Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1920)
THE BATTALION THIRD LYCEUM NUMBER TO BE GIVEN JAN. 17 Y. M. C. A. Entertainment Committee Announces Coming of A. Mather Hilburn. The third number in the Y. M. C. A. series of entertainment will be A. Mather Hilburn, January 17. Mr. Hilburn is a Master Entertainer and Impersonator. His program here will be given for entertainment purposes only. With the aid of a make-up box Hilburn will create some fine types for you; types you know from association with life; types that every big city and every little village holds among its people. Hilburn will “hold the mirror up to Nature” for you and you will laugh. A moment ago a kindly old German was philos ophising; now it’s braun man of the Emerald Isle whose whole-souled fun convulses; a moment hence and your sides will ache at the drollery of Hil- burn’s recreated characters of the “Jack Oaks Country.” An artist of the first rank, is Hil burn, and yet, seemingly entirely un conscious of the fact. Essentially a comedian and character delineator, he frequently ranges the entire scale- of emotion during an entertainment. From the moment of his first entry until the conclusion he does not leave the platform, and characters are created one after another with light ning-like rapidity. Not a dull mom ent from the rise to the fall of the curtain. “Mighty-fine,” you’ll say—just as hundreds and hundreds of other aud iences have said. In Hilburn you find the “attraction of no regrets.” GALVESTON CLUB CELEBARTES HOLIDAYS WITH A DANCE AT HOTEL GALVEZ The Galveston Club staged what was said to be the prettiest and most enjoyable social function of the holi days in the Treasure Island of Am erica. The dance was well planned and well carried out and quite a large attendance of ex-students and Alumni made the affair seem almost like a home-coming. Dancing was enjoyed every minute of time from nine until two and as over a hun dred couples were present the beau tiful Galvez ballroom was well fil led. The hall was tastefully and gorgeously decorated with red and white streamers and myriads of A. and M. pennants. Many and fervent were the congratulations heaped up on the members of the Galveston Club for the gay and delightful en tertainment given to the Atis So ciety. It is to be hoped that this dance will only be a beginning; a precedent to direct the Galveston Club of all future years. 7 Look for tho EAGLE Our Trade Mark mi n Kerosene ' NOTE: We want the pub lic to k. now that our plows and harrows are NOT the Case plows and harrows made by the J. I. Case Plow IVorfes Co. now and never has been interested in, or in any way con nected or affiliated with the J. I. Case Plow IVorks, or the Wallis Tractor Company, or the J. I. Case Plow Works Co. The Case Line Offers Choice of Required Power and Capacity KEROSENE TRACTORS The Case 10-18 Tractor drives 20x28 Thresher with Windstacker, Feeder and Grain Handler; No. 12 Case Silo Filler with 40 ft. blower pipe ; 17x22 Hay Baler; will pull 2-bottom plow, ti lo 8 inches deep, depending on soil and field con ditions ; 8 ft. double action Disc Harrow ; 22 shoe Grain Drill; two 6 ft. Binders. The Case 10-20 Tractor drives 22x36 Thresher and full equipment, pulls 3-bottom plow under favorable conditions; other machinery requir ing similar power. The Case 15-27 Tractor drives 26x46 Thresher withFeeder and Windstacker; three 14 in. plows in hard plowing, or four under favorable condi tions ; 10 ft. double-action Disc Harrow ; two 7 ft. Binders, etc. The Case 22-40 Tractor drives 32x54 Thresher with Windstacker, Feeder and Grain Handler; No. 20 Case Silo Filler with 40 ft. blower pipe ; four 14 in. plows in hard ground or five under favorable conditions ; battery of Grain Drills or Harrows. The Case 20-40 Tractor will handle belt and drawbar jobs similar to 22-40. The J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company also builds : Double Disc Harrows for use with tractors Grand Detour Plows, all sizes and for all soils and conditions Threshing Machines,—six sizes Hay Balers,—two sizes Silo Fillers,—three sizes Road Graders,—three sizes Steam Tractors. — eiprht sizes Rock Crushers,—two sizes Steam Road Rollers,—two sizes Booklets, describing and illustrating any prod ucts above mentioned, furnished on request. J. I. CASE THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY, Inc. Dept., CI-2 Racine, Wis., U. S. A. r Making Superior Farm Machinery Since 1842. LYRIC THEATRE-FRIDAY, JAN. 16 THE JOYOUS FARCE WHICH HAD ALL NEW YORK ROARING WITH LAUGHTER A.H.WOOPS INVITES YOU TO WALK RIGHT INTO THE P£M*LOI*^ DROOM A NEW COMEDV BY CW.BELL 0 MARK SWAN MORE HAPPENS IN THAT LITTLE SUITE THAN HAPPENED TO NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO. She wanted her husband to be “A Devil” but he was only a modest “Lamb.” IT’S A SCREAM OF LAUGHTER. Seats on sale at the box office now. PRICES: Orchestra $1.50 and $2. Balcony 75c, $1.00, $1.50 II DR. AND MRS. R. P. MARSTEL- LER ENTERTAIN THE JUNIOR AND SENIOR VETS Last Wednesday night, Jan. 7, Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Marsteller entertain ed the Junior and Senior Veterinary Science students with the most de licious and sumptuous dinner that they have ever sat before. The dishes were so varied and contents therein contained were so pleasant to the eyes and sweet to the mouth, that one foot on the floor was hard to follow. Besides turkey, salad, and the most wonderful hot rolls, the feast was marked by many varied dishes. After everyone had eaten “ele gant sufficiency” cigarettes and ci gars were served and every one took a cigar but Dr. Marsteller, and he had to break his “golden rule” by taking a cigarette and he prefers a Chesterfield. Dr. and Mrs. Marsteller are to be complimented by the Junior and Sen ior Vets, not upon their generosity but upon their ability to plan a ban quet. Words cannot express our ap preciation to them, who are always willing to give a helping hand to everyone besides the Vets. Others being present were Dr. C. P. Fountain. Dr. Lenert and Mr. Dulaney. FALLS COUNTY CLUB DANCE As a method of introducing the famous A. and M. spirit and pep in to Marlin and at the same time af ford the members of the Falls County Club the pleasure of enjoy ing their holidays right, the above named club presented an evening of gaiety on Dec. 23, the like of which had never been witnessed by the natives. Holick’s Novelty orchestra furnished the shaking incentive but in no way did this compare with the proverbial “tea” in any respect. The Alumni supported the dance loyally both with their presence and presents and all unanimously agreed that A. and M. still had the spirit that pervaded the atmosphere of Col lege Station when they toted a rifle and dined at the Sbisa Soup House. Many out of town school men were present anr their being there only sufficed to make the matter more binding. It is the intention to make this an annual affair.