Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
I 1 ,,tr l J .. .1 II ; J * | f #5/'1J • - *T* C * I N -Mt 4 • I'i iniiiiii^ .i-' f THE BATTALION FRKSHMAN STOCK JUDGING CONTEST SET FOR MAY IS * —i (Continoed from Pa*'*- 1) H 102 and who has had na other co 11 era course in Aniraal Husband- : ry is eliirikde to try out for the eon- a teat. . ^ 2. The eliirible contestants shall |i. consist of the upper two-third of - each section pursuing courses in A. j H. 101 and 102 as determined hy <> their grades during the school year * of the contest. • f: a II. Coatestaata. 1. T^Io contestant will be t'llowod | on the Animal Husbandry grounds I the day of the contest until the con- } test is in progress. 2. Contestants shall report to the Superintendent t of «.he contest at ; the Animal Husbandry office at 7:45 on the day of the contest. . " S. The contestants will he divid-1 ed-by the Superintendent into five j <6) groups: to be designated as A, i B. C. D. and E. respectively. Earn contestant will be -gyven a number and he shall write that number on all cards and shdll not use his name, j j 4. While the contest is in prog ress, there shall be no conferring be tween contestants or between a con- j testant and any one else, except as directed by the superintendent or his- t assistants. Any violation of this rule i will be punished by expulsion of the offender from the contest. III. Tim. 1. On each class where ! are to be given, twenty <20) min utes will be allowed for the coates- tant to make his observations, record’ his placing, and take such notes as be may desire. On all other classes fifteen (15) minutes will be allowe'l. 2. Two (2) minutes- will he al- ’owed for oral reasons. Each con testant will appear singly before the . judges in giving his reasons. N<> contestant shall bold any paper, card, or other device that will assist him i in giving his reasons hefbre the judges except that he will be handed the placing card he turned in, which he will be allowed to retain while i giving reasons. IV. Cleeses ef Stock end Nemkeeimg. ‘hi L. A class shall consist of three (3)1 or four (4) animals. 2. The animals shall be identi fied by numbers 1, 2, 3. and 4 on large kummed labels placetf on the rump. VACUUM ri s> abch ROOM O-E LADOUATORV Usu* the X-Ray Greater X-ray Service— through Research r> TTOR r X-r, ra after the discovery of X-rays- h seas evident that only intensive research could unfold their real possibilities. Mcar-'A’hUe, scientists of the General Electric Company developed the pro- ^ csss of making wrought tungsten. , This proved ideal as the target in X-ray tubes and its use for this purpose soon became universal. i JUST AN INCIDENT Then further research resulted in the development of an X-ray tube of a radically new type — the Coolidge Tube — with both electrodes of wrought tungsten and containing the highest attainable vacuum. j But the complication of high-vacuum pumps made the new tube in large < • # ! * 'll -! Self recti fylae. Bed! •ter- quantities impossible. The answer to this problem Was the Lan'imruir Con densation Pump, utilizing mercury vapor in its operation and almost automatic. r To meet the need for simple apparatus during the war, the G-] Laboratory developed the fying Coolidge Tube, which possible portable outfits at the front- The latest X-ray outfit of this typo is so small it can be taken conve niently to the home or to the bedside in the hoepitaL Thus the Research Laboratory of the General Electric Company continues to serve, that progress in things elec trical may continue for the good of humanity. / ' I 14 nJ f; L At the hoar designated and with legal intentions a student reported at the hospital for obaervation. Ho carelessly hung his service hat on the knob of a soiled-liner shute openin'! in the hall-way, Poaaibly he did vi : olate an unwritten rule in the code of hospital customs. But what of it? No hat racks were provided and n:> rule forbid such a thing. And th.r deed was committed with no malice aforethought nor with criminal in tent. So, was there a good and suf ficient reason for the surgeon ob- servlag the hat while passing down the hall to stop for an instant and fiercly grasp the headgear, open the door of the rhute, and thrust the hat into the opening, sending it for n ten-foot fall on a dirty floor inside a locked linen room. The act should be considered a prime joke among youngsters or even among student friends. But no acceptable explan ation could well W submitted when the student in question was late for a formation that he would have been present for had the search for hia hat mot taken considerable time. I 1 i ; General Office Schenec tady. NY •Electric Company Sales Offices in an large cities A. AND M. GRADUATE WHO IS MAKING GOOD A This week for three days, Thurs day, Friday and Satarday, there is being Held at ‘ Granger. Texas, a school judging contest and livestock 4iow. Th« contest and show is being put on by the Vocational Agriculture De partment of the Granger High School. W. N. Elam. Jr., of the , Class at 1916, is the teacher of ^ cationa! agriculture and it is due to ; his efforts that the show is carried out. Six high schools are sending teams to compete in the animal and grain judging contest^. Professors V. Horace Kraft, W. L. Stangel and T. J. Coaway will attend, taking part on the program and acting as judges of the contest*. Campus J Barker Shop !; Seven chairs. One of the | best equipped shops in Tea All kind^ of tonics for sale. { Come see us. J. F. LAVINDER. Prop. 144 I > I >.4r»MM»MM4>4+4 44 4»46 EXCH ANGE BAI Free FTro* BARBER SHOP < T. A. 4++ +++44< UP-TO-DATE AT THE 4+44«44»4»44H WOK tC DONE I Ki CAMPUS !E SHOE SHOP Pricos Always Rigid * Your Frioads HOLICK * SON ♦ 4 4 44444 44444-4 444 4 I »■ (t i »4 + 4+4"»**4»»4-4-»4-44 4 44 4 4 DR. W. H. LAWRENCE DENTIST Ogtas Pkaaa ;; rtk now cht Mott ■BYAN, TEXAS > 3