Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1938)
yty THE BATTALION five men— (Continued from pag« 1) M. K. Thornton, Jr., agricultural chemist of. Texas A. 4 M Eaten- ,ion Sefries was bom in Hslena, State and Columbia University. H* was a Member of the A. 4 M Collegs faculty ft-om 1910 to 19S5 with exception of the war days and some time spent in commer cial work. He Joined the exten ■bn staff in 19:15, and rounds out y«are serrice this month. Tbora- .Iwi has received considerable no- tka for Wi research work on eot- tonsesd and its products, petro leum oils and wood preservatives. During his fir* yean with the Extension he concentrsUd on home tanning of leather, but recently has been following toils wofk and other, lines of agricultural chem istry. 1 George W. Johnson is A. 4 M. College Frtsnewi' Service Dis trict agent in the northwest Texas area. He was born in Teneha and attended Saha Houston State Tea chers College and 1 lenthwettem. Te entered extension work in 1912 as Newtek county agent, later aer- Ting in Nueces county and Sabine county. He has had many general farm and livestoc perience and served for emergency club agent A. 4 If. began honoi ataff members who * have 25 years last year, and dinner was thh second such affsir essay mm WINNER RETUI FROM GHICAI Biological Fallacies Kxplained by LaMotte For Pre-Law Students DAYIS TALKS TO FISH, GAME CLUB WITH ALUMNI— • (Continued from page 1) M. Fitxhugh, Garden City; S. M. Ford, Honey Grov§; Tom Gaither, Red Oak; L. 0. Gates, Johnson City; Fred Gibbs, Crandall; L. K. Gregory, Paradise; Harold Hart, Thackerville, Okla.; J. H. Hum, Annona; J. R. Jackson-Itykllhm*’ Health berg; L. E. Joyner, Topeau, Okla . and others . j. Robert P. Brau- chle, ’38, ia on a year’s tour of active duty, U. S. Amy - . . . Judge G. Rhea, ’38, is with the Texas Relief Commission, Mt. Ver non W. E. "Biir Stages, ’37. coached his Hkll-Dakhtfel High S. XX smith had recency return ed from an bupection trip to the Swift 4 ( o plant in Chicago Smith, an animal husbandry ma jor from Marathon, Texas, won the trip in a remit ossay contest Swift 4 Co] annually bungs one bof from each large Agricultural College la die U. 8. to Chicago to visit the* plant Smith Kit hers by bus on Nov. 29, Mi Dec. 9 There wm |l boya i| the group, rep- resetting 34 states They took four day* to go through the plant which covers r># acres. The studies included the buying of tattle, butchering, packing, record keep ing, distributidn of the products, and all other phases of tha indus- tr »- After finishing the t+ur of the plant the group visited the Inter national Livestock imposition, ( which was taking place in Chicago at that time. Smith statea that this was the greatest display of priae livestock that he haa ever seen. There were hundreds of champion ship animals on d-r ay, represent ing almost .-very State |b tha ;Un- Dr. Charles La Motta spoke on popular biologfcai fallacies at a meeting of the Pre-Law club Mon day in the Geology lecture room He stated that many people to day believe shaving hair would make it grow faster and thicker, but this had experiments. La Motte, continued gr< a fallacy, only for a blood as the dkin i proven false by , according to Dr idea that hair g after death ia the hair grows minutes after the has stopped, but the hair sticks Ashbunt Re-elected Chamber Commerce Vice-President The entire trip was at the penae of Swift 4 Co. Entomology Students Visit Department Of h Laboratories out more and t saore, thus giving the Impression of growing. Some people believe there are pointed snake*, which, when cut into pieces wity go back together again. This is; not true, he said Another fallacy many people be lieve IS that people come up three timet for air when drowning. This all depends on the amount of air m their lungs;[they may not come up at all, he plated. Bill Murray, also spoke, advo cating the cooperation of the dubs on the campus' to buy a new, rea sonably-priced • movie projector. Murray, acting as representative of the Biology <'lub, said that edu cational movie films on practically any subject copld be rented for a