Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1931)
THE BATTALION GOING HOME Let The Battalion Follow You Just Because You Are Going to Lay Out a Term, Don’t Forget the School and Your Old Friends— The Battalion Offers You The Best and Easiest Method of Keeping in Contact with Them. Proposes Limiting Football Schedules And Reducing Period of Eligibility CLEVELAND, O.—Limitation of in tercollegiate schedules, reduction of intercollegiate athletic eligibility to one or two years, organization of two or more teams in each sport, and endowment of college athletics were proposed as possible means of reduc ing emphasis on intercollegiate foot ball by Prof. Joseph E. Raycroft, speaking before the American Asso ciation of University Professors here. Prof. Raycroft, chairman of the association’s committee on student health and athletics, admitted none of the proposals were original with him, but said he believed them the best of the many solutions being of fered in the widespread discussion of the problem. He indicated little alarm over the situation, saying there was a general decrease of interest in intercollegiate football on the part of the under graduates themselves, who often pre ferred other diversions while big games -were going on. “I think the next five years will find considerable improvement in the condition,” he said, “ as is already being evidenced in a number of in stitutions. “The plan of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia university, to have the alumi endow undergraduate sports, both intercollegiate and intra mural,” the Princeton professor said, “ was an old plan 30 years ago. It was then proposed by Dr. Charles R. Harper, the first - president of the University of Chicago. Although the organization took no official action on Prof. Raycroft’s suggestion, there was considerable in formal discussion of the entire ath letic situation. Discover Dinosaur Tracks In Canada OTTAWA, Canada-—Discovery of footprints of dinosaurs along the Peace River in British Columbia, among the foothills of the Rockies, is believed here to throw new light on the life and habits of these prehis toric monsters. The footprints were of five different species of the animals, the animals ranging in size from 12 feet long to 35 feet long. At that time, when the animals liv ed, the section in which their foot prints have been found, was tropical in climate, and was on the shore of a great salt water sea which stretched northward from the present Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Circle. The discovery was made 475 miles north of the international boundary line. Sixteen Student Clubs Meet In New Library It was learned from a statement recently made by Thomas F. Mayo, librarian, that sixteen different stu dent organizations, all with an intel lectual purpose, meet in the Asbury room of the new library. Dates for club meetings were drawn for by the presidents or a representative from the various organizations. The clubs are as follows: The Press Club, Arch itects’ Club, The Hillel Club, Engineer Seminar, Scribblers Club, Round Ta ble, Industrial Arts, Junto Club, De bating Club, Accounting Club, Scholar ship Club, The Fortnightly Club, The Agricultural Administration Club, The Agricultural Engineering Club, The Pre-Med Club, and The Dramatic Club. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — James Bond, of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, has started on a trip to the West Indies where he is planning to collect birds for the museum here. A Wellesley student can now invite a Harvard man to “in” dances at the college, and can smoke in a canoe, but she cannot own an automobile accord ing to students. A new course in government at Bar nard College for Women will allow students in the course to go to all parts of New York City to inspect at first hand the manner in which vari ous phases of government operate. The chief lesson of history to those who have eyes to read is that history throughout is the history of freedom. —Senatore Croce. Plants for the assembling of Ford cars and trucks are being built by Henry Ford in Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Multan. Indian natives are to be added to the sales staff of the company in India. RIVER SCENE OF COLLEGES MIDDLETON, Conn.—That the Connecticut River has on its banks more institutions of higher learning than any other in the world, includ ing the Thames, in England, is the claim set forth in an article from the Boston Transcript, reprinted in the Wesleyan Argus here. From north to south, on the banks of the river, these institutions are: Dartmouth, at Hanover, N. H., Nor wich University, in Vermont; North- field and Mt. Hermon Seminaries in Massachusetts; Amherst College, Massachusetts Agricultural College, at Amherst, Smith College, Mt. Holy oke, two colleges at Springfield, Trin ity College and Hartford Theological Seminary at Hartford, and Wesleyan at Middletown. Until recently the Berkeley Divinity School was on the banks of the riv er, and for the first fifteen years of its existence Yale University also was so situated, at Saybrook. LOOK FELLOWS Call by and get that Gift for your Girl during mid term Your Credit Is Good Caldwell’s Jewelry Store FOR THE NEW TERM Everything- in Correct Military Equipment at money saving prices— All sizes in Dress And Drill Shoes flJaldropflfi Bryan and College Memories Fade — Photograph Stay! Someone You Know Wants Your Picture Aggieland Studio PHOTOGRAPHS OF DISTINCTION Picture Frames — Films — Kodak Finishing The Campus Cleaners and Tailors HENRY LOCKE, Manager Alterations, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairs Hats Cleaned and Blocked Caps Cleaned. Ties Cleaned and Pressed OYER THE EXCHANGE STORE Start The New Term Right By Saving Money On Your Toilet Articles 50^ tube Ipana tooth paste 29^ 50^ tube Pepsodent tooth paste 29^ 25^ tube Listerine tooth paste 17^ 60^ jar Pompeian message cream 46^ 60^ bottle Glostoria hair oil 39^ 4 bars Palmolive soap 25^ 50^ Williams shaving combination 29^ $1 pkg. Super-Duro razor blades for Gilette razors 58^ MONTGOMERY WARD CO.