Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1926)
Mil T '\0 MOITTJJOBfTfl ffB 8B9'.(9l{W f*" n * r ’* * •» i " vv. •• •. • . ' V • i« * ^ ^ % * >.*•* •*. VOL. XXV. falirtl * l 'Hit ri‘I v./58 I CTAMM, TOKAIEte&M ftfjoodwt od vjutt boom disrfi rrt hit A 'Oi o bol i8U.M VII ,.i tro tarv^oi if tHe Former §±udents’ Asso- c MWl °^’.l% M e - uary the ..first, " O^lorKji AphlMirh ■’ s< *'«. ' 4) pv*s- paper man. He resigned as city editor! A t4> accept' an appointment as puhlicity rector for the Agricultural and Me- ficers training camp at Leon Wngs. He wes n^jor and served overseas and was funded in action and decorated for le^FMul-nefi ^t^ stkte college in L9 and served for five years as WAR DEPARTMENT WOTfoa ’!<) 8'fB' ] Y»jOD K I jul J hovloBOt 'I'xft'iui .li oil -Banlo r wo )uoa od noj.lj/lofi-rr aid) ’I -^nirimiv) .11 .T .aiM .forUorn a'otnr ON EAR-TH iPEACE, i OOOpWiLL TOWARD^ MaK.^ iItM sltod /Itfiob bin; ooutint And! hnA ? aaorrslbi t fiats non rrl MTUi?. gr ssrcnna tad) womt noy oG jd^uoiTM barf fi Tnaw uoy JJ V 'hu.ia “roqo'ni erft ovad rroy Tf to otioxBO-ToiTijoD ‘idt ot yqo' 1 e .a bita .A od i ot ycfon a bn a .yoffd dol .noHa) .l .inobiaotG .HTdiGlAW .11 -L •oaP. .YJltlHtmSIP.IUP .0 d. .1. ,il tobai ed Weokfy' byitthe) Stodtents 1 oif 1 th» Aaricultural and Mechanical College, } Te: Vovfr i.m. 11 ■ s ;;nt >d .) BRYAN/ TEXAS, DECEMBER 15, 192$."'’''J l/t r * liiW limi ovl^p nl ho dxiundl HH'f-diye, ■i^.r.ohf dov -rod* -ini fidh'KIIf- yv'^d" Off ’qooq os a'Jl dt rW dT to emtnifoo od Tol noitaiofruiriG fTypTTidt to o',vs bur. noM >adirr mwi: l Ur MAKE COLLEGE V ALUABLE GIFT b ml lon buioiTa orla laiil toOTf GRADUATES uaoG /Hot A A. .stood tnoliui i>na aoiDloon Hams A receiitfy 'i’s'sued' r *bufleAm'| of 'tiie^ ;oa boai-’OTq ntimq a i Ti WfFfitort 1 r ee.c| i Y.qd : t shq)w ?/ that A. and M. leads by a wide, •■tnar- gki;aapBthe numbeh'of • honor! grhduhteW JlSifefiat^ ih/ r, l#^ ft fr6 , ih u i‘h4 : tl^irtyi five "institutions in' the country desig r nated by the War Depajrtpient ^s dis- pf f ,^e ; ,1^ps^y. tingu^d (i: ,cQi^gpq, 1 ^n4. I honor milir Stafford^eK^cu 1 tiye>yifleTpr^si4ent,.and: bn a Jos Of ru boi'fl durJarb -sxim erti 'fol otU ItnotaT^ in a l .ba ¥r, rPn, • ,UW°^7 -Hi o'iovos nod ^JflKiub sllad tfassiSI .■qtHTollo faTofT Ini iniaod odT as on oAh ^iPFe^ehcp 9f : thp ep^e body land a largievnU'mbervpf-.students, the ! Missouri• Pacific presentdd ’to' the' Co'lie^fe’ la^fe’''Batutd^ si’ l 'stbhrii ifeW- bnn eedrtldlfnauorft artt, .ynlaqnxjcfi motive. It was presented on behalf of lln uov vd boJimilxo SK9rt8itof0fit5 tary schools. The otal number of men -designated-was 123 by fhe 35 S(3io61sj of this number, 13 were graduate! Honor graduates are designated b uthorities of the dis' itary schools in accord ance with United States Army reg| vfe^tflAatfnhbVfilS* «Mik-of-liHu-' #\oTO¥h;^We4Vfac^ ant colonel by the close of the con- colIege t l ? e . mg ^ sed ° n the ° ! men taking the advanced military coupfsjais. Any •,’df vtb^Thonor (graduates;, so designated are eligible to apply for the regular army without further i|te4, which position he is hftw. The new secretary of hr students of this colle^thFif} 0 !! ?n appointed. 1EAM AND KOW CLUB SPONSOR OF«E’Pla»l¥if5§fe6W )n the eve of the beginning <$)th$; aristmas holidays the Kream and k ‘mltaiWh; eFSMHWaBJI^QPW^^A^-KPodson, Waco; G v Eppwright, Manor; A. H. Giesecke, ^a8 A‘tfta$fiRn®>> Gilley, Caldwell; ]J^4P|.