The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1939, Image 4

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    PAGE «
Undar « n«w bill no
throuch the nmtionai H
rMCBtetfvca. rrmdumU. a f A. A M.
r fcETG • chance to —care ap-
pointment in the racnlar Army —
md lieutenant* rather than in
the officer* reserre.
In connideratioa of the tact that
VIr»il. fi
artiCta to A A M. toaicht at 7:15 in the Ae—■My BalL Thonsh Vir-
cS*e performance in filled with laaaha, there are eaaey hair-raMag
d—th-defying —re. A apecial f—tare af the pregram will he
whe will effar her atagtHag
V (Continued from page t)
adentific breeding, ao much BO that
ha doohled the wool production of
hi* flock at aheep and greatly ia-
araaead the milk prodeetion of hia r ** d
eawa. Ha also branded all of his
cattle and males.
Washington likewise turned his
talents to the field of
designing an improved plow and
am king what he called a "barrel
plow," a erode, bat workable, grain
drill for lowing pens and small
As a means of supplying his farm
with .a variety of meaU. Washing
->c h ed i; lb or bvbntb
Kraam A Kow Slab, Assembly Hall
Artillery Ball,
• p. m. ta 1 p. m.
Fob. *7—Ta
E. J. Howell
Fab. 27—Entertainment Series,
Paaquiar Tmo. Guion Hall, 5 p.m.
March 1—Lecture by Dr. Pool
Popenoe under anapicea af T. M.
C A., Guion Hall, 00 p. m.
Applicants for bsccslaoranta —
well — advanced lagrtu ta be
—nferrad in Jana are requested to
fill oat application forms la the
Registrar’s Office now.
K. J. Howell,
were often sold in ton
The Pettier of Oar Country also
of the literature of the
day. He ^aa familiar with Shake
*P*are, Homer, and the other das-
siea. He wga devoutly religious and
dosed bin last official act with
*T r»naldar it an in
duty <o do— thia last
of my official life, by
g the Interests of oar
dearest country to the protaction
of Almighty God. and those who
have the superintendence of them
to His holy keeping.”
It is both fitting and proper that
Tex— A. j 4 M - should join the
rest of the nation in edebrmtion
of the anniversary of the birth of
who was “first in war,
first in gears, and first in the
heart* of hn countrymen."
obligations and disregarded every
moral principle of intaraational re
lations, bringing about many i
declared wars in recant y—ta. the
House af Repressntativ— is coop
erating with the Army in putting
through the hill to provide for an
in army equipmant i
ta sock an extent that
the United States wfll ba in a posi
tion to racist any attack that might
ba made against bar.
To carry out this program, tha
bill provides for an increase in
army personnel af *0,758 men and
officers. The officer increase srfll
be drawn out over a period of sev
eral years to prevent building op
a hump in the proa—tien list. Tha
officers will ba distributed among
tha varies* branch— of the Army
— follows: Finance Department
27, Quartermaster Corps 114, Ord
nance Department 44, Signal Corps
40, Cham teal Warfare Service 18,
Adjutant General’s Department 7,
and Medical Corps 225.
The bill provide* for'tha appoint
ment of a portion of tha— officers
from tha honor graduates of senior
rsssres officers training units.
Men a— chosen from tha— whose
records — to military adaptability
leadership, and scholarship indi
cate their ability — officers.
Architectural Club, Assembly Hall
8:88 p. m.
March 8—Caaat Artillery BalL
Me— HaO, 9 p. ra. til 1 a. m.
March 4—Corps Dance, M
Hall 9 p. m. til 18 midnight.
(Coninued from page 1)
rtage and family life. That be is
highly qualified to speak aa this
subject ia shown by the fact that
be is general director of the I—ti-
tute of Family Relations, and also
lecturer in biology at the Univer
sity of Southern California.
The Institute of Family Rela
tion*, with headquarters in Los
Angeles, ip an organisation which
— on aMsgtific research on
marriage, divorce, venereal di-
M&rsteller Attends
Veterinary Meet
Dr. R P. MarstelVer, dean of
the school of veterinary medic
baa returned from Ft. Worth where
be attended a meeting of the Exee
entire Committee of the State
Veterinary Medical Association of
Tex— held Sunday.
According to Dr. Marsteller, who
ia honorary President of the asso
ciation. the committee
matters of public health and ade
quate protection of the Uv—tock
industries, including poultry, from
inroads of
Any student inter—ted in —
ing employment through the Eco
nomies Department places—at bu
reau is Invited to —me to Boom
802 Academia to fill out blanks at
registration. Any atudent Way a-
vall hhwaalf at tha bureau, regard
lea of his course of study without
F. B. Clark
Head at Department
The Biology Osh and tha Flab
and Gama Club will hold a joint
masting tonight at 7 p. m. In the
A. I. lecture room. Dr. C C. Doak
will speak on t
peote of life.
(Continued from page 1)
•ra were read by the members
the program. Mi— Stela Higgins,
in her talk on maintaining inter
eat arming, the alumni, cited
brfefly how she had bean working
with the alumni and how, through
to bring the alumni at Mary Hor-
din-Baylor into cl—or contact with
the school and —eh other.
On tha list of the fourteen col
lag— and universities represented
at tha meeting ere found name!
of both large and small institn
tiona, among them are the follow-
ing: St. Mary's University; John
Tsrleton College; 8. M. U.; Baylor
and tha University of Texas.
