Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1928)
THE BATTALION 8 Is thoroughness sacrificed for speed? Is a smattering of disseminated in formation substituted for knowledge ? I believe it is. The incident might have happened in almost any class room. Half of the courses listed in the catalogue are covered so rapidly the students can retain but a few brief facts concerning them. We do not blame the teachers. It is not their fault. It is the natural result of past conditions, principally an increase in the field of knowl edge without a corresponding in crease in the amount of time de voted by the colleges to the study of this knowledge. The ones who hold our college destinies in their hands must be cog nizant of the situation. It is to them we look for relief. Upon their shoulders falls the responsibility for evolving a plan that will enable the teachers to approach more closely the ideal in educational methods. Until it is done the students can not be expected to obtain more than a poor substitute for education. MEETING OF PRE-MED CLUB WELL ATTENDED The Pre-Medical Club held its first meeting of the year last Friday night. Twenty-nine men were present and the following officers were elect ed for the coming year: Hawley, president; Bissel, vice-president; Brown, secretary and treasurer. The Club plans to bring several doctors and representatives of the various southern medical colleges to speak. The club will also assist in the publicity of a pre-medical course, as many students fail to come here to study because they do not think that a thorough course, which would satisfy the requirements of a medi cal college, is offered. For quite a number of years there has been a need for a medical library. The club intends to start one soon and any books along this line would be sincerely appreciated. All men who are taking a pre medical or a' pre-dental course are requested to be present at the next meeting, November 2nd, in Room 1, Science Hall. Eczema: What would any Christ ian woman be doing out this late in a car ? Dandruff: The same thing a hea- thern woman would, I presume. —Ex. ❖ * ❖ Willie (shooting an arrow across the fence:) Mrs. Brown, is my ar row in your yard ? Second Neighbor (speaking up): No, Willie. Willie.: Yes, it is, ma’m, in your cat. —Ex. !]: * * Hotel Clerk: Inside or outside room, sir ? “Inside, it looks like rain.” —Ex. ❖ * * Wear socks that can be put on from either end and save time. ❖ * * Dumb Dora: Why does that man run with the ball ? Boy Friend: Because he is being chased. D. D.: Why are they chasing him? B. F.: Because he is running with the ball. ❖ j}: * Preserve the dormitories. Never sneeze while brushing your teeth. ij: * First Co-ed: I’ve got a hockey nose. Second Unfortunate: How come? First: It dribbles. * ❖ * “Mr. Wood, what’s that piece of paper doing behind your radiator?” Wood tiptoes over quietly so as not to disturb the paper, examines it carefully, and answers: “It’s not doing anything now, sir.” :ji :'c ^ “Will you lend me five dollars for a month, old boy?” “Listen, silly, what does a month old boy want with five dollars?” ❖ * ❖ Prof—“Congugate the verb “to swim.” Pupil—“Swim, swam, swum.” Prof—“Now congugate the verb “to dim.” Pupil—“Say, are you trying to kid me?”—University News. — 7- r—Trr lil rather have a Chesterfield! " It is considered the height of bad form, they say, to carry your own sandwiches to a tea—or to pack your own blanket for the week-end— but luckily, no such outlandish conventions surround the smoking of your own cigarette. "I’d rather have a Chesterfield,” fortunately, is a phrase which not only remains "good cricket” in polite circles—but at the same time brands the smoker as a person of rare discernment and excellent discrimination. And small wonder, considering all the re mark implies. Good taste, top quality, the rare sparkle of tobacco goodness—all these combine to justify the choice of that man who thus shows his keen judgment. "I’d rather have a Chesterfield”—a neat line, that—the mark of a real connoisseur and the password of six million smokers. Ch esterfi eld MILD enough f o r anybo dy ..awc?^cf..THEY S AT IS F Y LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO C0>.