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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1938)
— — THE BATTALION r'nr' Williams leaves For National Meeting D. W. Williams, h<>»d of the A. A U. Animal Husbandry depart ment will leave Colk-fv Sutioo to- day for Ghkago to preside o\ the thirty-firet annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Production. Mr. Williams is national presi dent of this orgarutition which is the largest field an.mai producers organisation in America. This meeting is held each year at the same time as the International Livestock Exposition. Mr. WtUemm will he in Chicago for ten days. - OF EVKNTIj Nevemkhr M-^'orps Dance, Mane Hal, 0 00 p. ». until 11:00 midalghL J! | Series, Cryl’s Symphony Orches tra, Guioi Hall, 8 .-00 p. m. December t—Picture Show,.]Bv Befit Debate Cluh, Assembly Hall, •JO p. m. iMeemher Z—Pacalt* Dance, Meet Ha I Annex, 9:00 p. m. to .11:00 mh night. . December 6 - Horticulture Show, Agriculture Building, 8:00 a.J to 5 00 11 m. and T :i0 p. m. to 9:00 p. to December f - Annaal^ Borticul Agriculture Building, I JO a. mi to 8 p. m. only. 9—Picture Show, Benefit Fencing Chib, Assembly Hall, 8:80 P- m. ( IK! I I.AR NO. 19: 1. The Corps jyUl move to Aus- HkiTtou^day morning, November 24, 1938, for the purpose of parad ing and aittendiqg-the A. A M--Tex as football game. 2. Cafs win .be sounded as fol lows: 1st CaJ, Reveille (no formation) 8:00 A M Mess (jail, Breakfast, 6:10 A- M. Asatahly. 5:15 A. M. . S The units will march to the Missouri Pacific depot in the order given below which will be followed in entraining. Tactical Officers will accompany their units. * , a. Tactical Officers: Major Orr, Major Wilson, Major Hill, Major Stkkaey. Captain Garrison, Cap tain Enslow, Captain Shute. Troops: j. I Corps Commander and Staff Infantry Field Composite Cavalry Regiment Engineer Regiment ■ # Coast Artillery Regiment Tim* of Departure: 4. Troops srtll march from their respective assembly points at 6:86 A. M. I. Railroad tickets are on eaie at tha Missouri Pacific depot Tick ets will be ptrehased prior to 6:00 P. M , Wednesday. November 23. 193H.; A Reginnu tal Commanders will report to their Tactical Officers enroate to femfltertae thsmeslvss with the details of the parade be fore detraiaiRB. * 7. Senior ssdet officers stationed in each end of the to see that students do not gel off the train sAAi. stops are made enroute, and vestibules will "he kept closed. GEO. F. MOORE. Colonel, U. S. Army, Commandant. ews From Hollywood* Gives The Latest Lowdown On The Stars I DRESS UP FOR THANKSGIVING Oar extensive stocks of TOWN and AELS-STERN examination... You’ll find an excellent Aborning of new drape model suits . . . Smart new top coats . . .And .;the aea.son’8 newest iaod- ek) ip tuxedos. You’ll need new haher dishtry, too . . . leak over our fine selection. f(ij r t I | r Manhattan and Shirt- craft Shirts Beau-Brammel Neck- Hokproof Social « W l,rarM a *Two ! Convenient Stores" College Station CIRCULAR NO. 29: L The following instructions re garding the parade in Austin Nov ember 24, 1988, are published for the information and guidance ef all concerted*, (; 2. DETRAINING: The special train will arrive at 9:15 A. M. Or- gamtationa will detrain promptly upon arrival and will march in col umn of twos to assembly areas: First Band—At intersection of Congress Avenue and West 2nd Street, Infantry Regiment —<• On West 2nd Street between Congress Avenue and Colorado Street Field Artillery Regiment - On Colorado Street between Weet 2nd Street and Weet 3rd Street. Composite Regiment—On Colora do Street betmu n West 2nd Street and West 3rd Street. Second Band —On West 2nd Street, between Lavaca and Colo rado Streets, head of column on Colorado Street. Cavalry Regiment—On West 2nd Street between Colorado Street and Lavaca Street Engineer Regiment—On Lpvaca Street between Weet 1st Street end West 2nd Street. Coast Artillary Regiment—On 'Lavaca Street between Weet 2nd Street and West 3rd Street 3. BAGGAGE: a. Immediately after halting in position at the parade assembly areas, each squad will make up a squad roll containing all overcoats and raincoats, securely tied ia one bundle and tagged with two tags to each fi>U. Tags wiQ be distributed by Company. Supply Sergeants. Hand baggage will be marked with chalk—the name of the owner, or ganisation, and branch; example— John Brown, Company C Infantry. Rolls and baggage will be placed in baggage trucks provided. Baggage will be obtained from trucks at point of dismissal. Four men will be detailed from each regimmit as guards to remain with property and nafbguand same during the parade. ( b. Point of dismissal will be at the Capitol (pounds. c. On detaining members of the Band will secure instruments from the baggage coach and proceed to a moving van provided for the purpose, and leave baggage and instrument cases in the moving van. 4. PA RARE: a. Time: 10:10 A. M. b. Assembly: Organisations will assemble m the assembly areas des ignated, in rolumn of platoons, with closed distances. e. Order of March: Corps Commander and Staff Band t Infantry Regiment Field Artillery Regiment Composite Regiment Band ’ i - Cavalry Regiment Eni.' uwr Regiment Coast Artillery Regiment d. Formation: Column of pla toons (3 squads). e. Route) Congress Avenue to Capitol grounds. f. Disadapsl: Capitol ground* A BSnpriNG STAND: The Re viewing Stand will be locati-d at the Austin Hotel. ———i r- i M. F. THURMOND. ASSOCI- ate Professor in the Agricultural Engineering Department, ia going to Dallas to attend the state con ference, Thursday through Satur- day, of vocational agricultural teachers. While at the conference be will collaborate on the subjet: of “Shops aad Shop Equipment for schools teaching vocational ag riculture. ! 6. COLORS. STANDARDS aad GUIDONS: Colors, Standards, and Guidons will be carried. Regimantal Colors and Standards will salute. After the parade the Colors, Stand ards, and Guidons will be placed in the Band van under the supervision of one Color Sergeant designated by the Corps Commander. The truck will be located at the far side of the Capitol grounds. 7. Company Supply Sergeants will teport to the Commandant’s Office not later than 2:00 P. M , Tuesday, November 22, and receive twine, taga, and chalk for marking squad rolls and baggage. 8. UNIFORM: Ne. 1 with white shirts will be worn. GEO. F. MOORE, “From Hollywood Comas"—News that TYRONE POWER, CLARK GABLE,' and ROBERT TAYLOR plan an exten.Rd vacation in South America. Some more Tie-man' for the boyt.... The life story of the ’DEAD END KIDS’ will hu per- trayed in “HELLS KITCHEN TO HOLLYWOOD" this should he the best of the series. , . . MICKEY ROONEY has been assigned to the title rote in HUCKLEBERRY FINN. . . * WILLIAM POWELL hss inked another long termer with Metro and goes into another ‘THIN MAN" production after the first of the year. ... 28 films are doe to come out of Hollywood this month. The ‘RE< KSSION’ must be over to Hollywood. Joan Renneet has been accused by Paul Harrison, of Hollywood, of not being able to distinguish be tween Charlie McCarthy and Victor McLaglen at ten paces. Misa Ben nett retaliates witti Dorothy Park erls dictum, that men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. Palace, Thureday, Friday aad Saturday THREE BISTERS”, this to one of those tear jerking storyi, full of excitement and suck, due prin cipally to the arguments of the fatoilF- The acting to to pa, Bette Davis to gaining ground fast and the p. formance the turns in to gold medal material. They will have to give her acme notice to the next iwurd Anita Louise, the youngster who has shown that youth must be served. It to the opinion of many that she wiU^ecome one of the Hollywood ‘pfsts’ as soon as her experience scope broadens. It to a pleasure to look upon such a beau- OFFICIAL: The catalog conuins the follow tog provision: “Changes from dor mitory students to day students will be made only on the last day of installment payments for rooms, board and itoundryT^s. This is to advise students con templating moving from the dormi lory to arrange to move on the last day for which payment was made (ordinarily the fifth) so that they may not lose the unused part of their maintenance payments. F. C. BOLTON, Dean tifol girl, wha can and does really * rt As this paper will not be sent out Friday, this eolmnn to taking apart to discuss “Valley of the Giants'* Wayne Morris, the Mugger of film land to at kto beet In tfcto, a tech- rncolor picture, his leading lady to Claire Trevor. This to one of the 'must’ pictusteief the month aad from this a small amount of hoed should he token, aa to missing this picture. \sHs-mhly Hell Taesdey ’The Texans’ those of you who are natives ef Texas—will he very disappointed to this picture. The present Governor of Texas does a small Mt to the picture, but it a the opinion of this column that many of you will not recognise him. The pictare Is of no value what so ever so far aa the history of Texas to concerned. There to nothing that one could net get out of a 'dime novel’ and far that reason the pic ture to definitely a flop. • ; life at w*k of the owner et work from ef In the disc Mr. Ross man km of Mg’company ■on Law and stated pany was happy to as. The meeting w 9 pm. from three 11 work from of the public; life the life The Unhrersityof seura has acquired oftin ice-age BEAT ’EM AGGIES STUDENT CO-OP 1 Blk. East of North Gate Case School of A| has a new 190,000-volt machine for the to meto|li|\ 'OCR thigh-bone THE BIOLOGY CLUB HAS 8K- tared the noted scientist, traveler, end lecturer, Dr. Asa Chandler, of Riot Institute to give a lecture open to the general p Be et College Station, Thursday. Dec. 1st His lecture wfll center around the subject of tropical di- and his experiences while Ing in the tropics. Chandler to an expert to the fields of pathology, bacteriology, and related sciences, and particu larly to tha study of tropical dia- He to the au:nor of a num- Jtor of highly repo tabic hooka, and an officer of several important medical organisations. Dr Chari ler has spent some years to India aad other countries of the tropi cal regions. Sdeaee iographlc of flaws CORSAGES FOR THE DANCE WYATT FLOWER SHOP Bryan 91 • College 479 l ~ - - - - Hr ' I M I ' \ •Wi I AGGIES • a j i \ : If You Keep on Supporting Me I Will Continue To Do Your Work, Cash and Carry, for— 11 15*1 u- i SENIORS Wednesday, November 30 to the last day on which Senior Ctoss Rings can be ordered for delivery before the Christmas holidays. Rings ordered on or before this date will be delivered to this office by December 16. TEACHERS CONFERENCE Physics Lecture Room, Wednes day Nov. 23, starting promptly at eleven and closing at eleven-fifty. Open forum on recent criticisms of teaching staff. ALL MEMBERS are urged to attend and to take part in the discussion. Election of officers for 1938-39 will precede discussion. G. W. Adriance, Chairman - CLUBS Will all ctoba, regardless ef pur pose, please send the fallowing in formation to The Battalion office, if they have not already done aa: Name and perpoee of dab Clab Officers Meeting place aad Uam. i 1 YOU MAY. BE ABLE TO BEAT TEXAS ■ M Too Cu’t Boar; - :Our Service f MEIHJKD SEPItE STATICK CoBtf* 123 1 Block of North Gtt« i 'I 1. i \ itUi J NO QUARTER FOR QUARTERBACKS • Anybody can be a Monday-morning quarterback, but what does it take to be a reaV onc > Dors he think for fyim- sdf, or does the c^ach run the gdme from the bench? Notre Dame's brainy young coach tells you why the signal- caller is head man, shows why right plays go wrong and wrong plays score touchdowns, and reveals what he believes to be the most important point in football strategy today. by ELMER F. LAYDEN with D. C Grant ! •!. Ui The A.S.M.E. will meet to the Electrical Engineering Lecture Room Tuesday'bight, November 29 A representative of the Soeony- Vacuum Oil Go. will show a film on lubrication and answer any questions on the subject which may arise. Everyone to invite^) attend and A.S.M.E. members are urged to be there. The Campus Target Chib will have iU weekly snoot on Wednes day this week, instead of Thurs day. P. T. & Zeller LOST LOST: Silver identification bracelet with the initials M. A. D. engraved. Finder please return to G-I6 Walton for reward. t . . LOST: L. L Decitrig Duplex slide rule to academic building last Fridsy morning. Name, J. L. Doav- enport on flap. Return to 28 Mit chell for double usual reward. FOUND: The who left e FJjrson his hat to the chsflc room during the dance after the Rice game, may get it by coming by B-1S Walton. FOR SALE: Set of golf dubs, Hagen Woods, Wilson irons. T. O. Moore, Jackson House, North Gate sum Hu, nwovor ItT* junior derk Undrri mi] I ion-dollar fortu ^ * * Walter d. eomonds Nft.1 NOME TOWN iii “That man,” mid Pr^uient Owner, “wants the u. A Government run for the cxchwive benefit df Fort Worth and, if possible, to the detrhnent of . Dallas." Here’s the story of a fabulous feudist, sod the liveliest ww Texas has seen since 1847. AND ih. Ufidrd winkle tlappid, • when Annie trie* R<r»l!v R.»mr “rrs casy ■wj ii wnina IT ANNIK CAUQMT TUSLXSS! Jew when salvaging contract, Annie’s old enemy Bull in tunctkm* on the tug. Watch what h* ?n >eTi. drnsmitw her way out of t h.t one 'Norman Annie Blowm thm Man Down oat euapecw you.” There’s the ricvn > dynamita h tell*.in Tugboat i TO k)LL...if no q “rt Wychwood'i It. then st Christie ■rmsr H Colon*! Carter of CartrrsvtlU h ALVA JOHNSTON l “rt Wychwond'§ “nceilental* death*. KSad what wagk. then start Eaajr to Kill, the new mystery ^ ’ ■* fiecond of seven instabnenW .... > FAMILY'* STYMICS tTSfiLT. The too btMy—unfortunately—to no n from Omaha for a viattL A short r, by Chaste* Hoffman. i tot tha Major, a «hor t story by , fun and < . ADnithis Glenn > wegk’e Post.