Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1938)
.«• ; * • \ N*8T CORPS DANCE SATURDAY MESS r i Hall. « iji iylfctTkifty Eighth Yhir. * ; tekphoof CoUtgt r ir i M STUDENT SEMI !' V -I i • ! -i f i wff "I.k \ ’ •i* . ' } f ] ' , l\ ■* —. _ * A \ TUESDAY NEW8PAI‘Krt OP TEXAS A. & M. ( OLLEGE IV J Tcxm, September IS, 1RS8 V *- -4- V J ALIGN DIGEST M A, «. i ft FRIDAY 11 Z725 Number 2 J /{! j?** r Says ill Have Dancesflfl in and the n •Orchentm will *»l Satard^y nijrht at the imtla dMcejaf tha ywE B^k «fl all tjjedM stud«nt» who i j4at enjoyH the corp* dan wi, I $afttpUd with thia year's Fiah eJaftl. jlWa IRMO wreMtri' ia h«; .ha I ;, > 4 ; • . .id». Tommy Little><lMI, who .prami^ea to f|ve Amir ••Br of the (mat orchestras history. TMh'pMti Mnrretrati' o idMTiMM aMH tSlphMihi ail those present, playiny numbers which art request^ the danoerjs aa 'well as all «t papular muiic. jTw» musical group f or the year eonaiati of right m- bei last year’s Aggie land Orcftas'.r% which was led by Russ •r tmirlyal in frt4«i FRIDAY IS COLLEGE NIGHT College night, which serves annually as the in augural of the school yeur, will be observed FruUqrf night immediately after supper on the stepa of the Y. M. C. A. ■! . Chief Yell Leader Hub Aston and Assistant Char- } lie Trail said the observance will be in the manner of < former years, with college officials, coaches and foot- \ j ball players in the limelight. | > • To speak are President X* 0. Walton, Col. Ike Ash- 4 bum. Dean E. J. Kyle, Lt Col George Moore, Head 8. Coach Homer Norton, and possibly otbert. [ Members of the football team will be introduced * by Coach Norton as A. & M.’s 2.600 freahmen get their first contact with the spirit of Aggioland Aston is asking members of the freshman class not to participate in the yelling until afUrjtMey have learned the correct yells Junior Yell Leaders Brodie Pierce and Berton Bums will assist Aston and Trail. R CLASS THURSDAY HE’LL LEAD THE CORPS . Senior class officers will be elect ed at a meeting of the senior class in the Assembly Hall. Thursday night, September 22, according to Andy Rogers, president of last > . Hr'v junior class and one of the remors to hold the election this year. The junior class last year put off the rieeftion of this year’s senior class officers until the first of this term. The members of the class be lieved that they would be better acquainted with one another after summer camp and as s result the best m<*i would be placed in the various offices The officers to be elected ere I preside nt. vice-president, secretary,! hifttomaa and parliamefitarian. Bill Livingston was elected last year to fill the other class office, that of | social secretary. T^ure new musicians hav« aided to this year’s sdition «f Ag 4m*- "T** '*** •'“l Vh* will Win benUd SnuU, eleven swingsters to pfovids auiaii «i J for Aggie entertainment. fill, one following the game sntl Tnsa A. ft [I. and aftkr the tasesh sfth T. G. b. University at Ark^ Jsihni. and Rkt iii ' ittalion Sports Editor ^ icks Aggies to Take Top $5,76# Monthly ■■■■■Mia: 1M NYA Use ‘The Jeep” Sticks Out His Neck, But Explains Strength, Experience Are Enough to Warrant Prediction BY E. C. “JEEP" GATES | HrJ Battalion Sports Editor welt Conference football race' s ■%- V fl 11 ■ I • I V • 1 Va Four dances bare been s’lrfsulwrWt ia the question which is in the td be held after footbgll games thi4 minds of not only sports writers, "hut, also students, fans, gambler*, and coaches. A few of the Cheches’ jobs may depend on the outcome, and certainly a man is interested in whatever puts the beans on his table. Rice and T.C.U. Rave been picked \pphrants for Student Labor Greatly Exceed Number of John Offered Applications for student ‘,labor this year totaled more than 4.000, with only about 1,000 job* avail- j by moot of the experts. Some place able in both the NYA and college Rice in the favored spot with the divieiaiis, it was learned today. The 5,187 jEnter College For 62nd Session 3,214 U] And 1, In Freahmen m Here | Students of TeRas A. ft M. Col lege trekked 1,107 strong through the registrar’s dffke Wednesday and Thursday, According to the latest figures relea-vd from that office I irhinllmsiit new high chiefly base use of the return to the campus of S.2H 9n>< rclssiimen but also because LitlS freshmen gave the school ith 'Mb|uut| frsahmWi class in hiotorf, 1 k s r I ■' lid 1 » • hMn| for eld slade Ssterday, Sophoaiores ^ Guion Hall ft inrs and sti , Classes for mg. Sept W. Iftr foilewhig David Thrift, above, Ran been named by LL Col. G. F. Moors as Frog* *,vond while other* favor MYA allotment thi* year b W.7«0 c.