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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
I rv: 4- ii ... i. ■ —-rn m %b t V.9>vu I >KiH4 ^P|4J6D I in I* «M- ,41 s **rr- J- tMr =t b i.ii Published Weekly by the Students’ Association ot the ^J^fricultural and Mechanical "*3h ■ L; >llege >LUME .1 > xncM-ljl:* i. > j ——. COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS, APRIL 24, 1907,] NUMBER 27 New Sprina Suits r k<. ni i i LI Yoitng Men4 ttny \» ^n\Tr tilmv \ \* Ti'j ,- r TrimmiitT over witF i, every correct *tyl« i« ■ No etore between edow plaid* and stiipe*,* small club check*, sad *olid shade* <>f -gnry apd tan. also a complete ap»totert& k ri eithet single or double- style, although ,lhe slaele- thu^ J 1 * ■ ‘teW'ifcp** SlHfaH WloiuS 2.50 $15.00 I. * 19.1. C. 0.0. no; >• *tyrf Os Acceuat of Bad ^ Pro-rcti. for VlctorieeoeTrlp. ^6V, « SI0.00 t»J6 •Mn I t, $18.00 i ' Kk tiUi IT md ftp'll Oh A Blue This I <M all Mt v^,i: i-r sewee (ttmighout dK*tar-X'“; ; fettMb . aHTI tf . ■kAtlc * styl* u mhtMvr, I^tw ^?iW!nii A. AND M. DID SOME QOOD PL A VINO r.<V* IN SPITE OP COLD. if' felflrtilt iiui-toqt C±} Ktl -t oii^uky ut 1 mi KOi mm n tyni |ry TjVj t {| rmF? ■ lt\v\ jnr>4* I Weather—flood 1 'IP pH/ :~t. H8(7 -rT 77 * jui 11: kj eistunu ? <4l *’ /* vas a cold day for T. C. U. and the spectators last Friday, but wanned to their task and easHy run up the forfeit score in aix«innings. Never have our boys showed such team work and this largely the canse of T. C. TVs string of naughts. A. and M. got ;our errors, none costly, while the soys from WaoO roiled up ten. Tysom did the twirling for'®! ,’isitoiiij ^He hatf’a wonderful de- ivery btat the cold weather must with Pant* are a* I ba Jupll, «t^J I ’ wo«M roU VQU 1 n title, and a.i«ne l a* a SMtWlTalI made aUh tS* | hadbMMloMM MS ac w«Mf» " >10** tfcaO $20.00. or If «a4a t Mu# as «w 414 la ; lartf medlua, form Ittinr shoaMar* aa4 cue* oa SKlSiiliTia hkiwi ii The Teclnologtca! iiore it T floildr enter on cortificate vrithoMt emminstioi i CAkrrcL Traimm. Gn i in th< Mcpern Language* an^ the Ap nstnUction. Fjle Te* hnidal IiHtibction. irrpii Colegv Statioo, a f «V Vt>ur •* rjr***. aaw*^* w-.nn (F'** eral subject*. Kfi^lishL Hi | Scsencea, which ■fori' ^ ■plication now. i Cafnloguaw have interferred with his control. Mis team gave him poor support, hut never Mid down, even when We were running in over them in |he second and third. H' '4Ab CapL Smith pitched the first two niogs and then went to left field while Hafl went n the bast. Even though it was oo their Usual umliing bafl. -T. C. U. got four Hcattcrcil Httk hiha- amounted . to qatBKjjPntt? lack robbed Tysom of wl7.ii ordinarily l)e s safe one by - y bit of fielding and a uff at first. 8UW:th such placing on the ityp K.can sqe.pothii^g.but a continu us round of victories. ; T. C. U. started off the game h>’ filling up the bases, but Smith pitebe*! ouf of the hole and never again did it look like .a score for the Wacoites. A strike out apd s double pnt an end to/ the first round. A. and M. took it easy the first spasm but how they by Perkins who was work Choc at second, j Hoeweder, and Ehlinge^ (bfj Homsbv j the scoring i Black jtnada a slide on the way in. uk’uf 1 T. C. U. g6t ;a hit in the by Bloor .