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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1938)
; mathor. S«rv»c* A. ,k «4- Berth At Swimming Meet AN ARTICLE BT DBAN E. J. Mar»t«ll tr. Head of the School of Veteriiu^y Medicine, was recently m the December iuu» of tho ** Southwestern Foultnrmaa’* ms^axintP, "with a picture of ita The article, entitled “A for the Foultryman’*, dis- the healthful ear* of pool- describee the eel rices of M. Veterinary School to at poultiv niMMa throughput the Southwest. LA SALLE B SHOP PALACE Last Day Wed. “MlOTHER CAREY’S ■ I tMOKBMS? Thurs. - PrL * Sat. DIXIE -Thors. FOR THE THRILL OF YOUR LIFE A and Class inners In All f f # - f * # Events Announced The tnembeds of the Field Artil lery RefimenY may be generally known as the to the reet of the student body, but the shaking up they get while riding thoee “buggies" must make them ▼ery seaworthy, for the first three pUr, m txxh CTas A and B ewim- »*ng. were taken by the boys with the ted hat 1 cords. Outcome of the Claea A ewim- ttttf e» follow*: let Hdg. F. A. with 90 pomta; E. FA. trttll\W peinta; C. FA srith 19 points; and E. Inf and D. Cae. tied for fourth place, with It points ••eh. Keen bars of the winning lat Hdq. FA. team are: G. J. Palmer, F. J, KrampHa, O. Denny, and R. W. Howe. "Slick” Trmpo lino. C. FA. manager, is happy that he has te-at Jack Craig, tnd Hd^. FA. manager at something. The winners in the Class B meet include the following: E. PA. with 34 points; D. FA. with M Points; C. FA. srith 16 points; and B. C.W.S. srith 16 points. n*lMg|htrl«t the first place team th. : E. W. Conway, J. B. Patter- eon, W. P. Biggs, and R. L. Burney. Aft*r this - m*et, the Trapolino “brothers”, “M<k« ,, and “fflick” of D. and C. FA. respectively, de- ~~ HARRY’S DEUCATESSEN 1 i You All A MERRY . OffilSTMAS And A Happy New Year THE HOUSTON PRESS “First With The Latest” ^ Delivered to Year Room for Only 15? a Week Subscribe Now Patronise Our Agent In Your Org-anixaiio* DYERS HATTERS AM ERI CAN-S TE AM CNO it to tmc laumohv DRY • ♦ CljEANERS PHONE 5S& IT jBRYAte TRIMS ml COILE60 STATION DECEMBER 9.1930 cided to ; have a family reunion and ceW-brmte their success ns in tramural ; managers. ■Yonighi at T:90, in the Meawhtej Gym, the two ouUtanding teams produced ^ in this years intramural program, will be pre- ■entod to fans in the form of * College Championship boui..|tlte two teams are C. Car. and L. Inf. . L- Inf^ then known as 2nd Hdq) Inf., won the flag and „ Jack’s dad, J. W. Puckett, Then too, tho members of the Frog they wilt be fighting to hold that w “ * n ouUtanding guard on the team are going to lots of banquets top sloti tonight when they go out on tW floor. C. Cay. reached the finals by plowing under D. CA. 28 to 12, last week, with Bob Folk scoring ten points and his teammate, Ut- terback, | making six. This team from the ranks of the Cavalry is y Vesital one, and will be mighty Hard Co stop, but any team that can hold a high scoring out fit like 2nd Hdq. F. A. to a mere threo ptfiata, te plenty - good an.) perhaps Utile too good far the C. Cav. Iboys. Last week, a great L. Inf. drew, led by L. C.. Coffey, beat outi Craig’s outfit by the scon- of 17 tf 9. Coffey made nine of thoee ll points, and branded him self as pne of tho years outstand ing basketball stars. Regardless of who wins, it’s going to be a thrill pocked game and well worth anyone’s time. * , B. Eng. and C. Cav. meet in a semifinal touch football game this afternoon and the winner will meet the winder of the B CA. and t. FA. gatoe, Thursday, to decide the College -Champion. This is another game that srill be Very dose, re gardless of who plays in the finale, for the competition has been sery keen alj fall in' this sport. In CUsa B, E. CA. meeU A. Cav. and B. C.A. will pit their strength against! E. FA. in the semifinals of the touch football eeason this aftemo+n, mad like then brothers, they v^ll stage the final game Thursday afternoon for the Cham pionship Thursday to going to be a great day for the Intramural Depart meat for in addition to the toucl football finals, they are going tc hold thp finals for Class A watei polo, in! the P. L. Downs Jr. Mem orial Nstitoi ium, at 4:50 Thurs day. The two teams who wUl splash at each other at this tinx 4~ I come by and get That Bates Haircut • JONBS BARBER SHOP College or Btyue W WELL. JUPCC, l GUESS TMS PWf MgglS AU. MXW mints ANP MINE IDO. WONDER HOW IT SUITS MV PACE NO TVS MG LIME ‘saws FOR WXJtSBLP, „ SOB. TAKE | A GLANCE IN UP TOMT WITH A BIG SMIL*, •00. ASTER ALL, THAT-S. MOW you’ll. LOOK WHEN vtXi err prince a, be kt ■ in THAT PIPE , I SUPPOSE OH-H. I SUPPOSE irs ALL EXIfSOHCHOW IT HA!HA*. THAT SMILE CERTAlHLV MAWB A DIFFERENCE. AND BEUEVE ME. IWV MIGHTY ANXIOUS h MAAK ■ THAT FIRST PIPEFUL OF DR1NC F AiBLCTT ; ■j,.