^ Colonel for A. ft M. Hirift was a dommaung figure in student activities last yaar (Promotion story on Page 2.) KAPERS r BY JACK PUCKETT i Another year has rolled sfd we are here again to bdag | the latest dope on all the guys s gals. RICHARD JEP made the Md mistake of tftreufh a little town outside H« * ton, fislena Park, at the rate ninety mile# an hour. Wheu pod by SSi <lfficer he mekelf “Was T dthving too fastT* the cop reslidd "No, you wersr’t driving ton fast; you «see just flying too |ern low." 'Uh fttvjr waa doing temrdwy of llwustoh without a gun, flaan- light, stack >r rock wh« n ha sud denly spied Apm dim figui -1 smosg the giant searchlight* He pursued yelling at the top af hn but when they baited. BEN running the other way. One of oRir newer »tuded}t hospitable enough td offer JO-1 DAVts a drink when th# acting Commandafk was making a dormi toi\ f m*pettion in summer athoe!. but he was b mitory hecakts# of his kind I ‘ the Frogs with the Owls as second month which takes care of choice. The\Rggies have been plac- about 500 jobs at from 910 to $11 ed in third and fourth place by most * month. of the gtiessem 0. R Simpson, head of the stu- Thls writer is Vking this time dent Isbo. department, has plans to *tick big neck odt and pick the tor completely centralising student Cadets in first place.'ft •* believ labor in hn office in order to eli- ed that the Aggie-Frog game which mmate an employment agency ip will take place <m historic Kyle each department in which student* Field Oct. 15 will be the contest to wish to work. Department hands decide the rhampferaMp. '\ will tarn in the number of vacan- If the Aggies wm that fray> cies to Mr. Simpson’* office, and High tribute for the outstanding Packard. LLOYD SAMPLE claims aiM | ^ should be a fray in the full-\he will distribute the job* aa he P*ri it ha* played In the devel- that, his reputation was ruined by eat sense of the'Word |tkey will go deems necessary. Mr. Simpson opment of the Texas livestock iS- a f»i ger at camp. JACk WEBBER ®n w,n victories over Rice wadto dkg student labor situation duWry was given the Agricultural prstkically bankrupted the U. S. ! ^ Univ «rty of Texas Steer* j centrRUxed v, the extent that after , and Mechanical Cenege ef Texas turned down the sp- .BR'BIE BRAUNIG hah a very warm spot in hia heart fbr • blue Tribute Paid to AIM. In lvr~ ' i3 1 I i i bfH / F r Jj • 1 Issue of Livestock Journal a. m. sad Jew-, St 11 a. m. turday msrn- be held am pl to S:2t to m. :M to 8:5# to. Third period—i .-M to 9 Jt a4to Fourth m ri(*1 ■ 9:M to 9 Jl to wl Awatlto <*o,,mment H, dmun, «, »My ^ ^ W h.t do tW .Mb but "KLONDIKE" LANG- CodrU b,v* th.t look. Ilk, champ- FORD found shooting time a won- ipnship material ? licrflil opportunity to catch up on his |or i7.ont^lff^iBuuriaH> , I j CAPT. EN8LOW became lost whe4 attempting to return the boys to Camp Belli* after three-day hike. After wan- around the mountain* for (Continued on page S) Advanced Military Applicants for contracts in ad vanced military science will be giv. oevetnl hours Re returned two bo^rs en physical examinations, starting to tReir beds at 3 a. m. at 8 a. m. Monday and continuing J.mAYNE STARK wiihe* through Wednesday, in the base- noudee that Re has lost two cam- ment of the hospital. psigh hats wkh bis natne in both and ut the present time he has no ImLi nor the wherewithal to buy tame. So for the safe return of Sitbtir of his hat* J. WAYNE offer* hool.Lgn epiiNUsl reward, aked to leqve the dor- Mare camp stuff when I get a Htthj tints. X. UrTI A staff of regular army medical officer* will conduct the examine- at the s< plicant