* H iieweBef! iha < hot one that i^sMld Have- :|)!ho«ne «look easy * for' Bloot: double by EhKdger f* and closely followed hy EhlingeV's ing a pop up v k of first br oar team to the hat. I Wess wal and Hweweiler drme one too for Perkins to handle clean went to first. • Black knocked one to Thomas who easily ed It into a double. This Milligan's out wan sufficient, Tysom took three and the Frizzel put it safe in left field it Was ho use;*Ehlinger and K w-re on their jobs and took in pretty fouls. • i The only thing noticeable in next round was Kelley’s < home from second on a wind np Tysom and Bloor’s errofr! got hit in the hes<| but didnH his base as Khlin ger did just The next was the last one on count of the cold and the dar MUligaa and Black got Pewee wa\kril^lMMj>Pg ^ turned mU> spores. T. triad to chauga>^he score JL was too la gave Kelley a chance to some pretty piching. Randall first and went Oo second on a throw. Per kips went out at $nd Frizzell endecfilttr slaughter the innocents, by taking th swings. Our boys did the playing and «j j regret they didn't have a chant 5 to win the next game from Randal , which was not,marred on accou itiilkHw ■rel BATTING AVERAGES. ;; ; o t ,a a h mi n- ’4 | * *! '(9 ’• ’1 »iS. 4 LiQ! 4. ..11 m 1 rU tl! .$77 atkr ia 0 »44ttiW PANV STANDING. sd -Won Lost Per cent. Hi 1 500 1 2 Cx x> UemaU lion f*r ;i|M| D.. gjjSsitlrrtt. of ^he in^emeni weather. rowfrios Ketlrv. 3rd bo,#' Mufvc. R- F # - Smith. P. i. F. ' t A f . And m. HMmm jkuil AS ■ * SH no A 3 3 1 0 1 1 4 0$ 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 10 41 • 4 1** :o- ?$ 1 -jr© l|a L f—l 1 1 ^itrl yit^”- 1 ' •«i B LUMP ANY WINS FROM D. company stinted the g«me by ng two men In the fir^ihuidlf 1 D followed with one score. i| L tn the second inning 1 Jennings Whitt el strdek out, Ha- ris g<* on balls and ‘Abney was pot t at first J > Rutledge started out a hit. Cobe got baaeW - and came in on Uneburg 1 #* iii Blake was thrown ont at first; m Bethel and Jones < ' of In the*third inning Smith B.<-Wi placed Cason, who was bit in tbt while hatting. Day got first error, bibrell out on sacrifice, ilgo out at first, Rutledge out at Smith and Goodman went oa , on|jnt4t' * * . In In the fourth inning Maxwell tat first, Jennings and W*£lJ rack out. Smith, Ltnneburg and lake retired D’ company's side. v arris, Abney and Day retired ia in the fifth. Bethel, Jonest ge made onts. -H ■ .Tj. sixth Dibrell, Esterwood Filfeo scored for B rompany, th, CObe and Goodman made t» fot D cotn|iany. ^ ‘ - 5 In the seventh B scored several ^ WW' ; •, ••D*‘ TAKES game'tROM «Cr V4 D company took Tuesday’s game 10m t liiNj | i -M ■ if t n 1 fimt pu^ (>alls, weiiet^s' hit, IHaswel •• / *' ll’iu s Bool r ^ . n re all (ha sboofk fouit Uiw I reasoi • ■ i-vmi i iT Tfc'L I at the tsdl sd^lIgr' Mol l«s||ilw: MBWOMNIB m idL 1 - - r^r : .