‘|joessin, La Grange; H. B. Lieb^ afsky, Shiner; O. P. McCarty, San anU RMfawmik. E : 4^t of 13 A. and M. men o^ of ’26 is: Arthur Bayless P,ro; Bernadoni, Galveston Austin; E. H. Capers^ adoeptefi' : on 1 hdhalf bf• the CollegA'hy nt. Trth^fc' ‘-nitiOTT M^MT*--%(eho1lMie'%M: : ‘- 4 T!iiy' in October. ranked in the order named. sing y from Lan* fond of clogg| picture “Sandy” starring the fas- rizrsgmzm® Jnment includes popular songs by Campus Quartet () pd m^cetJ^L^ ^ ^"W'T dus music by the orchestra. dancing Friday is one of its Thereby putting an end to her- Bthods of obtaining fyd^sujnprt: R ,frying 5 representative teams to tne Na-r Unal and other judging contests. The le visitors vrrr ^nmio 8wodf?> oodou I F,,>lfL iPvR 11 ^:ifFli wwwoms b X-ifh Te n\ Whmw side track near the ^J^ st^t^, where t^ ^co^ptjv^,^.,,^ be pre sented and jgatl^efftd, ^nr^pse forma tion about it. A4 -this...point the yell leader took/, charge ahd-'setverbl yells weWe ) given''(fw'thei ^Missouri Pacific.' IrSpeeiohes'i-tvere 1 madeiIby iF/ 'M. d£Hw of' Houston;' ‘chairman', of The-'hoaoidf of ■ the! dibectorsbaf i>ttshe- ; callegejo.R.onDu Bowen;' ipredident'lifl the ipioneef^Stul denlfd; b' <A. s sobiati on»; 11 T. : ’Cl Cleg^ of 'ari'd'CblhP.oE. lUb-vWfs;' bf ple,' f hicyn t 6ef sthd'enb'bf ■the ! ha l rly' ! 7 l (y'!?; Vfetu'Gi 'Choate, 5 i 'gfeWral 1 'iih'ahagdi-^bf trie 1 'hbadv > H&hcfe , ' 1 B&>t#i,' thafric' nihil-' a !glg»r;t'J 1 .! E. ! Abdertoftl 1 assigtWt ' tio 1 ;K4' Aktoutwe 1 vifce^&sia^At/arid Deah Pi C!' Mfdn,' n 6'f' the > kcAb’dl' 'ot 'erigi'^ i^tfifig. R i ' n ' ,r H - -b’-iT 80079^rreb yfav ' >Thb ^cdfrietiv^'^m ‘be 1 Ued by 'thb tu : ate bf 1 'tke' mkiamiw 'sckb^i TbY A * T sniIqbBiG ebt aiolod bofrtll fiuorioid sdt NUMBER 0 * <■ <■ )o MJClKl'l ) H. MEN BA® vtnowt 9001 BL FROM,JUDGING -AT CHICAGO * * * liihte’VK"'"’' 1 BL'bib hnA liiuoT Team oW am The A. Jst;o<^ W julfging tea took the eigh^.g]^-^; tional Live Stock Exposition held in Chicago thfeDlabt i few : - ,, dayg i!f 4f vember. Oklahoma tofSc the first place with 440l>^w{is,a-Ransh^ the t l aefc6Wd ) with 4378 points, ariH Texas the eighth with 4215 points with Ne'KtWft'kiO' Missouri, Purdue,' Colorado, and Iowa between KanWai i; arid* Tefeast’i. ’PHis^'y the twentieth time A.* and M. has en tered the fShiest!. ( ftt- all" 1 thg^ ni the ; team from Texas has held its place with the other 84hri6l§ /} i5f , thb , ’ ) c(Miny try, having won the ' coveted bronze bull, the tJi^hy f1 *bffe'ted , 'hy ion Stock Yard ahd* Transit Company of Chicago, twice, in l9li’'9nd’ ? i9193 The trophy becomes v the permanent property of the scHdM '*6hrit / wiiig’W' B^tBfed^FSa^? C oiupetiiops.^ ggiei ot 8791161 mneJa this year was picked from, 3 %TO p 7il4J a «p5Es 0 l9fk9iWW8 polo team, and high^E^t j^n B ifl.;t^ junior contest-Jbeld—lait year. J. H. PBya, IMiidland>)*'of itroop >- >A;?MR. AE. Gomririri dadP >!San Antonic/xlst. "Uieutiu shant BGd.t'B^f InfarlthyptE[>iiLuckenD D'aeHiof -'Mehafd, 14t.-Lieutehariti tdo^'- |A/;VC.-rWi»McfDonla![dtof‘ l G61dmriri,"Ca^hi tairiy 1 sh,' oBattahcm • sta^; “abd • Wv''G." Ralph ; bf> 1 'Farmersvillfe, 1 'arfdi'-’/Lieutenui 1 iritis br^i^iriri^iHF^chbdrfttf Halpb; the purpose of fAmRaAimU tfeAg>* OnfaEttoC selves with the practical side of their team. :®notive will be set up near the M. ; MTijnwsffr various tosts. The locomotive was ilt for the I-G. N. railroad about rty years ago but"^is 't^behiih/ T-eB It at the Palestine shops for pre- tation tp/Alniel chlUgfei .hobulinl If a girl prp ioking, swean" om, Is a social hound a gay dog or jusQ return for a bid jgfrsqni 1 !! Imi tv^r<fiF»e the contest, not only judging stock^i e^-Jaosfc ajad^horses as well’ j TihiAMaS'ba j“ dgi " g j^pi : lutn in hogs, 7th m cattle and 5th m . horses. The average gave the teanj ‘ Ateli^h^pillLq^'/ Wthle the trip was un-J ‘ successful in obtaining the trophy, the j> a v4 m for the great effort thev r ;ere repaid... • , T. • I I I mK f m M \ great effort they put out. istle like agle, but will a barbed wir^