job available Mr. Simpson tnnt* it dkpecaslly emphawted that the students should feel that they can't bqthar.him ton much. His time is completely theirs, and their problem* are bib, he said. Student* should feel free 'gt any and ad time* to come by Mr. son’s office and talk to him ai their heeds -4 — Figures en t* are not avail increased enroll the ntaffs in the and , mamC' Rdt swp student body a* quickly aa , , (Continued itration by daaa- le because of the Additions to registrar’s offlse 'a office • were tRe swelling not be chedni; «) when “The Cattleman,’ official publication of the Texas and there is no ^Southwestern Cattle Raiser* Assn- Cattle RawSrs Association ctaUon. ^nc.. released it* current. Tad Moee*, for several years the section take the stockmen of the state on an instructive journey be hind the scenes in the inatitution which, as the magazine points out, is only onq year older than the TO STEAK Senator Bennett Champ (lark lions. Seniors who had minor cor- , of Missouri k to speak at A. ft M. rectable physical defect* and who have been authorised to appear for re-examination will alao be exam ined befori cadet commissions will be given. between Oct SI and Dec. 15 in the pcngrsm being offered by the BryamCollege Entertainment Se ries. Ticket* are still on sale for the season’s program* issue as a special Aggie number.- Breaking a precedent in the make-up of trade journals, “The Cattleman” devote* moat of the 76-pagv issue to A. and M. far the expressed purpose Of “bring ing about a better understanding and appreciation on the port of livestock producer* for the school its work." v Rvefi the cover 4p so designod as toshring a thrill of remembrance to the\nany thousands of ex-Ag- gie* scattered over the Southwest- carrying sJ\it does s pictured bo- tween-halves ‘T," and a bar of the chorus and muaic from die school anthem, "The Rpirit of Aggieland.” Nearly 30 articles and a photo 1= editor and himself an A. apd M. ex-student, has spent several month* assembling the copy, and the issue mark* the first time that he ha* matrihuted s personal col umn, an article of reminiscences of college day* which he calls "I Remember . I* Other writers, furnishing a rath- er complete picture of the school’s methods, are college officials like Dr, T.! O. Walton, the preridenl; Col. Qke Aahbom, executive as sistant to the president; department heeds, instructor* for tRa> eplk#s proper, and officials of the Agri cultural Experiment Station and AriCultbral Extension Service. (Continued on page 8) t (ivilian Clothes RjSle Changed Due to i modification of uni form regalaKoss* by the C-om- mandant's offioe. Aggies this yaar will he freer to wear civ ilian clothes thga to any pre vious yaar in the history at thr school either on nr off of the campn*,.According to toe | all student* are allowed - to wear ririHsa clot hr* after sukrupt whan nff the tampua This ruling, how- ever, doee not North €flto. or Collegp Park, throe being regarded aa a part ef the campus. j In additton to these off- put change*. tRe tigue uniform ad ea that bontoay shirt and stocks may ha worn far tab-' oratory or I place of the regulation Aggk 1 \ 14, i ■i i v - t. 1 $ tehmen / I . From Building, ‘ Two frea line on the “pre also J m lleft to right: Thd Bail Ibut the lines contiitobd ti hhien, Wrigkt Ruastll Jr. ||left waa headed ftor tht •eady to wind up tn J| ,i k, i [. )ti photographer geta a shot of part of the throng of freahmen which taxed regiatration official* all day Wednpaday. This group waa at the rear entrance of the ell around the right wing of the edifice!... Aaaiatant Regiatrar Homer L. Heaton ia ahown with one of the manv group* which flocked around hia desk for advice a Bonham, left, and Henry Shortridge of Dallas, do a little worryin’.. . Inside the Admmiltration Building, the atop* to the mexaimine were filled not with one line 1 gike rifiatrar’s office... A shot of the students in the wing of Administration occupied by the refistrar’s office* of registration—except for the onea in the line who were "loet.’’ (Soaolik Photos.) tea another idea of the aixe of the freshman class. yff JImI 4 Ilf