations: collegiate poll had been taken regalnm MftO the organisation of the Surveys last December. Everywhere at least a bare ma jority favored communion, though there were variations, as seen be low: East Central . ’ New England ...... i Par West Middle Atlantic.. West Central South 60.S>" ( .33.6% 574% ...4M% ■61.8% ✓ «hoe/ for men The lii% Swing It To Edgertoru! ... At I5 to |6 we’ve never seen finer sports \ shoes chan Edgertoaa. Fortune Sport Shoes $195 Two Convenient Stores Bryan I College Station ir OF Dance, Maas Hall HaD, SCHED April 1p.m. April inf At the big in that i I, mo giving the of map pkteasa B. 8. Shot*. April 6 6. and 7—Annual High way Shoi$ Course A£ril <, 1, and I—Ross Volum- Hall. April II—Entertainment Series, John Patrick, Guion Hall, 8 p. m. April la 4—Accoanting A Statis tic’s Society Banquet, Mesa Hall. April M—Picture Show, benefit it Series, Assembly Hall, 6:41 p. m [* April 14—Cavalry Ball, Mess Halle# p. itu to I a. m. April IfV-Corpa--Dance, Mess Hall, 9 (i nt. to 11 Ajril 14—Military Department Horse Show, Horae'Show Arena, 1:10 p. ni. April 1.5- Hillei Club Dance, 8:46 p. nu. Maw Hall There (will bo a meeting of the Junior A* V. M. A. Monday night in the lecture room of the Vet erinary Hospital at 7:30 P. M. Dr. I t Ketchersid will speak on ‘The Development of Small Animal Practice in the United StatW." . ORDERS FOB GRADUATION invitatio** will be taken today from 8 to fit, aad tomorrow from 8 to 12, in the rotunda of the Awmm Rsjjdlitg Orders will also be taken April 18, 14, and 14. A deposft of 88 «r 5t % of the total is taquteed. BOB ADAMS' TO fUMOR CLASS WILL meet hi the assembly hall Monday night for the purpose of aomiaat- ing candidates for the positions of Ixinghorn editor-in-chief and aenipr social neoretary for the com ing yean DR. 4r. p. TAYIA)R WIU DB- liver an ilustrated lecture to stu dents of Agronomy 418 and 418 toni K ht at 7 in the lecture room. • j , A LAJH.E M MBER OF SEN- iers have not r.ujorted to the Re-, gistnu-'s Office to receive the final report <tf their graduation require- meuta. Those who have not re ported are requested to com# to the Registrar's Office at their earliest convenience for this in- forma-,c H L. HEATON > Assistant Registrar I. S- DIXON Of! THE TEXAS Company W$|'address the A.L CH. E. student chapter tonight at 7 o’clock in Chemistry lecture room ao. 9. His subject is “Metallurgy and Ite Relation to the Refining ludustiy ” Everyone is invited. THE BATTALION raiDAY, MARCH M,S939 S. Would Take Communism to Mexico for spring days in Monterrey, monlng, arrive ia Monday. See A. E 88rd, Bryan or day student box. T ' Honor Society •4 7 p. m. ia the of the library. nfcht An open meeting of the HUM Club will be held at 7:18 p. m. Monday in the Anbury Room of the Library. Dr. R. P. luMam wfO speak. i • h LOST LOST: Sn,,, campaign hat Please return to C-14 Walton for usual Reward. LOST: A stetaon campaign hat ia balcony of Assembly Hall Sun day. WUl find, r please return to 141 Legem 1 LOST: March 18th on or near the campus, a pair of gold-rimmed giaeeee in a black ease bearing the nam.'. Dr. E- P. Hutrhiat, Mariia, Texas. Finder please notify Mr. Cashion or phone College 242. Re ward. LOST: Between Hart Hall and Kyle Fi< d n itonson Combination Cigarette lighter and case, chro mium and brown enameled engrav ed with initial H. Please return aa there is a sentimental attachment. Return to E-8 Hart for liberal re ward. CHURCHES The Presbyterian church will present Easter music Palm Sun day, Apnl 2, in the T chapel at 11. LUTHERAN SERVICES Lutheran services will be bald in the Y parlor at 7:14 Sunday nhe Holy Communion will bo observed at this time. If you intend to par take, please report ao just before the cervine. Services are held every Sunday at 11 a. m. in the Y Parlor on the second floor of the YJf.CJk. FIRST In*yim.W.