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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1915)
ELECTED PRESIDENT Military Life Adds Color to College Exper ience and Makes for Efficiency. OFFICERS FOR STUDENT ASSOCI ATION AND OTHER ORGANI ZATIONS ARE CHOSEN. GARRITT TO EDIT “BAT." In the annual election of student of ficers Thursday P. H. Olson, baseball star, president of the Junior Class and all-round man and athlete, was elected president of the Student’s Council. “Pat,” in spite, of the fact that he is making his way through College by selling newspapers, has found time to take part in every form of athletics, engage in other worthy student activ ities, win the esteem of every man on the campus, and at the same time has made high records in his class work. Walter Braumiller, of Texarkana, was elected vice-president, and J. Shel ton was made secretary-treasurer. With such officers as these the affairs of the Students ’Council will be ad ministered well. In the election of editor for the Bat talion, M. T. Garrett was successful. Garrett has had experience as corres pondent for Texas dailies and should make a splendid editor. H. A. Joplin was elected business manager of the Battalion. Joplin has had experience with other student publications and had managed them successfully. W. K. “Runt” Hanson was elected chief yell leader with opposition. “Runt” is an old head at the game of arousing enthusiasm, and Aggie con test next year will be marked by con sistent rooting. Members of the Senior election com mittee are L. H. August, G. J. Cornett, and J. W. Vance; Junior election com mittee, J. B. Roundtree, J. Shelton, T. R. Brailsford; Sophomore election committee, R. C. Leffel, H. C. Knick erbocker, and W. D. Dick. The amendemtns establishnnig a board of control for the Battalion were adopted. FOR SALE. Roll top desk, chiffoneer, and rock ing chair. All in good condition. C. E. P. Wisrodt, 99 Milner. FOR SALE. Household furniture of R. H. Leavel, including dining table and chairs, ihina cabinet, side board, library table, open book case and other articles. Inquire of J. J. Richie. AUTO TRAINING SCHOOL. Learn the automobile business and secure a job that pays. I also sell and exchange second-hand cars. Write for particulars. M. H. KOTZEBUE 1304 .Texas Ave., Houston, Texas SENIOR EXAMS OVER. Senior examinations are over this week and next week will be Junior week. Pinal examinations for the un derclassmen begin Saturday. Com mencement exercises proper begin June 5 and continue through June 8, which is Tuesday. Thoughts of home are already very common. DRILLS MAKE FOR IMPROVED MANHOOD PHYSICALLY AS SHOWN EY HOSPITAL RECORDS. SELF-RELIANCE^ RESULTS Military life adds a touch of color to the four years’ experience at the Agricultural and Mechanical College, which touch is not found in other in stitutions in Texas. But the chief value is in the military training which makes for system, precision and self- confidence to perhaps a greater de gree than any other training. Many instances of where A. & M. men have been in demand above graduates of other institutions may be found, and in many cases this is due to the fact that the “A. & M. boys have been trained to do what they are told to do and to do it promptly,” as the chief engineer for one of Texas’ greatest railway companies says. The military training also makes for an improved manhood physically. Walking, done in drills, the calis thenics and drills at the 6 o’clock reveille exercises, and the manipula tions of guns all make for phj'sical manhood, and such things as soft muscles are an unknown quantity around the Texas A. & M. The value of the training in this respect is shown by a glimpse at the hospital records. The college maintains a surgical staff of a graduate surgeon and physician and two graduate nurses. The percentage of men who are absent from duty on account of illness is below that of the United States army, an enviable record. Each spring the hike adds to the variety of training given in military j circles. Sham battles, long marches and instruction in every kind of mili tary tactics are featured. This hike is followed by the in spection of the corps by an inspecting officer from the War Department. The efficiency of the training given at A. & M. is demonstrated by the ex ceptionally high rank held by the college. War Department records show that Texas A. & M. College is one of the distinguished military col leges of the United States, there be ing five. Unofficially it is known that Texas stands at the head of that list of • five. The report has not reached the col lege as to the rating to be given this institution this year. Captain Merry made a thorough inspection and seem ed well pleased with what he saw, but his report will not be made public until late in June. Report Shows Splendid Work by the College Y. M. C. A. Done dormitory Number of faculty leaders. Number of student leaders 102.4 374.5 19 6 In June the Young Men’s Christian Association will close the work of another scholastic year. With the opening of the new Y. M. C. A. Build ing in January, and the splendid stimulus of the State convention, which convened on the campus dur ing the month of February, the clos ing months of this year have been strenuous in caring for the needs of the student body, visitors and cam pus people. The following brief sur vey will indicate the work that has been attempted during the year: Work for New Students. This work was in charge of a large committee. The committee met the new men at the trains and gave them every possible assistance in matric.u lation and general information. V isitation. The usual custom of visiting the new men during the opening days helped many homesick and lonely men to adjust themselves to new surroundings. Religious Meetings. The programs for the religious meetings, held every Sunday night, have been unusually strong. Faculty men and students have taken part in these meetings and such outside speakers as could be secured. Dr. W. S. Jacobs, Dr. J. L. Grose, Dr. Peter Gray Sears of Houston, Dr. A. J. Barton of Waco, Dr. T. R. Sampson of Austin, Dr. H. T. Musselman of Dallas, Dr. J. W. Sandifer of Abilene, Dr. Henry Cope of Chicago and our own beloved President, Dr. W. B. Biz- zell, have been leaders of our reli gious thought and inspiration. Perhaps the greatest single force for righteousness during the college year was the splendid State conven tion of the Young Men’s Christian Association held on the campus February 18 to 21. The hearty co operation of the college authorities with the State committee made pos sible the greatest convention ever held in Texas. The International committee sent several of its strong est men to take part on the program. James A. Whitmore, Charles D. Hur- rey of New York, G. S. Bilheimer of Denver, Colo., Dr. George W. Truett, L. A. Coulter and J. L. Hunter of Dallas and many other speakers made splendid contributions to the success of the convention. Bible Study. Sunday, May 30, the Bible classes finished a splendid year’s work. Due to the untiring efforts of Prof. I. C. Nichols, superintendent of the Sunday school, the Bible classes conducted in the chapel were well arranged and no small part of his time was given to the children’s classes. Under the able leadership of Dr. C. P. Fountain, the organization of the Sophomore class into sections was one of the most successful plans tried out dur ing the year. In the dormitories sev eral classes were successfully con ducted by students. Prof. C. A. Woods and Ike Ashburn conducted very successful classes. President Bizzell has conducted two successful campus classes. One class studied “The Social Teachings of the Prophets,” and the other the Book of Mark. Average enrollment of students in Sunday school 210.2 Average enrollment of campus people in Sunday school 61.9 Average enrollment of students Association Facts. Membership enrollment 320 Social functions 25 Handbooks for students 800 Student delegates to summer ' conference 9 Decisions for Christ 124 Students on deputation teams.. 20 Student visitors in Y. M. C. A. Building since January 7,500 Outside visitors 500 ALUMNUS IS VISITOR. M. D. Morley, alumnus, and former instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the College, was a visitor here last week. Recently Morley has been in the employ of the Stone & Webster Engneering Corporation as an efficient engineer. Breed from your best layers if pos sible; if you cannot distinguish them, then select the hens with red combs, good space (about three fingers width) between the pelvic bones, and about four fingers’ width from pelvic bones to the rear end of the breast bone.