Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1920)
. r y* THE BATTALION '{?' W. la 1 rt u il 11 GURDUN Matinee and Niprht, i ’ ■ Ll Ul i'L m ■ LI , and Bewitching Beauties from Broadway on a Dazzling Variety r, January Slat. * ! at the Lyric Theater THE ZOOLOGICAL HERD INCRE ASING IN NUMBER FAST ; Elk. B««r, D«-«r aae Numt>«r I of Raro FowU Here end Other AaimaU to Fallow The three elk which arrired at the Speeding and Breeding Station yeo- terday are a very rare aad valuable addition to the collection ef animals that is being made here for the es tablishment of a zoological park for the pleasure of College people. Col lege vhutor- *mt alt*, fer edm-ation- t purposes ia eoanectioa with the utar Cogage work. Other shipments of elk are to fol low these and ertontual|y' Mite a hefd 'will he coHfceted. A number kwfll also be consigned t<» Hie College aad shipped to the Substation No. 14 at Sonora. Texas, to be herded in the pastures there. The conditions of the rough broken Country there arc very similar to the native haunts of thfs elk in the Northern tahatee from whence they are being shipped and they are expected to thrive well. Which will mean that in time a large herd wtll be raised •thglb.j ahis M one of the aims of the National Park Commission in sending the animats this far south. Becatase of the sever ity of the northern winters the ani mals are migrating south, depredat ing on the pastures and cultivate 1 fields of the farmers ami cattle rais ers inhabiting the districts visited by them, and as a consequence the ani mals have been killed in such great numbers that those interested in the preservation of the type have become fearsome of their extinction and are taking steps to place numbers of them in districts eopdpcivaV to their growth, and under the care of inter- hated raisers. For the present the three trhich a rived yesterday will be kept at the feeding and Breeding station where they may be seen by those interested in viewing them. Chester A. Lindslay Superinten-i- dent of the Yellowhtone National Park in Wyoming was the consignor of these three. There are several other animals at the Station, rare sight* in this sec tion of the country which are to be added to the *<>o. • \ There! is a female black bear safe ly cage-1 in a den nearby. She was present.-<1 to th« College by the City Park Commission from their zoo at MclIiapviQe. Oregon, secured •j through the efforts of J. C. Cooper, President of the Western Walnut j Associatioa of that city, > who is a personal friend, of* Director B. Yeum-'bi-.od. He has promised to | send a male baar of the same type sometime next summer. The same commission attempted to make a gift of two deer but through their untamed wildness they were both killed While being crated for ship ment. I 1 ' ' r ' In the pasture just north of the F. A B. Station ate two huffffalo, a male and female, a present of Colonel Chas. Goodnight from the famous Goodnight ranch at Goodnight, Tex as. Originally there were three but one of them died after arrival hers. There is a herd of four d.*er, two ef them were given, by F. D. Lewn. County Agent pf LaSalle epunty. The others are a gift from the Hon orable Rhy Lambert, City Park Com missioner of iSaa Antonio. Texas. He is also the (loner of ^ one javelin (Mexican hog.) It wa* matched by another given by W. M. Clarkson, a prominent farmer and ranchman of Robstowa. Texas. They have both died sinee their arrival here several months ago. The donors have signi fied their intention of replacing them with others. r* , Honorable W. G. Sterrett. State Fish, Game and Oyster Commission er, has donated a number of beauti ful pheasants, partridges and quails of different types which are being cared for by Professor T. J. Con way at the Poultry Farm. Dabney White, President of the Texas Gilmer* Association and Ed itor of The Tribune at Tyler, Tex as, Has promised a donation of three deer to be sent here sometime in the near futute. The location for the too has been selected as the present orchard site enclosed by the heavy Wire, fence just west Pf the H. A T. G. Railroad on the road to the Poultry Farm of the School of Agriculture. The site will be beautified by the _ rector B. Youngblood ha* abo de voted much time and effort to the project as well as other members of | the Experiment Station staff. ! * To our beloved Sergeants: me. Ob, tell me’^ | What makes a wild cat wfl<£ What makes a hoot owl hoot. What makes ole Itch itch, | What makes a Cootie koot. { •Tell Rab-My-Tism la a great paia killer. (It relieves paia aad soreness caused by RheamatiMa. Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. M retch Company A if you want to some real ol|i company spirit, can bust us up but you can’t us down. Oitr football teanf is on thq campus and men like Winn. B- -»!->>•, McCarty and Cunningham will win the com- npioHshiit for us. ■in • 1 • 4 iplain Pat Haihilton ia trying for tgani. are sura be Will iother “BbUett* Mooes. Why on >1 morining ha (an make from ell to Ross in nothin' flat. . i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HAVE YOU BEEN TO H CollegdTail Rw P ■ * By Bo, Fir.,-CU« T. WILL Phore Vo 99 j YOU erection of buildings, ornaments of various kinds including an artificial lake of beautiful plan. All the ecological animal* now at the College will be removed to per manent quarters at this location .hi the near future, or as s..on\ao .ar rangements preliminary to their ac commodation can be carried out. , President Bizzell ia very enthus iastic in the promotion of plana to make this the best collection of rare animals in this section of the coun try. and has done a great deal of hard work in securing these. 1 Di- HOLME • ' j ' THE THE BEST MAI ON EAR1 Candies. Cigars. Fountain Drii make our place headquai ED MILK We invite Cadets to while ia Bryan ++44-H » M-4 H U I S-M+++ + -M-M-4 + + ♦ t I'ILjt '\lL ;| HaswelPs Bi I 1 EASTMAN KODAKS Offleiml Distributors Stall A and Vlptor Talking Mi f M M »»WI IM »4 > > + »»»444»4»4+444j ♦44444»4< k Store SUPPLIES i > i k’s Athletic Ooods and Records. i.t i jk I I : DM. A. B K N BOW DENTIST Phot,*. one* «T*. IL...,-.. tad near City Nan Beak I SKY AN. TEXAS H4444 Ice 1 Europe ] de Medi mam was first made in ^feibr the reign of^ptherine y ^ m ^ M4 L Ceide aad La- Lena of IP • — E 111 ■ •j •* , 8 tSi.ut /j.