„ CHURCH —-r— Andrew, Pastor Sunday School-9:46 a. m. Morning Worship 10:60 a. m. Baptist Training Union 4:80 p. m Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Free busew to the church leave the Y. % C. A. aad Project House Area at 9:20 every Sunday mom ing. The W either League of the Uu theran Church will hold ha meeting Sunday 4 p. at in the Y Chapel. Servkw will be held at 6 p. m. Everyone is invited THE ‘LAS TRES AMERICAS’ Spaafch Club will meet Monday at 7:09 in the Geology Lecture room .] A short play will be giv en in Spanish. ItUKRK WIN. BE AN ABI lene Ai and M. Club mooting in the Y chapel at 7:15 April A Fi nal plans for thb Cotton Ball Du chew *<, be made.' j ATIVB8 OF THB Branch of the Internation al Harvester Company including the Manager, Assistant Manager, Credit; Manager, Sales Promotion and others will m Agricultural Engine ing Sodiety at 7:80 P. M., Tue^as April fh ia the Agricultural Sg- Lecture Boom explaining involved it farm ma- r—; ^ -i—— FOR MOTHER’S DAY 1 Giru • Lasting Reminder of Your ThoaghtfulneHS YOUR PHOTOGRAPH SPECIAL: $150, 8 x 10 Portrait for $1.50 AGGIELAND c Photographs of 10 m FIRST BAPTIST CMt RCH R- I* Brown, pastor; Walter Johnson, Educational Director Sunday S. bool. 9:44 a. m. C. H Bates, Superintendent; Morning Worship, 10:60 o, m. Baptist Training Union, 6:46 p wl, W. T F.rmerv Direotor; Even ing Worship, 7:40 p. m. Wednesday evening, B.T.U. Council, 7; Prayer Umtitg, 740; Choir rehearsal 4:16. < HRIST1AN SCIENCE SERVICE talMal are held every Sunday atna 4 m.inthot.M.C A. par lor upstaiaa. ' j 8T THOMAS CHAPEI Ear. E C. Hauser, Jr, Rector 8:80 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:80 a. as. Coffee Club and Bible Class. i 11 a, rn. Hnly Communion and Sermon by the rector Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 1 EPISCOPAL 11 a, m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the rector. < HI RCH OF CHRIS I R B. Sweat, Minister Sunday Moruingi Bible daseea, orahlp aad eammuuioo, at 10 o'clock. Sunday Evening: The Evening Worth* begins at 7 o’clock. Wednesday Evening: Prayer acting at 7 o'clock. JOHN PA- FAMOUS , TO SING HERE A promising career aa aesiatont purchasing agent for the Grace Line*, International iNlmlMHa Operabirs, was mined by difficul- tiw in Chile in ic.Yj, and, as a Re sult the music world now baa en* of the most promising Bassos of recent years in John H. Patrick, whom an A. ApM. audience will bear on the night of April U He is being brought hem by the Bryan College Station Entertainment Se riw to pwsent a program of loved songs Upon bis graduation from Hamil- ton ( olleg* to New Yerk State, and upon the completion of his gn*iu ate work at ( oraell University and the New York University Gradu- ate School, Patriek went to work for the Grew Interests in New York City and whs finally trans ferred to Soutk America, only to' sae business almost ruined because of piiMtel jhphesvala This gave him Me op;>ortunky to do the one thing be had always wanted to do most profi^sjonaBy,-and that was to sing. Since then his success has been phenomenal. This year alone ao great have been the demands upon his time that Mr. PUtrick bus been forced to utilise every mode of travel a- wtilHbie to cover oner 36,000 miles filling concert, oratorio, aad opera rrir-‘'inr~ n WALTON N WORLD AUSTIN, March 31 - Poultry aad allied industriw In Texas re ceived official recognition la m announcemdnt Just mhi» by Gov. •nicr W. Lee O’DanieJ that he had appointed 12 well-known perms, among th.-m President Walton ef A. 4 M, as honorary vice chair men for the committee which will help arrange the display from this state at the Seventh Worl<f» Foul- try Congress, opening in Cleveland July 28. The recently organised Texas Poultry Federation is sponsoring the display aa Ha first objective and has the endorsement of Gov- ernor 0‘Daniel who is honorary chairman for the Texas committee satiating m arranging the exhibit Honorary rice chairmen chosen by the Governor are: Lieut Gev. Coke R. Stevenson, Attorney Gen eral Gerald ^ Mann. Lon Smith, chairman of the Railroad.fommis •<ion; Commissioner of Agriculture J. E McDonald, Secretary at State Tom L Beauchamp, Speaker of the House R. Emmett Morse, L. J. Sulak. chairman of the Semte ag- nrultuife] committee; BaRey B. Ragsdale, chairman of the House agricultural committee; Dr. T. 0. Walton, president of Texas A. A M. College; Clifford B. Jones, presi dent of Texas Technological Col lege; J. Thomas Davis, dean of the Jeha Ihrieton Agricultural Col lege HI d E. I. Davis, deaa of the North Texas Agricultural College. Sophomore Dairy Cattle Judging Meet To Be Held April If The sophomore dairy estt* judg ing contest will be held Saturday itendag, April II, at the dairy bans. The eeutest ia opeg to all agricnltiire sophomores. Awards will be made by First National Bank of Parker-Aatin Hardware Campaay. McCuUoch-Dansby Hardware Cons, puty. and the Caldwell Jewelry Compaay. These awards wi)lha in the form of medals to be present ed the winner* in the various <h- riaione and the composite winnst at the Kreem aad Kow Klub ■ an nual banquet in May. 0. C. Copeland, Acting Chief oi the Dairy Division of the Agricul tural Experiment Station, and A, L. Darnell, iastnwtor hi the Dahl Husbandry Department, will set ag judges. Participants in the contest will be excused from classes during the * 0® “!*■»" teaching: Exactly I per cent of the .University of Minn- esoto students included in a recent interview said faculty member- hod made no attempt to inflates them in regard to communism, socialism or fieri—i RADIO REPAIRING Parts and Tabes STUDENT CO-OP Pfcomt College 1S| North GglgT PALACE LAST DAY v SAT. “Cowboy and U4y” PREVIEW - II P. Mi gAT. lOtfnt YOUNI 1 IMTB ^IRIUNI) NEW DIXIE SDN. - MON. - TOES. M—i 3= wm——ea—— STOP WITH US, AGGIES Whoa In Haonte ECONO WITH WkM Ii X)NOMY CAFE HKARNE, TEXAS Lowest PTicoo* 1/^1 "• t fl Tba right combmotion for a talisfy- ing show * ERROl FlYNN 4 OUV1A ; d* MAVUIAHD hi DODGE CITY '■ | ) • IROS. picture ceodng 'J to year kxoi Owotra ( Uw Hgte c—hkiuNun for e reedy ^ot smoke h ChesterMd’s o. ■ b. (op rdblendofOieworld’s best ciqo rtt# twketcos. Chesterfield’s Happy Combination’(bicod) of ifyt finett American and Turldth tobaccos tatitfies millions because it giva$ them smoking pleasure they get from no other cigarette. Refreshing mildness, better taste and more pleasing aroma are Chesterfield’s feature j Attractions with smokers everywhere. When yon try them yon will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more m0kinipleaswt.„wkyTHEY SATWY ^ yjjrof the world’s best cigarette tobaccos, thotm MILDBt..THEY TASTE BETTBt