1. Ill
at the committee in charge of the
Field Artillary BoU, approved by
the Regimental and 2nd Battalion
Bandars at the Field Artillery
Begimeat, Milner Hall will ba an-
sated by —data Friday and Satur
day night, February 24th and 25th,
In order to provide accommodations
for visiting girls attending the
Field Artillery Ball and the Corps
an— an tbo— nights.
2. Cadets having guests will be
aaeii—»d a charge of 504 per guest
to cover the cost of matron*, maid
vice end other
day night Fob. 21 at 7 p. m. h* the
Aabnry Boom of the Library.
Tha A. 8. A. E. wfll moot Tues
day, Feh. 21, at 7 p. sa in tha lec
ture room of tha Ag Fnginur
Budding Dr. Gish, Field Repre
sentative of tha Soil Cnn—rvation
Service, will ha the sp—her.
The A. A M. Dam— Club will
—t Wednesday Feb. 22 at 9 pm
hi tha T.M.G.A. parlor. All atudent
pri—a are cordially invited to at-
Dr. Henry Menu—n of the Div-
of Entomology, Texas Agri-
Experiment Station, wfll
speak to. the Entomology Club
Wednesday night — “Entomology
‘ 3. Tha Battalion Command—, 2nd
Battalion Field Artillery, is mud,-
responsible that room* and corri
dors are hi a neat, orderly condi
tion for the reception of guests.
A Cadets wfll vacate Milner Hall
by 1:80 p. m., Feb 24th; guests
may be admitted at 8 p. m. Cadets
will be readmitted to the hall
12 noon. Fob. 28th. by which time
guest* must ba oat of the dormi-
S. Guests staying In tha dormi
tory m—t be ia not later than 8
a. m. Friday night, and not later
than 2 a. m. Saturday night. ]
corts will ba held strictly account
able for compliance with the— in
8. Reservations may be made by
cadets living in Milner Hall
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, from 8 a.
m. until 5 p. m_, who wish to re
serve their own rooms. After 8
P- ra. on that data, reservations
will be op— to other cadets of the
Field VIBhlJ 1
Geo. F. Moore
The Bond has an especial ap
peal for the Dan of instinc- \
rive good taste. An excel
lent fitter. Built-in arch.
Edgrerton Shoes
- $5.00 and *6.00
Fortune Shoes
Two Convenient Stores
Bryan Colk-ge Station
agement and family relationships,
and other, social question*. It is
a sort of “marriage clinic" where
present or prospective partners in
s—rriage Obtain free ndvi— af the
type about si
4hle t>
M thorn
th- Worl
of H
tion, at Pgaadena
widely in Ameria
universities and fn
tr has announced special fellow
ships to train experts in load gov-
will preach at St. Thomas' Chapel,
Wednesday evening at 7:80 p.ra. He
ia the first of a sari— of speakers
who will visit the Chapel during
the Lenten Season. Visitors are
always welcome at all the aervic—
of the Chapel, and are extended a
special invitation to hear Bishop
Quin and the other visiting preach-
era who will follow him during the
next six week*.
Parts and Tubes
Ph—1« CollcRg 139 .
, North Gate
TUBSDAY, FEB. *1.1939
to Now York." Dr. MiaaMi. from
Cor—II Pals—By; to smll ac
quainted with New York sad with
entomological work to that state,
and bis talk eboald prove of great
west. All
promptly at 7:00 g. a*.
tie with
Devi trig Du-
H. M. Martin
Retmm to G-8 Walton for
LOST: 55A0 —Ward
of Minor T
bar. Lost ab—t Nov. 15. Box 5894.'
G. a Davis.
■i- ■ 1
LOST: Brown leather wnllst. Re
ward for rota— to C-3 Walks a
front of puryear
by Room 108
jacket in
Footloose and
Fancy Free —
COR sheer exhilaration and well-being you’ll delight ia
A Arrow’s new formal atlim.
Bom with a royal touch the ARROW UDO dmi shirt is
a thing of beauty, carefully tailored and authentically styled
in the new narrower boaoa. Even suspender loops and a
trouser tab are provided to keep the shin well hahsytd —d
always in place. If you went tail* or single brensted dsancr
-oat—LIDO is your shirt. 88 up.
The formal Arrow white tie. are superb self knoued. j
laundetable. The butterfly type it tha one pet'
must men. *1.^
Arrow wing col Inn . . . HOST. FROM and UDO. am
hew sellers. SSe.
World War. Dr. Paul
at the Journal
Washingtigi. D. C Afterward
eras tor a number of years —i
live secretary at the American So
cial Hygiene
York City. Returning to California,
at tha Human Betterment Founds
American coUeg— and
from 1927 to 1982
visiting prof,
eseeinns of T—chars Collage, Co
lumbia Univeraity. Ha U the
of many f—rrhes
tiona in Urn field of social biology,
and at a great number at h—hi.
including the foU owing: "Data
Growing to tha Now and Old
and New Worlds," “Applied Eu
genics,” "Modem Marriage: A
Handbook," “Tha Conservation at
tha FamUV," "Problem* of Homan
Reproduction,” ‘The Child’s Here
dity,” “CoBected Papers — Eugeni
cal SteriR—tkm ta California,'
Sterilisation for Hama
ment,” add “Practical
tiona of heredity.*
o '’ - Jt “Q”
that Satisfies witn a Capital p
Radio City’s world-famous “Rockettes” CHESTERFIELDS
...two can*t-be~copied combinations
There’ s skill and precision in
the way the Rockettes dance and
there’s skill and precision in the way
the mild ripe Chesterfield tobaccos
are blended and proportioned to
world's best cigarette tobaccos