PAGE « THE BATTALION APPEARS HERE TONIGHT A. & M. MEN HAY HAVE CHANCE AT REGULAR ARMY Undar « n«w bill no throuch the nmtionai H rMCBtetfvca. rrmdumU. a f A. A M. r fcETG • chance to —care ap- pointment in the racnlar Army — md lieutenant* rather than in the officer* reserre. In connideratioa of the tact that VIr»il. fi artiCta to A A M. toaicht at 7:15 in the Ae—■My BalL Thonsh Vir- cS*e performance in filled with laaaha, there are eaaey hair-raMag d—th-defying —re. A apecial f—tare af the pregram will he whe will effar her atagtHag WASHINGTON— V (Continued from page t) adentific breeding, ao much BO that ha doohled the wool production of hi* flock at aheep and greatly ia- araaead the milk prodeetion of hia r ** d eawa. Ha also branded all of his cattle and males. WASHINGTON IN MECHANICS Washington likewise turned his talents to the field of designing an improved plow and am king what he called a "barrel plow," a erode, bat workable, grain drill for lowing pens and small grain. As a means of supplying his farm with .a variety of meaU. Washing NOTICES ->c h ed i; lb or bvbntb Kraam A Kow Slab, Assembly Hall Artillery Ball, • p. m. ta 1 p. m. Fob. *7—Ta E. J. Howell Fab. 27—Entertainment Series, Paaquiar Tmo. Guion Hall, 5 p.m. March 1—Lecture by Dr. Pool Popenoe under anapicea af T. M. C A., Guion Hall, 00 p. m. Applicants for bsccslaoranta — well — advanced lagrtu ta be —nferrad in Jana are requested to fill oat application forms la the Registrar’s Office now. K. J. Howell, lota. were often sold in ton Conttrtattvtly SMART DRVOl TtY RELIGIOUS The Pettier of Oar Country also of the literature of the day. He ^aa familiar with Shake *P*are, Homer, and the other das- siea. He wga devoutly religious and dosed bin last official act with *T r»naldar it an in duty M thorn th- Worl of H tion, at Pgaadena widely in Ameria universities and fn THE UNIVERSITY OF DEN- tr has announced special fellow ships to train experts in load gov- at BISHOP CLINTON 8. QUIN will preach at St. Thomas' Chapel, Wednesday evening at 7:80 p.ra. He ia the first of a sari— of speakers who will visit the Chapel during the Lenten Season. Visitors are always welcome at all the aervic— of the Chapel, and are extended a special invitation to hear Bishop Quin and the other visiting preach- era who will follow him during the next six week*. RADIO REPAIRING Parts and Tubes STUDENT CO-OP Ph—1« CollcRg 139 . , North Gate TUBSDAY, FEB. *1.1939 to Now York." Dr. MiaaMi. from Cor—II Pals—By; to smll ac quainted with New York sad with entomological work to that state, and bis talk eboald prove of great west. All promptly at 7:00 g. a*. LOST LOST: A log-log tie with Devi trig Du- H. M. Martin Retmm to G-8 Walton for LOST: 55A0 —Ward of Minor T bar. Lost ab—t Nov. 15. Box 5894.' G. a Davis. ■i- ■ 1 LOST: Brown leather wnllst. Re ward for rota— to C-3 Walks a Fraj—a ,.V FOUND: On* front of puryear by Room 108 jacket in id—tify. Footloose and Fancy Free — COR sheer exhilaration and well-being you’ll delight ia A Arrow’s new formal atlim. Bom with a royal touch the ARROW UDO dmi shirt is a thing of beauty, carefully tailored and authentically styled in the new narrower boaoa. Even suspender loops and a trouser tab are provided to keep the shin well hahsytd —d always in place. If you went tail* or single brensted dsancr -oat—LIDO is your shirt. 88 up. The formal Arrow white tie. are superb self knoued. j laundetable. The butterfly type it tha one pet' must men. *1.^ Arrow wing col Inn . . . HOST. FROM and UDO. am hew sellers. SSe. APJ^OW DRESS SHIRTS World War. Dr. Paul at the Journal for Genetic Washingtigi. D. C Afterward eras tor a number of years —i live secretary at the American So cial Hygiene York City. Returning to California, Jt at tha Human Betterment Founds He American coUeg— and from 1927 to 1982 visiting prof, eseeinns of T—chars Collage, Co lumbia Univeraity. Ha U the of many f—rrhes tiona in Urn field of social biology, and at a great number at h—hi. including the foU owing: "Data Growing to tha Now and Old and New Worlds," “Applied Eu genics,” "Modem Marriage: A Handbook," “Tha Conservation at tha FamUV," "Problem* of Homan Reproduction,” ‘The Child’s Here dity,” “CoBected Papers — Eugeni cal SteriR—tkm ta California,' Sterilisation for Hama ment,” add “Practical tiona of heredity.* o '’ - Jt “Q” that Satisfies witn a Capital p Radio City’s world-famous “Rockettes” CHESTERFIELDS ...two can*t-be~copied combinations There’ s skill and precision in the way the Rockettes dance and there’s skill and precision in the way the mild ripe Chesterfield tobaccos are blended and proportioned to YOUR (Or— CAMPUS CLEANERS Stort) a HAPPY COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos