Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1938)
•, -f THE BATTALION “Boys Town,’’ Starring Spencer toy and Micky Rooney) at Palace Aea rding u> »t bov •bow I uaineu *ro by a Tbe n oy« wa*, i ctreawa That ia, «h»c*d ia • f. p, : Should Win it paid abilit]. 1 hurHdajr, Friday and critka tht mad* in the ted tw« lalaad atudio. mt the aetora cooperative wovk pro salary in the the atara to their pktare on the Entertainment "Bo r'a Town," Miokey Rooney b at hia beat in tltia latest picture He ta fui ty of, i.d.1 I will accuae him at, ov tr aetinff, The ■whele b the beat of Spenc »r Tracy, atWafa a good actor doee 1 b part a# tbe famooa father Flana ran.i tome of yoo taw the dhort laat week on the real Boya' Town ia Onwkia. .Sebraaka. Ydu know tthere ia »ucb a place and the ■tory does a startling thing by •Uyii g close tt> the real and main idea < f the hotm* # Thii home for baya, all type^, creed and races is tjh«* only one of H’« k nd in the morld. The part b •6 dil ferent, that although ran by a Cat mlic priest, there are no re- ligkm i duties other than those of your »wh religion You are not re quire* to profess the faith of the Catho ks nor so much as say the tame (grace at mealk they do AU the p neat ask* is that every hoy ,have isotne kind of a religion |o follow. - Tbs story bqgiis drith t^e reason for tl e foandbig of! the home for boys in Omaha «nd move* from there into a very adcitable drama. The Acting is good) tht- plot ex cellen; and the tUoHi.ane that movie men arc in the money again. - My hat b off te the splendid way I idgmr Beiyrtm fctole the ahow from such an actor as Adolphe Menjou. In the picture “Letter of Introduction," Charlie McCarthy shows )u«t exactly what real wit b and goes the limit in proving it On the whole the picture was good I t njoyrd it and will probably aae b again If the chance prevails. The renaon for the auccesa of thb picture wns not dne to the plot, to the scenery nor anything else, ex cept good acting on the part of all in thgtytietire It iant often that one aimjla picture to full of good acting that the effect remains for some tune, but thpt b exactly what happened to me after seeing “Letter of Introduction". I am aure all who saw the movie will agree that the picture was a auccesa. — HILLELCLUB ADDRESSED BY ORIVERSin MAR imm \ DAD ° B Y D L R GIRL •-* CHICKEN GRILL ’ith ,v i allege r~ id Dr. Hje. Ettllnger, professor of Mathwnatica at the University of 1 Texas, addressed the first open meeting of the year of the A. * M Hillel Hub Sunday at 7:S0 p. m. in the > ■ h ry room of the Library on the subject of “Jewish Learning for the BAuthweet" Dr. Etttnger, who has just com pleted 25 years of service at the UnhrefSiti, is devoting his efforts thb year raising funds for the en dowment of a Chair of Hebrew learning for the Southwest at Tex as University. Tb« University has recently acquired the Schechtel Memorial Library, a collection of books in the Jewish field consisting of approximately 8,000 volumes. This was presented to Texas University through the Kallah of Texas Rabbis and Dr. Ettlinger's personal efforts. It is now his am bition to endow a Chair of Hebrew learning that will foster the use of the library, and promote the knowledge of Jesrish literature, his tory, and philosophy in the South west. There are now two privately endowed Chairs of Jewish Learning in the country, the Littauer Chair at Harvard University and the Mil ler Chair at Columbia University. Dr. Bttlmgw's hope b for the South U become a center of learn-' ing in this field on n par with Har vard and Columbia in thb country, and Cambridge and Oxford in IKE HOLDS FIRST INC OF YEAR The A.S.M.E. held Ha first meet i*g of the year last Tuesday night with mere than 100 men in attend ance. The featured speaker of the was Professor V. M. fairee, who outlined the advant- ages of being a member of the merkan Society of Mechanical Membership has reached a new high thb year, especially in the freshmen and sophomore groups. Freshmen and sophomores are urg ed to join the local branch of the A.S.M.E., rather than the more technical national branch, doe to their limited knowledge of mechani cal engineering. Programs for the coming year Utb being rotated through the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and Senior ('lasses. «< at to promote more and varied interest in the different subjects concerning the jmerhanirel eugbmer.; The next scheduled meeting b Thursday, Oct 13, and all meChani- 1 engineering students are invit- ■ntfeend. ' ECONOMICS CLUB MEETING ID BE HELD THURSDAY T • • |*1 ' ‘ • 1 The first meeting of the Eco- Pre-Law Club Is Being Organized This Year The organisation of an A. A M. Pre-Law Club waa held last Thurs day night under the faculty spon sorship of V. K. Sugareff of the history department. Although the organisation of the club b still nomiw Club wiD be fo%l Thursday in the process of being planned, ^ ***• p 00 " 1 ot the Library, the purpose b to promote an liter- Thl ' yf * r ^ c,ub ^ 0B ^ eel in and u knowledge of current **** *** Thursdays of each world affairs and te dbcuas sub- month jects pertaining to the field of law. for the current year Further than thb, the Predww art W F Wi “ * V*~* Club will, liks other campus orfani- <knt i ** 0 *°* x of gontgomery, rations, have various aocbl func- Roy Davidson ol tions throughout the year. I ® i t«ry, and Hill Yatee In past years there have been °* Te1B P** , ' s<>C1 * 1 iwr sfo>7* The