Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1928)
t THE BATTALION (7) Socialism; an equal share to everybody.” Each one of the above plans is discussed at length. In doing this Shaw goes into a very interesting and original treatment of almost every topic imaginable including oli garchy, the courts of law, the idle rich, churches, schools, the press, the question of population, engenics —here he states: “Sexual attraction in human beings is not promiscuous: it is always specific: we choose our mates. But this choice is defeated by inequality of income, which re stricts our choice to members of our own class: that is, persons with similar incomes or no incomes.”— taxes, rates, rent, capital, investment and enterprise, foreign trade, war, accumulation of wealth and decay of man, the proletaria, the labor market, trade unions, speculation, banking, nationalization, party poli tics, religious dissensions, revolu tions and lastly sociaism and liber ty, socialism and marriage, social ism and children and socialism and the churches—all these are dis cussed. Covering such a wide variety of topics as it does it seems doubt ful that what he’d have to say would agree with our own way of reasoning; and indeed there is more than one instance in which his state ments seem absurd. But whether we agree with Mr. Shaw or not is be side the mark. The point is to read the book not for the purpose of ‘V ‘'l* * -'£ > *1* O d* *o* c £° *2* ^ *1* *2* *** *I C r I* *1* ^ *1'* *£•* *2* ^ v 1 *1* ’i - * *X* *o c ^ ^ ^ ^ v •* AGGIES, GET WISE! SAVE 10 PER CENT We give you coupons on all purchases of 25 cents or more. You receive coupons worth 10% of the amount of your purchase. The coupons are as good as cash in our store. SAVE THEM—USE THEM. Tell your friends about us. BURTIS & CANADY T* © © '"v o X3 XX XT «3r C3r X SS T S5 Free Motorcycle Delivery. PHONES 60 and 560. Courtesy and Service t 'i 3 ^ ^ v 5 ^ ‘I* ^ ^ ^ e i‘ e ^ ^ ■2 c ^ ^ -I v v “x 5 ^ ^ ^ v ‘cc *2® ^ ^ *0* ^ ^ 'Q* ^ *S® ft l c ^ l 2 31 For Life Insurance SEE Crenshaw & Mitchell 27 ASTIN BUILDING ED CRENSHAW “SCRIPT” MITCHELL ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ •fc ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ it ★ THE NEW YORK CAFE New Throughout and Modem in Every Respect. SOLICITS THE PATRONAGE OF OLD AND NEW STUDENTS Next Door to La Salle Hotel Bryan, Texas Phone 460 | | WE WANT YOU TO KNOW OUR SHOP AND THE 1 KIND OF WORK WE DO— 1 OUR PLACE IS CONVENIENT TOO. The Campus Cleaners & Tailors (OVER EXCHANGE STORE) It has been said that “bull” is mightier than the sword. And no doubt there is a high-powered grain of truth to that statement. Take for instance our Noble Institution. How many fair sons have managed through sheer bravery and a brass front to come through devoid of any knowledge or education whatever, yet still grasping that highly thought of diploma in hand. “Bull,” noth ing but straight “bull” could ac complish that. However, let us go back for a moment, where did this idea of hull, or more refined “oratory,” begin ? James Ferguson,—no, still further back into the gloom of history; Patrick Henry,—still back. Now you have it,—Diogones, the man with the flashlight who hunted a police man at daybreak. First, I must warn you. It is sad news that I bring. Although it has been only some few hundred years, Mrs. Diogones is a widow. No doubt to those of you who have not heard of this it will fall with a sickening thud,—and think of his pore widder. Yes, the man who used to fill the First Baptist Church of Athens to capacity and howl with such eloquence that the rafters would shake, is departed from us unto the pearly beauties of a different world. He was indeed a great windy, I real ly don’t believe that Diogones would even be satisfied with a mere harp. And, in case,—well somehow I know that he would resent a shov el of any size. Again back to his widow. I am perfectly willing to start a sub scription list in her favor and with a little urging will come around. It must be a lonely life for her. Some say that Diogones took ora tory in a common defense against his Mother-in-law although I have n’t looked up that side of the is sue, however I am inclined to think that the old “seeking an honest man” excuse when he was caught by the local constable at one a. m. would hardly go today with the wonderful excuses such as “Lions Club Meeting,” or Ku Klux” gather ing, of the modern world for com petition. But I believe that I mentioned Patrick Henry a minute ago. He was one that squalled for “Liberty.” Lots of “liberty,” with no apparent reason back of it at all. Just an other publicity scheme. Since he couldn’t “burn a, “ah,”—that is start something some other way, or (Continued on Page 9) Does it rain on the Grand Banks? Rain and sleet and spray are all in the day’s work for Fish Brand Slickers. They’ve cov ered the backs of deep-sea fishermen for 92 years. The famous “Varsity” model is built of the same sturdy stuff. It’s a handsome coat, full-lined, with big, book-carrying pockets that won’t rip. Strap-collar or plain, buttons or buckles, and your choice of colors. If you want a lighter, dressier slicker, there’s the “Topper”—smartly cut and finelj/ tailored. \ Tower’s Slickers are sold everywhere. Look for the Fish Brand mark. A. J. Tower Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 31llllii;illlt]lim!!llllit3!IMIIi!ili!C]:iil!iillll!£2llii!ilim!CIilim:ill< Service and Safety at Your Rexall Store. (Operated by Former Students Ass’n. for Student Loan Fund.) acquiring another ready-made set of beliefs to replace our present ones, but for the purpose of realizing that intelligence and not prejudice must be used in the problem of how the human race can best arrange that part of its life which is lived in common with others. I Pure Drugs | | AND 1 Pharmaceuticals I TOILET GOODS | AND A COMPLETE LINE OF | | Dreg | Sundries | YOUR TRADE SOLICITED | 1 E. R. EMMEL 1 DRUGGIST THE REXALL STORE