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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1919)
7 THE BATTALION ———B—Mg——H—BMW Ji ————| ! AMONG THE COMPANIES I ^ *$* The largest crowd ever congre gated at a Fish football game wit nessed the defeat of Company G at the hands of the hard-hitting slimes of Company E. The E Company Freshmen showed up better than ever before during the entire sea son. Neither team had been de feated and the battle was a hot one. Neither side was able to register a score during the first quarter. Mc Lain started things going in the sec ond quarter when he recovered an over-head ball fifteen yards behind the line of scrimmage and ran fifty yards through the midst of Jeppapa’s bunch for a touchdawn. McLain then kicked goal. After this sudden shock the de fense of Company G began to weaken and the line was unable to defend itself from the onslaughts of the hard-hitting backs of Company E. Buckner carried the ball over for an other touchdown in the thind quarter and a few minutes later McLain made a perfect drop kick for a goal from the thirty-yard line. The E Fish seemed to gain at will through the G line-up toward the last of the game. Fish Tom carried the pig skin over for the final score during fourth quarter. The final score was 23 points for E Company and 0 for G. It might be said that McLain, Tom, Henderson, Buckner and Herger played a brilliant game of football but it is difficult to pick any individual player who deserves special mention because every man on the E Company team played first class ball and it was their perfect team work that enabled them to run up such a high score and to dercii-i their goal Hudson suffered a brok en arm during the third quarter and was rushed to the hospital The E Fish wish him a speedy recovery. These two companies played a tie game Wednesday, the game being called on account of darkness. * * * Another good man gone wrong. The women are the cause of it all. Billingsley, of Co. A. Signal Corps, has had some very business like calls to Bryan very lately, and after some thorough investigations it was found out that he is taking dancing lessons. We have already noticed how grace fully he keeps in step out on the drill field, and we blame all on the fair woman who is teaching him the very latest steps besides the shimmy. * * * Wish Uncle Sam would have is sued those clothes to us instead of sending them back to San Antonio. They have been in the Old Chapel ever since last spring and we never received either clothes or money while Allen Academy have had clothes issued since the beginning of the present term. It seems as if the Junior R.O.T.C. is more important than ours. ❖ * * The E Company Fish are entitled to the Fish football championship by virtue of their undefeated career. If there is any doubt in the minds of the Fish teams that E company is entitled to this distinction let them present a protest to Coach Brown and arrangements will be made to convince them that we deserve the title. * * * Fish Jackson thinks that the fire works Monday evening were to help him celebrate a pass in Descup that he fished out of Prof Milner. A G-H football team is being or ganized and is promising a good shot at the championship. It will be re membered that this team was never defeated in the company games in ’18. * * * The G Company Fish are showing their appreciation for the many kindnesses and favors shown them by planning a sure enough banquet for. the old boys Friday night. They are endeavoring to pull it off in the old G Company style and from present indications it would be a prudent plan to invite Mr. Sbisa and give him a line-up on a real feed. * * * We know Christmas is coming for the following reason: “Fish Rob- berts hung his sock on Sophomore Turner’s Christmas tree, with the fol lowing note: ‘Deere Santy, pleze fill this container full of good wishes for all my Profs, and Sophomore friends.’ ” ifc * M* Fish Shifflett of Company D, after thoroughly discussing the matter with his friends, has kindly asked for a definition of “love”. Fish Hiles says he wouldn’t have to ask such delicate questions had he been in Waco after the 10-0 victory we handed those “Bears”. * * * John Moore of D Company was the only man playing on the Scrubs who was able to carry the ball for a touchdown while fighting against the Aggie heroes. Incidentally, this same Johnny won the individual competitive drill some few days ago. You better watch that boy. * * * Now that company football has commenced, C-D is in for the sweat ers, having such an aggregation of ‘■ball material old D, X. would, bo proud of. Come to think about it, though, C-D always did put out a pennant-winning bunch and the ma terial this year is the best ever. * * * Signal Corps Review The rooms of Mitchell Hall are now connected by foot-messenger service, telephone lines, buzzer lines, radiator pipes, and drain pipes. Wireless and T.P.S. are being con sidered. * * * At a meeting of the football men in Companies E and F it was decided that the two companies would play in conjunction during the company football season. Brown was elected captain and manager. * * * The Fish of A. S. C. have planned to give a banquet in honor of the upper classmen next Friday night at the Shirley hotel. We are coming to realize that the Fish of this com pany are living up to their standard. * * * The company grades revealed a military genius in E Company. This modern Napoleon is none other than Crabby Davis whose average was 64 per cent perfect. He is little and doesn’t need a very large grade. If you need any advice ask him. ❖ * * Fish Lyle displayed some very stunning football stunts in the game last Sunday. He pulled off some very good trick plays which proved verry successful to the opponents. ❖ * * News has been spread that the world is coming to an end this week. Fish Wyche has only one objection to this. He is afraid he won’t be able to finish his college career. * * * Captain Heard: “Right dress! Jew, move back on your feet.” Jew Enersburg. “Please, captain, those feet belong to Sergeant Lewis what closes the file.” * * * A noticeable change has suddenly come over Capt. R. A. Harris. A letter from Boston began: “I’m coming home Christmas.” That is explanation enough. * * * Fish Cronoe was disappointed the other night because the Drawing and Dumping Society failed to upset his bed in the small hours of the morn ing. * * * - Sunday afternoon on Kyle Field the Fish team of Co. C., S. C., de feated the Fish team of C. A In fantry having the much superior team. * * * Major McManus stepped out into Bryan society in his Five Wheel Dodge Saturday evening. Major Nychels accompanied him. * * * Meal Hound Murphy and Film Developer Finn rehearsed their Fri day evening program just after re treat Thursday. * * * Soph Holfle has gone into the tire business. If you have any old tires to be repaired carry them to Holfle & Cy Smith. X * * Adjutant Granau almost caught Second Lieutenant Berheim at a formation the other day. * * * Lost, strayed or stolen—one trunk. Finder please notify Clay Nichols. * * * Did you notice the Signal Corps Society at the Thanksgiving Hop? * * * About the Banking Business Member of S. C. Bull Pen: “Why does McManus know so much about the Federal Reserve Act?” Murphy: “One reason is he has had practical experience at home. Ho used to bank the horse lot against the garden fence for his Dad.” * HAVE YOU BEEN DOWN TO SEE j | Th e College Tailor i •V* * By Boyett’s Store £ First-Class Tailoring and Repairing t WILL MAKE YOU ANYTHING 1;! Phone No. 93 * £ ! r HOLMES^BRUS “1 THE HOME OF 1- THE BEST MALTED MILK ON EARTH Candies, Cigars, Fountain Drinks. We invite Cadets to make our place headquarters while in Bryan % ❖ * ❖ ❖ HASWELL’S HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Everything in Cut Glass, Fine China, Books, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, Victrolas and Re cords, Fountain Pens, and an Endless Variety of Toys for the Kiddies. BE SURE TO SEE OUR STOCK. I ❖ T T ❖ T ❖ ❖ ❖ 4* M. H. JAMES The Rexall Drug Store TOILET ARTICLES DRUGS AND PER FUMES . . Cadets and Campus residents are invited to call on us when in the city. 4^4 4^4 4£44$44£44$4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 ♦§♦ 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^44^4 4^4 4^44^44^44^4 4^44^44^4 4^44^44|4 DR. w. H. LAWRENCE DENTIST Residence Phone 658 Office Phone 521 4th Floor City Nat’l Bank Building BRYAN, TEXAS 4§4 4^4 4^4 4£» 4§4 4§4 4^4 4^4 4§4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 »^4 4^4 4§4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4^4 4§4 4^4 4^4 4§4 BRYAN SHOE HOSPITAL 4^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^44^4 Three first-class machinsts All work guaranteed. We half-sole while you wait. DEW & NEELLY, Props. V-V*-I*-1*-I--I- • ***-^'**--1*-1-*1-U..X. DR. A. BENBOW DENTIST Phones—Office 27 6. Residence 635 2nd Floor City Nat’l Bank Building BRYAN, TEXAS