Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1932)
!r^f i. i ^ li Vli THE M TT ALIO *f' ■ IDLE RUMORS If ; t air is wet by comparison! At TW Palace * - - Thursday, Friday and Saturday “Stniliti’ Through.” Tuesday and Wednesday - Hell’s Highway." At The Queea Friday and Saturday “My Pal. the King ” Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “Thirteen Women.” At the Assembly Hall - • • Saturday Night “Street of Women." Wednesday Night “Washington Merry-go-Round" ^ “Smilin’ Through” portrays a Last week the presence of the in Bryan kept the Campus Snooper working overtime follow ing up the numerous bits of com edy enacted by cadets and profs. The outstanding performance by cadets was that Staged by Thomas Vaughan, major on the field artitf lery staff, and we Vaughan to tell you all about it Thomas, that handsome, six-footad he-man, was standing head and ahoulders above the colorful mob assembled in front of that croud gathering Hu la show, when he fell under the eagle-like glance of that old su| psychologist, the spieler. That old davil barker, recagaixing the dire potentialities that might result from Tommy’s admittance said, •W’e will not admit that man! The forceftl contact with old Earth last week. Congrat- ColoAel! ■Bi ■ l ff*"""*;,* j I 'Another U ho is being subjected ’ the columnial jibe is Sydney finaqcial wizard, who in voring to increase his bullion, off his sous to the tune nfj'sixteen peso* at the carnival lf«f week. Next time if you try to those sharks, Sid, keep an on the foot that centrals the beautiful story of old England, show girls might follow him out Though it is sentimental it will r it Making telephone equipment presents many an interesting problem to the engineers of Western Electric—manufacturer for the Bell System. A case in point is the drying of telephone cable before putting on the protective lead sheath. This step is of utmost importance, for the tiny copper wires cannot carry your voice properly unless their paper insulation is thoroughly dried. To this end. Western Electric engineers devised special drying ovens in which the air is tkirty times drier than desert air! The same ingenuity and thoroughness go into every step of making cable, telephones, switch boards and many other kinds of telephone equip ment. The dependable apjiaratus that results is one reason why Bell System service is dependable. / 1 '■ */ • |r • r I BELL SYSTEMNl T A NATION-WIDB SYSTRM OK INTKK.CWNNKCTING TKI.FP MONKS f-FI • : . .1 The Greater Palace THURSDAY - FRIDAY — SATURDAY THE PICTURE that CAPTURED THE HEART of the WORLD / 'Tiaima SHEARER WITH FREDR1C MARCH Preview 11 P. M. Saturday ALSO SHOWN SUNDAY - MONDAY EVERY star of radio land in a HEART. STIRRING ROMANCE I N • * famous ... appearing f °9yhmr in a drama of the m r ^ Ph0 - • • • r *v*oling their l2^ f ‘* ,he 'r * ,r vggles .., their ,t or J* ’ ho, *» .. the real f\ »' *• "<•" o„d women Oir y.mj appeal to the most sophistkated aa a beautiful ballad placed on the screen. The tale itself ia one of a love that survived fifty years of hatred. Norma Shearer, Frederic March, Leslie Howard, and Ralph Forbes, all famous screen actors, play their parts sincerely. o ■ - • Following the latest trend in mo tion pictures, “The Big Broadcast” has in its cast the pick of radio’s hsadliner*. Bing Crosby, Vincent Lopes, Kate Smith, the Boswell Sisters, the Mills Brothers, Arthur Tracy, and Cab Calloway are the radio stars and Stuart Erwin, Leila Hyanu, and Sharon Lynne the Hol lywood stars in the picture. The story is taken from a Broadway stage hit and is well worked in with the cast. j—o Essentially entertainment. Hell’s Highway will arouse comment aa an indictment against prison camps. Richard Dix and Tom Brown are brothers in the prison camp The hardships of the prison ers’ life leads to a jail break that ends