Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1927)
THE BATTALION 7 wmm'mmmhg February 14 th WHEN YOU BUY THAT VALENTINE DON’T FORGET CASEY’S WHITMAN’S FAMOUS PACKAGE CANDIES, ESPECIALLY PACKED FOR Valentine Favors Make the most pleasing impression with Mother, Sweetie or Sister t REMAINDER OF THE BAS- f % KET BALL SCHEDULE. Feb. 7. Texas Christian University at Fort Worth. Feb. 11-12. Centenary Col lege at College Station. Feb. 19. Texas Christian University at College Station. Feb. 23. Rice Institute at College Statiion. Feb. 28. Texas University at Austin. I ■V 4 GIRLS •i* * 4* ❖ 4> 4* 4» t YOU In days of old, When knights were bold. And wore a suit of tin, When the suit went by, Though she knew not the man within. In those sweet days The armdr craze Was started; and it grew. A girl would meet Her hero sweet, And then—be black and blue! The knights of today Are blithe and gay Each maid does sigh As the car goes by; She heeds not the man within. In these sweet days It is a craze In tinny cars to roam. So late at night (I know I’m right) Are girlies walking home. —Exchange. WORKING STUDENTS AFFLICT ED WITH LOW WAGES ARE TOLD TO ORGANIZE twice as many applicants for jobs as there are jobs to be filled. Conse- ■ quently local employers take advant age of the situation and pay miser- i.u.y iow wages. The students who mu it v. ork to remain in college, are • r ~.+ ^n to pretest. Higher wages, which would make it unnecessary to work long hours,! hence permit more to be employed, can be obtained only through the concerted effort of the student work ers, The Daily Kansan believes. It is not necessary, the paper my:;,.: “that the organization be called a union, but that is what it must be.- The difficulty is to convince student The unignorable fact stands out that they are inherently a part of a bour geoisie which considers labor menial, and labor organizations symptomatic of bolshevism.” “Will they, supposedly educated, be able to break away from class pre judices when it is to their common good ?” (The New Student). Herbert Frels (in Zoology): “Prof, my father says we originated from apes.” Prof. English (impatiently): “Your- family affairs are of no importance, in class.” * * * Agnes says that her father must be getting very near-sighted, as the other day she caught him kissing the maid instead of her mother. Exchange. “Yon. can •'eii that Blinks is a nou veau riche.’ . w erf “When he steps out of his limou sine he always forgets and looks for the meter.” Exchange. Can Save Money at our BIG STOCK RE DUCING SALE A student labor union ? The Daily Kansan suggests this as a remedy for low wages on the University of Kansas campus. According to the local Y. M. C. A. employment bureau there are almost I Real Service. THEMETROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP Call and See ua. *J» * •** BRYAN, TEXAS PALACE f THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY, February 3-4-5 MAE MURRAY IN VALENCIA I BEGINNING JAN. 14TH Almost every article in our store reduced to about whole sale cost for two weeks only. A. M. Waldrop & Co. BRYAN ^*j*-i* *i*-i--I—;--;--I--.—*-•**-;*-I*-I*-I*-i--I—i*: x * * * ❖ * * * EAT A BURGER AT DAD COLE’S When You Are Hungry Between Leggett and Bat- Roost Halls **♦ *i* *}**■!»*$*■«$* ❖ W. B. CLINE, M. D. •> Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat ❖ Reffraction and Glasses ❖ Office, Third Floor City Na- ❖ tional Bank Building ❖ Phones: Res. 622; Office 606 4* Bryan, Texas QUEEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY, February 3-4 CLARA BOW IN ADVENTURE SEX