*4, 7 net’ The Long Hbdur -will arrive ^n. 4 or about May rhti Mon dash* fk* cop>’. i We would fth# » pa' man to pay io*ih» ixxjk as a he reeei\*es same, aS dur Recount cohtrovfljfie* 5f arbitration, Caj t with thM publishers must be dosed |h. H. Sargent has consented^ lMfl|ijikiioar«Ef With a t ~:iw s 1 QEi l^CtURE tSE. V f treat interest thp Lkt limitations jpdorts to set ■ by May 15. m; ^odt ] A. T. Pott-, 4 U Dinar:' hi | ssatowg! Business Mjinag^ .^Liml Capjtain] ry r Hm subjuc »f Armaments) Wessenddrf took ♦ j went to third on F and scored on an errfr by Bloor Black mad^^first, stole Second and sedred oti a Couple of efrbrs, com ing in close behind Pewee who scordd on an errbr J>y the short stop. EhliUger got first on an er ror by Tysom but was killed at third . Huff was switched tn and as sisted Black and Pewee across. Kel* ley clouted the sphere py^r the cen- u rid elder's head. Tliat was good for two and he made third on the throw to the plate that didn't 1 cut Huff off.* Kelley scored <m Moore’s roller and* Bloor’s error,-, and Moore went down in a goose chase between find and second in which all of the T. C V. team took f thnitb walked; A couple Of errors tended him od third. MdUfcan ’ivr.rked around to seoood o j md Dutch struck out. Leaving k theucore s*-o. ?: S0 **' 1 1 The third Was less interesting. T. 'fc. tT. was retired in short oWer F.klinger. l*t base Hug, P. H«m*by, C. 1'. ■ it Total*, |1L, ; Frinrall. R. P. s 4 $ 1 U Thomas, 2mi L bM«.,.j^ (J. f .i 0 IMivpa. 1st bare .it ? i 1 ti 'SSEjot^ - ’ 3 • i o HI or, C. i • 3 0 0 fO Witt, ;3rd bav ■ 4 0 0 Prrkiiia t -&. $. ‘j3 $ 0 (> CaMwa, fc.if. .( |i .S (i 0 0 Tyto^, P. , v lt»6 © • 3T 0 4 Bjr ktninn — t i 2 A * andM.-O 3 3 0 1 a i$ i)u >o s 6* rT ’*41 its Nummary #g(4on: ■ will deliver KadiaemMM a: effects of various Doff ex ed, and every ufa fit hrvfted to I tre Tettmmr H 0 • ... A. and M. t Two base hits: > ■ Kelley. = ■ ij M Double Plays: Ehlinger to West sptjdorf to ICliIinger; Thomas to Bald win; Thomas unas* sisted. !b*lebtl tnllsf: Off Tyst^ ^ j Struck 0& By Btaith Huff 5, by Tysom 3, - Hit by pitched ball: N Frfztell Bhliqger. L . Juti-iJ.4drit 1 Passed belie: Bloor 1. 5ETh5r33T«BrV*t the! Wild Pitches: Ty*om *mB firttnian up; and a strike ont.wnd UmpUtr - Church. Scorer;! J a caught fly by Moore finished the D. Colllnsl job. A and M. got’’oidy'* three of garnet- r hour and 40' scores. Smith was robbed ot* bit minutes. . 'L'! '<-4- • : ’*•* ked like a winner by a 2-0 scorej rhen tht hitting streak seized D, had ti* W>H Inched, 5-2 and foolishly wasted jer fifth innuig by striking out, Iheo she might have added to the ere StimsJn got eight strike t'v and -Merseheidt jmx. -C rap- ] J d him for only two hits. The Hud ‘ ' F roOg, and Hiftledge, and* 11 » cUeuherat, l.lf. flaiith, c. f. j| ] H lx} 3rd —-Goodman, 1. f. j iiipert, r. f. Merschcidi^ p. hitiyey (c.) c. Blske. ci ' ab«f>, s. » Line burg r. f. ittg, c. f. Bethel, 3M L | ‘ p3y, 1st ‘ ■ ■*>Jooes s. a. I. timson, p-. .>1 - ! f.Vsi iTes- S^ 01 MEET W,T * ALLEN ACADEMY J IN BRYAN. * * " Ttie track squad will go to Bryan turday afternoon to have a tt^r t with the AUen^Acack niv ><iuad. is is not to be a dual nmerbut * * test to get a line on the perform* of the individuals ad. Since the Fact Wc y has.iaded to it t, pcobahle JjKbe called off town thould go oa cheer U* 1 M ,'1 ' L tEli 4 fft nil AH I liJ ni