reasonable sum and uaed for the different clubi' benefit At the regular meetfihfiof the Fish and Game Club Monday night, Dr. William B. Davis gave a talk on the Texas Bighorn Sheep. These animals do not occur any where but in the rough moun tainous country of Trans-Pecos Texas. Through the aid of re search to determine the reqoire- ments of this species, Dr. Davis believes that it may be possible to increase the number of Bighorns In Texas by two or even thn t times. He said that the competition of domestic sheep and goats oa the Bighorn’s natural ranges probably is responsible for their failure to increase in numbers. Ranchers in the area believe that predatory animals such as mountain lions and eagles kill numerous , wild sheep, hut Dr. Davis says that until evidence is found to prove them guilty, the mountain lions and eagles should not be wantonly killed. CoL Dm Ash burn of A. 4/ M. was re-elected find vice-president of the Braaoe County Chamber of Commerce Wedaesday morning as organ itation for the year was be gun. W. R. McCullough of Bryan was elected as the new president and Charles H. Edge ■» second ^lm pcuMBUt. ^ Under the new plan of organise tion, moved up from January, all plans for the earning year will be completed, so that announcement may be made at the annual din ner, which will be held at Coll. g. on the night of Jan. 12. NOTICES There will be a half hour concert of Chnstnaiu’bmk on thg organ by John Edge Satarday, Lee. 24 frnn 7:10 te 8:00. Thi$ Will be from the donfe^of the Building and people who wis^ to park around the pudding will be able to hear the cor cert broadcast Old Main library Hour* Durtag the RoUdays 8 a. m.—5 p. m. frost ^Monday Dec. 19 through Fndsy. f 8 a. m.—12 a. m. Saturdays Closed over the week-ends, at night and on. Monday Dec. JOth y] Mt. S. W. B I mg, head of the en t.miology .irpiutment, aad a group of entomology •Mlanti went to Austin Saturday to iiapeet the malaria research laboratory of the State Department.of Health. tWgfeup examined the facili- School team thru an .undefeated ties for rearpig mosquitoes and season and to Regional daas B directing mpsquito control work honors . . . . Walter “Phoebe' and malaria surveys, sack as the Phythian, *36, coached hia Grockett one now in progreaa at College High School team to a District Station. They were cunducted title. . ; . The Tri-Cities A. 4 M. through the laboratory by Theo Club, composed moatly of young- dore McGregor, antomologist of the er A. 4 M. men in Baytown, Goose State Department of Health. Creek, Pelly, recently pail high Those making the trip were W. tribute to the A. 4 M. Band ahd C. Parker, X. F. To^ns, J. L. expressed th4 hope the band would Ward, J. E. GHIaspy, D. F. Martin, not “Fall*’ for the current trend C. G. Johnton, H. C Bate, H. 8 toward “Swing” music .... The Graham, and Martin (kAn. Ft Worth A. 4 M. Club ia Joining . hands with the student Ft. Worth ciuh to aid in puting over the lat- Department Head £ Retur^rom Chicago notice that the youngsters would Exposition I Tip have to do most of the dancing. . ■> . ■ I -I D. tM.jWilams, head |>f the Aai- sndry Ds M-P Schedule May Drop Two Trains On College Route The two da^ trains bf the Mis souri Pacific Railroad which pass through College Station may be discontinued, according to offi rials of the Ime who visited here and in Hr van W ednesday. Mail will be carried on - the night trains if this change ie made; however, as good, if pot better mail service could be rendered this way than that which ia given by the pre sent plan, slitre the night trains have more connections than do the day trains. The officiate pointed out that day passengen business with light and that these trains were operat ing at a lo*sJ giving this at the reason for diicontinumg the pre sent arrangement. ] MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY of the Geology department will leave in all directions from College Station during the Christmas holi days, most of them to be gone for the entire two weeks. Prof. C. L. Baker will ge to the Chinati Mountains, north of the Shafter silver mines in western Presidio Coimty, to study c.