in a aeries of complications. Rochelle Hudson and C. Henry Gordon are the other outstanding actors in the picture, j' Tom Mix will appear at the Queen in a story of the part played by a wild west circus in a mythical European kingdom. The cowboy and hit famous horse, Tony, rescue the boy king, Mickey Rooney, from the hands of intriguing politicians. ' " o—— “Thirteen Women” are woven to gether in a weird tale of murder. Myrna Loy, imagiaing that she had been insulted by twelve class mates at school, sets out to cause their deaths. The climax of the story is the struggle between the minds of Irene Dunne and Myrna Loy. Ricanio Cortes ia a suave de tective who tries to solve the mys teries of the case. After helping Allan Dinehart complete his skyscraper, Kay Fran cis is unable to glory in his fame for'he is already married. The trouble began when her brother re turns from South American and finds that his employer is her lov er The “Street of Women” is s sophisticated movie but is amus ing, nevertheless. o - With the attentien of the nation focused on the presidential elec tion, the engagement of “Washing ton Merry-Go-Round” is a timely mmL . i might l By dint Of much arguing on the part of Tommy’s following he was admitted. Contrary to the spieler’s expectations, Leota, the carnival’a Little Egypt, speeded up Tommy’s pulse and it was some task getting him away from the show. Again we must pause and go through the formality of welcom ing to the world renowned Prince of Wales Club, another dashing horseman who made p forced land ing. This time the honor goes to Colonel A. R. Emery, who made a &bdul “Airmail” Ismail, while ing the AIEE convention at Oklahoma, met Professor h, teacher of electrical en- at the University of Mis- Professor Wienbach is the t of the book on Transmission its used bjr the EB students When Abdul proceeded to call Mention to several mistakes e text, the'professor told him he thought it was a good in fact an excellent oi you can even use the formu la on page 62 to determine a man’s and nationality if you know in constanta,” the 'prclhaM^ told Abdul. Whan Abdul got back hd i$>ent the nifht substituting in 4* formula on page 62, to see if could determine his pedigree, still puzpled. 1 IBINO CROSBY r/ ^Rrifain Matinee I - 2 P. M. — 25c i] ; If you have been dianp- pointed in the prompt delivery of y< UNIFORM there ia no need to wait —We can fit yon in the beat grade Regulation Uniforma at the lowest | prices in history. This Week Brings Us New Trench Coats Dobbs Hats Aggie Unionalls Insignias Leather Jackets and many other needed Uniform supplies. WALDROP & GO. Two convenient Stores < ollege and Bryan X STILL OFFERINlifTHE SAME Excellent Food, Faultlehdigervice, Charming i ' Atmospherty and FOUNTAIN DRINKS Qf DISTINCTION : Visit Us After the Shfws and Dances Deluxe Cafe & Confectionery Across from the Palace j ALWAYS OfEN Jr 1; Exchange Store QUALITY The Store of 1: . 11 * * VALUES and SATISFACTION in the selection of your MILITARY GOODS '• BOOKS 1 STATIONERY and all School supplies K. CHATHAM i ,. Manager A « ;V \ i fw 1 j ' ’ j * [ p\ ' i J hat on earth you up to now / \ \ 1 " LANDING things oot, smarty! I thought IM cx- amine the tobacco in a cigarette. "Look here...this ixChesterfield tobacco.Nolhv ils lighter don’t «*e ary dark heavy ty|N*s do you? I gucHg that's why Chceterfield* are milder. "I'm told that uniformly lighter color ia due to cro^-Mcnding. It sort of welds all the tolwccoe into one. "And here*B something else. Notice that thaw* long shreds an* all cut the same width. It stand* to rea son they Uirn smoother and nxjrr. "I don’t pretend to lie an expert hut it look* me a* if they make Chesterfields right. "Here, light one. That’s the beat teat after They Satisfy.” \ 1 \m 11. ‘V A 1 ■HU i ,i i r\ A # ..v; iid Ft /1, dU -I i^' • l*M. raMvauT 111