Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
SUMMER SESSION. Monday. Jana 9. b Ractotration Soy for th« Soauaer Swaian of the calle«e. The Sehoai of Cotton Claw- in* the Stammer Normal, the Ratal Life School, aq£ the regular College Rammer School win open an this Sate. |( All .|>reparation* hare been aeade for a large attendance and a eeaioa is eontsm- A recently proponed dhrbiea of tie •mmwer work will include a number of special courses effaced at the. re- guest pf the United States Commis sion af Agriculture for retamed sol diers; L These courses will consist ef essential theoretical t and practical Work in rarious phases ef agricul- lufe. They will opes June 85th. The Farmers* Short Ooarsa. which has proven very popular in former years, is planned to meet the needs af men and woman erlo desire to farm on a better basis, to mahe farm ing more profitable, and to* make life oa the farm more comfertable and at tractive. This course lasts for one , week beginning 'July 91st. The in structors of this course will be'pro vided by the college proper, the Ex periment Stations, and the Exts4alon' ’ 11 | Service. vj A large school in cotton classing is expected, for while this division of | | . the summer koeeion is always wall at- | f landed, the. recant lawj; concerning ! | licensee for cotton buyers makes'ttm caurss of general into rest to all pao- fie whe have but dattsn. The assratisl object course is to prapara young i"i!i positions u^ cotton buffers, warehouse managers, find similar openings; nev- jsarthelees, fhnaer schools have been i popular wi^h experienced mem. as well as co-adi The College division makes is pos sible for students to work for addi tional credits towards graduation or to make up deficiencies that they may have. It also offers an opportunity far youag men who intend to rater the fall term to acquire needed re- rw or credit The Normal School offers instruc tions in the various subjects requir ed for State teachers’ certificates. The Raral Life School; preseats a very broad curriculm of subjects re-, lethre to all phases of rural life. Many j rural merchant*, ministers, teachers and other people interested in the welfare of ruihl communities attend these schools. The League of Rural f^elfare will meet during this school for conference and a dis cussion of rural social problenu. The collate authorities wish to emphasise tie fact that the summer session is coeducational, and women are urged tS take the advantage pf the work gifen. particularly that of the Rural Life and Summer Noras* l Divisions. The pew stucco build lag on tha northriside of the campus is be given ovpr as dormitory for women. ] COACH LEAVER LOUIS, .MO. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 6 & 7 'IH™ 41 The Harvard Prize Play which ran a solid year at Republic > (Theater New York. . 1 iv il'l !. ' 1 ff JT Hf/1 / i 'i The Gripping and /Production jp Seven Master ADDED ATTRAjimON. ose Ever Pqpul COMEDIES. Up-to-Date Work done at the [campus SHOE SHOP IMRCCS M.WAYS MOT Holack ft Son>. M. H. JAMES The Rexall Drug Store. TOILET ARTICLES DRUGS jLJm PRR- Oadete and Oampoe roeidenta invited to call •n ua when in the city. METROPOLITAN ERSHOP Bnt dam (Jaaoa Workmen laeiie Yae'if Cak 4, o. twcrrr. mamasse in a hospital at that city. Mrs. Graves has been ill for almost two months and this is the second time our coach has been called to her bed side. When his mother’s condition permit*, Mr. Graves will jdin his wife for a vacation trip to low* where they will spend the reaaainder of the sum mer. “Tubby" will return before the opening of college in order to assist Coach Bible in the fink try out* Tor the 1919 football team. TTr > > B U >' ETr&SS i . iijii. ;