< ology. He arill be accompanied 0. N. Johnson and R. H. Howe. The Shafter mines are the only mines in Texas which are operating at the present time, according to Prof. Baker. , Dr. S. 8. Goldrich, accompanied by J. F. Smith and Hesse, wifi go to New York to attend s meeting of the Geological Society of Amen- • E. E. Tisdale, Gordan Gulmon and R. F. Hodgeman, graduate assistant*, will travel to the Cana dian BonMr. * New Orleans Gets Cotton Laboratory The State of Texas as well as A. 4 M. Collegei was overlooked by Secretary of Agrinlkmi Henry Wallace Wednesday when he an nounced the selection ef the loca tions for four agricultural re search laboratories to be establish ed in the United Statea soon. A. 4 M. had applied for the cotton research laboratory, but after studying more than 200 loca tions, Mr. Wallace announced that New Orleans was his choice. Three other laboratories will be establish ed, one in Peoria, Illinois, one In Philadelphia, and one in San Fran cisco. Dr. Gabbard Speaks Dr. L. P. Gabbard, chief of the division of Farm and Ranch Eco nomics of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Statioq, was the pseak- J or at the meeting of the Econo mics Club held last night in the Asbury room «f the Library. His subject Was “The Human Element and Agricultural Adjustment”, and it proved interesting to msmber* of the dab and others who at tended the meeting* CHURCHES I'KESBYTBRIAN NOTICC i j* j . 9:30 Sunday School*. ( 11.-00 Morning Worship m the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. 7.-00 The Christinas program prm ■anted by the Sunday School in the Y. M. C. A. Parlors. There afo two apecial notices with regsnd to the church pro gram. The Morning Worship Ser vice will be largely , a aeryice of Christmas music, and the public ia cordially Invited. The people of the churyh are asked te bring >'aM|la cmMU aad; Method Ho the Christmas pro gram te be turned over to Mr*. Marburger’s committee-for-'dmtri- butiori to the poor in the cogimuni- by. We are eager to have a large group at the program and ailiberal offering for those who need it so much more than we. The Ftost Baptist Chur h in JBry- i wishes every Aggie and each member of the stdff a v ry Merry Christmas and a Happy few Year A cordial welcoM one who wishes to vices during the RoHda: a. Sunday School, 9 48 a* a.; Morn ing Worship, 10:80 Training Union, < :00 \ Evening Worship :09 | , m. Free busses to the d arch wffl not run during tiw Will re sure ached LlTT±=±=E Christian Sunday continual pn|4 when they will CLUBS DALLAS CUTS awi its every attend (he sar- a. n Baptist bull All Dallas and Dali « county beyi ate iequestel to lake their be dis- ' l blouses ’home Christmas bol Club luncheon mth Dec. 21, and it is c esirnl le to hate. ss many boys in bjo. 1 niform as possible at the Also please get in the Ft on Tuesday, Deoedtber Showboat, you Wfl Club these from Boh WANTED: fo ai d preferably three belrooma for use during a part mas vacation. Call COTTON STYLE SHOW PAGEANT AND BALL STUDENT AGRONOMY SOCIETY Wish You j A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS And Many Joyful, Healthful and Prosperous Days Throughout The New Year then oter the thi 'Mother’s be I vdnesday, that to daner. at the a Dalian < ard. please get MHnar. #• a^37 I with two, of tfce Christ- 279. - !-: and HAPPY NEW YEAR ’ GANG y ■ |]i® i i * ur; * ■ 4 ,a ■ Casey’s Confectionery I 1 PRECEDENT SIT— (Continued from page 1) mal Husbandry DepartmeaLrecent- ly returned from the International Between the numbers given by Ekpo*ition at Chicago. - u.~a n.K labile there be attended meetings of the Ameritmt Society of Animal Product kin, of which he is 8be re- the Band fish were played a num her of other records of well-known Christinas music, including an or gan recording of “Silent Night”, 7 secured for the program from the music company of Thomas Goggan and Brothers, Uourton.' Following their part on the program the Band freshmen were given a banquet in the banquet room of the dining hall. Said J. Ot Hotard, Supervisor of Subsistence. “Only a few days ago, inspired by the ides and the ■access of the Christmss Communi ty Sing of the Cadet Corps, it occurred to me that it would be a nice gesture to have something of the same sort in the mesa hali te have not orly a Christmas sup- . per but also an all-Christmas pro gram with proper music and de corations. It is to be hoped that, with the same cooperation the Corps has given this time, the ‘ precedent will be continued future years.” . “About six years ago,” he eoa- tinued, ‘Thanksgiving dinners were served in the form of ban quota! served on successive nights to the various battalions separate ly. These holiday banquets made for greater fellowship; hut with the enormous growth of the Corps • In rreent years this practice has become impossible. I am hoping that this Christmas program has helped to replace the battalion of past years as a mesas of instilling fellowship and holiday cheer. We not only hope tel ccntinue the prac tke in the future/but also to ex tend it to other occasions, such as Thanksgiving and Mothers’ Day. 1 r r tiring president. This organixation Is guide up of animal husbandry instructors in various schools in the U. 8. and Canada. There are 800 taembers who meet each year at this expo sition to exchange ideas and learn ‘ of new ifoWlopmant* in the field. WMloili CMtego. ML Williams •hK attend"! the annual meeting of the Horse Association of Ameri ca, and was the official Texas dele gate to the Aberdeen Angus breed . - " i I liiirirtMl , (Continued from page I) FriaeD of Palestine, A. W. Bird- well of Nacogdoches, Ft. L. Mills of Houston. George Vidtine of San Antonio, Miss Laura Austin, Mias Lula B. M. Dinsmore L. Long of Crockett, R. A. Blis ter of Waco and Charley Tennison of Wichita I Falla. T have neter seen a group more intei ganixation its work State Teachers Association,” Mr Wilcox said In commenting on the outlook fot a suceesaftl, year head Of the orgsnixation. DEAN BROOKS OF THE School of Art* and Sciences will address a meeting of the School Executives Association, compoesd of Southeast Texas educators, «t noon Saturday in the Rice Hotel, Houston. His subject will be "A Review of Reports of tha Educational Pol fete* Committee of the Education Association.’ re never teen a group *nqely loyal to their or- m and willing to aid in thgn the members of the WHEN SBfIORS— (Continued from page 1) Walton had’ announced nlani an e: college to be appropiated for HORS— plans for enlargemant of the Some 180.000 H. D. Hilton. J S. W. St National | J. N. Graxter. the con struction of an additional wing on the hospital, doubling its capacity Coach A. D. Adamsdn extend ed an invitation to any freshmen who wish to do so to eofee out for IVomia- who had practice were the fish swimming ing freshsaen swimmers already reported fur pra R. G. Pipkin, C. S. 8. Caxilt, Forehand, F. L. L Chwck the smoker* on your Christmas list- delight them with those gaily wrapped, Inexpensive gifts—Camels and Prince Albert CAMELS-Whst could be s nicer gift for those who smoke cigarettes than Camels, by far the most popular ciga rette in Amceica? Remember ...Camels are made of finer, MORE EXPEN SIVE tobxccoi—Turkith and Domes* tk. There’s s world of Christmas cheer m receiving a fine gift of mild, rich- tasting Otsri ddsrettes—and n lot of satisfaction in • ghfisgrifain tool PRINCE Al Bl UT—If you want so please a man who smokes s pipe, give him the tobacco that is ertrw sriA/sod exfnn tiiry—Printi- Albert! Watch his happy Ale as he lights up rich tobacco that smokes so < mellow because it’s specially cut and “no-bite" treated. If yeu want to make this a rts/ Christmas for the pipe-smoker* you know—give Pfince Albert, the National Joy Smoke, aicq nil tWsfphi i Cool and (afiesv) A pound tasting, “no bi(»“ eye-filling gift Albert, the worldty smoking tobnceo. the big, generous on display at your i L (ft//) The handsome Christmas-wrapped Camel carton—10 packs of ^OY’ —200 cigarettes; Your dealer u featuring it now. !\L r— , JT (ngkf) Also featured fal a timely holiday dress- four hoses of Csmels in “fist fifties.” Looks like (s*d k) S lot of-fft* foe what you pay! TH; - i J. tres jsnssr, A PERFECT WAY TO SAY!