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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1920)
4 THE BATTALION THE BATTALION nia, numerals, etc., may be desir able—or it may be plain. Regard less of its manufacture, however, R i Published every Thursday night by the Stu dents’ Association of the Agi'iculturar and Mechanical College of Texas Subscription price $1.50 per year Advertising rates on Application Member Texas Collegiate Press Association ALL ADS RUN UNTIL ORDERED OUT EDITORIAL STAFF Tom Cheeves Editor E. E. McQuillen Associate Editor K. J. Edwards Associate Editor C. A. Castillo Associate Editor Bill King Managing Editor Ci W. Thomas... Assistant Managing Editor Art Knickerbocker Sport Editor R. V. Easley Assistant Sport Editor F. L. Bertschler Contributing Editor B. H. Frazier News Editor H. S. Hudson Social Editor Henry Fowler Cartoonist F. M. Schiwetz Cartoonist Mark Swain Staff Poet shows an appreciation. How many men in this institution are appre ciative of the work done by our yell leaders and especially their leader during the past season? Do they not deserve some form of recognition of their services besides which is com monly verbally passed upon them? If so, why not talk it up and have everyone get on the line? The new athletic blankets have arrived and are now in use. How would a small reproduction of the emblem (on these blankets) with A. M. C. in place of the T. look on a V- necked sweater? REPORTERS Company A, Arnspeiger, J.; Company B, Franke, P. C.; Company C, Sherrill, W.; Company D, Hatley, E. A.; Company E, Smith, A. B.; Company F, Williams, H. W.; mpany R. P.; Battery B, Ror Company A, SchlacI Company B, Dillingham, H. C.; Signal Corps Company C, Clanton, R. W.; Band Bill Frame R. P. ; Campus, Marsteller , L. S.; Battery A, nun, toper, W. N.; Signal Corps chter, E. G.; Signal Corps TT C. ; Sir— 1 ^ W.; Mrs. D. V. Graves, Mrs. A. & M. STUDENTS PHYSICALLY FIT RECORDS SHOW PARKER - ASTIR Hardware Co. Carries a Select Line of Pocket Cutlery Of all kinds. Razors, Razor Strops, Electric Read ing Lamps, Themos Bottles and Many Other Articles Needed to Complete the Equipment of a Cadet = BUSINESS STAFF Henry Harrison Business Manager F. L. Bertschler Assistant Manager R. P. Huff Circulation A. L. Forbes Assistant Circulation Entered as second-class matter at College Station. Texas. February 17, 1905, In the form of a request the editor wishes to ask further cooperation on the part of company reporters and editors of the staff. The alloting of material to be furnished is as evenly One of the Great Advantages of This College is the Physical Developments. That the students of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College are in unusually good physical condition is supported by facts brought out in a report by Dr. William J. Young, Pro fessor of Physical Education. The divided in amount as possible and there is no reason why this should not be delivered. All material should be in by MONDAY night if possible— by Tuesday morning the latest. There WPS. vio i —I — lush W' < > (A rk-n rxr>r»r\i-nni- report is based upon the physical examination of 463 Freshmen. The report shows that 313 or 67 per cent are slightly under weight and 152 or 30 per cent are slightly over weight; while only 8 or 1 per cent ■ JjI- ‘t.-o-I ■ • ■ • e w cioc-.iv cne crown i the fact that all had just returned from holidays—this is an exception however, and each week beginning with this issue the Battalion will be published. Its size and content de pends on its support from the stu dent body. Therefore, don’t turn down the request for an article, but do your best—the attempt will be ap preciated. Remember the place to turn in all material is 78 Milner and 15 Foster. We have recently been the re cipients of a very good suggestion from one of the student body and it- appeals so much in all of its phases that we put it before you in the form of a good proposition and ask you to think it over. If it im presses you favorably a little action would suffice to insure its promotion and adoption. In other great insti tutions similar to A. and M. there is a custom of remembering the yell leaders with a gift as a token of ap preciation for services rendered dur ing their time in this capacity. This is usually in the form of a sweater or jersey and many bear what insig- tions were taken in the early part of the fall and in most cases correction of weight has been largely obtained through physical evercise and drill during the term. Of actual physical defects only 10 or 2 per cent show defects in the upper extremities and 17 or 3 per cent show defects of the lower extremities outside of flat feet. Nine students show obstructed breathing and 85 had eye defects that required glasses. Twelve had Cardiac defects and 14 had defective hearing. It is the policy of the Agricultural and Mechanical College to give a physical examination to every stu dent who enters the institution, and a careful card record is kept of all physical defects that are revealed. /The Doctor of Physical Education requires corrective exercises for those possessing defects that can he cor rected through physical exercise. The unusually good health record and generally good physical condi tion of the students at the Agricul tural and Mechanical College is largely due to the careful articu lation of these physical examinations, athletic exercise, military drill, and the careful attention given to the students by the College Surgeon and nurses. WHEN BETTER CARS ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Get Your Order in Now for Your CHRISTMAS CAR OLIVER-BUICK COMPANY W. C. CANNON, Mgr. Bryan | i ♦j* ♦% +*+«§» **♦ «£• *** «§»«£• ♦j* «§»«§» ♦j* ♦j* ❖ ❖ | Campus | Barber Shop J ^ Seven chairs. One of the ^ best equipped shops in Texas. T £ All kinds of tonics for sale. ^ ^ Come see us. t J. F. LAVINDER, Prop. % T 4* THE CITY I «J.„ « »• » ■« «. »» •> a. a . ,, ..j, .a{.«$a.$aa£aa{a.§.a$.4{a4$.a§aa$.a$»4{..Jaa$»«$».a§.«£.a2'a§..2'a§4a$a4£aa$.«$aa$.a$.«}*a§«a{~$~§44$..$aa$.a}»«{a4$.4{..$.a§.a!»«$.4{.a$»«!.a{a4$a«!»«{»«$a«fr X Y X Y 1 i ! T Y Y Y Y X Y t t I 1 i i Y I I J Y Y Y x v 4* -I—t—I—-I-"!—■!—-I--!—-I— % * T t FOR 1920! Team worl won the Football and Stock Judging Champion ship for v v^nd the same team work will win for us in Bas- In the Meantime— Remember .Casey is at the old stand with the very best Cold Drinks, Cigars, Chewing Gum, Candies, Fruits, etc. Casey’s Confec. THE WALLACE PRINTING PRINTING AND STATIONERY DANCE PROGRAMS, CARDS, ETC. TELEPHONE BRYAN 340 V 5 i The Elite Confectionery ; £ Now Serving ! | LUNCHES AND OYSTERS ; In All Styles ; •j- Patronage of Cadets Always Appreciated ]