-, >OUU BE LOOKING FDR- WARD TO BACH PRINCE alb«t s*ok£ after that, IDO. RA. A^, etS A COOL, MILD SMOKE every time WANT A TOBACCO SPECIALLY CUT TO CAKE YOUR PIPE RIGHT ? GET THAT BIG REP TIN OF PRINCE ALBERT. THERE!? NO OTHER TOBACCO LIKE IT! MNUESiFMWMTrrCMUMPrtet. ATWt. If ram 4*a-t AbM it tea nU—i.t, a Mm *•-' Una torn avar aaaaUd. r.turB tU padiat Ua wttk tU raat al tea taUcca la It ta u* at aar w • ■ n- w- pi ■■■ pmWteWa U. J. » nsoSite TaUaca Canoaay. ‘ Nartk Cara I la. THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE prince Albert ef frogr—t taUaeo to Oa.tUWT r.nea AUwt A^ie Pistol Team Places Second At Pistol Matches Held Id Houston PAGE 3 ■ 1 •"»' BY £ a “JBBP- OATES Battebeu Sports Editor We all regretted the death of Jack Puckett, a swell kid and an outstanding journalist of The Bat- footbsll team in ‘04 when he won hU **C” when ’ the known aa College. Aggiee were That stuff never did help a footb«M The Aggie pistol team did right well , for itself in Houston this week. In the team match they took •ccond place behind the State f’olice team which is a team that is shooting almost every day. Tea Ms that finished below the Cadets were the Bayou Rifle team of Houston and the U. S. Custom* iffio rs of Galveston. W ^ B ® Cker u W ” Hi * h ““ ,0r they are w.itmg to see'if Arkan the Aggies with a 280 and follou.-d by Bob ShieU with 27«, Silverman with 276, J. T. Ashford with 274 and Gene ShieU with 271. Becker is in C F. A.. Bob and Gene ShieU are in D F. A, Silverman U in G Inf, and Aahford is in C CoaSt. Becker eras fourth high in the slow fire and was firing against st least six men who had won sweaters firing in the National meet at Camp Perry. The five men on team gleaned medals for their second place. It was the Bayou Rifle team that the jAgiries went out to beat and they were satisfied. The Bayou toais will come here for a meet Jen, 16. “Bub” McQuillan’s basketball team looked much better than was expected in their game srith the team from Houston Saturday night.. They should put on a very good show tonight against Sam lounton Teachers. ire 1st Hdq. F. A. and D. Cav. "rtie last time thU so-called writ er took a crack at composing this olumn, he stuck his neck away aut in attempting to list the most lotrworthy intramural entries at -hat time. As a result, he has been >row beat and accosted so much hat he took out extra insurance, just to protect hU interests, but laving regained little courage dur ing the last few weeks, he has a- gabi decided to point out the of the hour—C. Troop Cav. Thu bunch of hard riding boys lie coasting along on the top right no^, and if they don’t alow up for .he cross roads, they should win thair share of events, plus some one elsee too. Right now they have that old mare sweat all over them, and can see nothing but the top of ■4* heap. They are headed that way and will give anyone trouble who tries to stop them. FRAGRANT GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS O Four . w t - * 1 p deitctitlul I ' liloos'* "] ins iwckif(K leeeto ye OTHER PACKAGES Priced At f 1.50, $1 % 75 nnd up SANKEY PARK DiAmonds • Watches Silver r T.C.U. may he a trifle fooled when they go up against the boys from Carnegie Tech. The Tech team has a changing line and that b something that the Frogs have not been up against this year and doing lota of radio talking. Will the guy who lifted my hat at the Club Saturday night please return H to The Battalion office. I will gladly return the hat it hut was left in its place. About all that happened at the Conference meeting in Dallas last week was to postpone everything until the spring meeting. No doubt sas gets into another conf before they take a vote on admit ting Texas Tech. Fred Thomeeen of Arkansas did deny that ha was trying to get into another con- fSNMS! Roy Young ii no doubt through with pro football. He is planking on entering Tulane Medical School next year. i HOUSTON TEAM DEFEATS AGGIE GAGERS 29 TO 23 BY TOM DARROW Aas'L Sports Editor Coach “Hub” McQuillan’s Tex as Aggie cagers gave the Second Presbyterian team, from Houston, a great battle in a fast moving game here, Saturday night, only to fall behind in the last stages of the contest and allow the veteran Houston team to win, 29 to 23. The Aggies were green and the Presbyterian’s took advantage of the fact to bold a alight edge all during the game. The cadets In experience was costly, for the Houston boys were much too foxy. Captain Sammy Dwyer was the outstanding player for the Aggies, he tied for scoriae honors with his teammate, J. W.[ Smith, and Joe Stafford of the Presbyterian Team. J. T. Lang, Sophomore, Ag gie guard, was in third place in the Cadet scoring column, with a total of four points. All squad men on the Aggie team entered the fray at some time dur ing the night, but sll showed the need for further experience. This seasoning will be obtained daring the Christmas holidays, according to McQuillan. THE MARRIAGE OF MISS Jacqueline Ashton and P. D. Hanna Jr., on Nov. 11 at Honda itoa* an nounced this week. Miss Ashton is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Ashton; Dr. Ashton is a»»<K-mu- professor of technical journalism at A. A M. Mr. Hanna is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Parker D. Hanna; Mr. Hanna Sr. is a district agent with the Extension Service. The bride is a student at the University of Texas; the bridegroom will leave this week for Dallas where he has employment. You’ll Enjqy r;. r l » r i > r. vBp Chili Carhe “S«t«I at AD Tinea" LIPSCOMB PHARMACY Nortk Gala Aggie-Sam Houston Game To Be Played At Gym Tonight Coach “Hub” I^Quillan has an- tn the Aggie- Sam Houston garah and stated that the first game wijl be played here in the local gym .tonight starting at aeves o’clock. 1 It eras originally scheduled for the Aggies to pl^y in Hantsvillc tonight and for the two teams to meet here Frida* night, but due to n Chamber of - Commerce ban- QpH 2* JHwtsvite tonight, the schedule has bee* reversed. Two games will be play-d. The fitvt will be between the reserves of the teams and trill start at sev- en. The varsity fray will start im mediately afterward or about eight. * While not settled on a starting Uam, McQuillan will probably start the same fife which started against the Secord Presbyterian team last Satun^y and will in clude Jamas Joe Adams st center, and Varner at guards, get the call over Warner. Admission to thf two gaasee will be 40 cents or regular coupon. One ooapon is good for both fray*. in 7 ; J. w. BARGER, HEAD OF THE Department of Agricultural Kro nomica, was the;featured speak er st the meeting on Monday, Dec 12, of the Texs* Association of Fire and Storm ‘ Insurance Com panies, which cfnvi ned at the Driscoll Hotel in Austin. He spoke on the reduction jof firs losses. This was the third annual meeting of the Association. There are in Texas 36'fir* and storm insurance companies, all Associa tion members, ehose insurance some 86,000 farmers in the state subscribe, a L ■■ws.di.. r . FOR RKK Jan. 1. -4- available College 26. , t Carfigan and Billy at Forwards, Wheel i* d Capt Sam Dwyer and lards. Jude Smith may flappy IRS ou on And See Forgot to Your If Y«u *‘014 D A 01 Little Run over you w#»* want. It are. Year ■ Have Santa” left Pal hinj? for or that Ing” U8 show they might a pleas- L 4- ING YOU , .BUSINESS IN 1938 UNIFORM TAILOR MENDL « HORNAK Gate [North -— )aum t % Holiday THp Byj ID SAMPU ONE-WAY FSRtS HOUSTON _ BEAUMONT WACO DALLAS FT. WORTH TULSA ST. LOUIS _ AGG1ELAND IMi } Plan now to make your holiday trip* b\ (. re\ hou i*d. You srill find C,rc\hound’s convenient sihc-dulc* snd liberal stop-over privileges Ih your need*. And , you will *b}oy your trip in • (.revhound Supcr-csach, at low, mono saving faro. For helpful information on snjr trip new Of far tall your local Greyhoond \ Mk || '4