Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
j SHIRTS CAMPAIGN HATSl? REGULATION BELTS ? '^WHITE GLOVES ? I '.■rKCiAB. None* !—Oor stock of drill shirts was to have arrived for the opening of the Col lege, ba^ was delayed is shipment* apd have jast arrived-'i So we now have a tall stock of all eiies of the best drill shirts offered the students this season, and weald warn all [ students who have not yet secured their shirts not to delay thefr purchases as each student is requited to have , two shirts, and the supply may not last long. J ' 1 HUNTER & CHATHAM . Jmr&| FunisHERs ; v BIBLE LESSON FOB FEB The Last Days. Mark—Chapters n and is. Chapter n: Verees t-il—Jesus Haters Jerusalem. Verses 12-14—The Fruitless Fig Tnse. Verses 15-25—Jesus in the Tem ple. * ‘ • . | } I • y Verses 27-53—Jesue pud the Chief Priests. Chapter i2: Verses i-ia—Par able of the Wicked Tenants. Verses 13-17—A Question about Tr|b«te. . Verses 18-27—A Question about the Resurrection. Verses 28-34—The Great Com mandment. Verses 35-37—Christ the Son of David. .. Verses 38-40—Warnings against the Teachers of the Law. Verses 41-44—The Widow’s Of- Keriags, RAILROAD TIME TABLE H & T.'C.flCHEOlULE H •Ol’Np. t Mia. 3 L.11-. P- * n 1^*. 5 ,....l....I2::»a,m. (flag) SouWbdvwd. i . 3»4V 1^)-m. 2:59 a. nritiwi) L Sc G. N. SCHEDC1.E. NOBTH SOI VO. j N«. 2. - No. 6 NO- 102.. No. 101.. ......4...Mj SOUTH OOUSD. ' •V'i’ lO.-OslPiO. .5:17 J. Did Milligan get his share of the ft r 1 Tennis shoes, in white or black, high or low cut, also a full stock of white duck pants for tennis, just re ceived at Parks Ac Waldrop's. 23 I pPainom"' Lenert '06 was around on I the campps last Friday shaking hands *r*h his wiany last year's friends. He assistant chief-engineer on the G. nfi Who got the "»«a-fcpoi.” Patronize Benson’s Barber Shop. i ; it 1 visited ither le “daddy" inedring is w nn m m now 14^ G Cadet R G. 1 ahOr's fa lb# Sunday.. jlfpHHpHHPH Dr. Marstellar spent a lew days in Houston last week. R. E. Hanoy visited Bis home m Hempstead last weeg. Prof, and M*s. F. S. Johnston moved to Dallas last week. Mr. Leo E|dhigtr's sheer j spent Saturday evening in Bryao., Mark Young say* that the forrdula of Klectrieal Engii ! >• '' Spaulding’s Jerseys in white, black and I maroon, all sisses at Parks Si Waldrop’s- - > ■ J 23 Os ptain a ad Mr*. DeWare are on the campus on accoant of the illness of their sen. ^ • j . Ptofs. Eyle and Green attended the Horticultsirists meeting last week at Ja cksonville. Tie corps regret that Cadet l)e- Warle W critically ill in the h*spata| with pneumonia. Captaiij Smith called the baseball squad put* last Tuesday afternoon for the first time this seaaon. Miss Betts of Bryan returned her home Saturday after a iVeek’s visit with Dr. and Mrs. Powell. Ndw shipment of A. Si M. Pen nants, including several new designs just received at Parks & Waldrop’a •; j' 23 JL'adet Robinson visited his home Setuyda) and Sunday, He was ac companied by "Georgy” Washington THE BOtfT. Of sfl sad words of tougue or pen. What became of Carter’a ^ "tea?” Or did we the seniotw of n graft de- prive, Or waa it a ten, or yffa it a five? —Uncle Fed. The bnquejia and the Thalian fllubs gavp a Very enjoyable dance at the mess hall on Saturday night. 'ITie orchestra pf the two clubs combined and furnished some excellent music. Miss Louise Harris, who was the sbaraaitv.Bponeor of “C” Company list year,’was married on the 14th of this month to Mr. George Smith of Bryan. The members of “C" Com pany, whom she so royally entertain ed last year, wish her a happy mar ried life. P We feay the students do not give as large a share of their patronage to those Bryan fonts that carry advertisements lit The Battalion. We see no reason why the boys should not favor the Arms that contribute to the fyids of He paper. 1 r. 1 r-i i.-i * ■ r-j v ; : ■ = ; 1 We are sorry to learn that quite feu of the students are thrown out of their courses by the fact that Prof. