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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1938)
THE BATTALION I Notir^U NOTH K* 1 ' student public, n«, 12* Ad«Udrtr«l by *j**P. M. MoMfey d.y ,-na* of the S^f P. Thororfojr Um Fr***y of TV CLASS SECTION DEADLINE -' t Senior* are reminded her 2« U the deadUr hare their pictures das* section of tho Longhorn. TSto Is the deadline, ao please have theta [wNSt- * - I FOE KKNT: A room for 1 boy.— Mrs. E. L. w.]: mms, Telephone Col- re UO. AB'flted'nt* please remove red gs from riiirt pockets before nil tag to laandry—A_ A M. Laun- *7. r ' • LEADER that Odjo for seniors to in the OFFICIAL Candidates for fleates s« veil frees to be conferred 1989 should now to the J SCHEDULE OP * October 87—Fadul Mass Hall 9:00 p. m. |( October 2H RtkIco vilion—2:80 p. rn. and October tS Ciayp Hall—9 #00 p. m. to 12 midnight. October U -Filtertdinment 8e* Msq Trtnsy 1 Plaper* -L Assembly Hall—8 #00 p. m. November 4 Picture Show A.“- sembly Hall—6:30 p. ' November 7 EnterUinment Se nes M *1^,1. : Speaks — Galon Hall—^ #00 p. ra . ( ESSAY CONTSsjt " All eshays beinf written for the Saddle hni. S.rVin Club Essay Contest (must be tgmd an not later than TNirsday, October 27. These ifeng^.flhould be. neatly typewrit ten and your nazis Aould not ap pear oa the sassy;prophr, bat on a •over slfeet attached 14.the essay. —D. W WILLIAMS. FAMOUS HORSE TO BE HERE The Pint Baptist Chareh of College Station has aseared Walter Johnson to help la th tional prorram here. Mr. Job will have charge of the mb sir. di rect the eheir, and'gdrist la the atndeet program. Mr. Johnson has had several years of experience la chareh work. He was with tho Magnolia Arenas Baptist Chareh, Beaumont, Tessa, for three years aad with the Va lence Street Baptist Chareh, New Orleans, La^ far twe years. He is prodact of the Baptist Bible la- atitato. New OH seas. "The President'll Office has re- esived aj small shipment of electric light pails Wdi the Department ordering these pleasf call for them. J;|. FLOWERS For th« Game and Dance l’' , fi W Y A T i-’s Flower Shop iPhone Brvaa 93 — WE DBUMER — — ■■•■j ■ 1 ,,||| —T — I This action phot,I la ef “Gray Back,’* the aatioaally known trained waad by Emit Digby of Temple. Tho horse, together with Its owner will be shown to the sgectatora at the Saddle aad Sirloin dab's rodeo next Friday afternoon and night. MEW EQUIPMENT NOW BEING USED IN MESS HALL . A large order of hew equipment was received by the mess hall last week, consisting of twblve “bus- carts'* for carrying dishes between the kitchen and the table during the after-meal denning. The carts cost $149 apleec, bat are economical in that each cart hi made of stainless steel with an indestructible *r*m»!ejis construction and will outlast three of the older type of carta. This first order re placed the old cagta in the main dining room; ropier mm at of the ether carta will follow as soon as finances permit. Favorable comments on the im provement in appearagee of the meee ball brought about by the addition of Venetian blinds to the windows and staining and waxing the floors have keen receive^ by the tammgement since school be gan. Mr. (Dhalhampet, t&« new chef, reports that a more rapid handling of “■snoads** has been achieved by an arrangement df the distri baton into o single line where the waiter picks up all hot foods. C onsolidated School Students To Hold C arnival Thursday On Thursday night, the students of the Consolidated School will hold their aamal-carnival. This carnival, which is sponsored by the local PTA, is to Tnaise money for school projects sad necessities and la being put on by the entire school, all grades sharing the work. Sapper will be served at 5KK) p. m. The supper, whtatt will be prepared by the : older girls and the ladies of the PTA, will give the Aggies a chance to taste some real home cooking, j The main event is to be the cor onation of the king and quean of the carnival, who will bo selected from the high school Students by contests now in progress. The win ners will not be known until time for the coronation. The prince and princess are to be chosen in the same manner from either the sixth or sevsnth grade, depending on which grade wins the contest. Among the many attractions will be a counting store, booths for the sale of tee cream and cold drinks. “Sing Yon Sinners’' “Tropic Holiday” at the Masaolini *rikes again, bat this time in a far more different place in Ethiophu Doe to the fact that tho Rita brothers are of Jew ish nationality, he boa banned all pictures wherein they are east. Hie reason, the oae he uses, la that they are “unfunny, and not the sort of thing Italians will stajoy The twist is that A1 Riu is ; | kMito an Ithhaa! Film; blv Hall XS Palace—Thur-day, Friday and Sat urday—“Sbig You Sinaers.” There seems to be an overflow of family ptetares since the suc cess fef the Hardy Family. “Sing You Sinner^ is a picture worth seeing because of the tinging of Bing Crosby and the acting of Fred McMurray, two of the top Ag Engineer Seniors Make Inspection Trip Twenty-five seniors taking ag ricultural engineering returned Sunday from an inspection trip to Dallas and Garland. The first stop for the inspection party was the Western Grocery Association food storage plant which is the largest modern food storage plant In the southwest and serves over a hundred stores in several different towns. Tho mem bers of the inspection trip were entertained by a banquet in the plant. At Garland they were shown a soil conservation project covering 16,000 acres where strip, cropping, contouring, terracing and jrevert- tnent to pasture of badly eroded land is practiced on a cooperative basis by the farmers. ENTRIES PROM THE A. A M. Poultry Department won agsin at the Wharton, poultry show last week. Birds from the Cel lege Farm won all the top hon- ora'hi the New Hampshire classes and made a dean sweep of the White Leghorte awards. This was an outstanding poultry show of Ufis section, aad entries were ex hibited from i number of states. Students on tho Senior Poultry Judging Team judged several classes ia the show and were grad ed by the team coach, E. D. Par nell. and home made candy. The paddle- wheel method of selling the home backed cakes, which was popular last year, ia to be used again this year. There will also be plenty of chili, hdt dogs, and various other kinds of food. rJ£ A Brilliant Diamond , for your Senior Ringr Specially Selected By Us For Cut and Brilliance— $9.75 Take • look at one. and then try to pass It if you SANKEY PARK Diamonds - Silver Watches L the raff give their long waited for uaoo. This ahoold bo mac interesting than a movie; i m of them might fyO off flight •Udh- The picture is sad> aad f^hat have you. •oems to taro been ovary director in the sldji ao helping with thig pie- tare. In l.fl reap*Ha. to aso v .this picture If .-to have an enjofsb!,- portion four time well agent. The song| Bing sings are net* and you will j^tjey them, for- ft isn't often Bing gives out and goers obj^rt. It is said that the fight •tbffd during the fUnsii* of the pictoty was the most reobstte fight ev« put on. Of count* ping louMe, but who cares. It was a good flAt ; o # • e f Assembly 'Hall, Tuesday and Wed nesday—“Tropic Holiday.’* 'fMs' ■ j possflUp, MM* I Bob Bums will be seen cal pictgre. As we stated fore in this column and since been verified. Bob attempt to move into left vAant by the untimely of the beloved Will Rogers. The picture is funny and should be seen by all. Martha Ray* is at her boat and gives out to the last note. It la ir,'.-resting to Know hat >ht* also gave up to the love bug, for last week she was mar ried. * r Instead of a show Friday night. COLD DRINKS SAND WICHES — “MUMS” For the Game Mf Up CORSAGES For the Dance 1 ' * BRYAN FLORAL & NURSERY CO. | Phone Bryan 266 b WK DELIVER WE ARE NEW ARRIVALS AT A. & M. : .-i; I . liH 7 But We Are “Old Haters” in the Cafe it Is Just Like Eating at Home oot HBCliTS EVERY DAY AM Cooking Is Suprrv iM>d by Mrs. Mackey TEXAS A&M. GRILL MR. & MRS. J. Kl MACKEY, Sole Owners Open 6 a. m. ’til 12 Midnight North Gate \ , ’['.A ’ nr? kT ' LF-r f Cs Senior Collegiate Chapter of Future Farmers Reorganized * I h.- Senior Collegiate Chapter of the Future Farmers was reor ganized with J. F. Bennett as president, A. A. Mayberry as vico- nroridsat,! B. Mathews as secre tory, O. L. Fitzhugh as treasurer, G. Baker so reporter, C. Brook- ahier, as farm watch dog, J. Car rol a* parliamentarian, W. R. Cow ley as historian, B. Hurley as ad- viheT, and A. J. Banister as song i .The Collegiate Chapter of the Mtirai Farmers is organised to give majors in Agricultural Eduea- tion training in Future Farmer tivittes which will bo port of eir job when they begin work af ter graduation. The Future Farm ers have a long list of objectives which they plan to carry out. Some of the activities open which the spotlight trill shine are; their booth at the Bryaa Fhir, their Fu ture Farmer dance, th«ir Student- Prof Banquet, hnd the way they manage the annual Smith-Hughes Contest hero in the spring. MEN Your Best si the Dhace Us Your Uniform or Tux !* pus I Cleaners Over Exchange Store You’ll find everywhere keeping Chester- fields with them all day long. They add to your pleasure w hen you’re on the job and when you take a night off. It takes good things to wake a good product. That *s why we use the best ingredients a cigarette can have —mild \ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper—to wake Chest- erfield the cigarette that smokers say is milder and better-tasting. \ ! with MORE PLEASURE for millions