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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1920)
-HI 1 : f- . — r FORSAKEN NEST friend do not h, my Rood •totart, j The sad remain* *f laat year * neat; 1 , For, there it j^ngm upon the houfrh M Erer alone aa 1 *m now. It once waa filled with re*t- leaa win«f i Aa parent bird tp each! one ■*■*** • I , Of hap[ . i«le* and s*nny kUla Until each heart with rapture thrilla. 1 I ■ H • } ,1 il» 1 ,r They bolder Rre^r. and atrons- er, too, Escaped the old and boorHi the new. I , And fled away to tcenes more - Amid the jrreen hilb far away. * t B ATT So, last year’t neat hangs on X a bough Within the foreat, dei now; Gone are ita tenants rted far away Seeking to find a home more I passed a house by the side of the road, Twas onc»* the scene of some happy abodal But, ’tia forsaken and denerted j now Aa the bat year’s nest on the swaying bough. Out in a comer hidden from view Is a mound of earth and sweet flowers too. And sleeping beneath so silent and free f Dearest of idols, some sweet Rosalie. Gone are its inmates te /thf city grand, * Or gone to the nelms r And less land; none frill return to old.ljame rare To gladden the season Christmas there. the of —-W. J. Gayden. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ I V ' ♦ ♦ l STUDENT OPINION. ♦ ♦ ♦ 8ino«.we have discovered that the article in last week’s Battalion whicn appeared in answer to oar esunpaign to [ improve the conditions in the local Y.M.C.A. was not written by a Student and therefore was net an ex position of student opinion, jwe feel very much encouraged and Will con tinue in our effort to make the Y What it was originally intended to be. * \ The first thing that struck jm upon reading the answer to our artidlc, was the writer’s apparent minrom op tion of th« meaning of! con structive and destructive If the window in our room is broken and we never say anything about it, well, the window will stay broken- - while .f we “kick*’ about it the chances are that it will be rfpaire i. The same way with our Y.|M.C.A. If nobody complain* about it. It will remain as useless aa it is now, where as if wa offer a little crlticfedi, may it be constructive er destructive, there is a slight possibility th*t con ditions will be changed. Instead of answering our criti cisms the writer contented himself with criticising us personally, and trying to ridicule us—which neither has anything to do with the propo sition at haa^Lfnor answers his pur pose in writ^tth* article, that is, to defend th.- proposition from the Y,M.C.A.*s point of view; the facts are them, open to approval or dis approval, criticism or praise. Fur thermore. h e accused us of stealing the Y’s light globes and magazines, which, besides bring a mistake, again has no beering on the case. / We are awaiting with pleasure a real answer to our first article; not a description of our character, or a criticism of our habits, but an an swer.'and that to the point. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *r- * EXCHANGES A ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Sim mow* Br.nd “Damit”, the bull dog mascot Simmons College for JUM past years, has ceased to hew The ior Claaa held the funeral which we«e attended by the six deed students and the fsculty. epitaph, "DAM-IT-He’l Dead” placed aa the tomb stone. The Daily Toxaa Drives were started at the Uni aity to earoll students for the Students Associatiof. I This tion is for the purpose of doing fective work in meeting the the University and to help the stitution in a crisks. The Allen Acadetny team deff ed by the Shorthcyiis by the ecoi 21-1® in their recent game. At State the “jpss” entht have organised a Jack Gardner the Grand Opening Dance to be en March 1st. The Skiff [ T.C.U. voted for the treaty A debate between Phillips Col and T.C.U. has been satisfactoj arranged for. • • o The Laae-O The C.LA. seniors are still m ing sadly over the dance they not have—at least the Lass-O at such a condition with a neat stab at the powers that be and nounces that the spring festivity take the form of an Easter Egg H chaperoned by the Faculty Count 11 We hope the faculty reads the sat Ire and then learns that A. and M. j|s with ths GIRLS! The Chaparral Edition of Lass-O was full of wit and humor well as strong “eds”, and wewn but the illustrations held our ey< Naturally, being CJ-A- When mother was queen and playv! mate and a loving angel there. ] Then I played with her tresses as hat ■ riftgleta I’d an twins Like "a bird amid the flowers of th* rose-briar and the vims; With joy Pd stand beside her and watch the lovelight gleam Prom beneath her eyelids