Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1920)
, THE T ALION MISS JOSEPHINE MARTINO TO HEAD W- ’J fli f “TVBBY** GRAVES TO LEAVE A. • AND M. ENTERS BUSINESS WITH BROTHER. A' _ . _ D. JV. •’Tnhby" Graves, idol of the FARNER COMPANY SSS r h J::; . i4 the tausmess world. He came to A- More Accomplished Artist Secured to and M. in 1916 with E. H. “Jigger” Fill the Place of Mias Earner Harlan, and helped to put out the Whose Voire Failed. eleven of that year which de- ■ frated 'Varsity IS-O. Since that time On account of Miss Faraer's hav- he has played one of the main parts inf had trouble with her voice. Miss in establishing two Southwestern Josephine Martano one of America’s championship record marks in foot- foremost singers, has beep placed at ball be tides putting out winning base- the head of the Parapr Company that ball ro nbu.ations. Baseball has been ia to appeay in Guion Hall next Mon- his sp pcialty and it is with regret that day evening. Miss Martino is guar- those men slated for duty this year,! an teed to give absolute satisfaction; hate to see him go. Tubby possesses in fact, she costs just a little bit more besides his gentlemanly qualities, a money. { * .. j; f genial sunny disposition ami is s man In presenting Miss Josephine Mar- through ;pid through. Mrs. Graves ' lino, distinguished young prims don- j has taken active part in the society | na. the affiliated managers offer the life of the college during her stay Lyceum public one of the most prom- here and as campus reporter for the ising young artists of the country. Battalion has pcoven herself worthy Miss Martino comes to the affiliated of th^ position. We hereby extend organixatipn, with ftnfst tributes from our thanks for her services and can 1 .. a long list of concert successes thru- only wish she and Mr. Graves hap- out the Eastern, atalfc* during the pinesa in their new surroundings, past few seasons. '.I Tubby leaves Saturday for Dallas Mias Martino possesses a very un- where he will enter the business world usual- voice. Unusual because of its with his brother. A small remem- intrinsic sweetness and beauty; un- brance in the form of a watch and usual because of the charming man- chain has been purchased by the stu- laer of its presentations; unusual be- dent body and will be presented him cause of Its remarkable range and as a mark of their appreciation for power. It la a voice that truly Un- his services as a touch and his per gers long in the memory of those who sonality as a gentleman and friend. .| it. • . I DIXIE SATURDAY A bill that w^Il tintertain i and pleqsejyon JUNE C IN AN ORIGINAL. OK. THE EOV -V RICEii M COMEDY DRA M A CHEAT\ ALSO TWO-REEL WITH T] LARRY Admission Always Only >M1«DY SCREAM OIvEAT EMON Cents. ■«■■■ ■ See This Show; Sa turd ay •Pi Miss Mart mom hearers enjoy a fin- Still oa the Map. ished art. Combined with her vocal 0> d CUmpany. “A” is s company artistry is a charm of manner that known well, is delightftd and contributes mater- ** «®me mistake we’re always tally m the enthus reception that busted to——-— We are always moving like the des- USt AMI meets her every appearance. Mias Martino displays remarkable technique which evident ea a thorough musical education, and a fine artistic finish. She sings at all times, with delightful ease asid absolute confi dence. Her* diction is perfect. In the estimation of critics she has a And soon will be so we cannot stand. They move us from pilloUr to post. But of our g<>o<l company still we boast. _ Ask aay F rc-hman If be knows Com- «4A» -pany a., j , THE LAUGH RIOT OF THE NEW YORK STAGB “ NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ” Real Clams Comedy. "Evasions! |T|ny Fibs! Whole Troth, As Funny as Fnnny Can Nothing but the Truth, awake or p “THE SCHOOL HOD A brand new Sunshine MUSIC BY HOLUCI’S Ji ADULTS ONLY 30 CENTS, Cj SCANDAL" >medy Roar. ORCHESTRA. iDREN 10c A 16c. I great voice. President Wilson and Caruso Praise Mias Msrtino. The voiqb of Jo-.-i I n.- Martino has attracted attention from no less per sonage than President Wilson, who heard this gifted .young artist sing last year and complimented her per-, sonally. ^ • Enrico Caruso has taken a great interest is the work of Mias Martino. In January, 1919, Mias Martino sang Uforst Caruso, GaSti-Casasia and Alex Lambert, probably the three best knows figures in New York mus ical circles. All predicted a great carreer for Mins Martino. Caruso has coached her in a number of the oper atic numbers she will use during the coming tear. Last season she was tendemi a place with the Metropoli tan Operatic forces. During the summer of 1919 Mias Martino was the concert star on one of the largest Chatauqua circuits of the Middle West, the Coit-Alber Premier ‘•Secen.’* Of more than pass ing interest ia the fact that fifty- eight towns where Miss Martino ap peared, asked for a second appear ance during the winter season im mediately following. During the fall of 1919, Mias Mar tino tnis been singing for the Edison Company and next season will be one of their regularly advertised “Be- C restion Artists.” The managers are most enthasiagtic over her work. Red Taylor came hack from Waco last Sunday. Wonder why that long face? Hie best girl must not have been up there. ; • Hall say. you betcha, I eee ’em every! < t.+>.>44 | |»M. »»»»»■ | s^ COX A? 1 ■: - tL23r.Li WHEN YOI ’! d*y. From eievy stoop of every hall. Company “AV* men answer the ■ bugle’s cOll. Dear old Leggett we Md you good- j bye. We turn you over to those Cavalry guys. Captain Muller told us he was a Cav alryman at heart. But goodaess, who thought he’d tear Comgaay “A’’ apart. ORLEY CARS WANT : i. *i EXCHANGE BARBER SHOP Five First Class Barbees T. A. ADAMS. Proprietor »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 14« WM. B. CLINE, M. D. Eye, Ear, None and Throat Specialist ; 4th Floor City National Bank ; “ Building, Bryan, Texas ♦444< >♦»♦»♦» + »»»»»»»♦»#+t COLLEGE BOYS ' Look for the y 4 a MANHATTAN CAFE Our prices are second to none. Service and politeness to all. R. E. JONES. »r. ,, WIT* OR WITHOUT OBIVRBN Residence 342 PHONE^ N. Y. Cafe 303 "♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* LM 1 *** * I' * 41 ♦44» I > >4i 4* 1 > I > >' 1 444 ♦>»♦♦> I Q » I The New York Cafe ALEXANDER PAPPA OYSTERS ALL STYLES, CHOICE LU Come in When You Are ON, Proprietor T ORDER MEALS ES - f Always Wei Town, You Are tme BRYAN SHOE HOSPITAL Three ftrst-clam mac hi ns is £ All work guaranteed. We ' ;; half-sole while you wait; .. : DEW & NEELLY, Props. -TO-DATE WORK AT THE CAMPUS HOE SHOP j* j Pricss Always Right Year Fri so : 1 , • HOLIC^A SON if |