of- other pre-bw clubi at A. A M, but Dcera, ia sdditbA to A. G. Beck- it b the hope of the mesa hers of man, J. A. Rutherford, J. C Web- the current organiration that Hlb,,., w. H* Duckworth, Rey CaW- will become a permenant institu- . r n _ „ L . , lion ,t the wife,,. C G “ k * ’P Although the club is essentially for pre law students, all persons who are interested in the purposes of the club are invited to join. — KKKP UPri 111 Watched ( igarelte ( aaes Gifts tm AH ^ J, P. DOHYNK, J K WE LER — « ( Dean Kyle Makes Trip Owing Weekend To Several Texas Towns Dean Kyle, of the school of Ag riculture, went to Waxahacbie laat week to talk to the farmers of Ellis county on the evil effects the tariff baa on cottor marketing From Waxahacbie Dean Kyle weat to Fort Worth to bear Secretary Wallace give a Ulk on the Federal Farm Program The next stop in his trip was Tyler where be attended the foot ball game it the afternoon and Saturday night waa a guest of the Tyler Business Men’s Club at i supper given in honor of Cover nor Elect W. I^re O'Daniels. A- mong the guests were Congress men Luther John ton and B. L. Sanders. . SHIRTCRAFT > H I RT$ \j »The Airman »oar» to new ^ irtness in thb lelection »f fresh idee* tact sporkle l h orifinolity ToHorad »y ShirtcratY ii| o variety j# kean eew col or ityiet. mm ’ j ifllf n* •* . • 1 jj -h. i Itegulation Socks C ur stock of Regulation Sbcks U Quite Complete I — NU-WBAVE I Crew Sock* SBC J « for $1.00 COTTON LISLE With Double Toe a«d 25f 35< TWO STORES , Bryw Colfcfe Stotlon Ed. Brewftar, who grad rated from A. A M. Uds peat June, has accepted an ai purntment as grad uate assistant in the Animal Hus bandry Department of Michigan State Agricultural College, accord ing to D. W. Williams, Hand of the Animal Husbandry Department. as wetlj t the pro meetings the beard of directors of the only incorporated club on the campus. There will be several prominent out-of-town busmeai aa local mea to apeak on the grama at the various im-eUnc* throughout the yuar. The Economic* Hub opens its fourth year with an invitation to all prospective member* to attend the first meeting Thursday night The membership is open te anyone who wishes to join, regardless of hb major or minor course of study YOUR SINCLAIR Is At Your Service Oir Present Service Mean* M U RK BUSINESS AGGIELAND SERVICE STATION J Two Block* East of North Gade n - f ; .. ’’W mm •h —~ *»***•■*■■—■*■ t — - il T TAILOR-MADE CIVILIAN . /'clothes , . j NATIONAL - J. L TAYLOR CAMBKI IK; i; 9CHI Ne» Samplefe . Am' [ ' One-Half Day Cleaning Service ' ii iU ., IfB’.'. I r i ! AGGIE CfeEANERS , “Tlx JI • | 1 f-'ilr |\ , 1 T North Gat, | m T \ WANTED To bay cheap old used car far cash. model CALL HKYAN 7tt ( HKIKTMAS CABM IS A—rtaS P*aa*a vtlk Baeata*** .1 rWCr^a. • »»r4 a* Art, Naaaa laarrtM aerfc if Saa As Mml Xaaaa (J.ft (>,«•* at . mcmOLS a COMPANY **»•—«. CisciW i ipETY0UR| HU COLLEGE ST0R$ FURNISH YOUR EVERY NEED r We Have A cJmplete Stock of All Articles You Will Need This Term LAMPS - STATIONERY - DRESS SHIRTS - MILITARY CLOTHING SCHOOL SUPPLIES ■ : , . ■ jlip nrjET • iiii SEE US AND SAVE MONEY The Exchange Store i l bil il Plant Science Seminar Holds First Meeting Of Year Thursday The first meeting of the Plant Science Seminar for thb school year b scheduled to be held Thurs day at 7:30 p. m., in the conference room, | fepnlfoMI Btatkmj building. Dr. A. A. Dunhp, Chkf, Divbkn of Plant Pathology and Physiology, will be the speaker for the evening. Dr. Dunlap will speak on "Patho logical and Physiological Features of 9—dHng* Prediction hj Band Cultures (iHustrated.)” fla friacipal fominess to be con- ducte^-by the Seminar will be the electbn of the officers of the group for the new yea*. This will be an important meet ing comuiering both the speaker to be heard and busineae te be con ducted All of those who are inter ested in the various phases of plant Science are urged to attend. '1 FOSTER WISE— (Continued from page l) Just before the parade started we happened to notice the bracelet | Molly was wearing. A small geld barrel inscribed “Flour Not Pork", dangled from the gold chain aroWAd her wrist The political touch, no doubt. Molly rat on a high, white seat in the middle of the floet with Potts and me oa each side of her. The parade started and after we had gone about a block the floet was stopped so that photographers could get pictures of Molly. Fren ch and 1 did oar best to work up a good smile bat we looked more like a couple of jackasses eating cactus. Molly came through like a real trouper and gave that “ million dollar smile," though. Someone recognised Molly at the first crowd and from then on the received numerous cheers and a great deal of applause from the en tire crowd all along the way—4hat ia, until we met the first Aggies end they started that so 'well knowa phrase of “Please pass the biscuits, Pappy." AU in all, Molly received the applause and Francis and I received the raising. Mil:' r iir • N Paul Whiteman ibsvy Tkarsfoy aad AcMnAM Comic* |«M Lnarnr a Mns* Toe*cco C« > t i .. you could man a fleet with the fellows Chesterfle, ' • S 4 •' ■ •'# 1 ' | Millions of stnokefs are signing up with (]hesterfielda •f* . glad to find a cigarette that has what they want... rtfrethinz MILDNESS better TASTE j' pleasing A ROMA And here's why. 4. Chesterfields give you the best ingredients a cigarette can havi... mild ripe to baccos and pure Cigarette paper. With MORE PLEASURE for millions W