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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1928)
Published Weekly by the Students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas VOL. XXVI BRYAN, TEXAS, APRIL 11, 1928. NO. 25 BATTALION DELEGATES HAVE GONE TO BAYLOR FOR JOURNALISM WEEK Two representatives of the Battal ion have gone to Baylor to attend the College Publications Day for Jour nalism Week. E. L. Andrews and R. H. Shuffler, both of the News Staff, are representing the Battalion. This is the second annual Journalism Week that Baylor has held. The one last year proved to be such a success that Dr. S. P. Brooks saw fit to have the University and Jounalism Department of the University sponsor another such week. Many of the most prominent writ ers, newspaper and magazine editors, and journalists will be present to ad dress the members of the convention. Other features of the program are discussions of the value of the journal ism, business management of news papers, and round table discussions. BLISS IS NEW HEAD OF M. E. DEPT. OF COLLEGE W D. Bliss, head of the department of mechanical engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., since 1923, has been named head of the department of mechanical engineer ing, effective September 1, according to announcement by Dean F. C. Bol ton of the School of Engineering. Professor Bliss is expected to arrive at College Station during the coming summer to take over his duties with the new college year. The new head of the mechanical en gineering department, who will suc ceed the late E. J. Fermier and Prof. Ray Flagg, who has been acting head of the department since Professor Fer- mier’s death, was born at Alfred, New York, and is 41 years old. He re ceived his elementary education in the public schools of New York State un til he was fifteen, when he went to (Continued on Page 2) I I I I i Swimming Meet Postponed The Houston K. C. Swimming Team will not invade College Station, as was first planned. This is due to the failure of the College authorities to permit an athletic contest to be held on Sunday. Plans are now being made for the same meet to be held in Houston in the middle of May. DECORATIONS FOR R. Y. FES TIVITIES NEARLY COMPLETE Holidays Begin Wednesday Night The wonders of Neptune’s realm undersea furnish the principal theme of the decorations for the Ross Vol unteer festivities to be held April 19, 20, 21. These festivities, held annu ally during the spring- recess period at the College, always mark a high point in student social affairs, and promise this year to be of much in terest. The queen’s ball, .honoring Miss Carroll Cox, of Stephenville, queen of the festivities this vear, will be held tlu night of April 10. Decor ations for the court scene all bear the maratime atmospher. The queen’s throne will be a huge oyster shell and brilliant colors of under sea flora will prevail. The orchestra will be sta tioned in replica of Spanish galleeon. F. M. Mabry, of San Antonio, is king of the R. V.’s this year. The R. V. Banquet will be held in the evening of 'April 20, followed by the R. V. dance. Corps dance the night of April 21, will be the final af fair. Baseball games April 20 and 21, between the Texas Aggies and the Longhorns, will offer entertainment features and it has been announced that other features have been sched uled The R. V. exhibition drill will be held the night of April 21. Music will be furnished by Ligon Smith Orchestra, Dallas, and the Ag- gieland Orchestra. Dick Bernhard, Dallas, is general chairman on ar- rangeemnts. Committee chairman in clude: Tony Torn, Taylor, finance; Fred Dexter, Houston, decorations; Allen Peoples, Dallas, music; J.- H. Warren, Houston, favors, programs and invitations; L. E. Hobbs, San An- tonjfo, banquet. SPECIAL SHOW BENEFIT SWIMMING TEAM FRIDAY An unusual attraction is featured for the Assembly Hall Friday, April 13, the proceeds of the show to be used for the benefit of the A. and M. Swimming Club to help finance the meets to be held the remainder of the year. The picture will be “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds,” featuring Ruth Tay lor and Ford Sterling, the story be ing taken directly from the popular novel of Anita Loos. Jack Potter, comedian and ukelele artist, will be one of the special fea- (Continued on Page 7) EIGHTH CORPS AREA RATING BOARD TO INSPECT Colonel Mayo To Be In Charge of In spection of Military Units April 26 For seventeen years the A. and M. College of Texas has been on the dis tinguished list of the R. O. T. C. schools. This is an honor held by no other school in the country, and we must not let this chain of accomplish ments be broken. On April 26, 27 and 28, Col. Chas. R. Mayo, 8th Corps Area, R. O. T. C. officer, assisted by Major James J- Loving and assistant G3 of the 8th Corps Area headquarters, will in spect the various military units here. Colonel Mayo is thoroughly ac quainted with our activities here and will know exactly where to look for faults. During the past year a great many favorable comments have been made upon our unit, but this should not serve to make us overconfident. This year, in addition to the in spection of usual subjects of instruc tion, inspection will be in detail from the administrative point of view. Here is where the Seniors must do their stuff, for even Jackson made bad decisions. Our margin last year was very close and we are being continually pushed by other units in this corps area which is noted for its high standards. PLAY WRITEN BY WELDON STONE TAKES FIRST PRIZE, $100, IN DALLAS “We Write a Play,” is the title of the one-act play by Weldon Stone, in structor in English at A. and M., re cently awarded first prize of $100 in the one-act play contest of the Little Theatre of Dallas. Announcement of winners in the contest was made this week in Dallas and Mr. Stone was advised by wire that his entry had been adjudged first prize winner. Mr. Stone’s play is a satire on the indi genous play. It has a Texas locale and revolves around the efforts of two college graduates who set out to, and do, write a play. The Little The atre of Dallas will produce Mr. Stone’s play as well as the second and third pi'ize winners of the contest and during May. The Little Theatre of Dallas also plans to publish the plays later in the first volume of a series. Mr. Stone was born in Waco and received his B. A. degree from Baylor (Continued on Page 3) AGGIE BAND RETURNS FROM SUCCESSFUL TOUR The Aggie Band returned Tuesday morning from its concert tour of West Texas. Despite all weather con ditions they played every scheduled concert and proved themselves even better “mud hens” than musicians in the majority of cases. Although every member on the trip suffered many hardships and much discomfort they had a good time and there now exists a closer friendship among the ma jority of the boys than ever before because each man was put to the test which showed the stuff of which he was made. It seemed that each town tried to outdo the other in its hospitality. John Tarleton through Dean Davis, made every provision for the com fort of the band both on the first visit and on the return trip. The mothers of Ballinger served dinner to them after a parade in their city. The Ex- Students and Mother’ Club of San An gelo displaye every evidence of West ern hospitality toward the boys. All the concerts were successfully rendered and played to an appreciative audience at every place, which not only kept up the reputation the band had but served to make a better name for it in the towns where it never ap peared before. Warm congratulations (Continued on Page 2) MAJOR BUCHLY PROMOTED Orders recently received here from the War Department, announced the promition of Walter E. Buchly from captain to major of cavalry, U. S. A., effective March 10. Major Buchley is in his fifth year as a member of the military science department at the A. & M. College of Texas, being professor of military science and tactics. He held the rank of captain when detailed to the college by the Department. He will remain in his present duties until the end of the present College year at least. Major Buchly is a graduate of the Troop Officers’ course of the Army Cavalry School at Fort Riley, Kan. NOTICE Late orders for Senioi' Invitations will be taken the remainder of this week and next week before R. V. This is the last opportunity to get your invitations for thiii year. INVITATION COMMITTEE.