tender jnst like a bright moonbeam. . , ; ,* r fi I’d place my cheek so near hers and bending down quite low— Whisper ch>*dish words of merriment that set her face aglow. And kiss ths sweet rose petals that bloomed upon her face, While she smiled upon me sweetly with rare becoming grace. fniL r 1 L I if I Wonder why the Artillery is | popular now? Only a few men were transferred to the Cavalry while from the Infantry some companies have lost nearly all they had. Pep! My boy! That’s the secret word. Wonder why s* many bow-legged kids are transferring to the Cavalry? Look at ‘’Flappy,** I Hartung, Billy Taylor, etc. • • • It’s evident that from the few Ar tillery Freshmen seea on the Cam pus between terms that Bryan so ciety must be playiag havoc with Battery A. jil of Leggett up Time: Five p. | Scene: Top Hall. “What’s all that noise I there?” t • “Up where ” ; (“Why, up on the top stoop of Leg gett Hall.” “Oh. that’s ‘Cat Fi-he’s* horse ma rines practicing riding on stick horses.” , ■ , U Just what kind of fellsiw* are way down im our htarts$ com. to what oar Mothers think we Do w«? understand what a Moth u * ry .2J n th * tim ? w * -"‘x .'Xin”™ conMitut.on Md by-l.w. w.r« dr.^rn G<><| her ^ >nd up and the following officers elected: TENNIS ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED. 1 I am thinking of home and motharjM ^ and the hours that ose-u>-t>e. When I listened to her wonder stories while seated at hkr knee; For now the joybeils ef childhood a|a'! ' rigging sweet and clear. And the dreamland melodies of moth- er are chiming in my ear. ; —W. J. Gaydem t I so® »»oj® Campus : Barber Shop > II Seven chairs. One of the ; best equipped shops in Texas. ; All kinds of tonics for sola. jj Com* see us. J. F. LAVINDER, Prop. L • ri i l* 1 "’ul M \ n*' - - THINK WHEN BETTER CARS ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM! * G*t. Your Order ia Now ior Your CHRISTMAS CAR OLIVEft-BUlCK COMPANY W. 4- CANNON, Mgr. Bryan i N. A. STEWART :: E. H. Vamell, President; L. G. Jones, HO Vice-President; S. G. West, Secretary- Treasurer, and A. P. Lancaster, Ser geant at Arms. Th* object of the Association will include the establishment of * strong tennis club which will be able to com pete wui-e*sfully against State Uni versity, Rice, Baylor and other Texas colleges and universities. One of the first step* to be taken will be the building of other tennis courts. A committee has been appointed which will arrange for the picture of the Club in th* Longhorn. President Bixxell, Mr. Young, Mr. Driver, Mr. Bible, and the Athletic Council and T-Club as well as many members of the faculty have assured the Club that they would give their active support. Inasmuch as avery- one Con<v ted with A. and M. is eligible for membership it is expected that in terest in the Association will increase throughout the year. Mr. Kraft, hsad of the Building and Grounds committee has already star ted plan* for the new courts, and it is expected that they will be finished ‘in time to accommodate a .large num- hcart and soul ate wrapped areti our lives. We can brighten heart or braak it pit is therefore duty of u* fellows here in College t continue the practice of striving uphold those ideals which Moth* has taught us from the time w e knei at her knee. For some of us, only the spirit Mother now exists here on She has gone to that Happier Land but is it not a pleasant, comforting thing to feel that, although absent in person, she always watch-1 es over us and protects us cons tan ly, trusting that by our deeds and lives here, we shall be able to meet Mother over yonder. A most beautiful and appropriate poem has been written by on* pf the instructors of our College, lines that 1 no doubt will b* a benefit to every- | on* who has the opportunity to road them. They are as follows: i, DRUGGIST i i'Jb -.'t 1TMAN ’KODAKS AND FILMS Do First Class Dovolopiag Brin. Us Year FHms mI I»♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« > 4 1 ih'.. HOME AND MOTHER. J am thinking of home and mother and the days that use te ba. When the *onR.birds sang so swset ly and I from care wa* free; Of a home of youthful faneiee whan »+»»+♦», •wc os a ) (! ! t 1 enms players sms spring. lUe was young and XatT, »+»♦♦♦»»»+♦»♦♦»+♦»»♦»♦» 1 ' J - - b j - ; i ' ' ' 1' il'l... ' it, 4 '*; ft My Fm I-. m 4 £ r] . i, «i; (-4 i; u t*’ , | 4*‘-. v j 1 ,*4 i j J If i • • 1 i M. H. JAMES The Roxall Drug Store TOILET ARTICLES DRUGS AND Pt R ■ f L ' ' FURMp i f and f*rnmidncitR o invited to call oa a* whoa ] the city. -O-M- '!! DR. W. H. LAW R T s< Y DENTIST PssiSsoss Pkoes SSS Ogtss gkosw SSt Ftosv CHy Mat*! Book PotU BUYAN. TEXAS 41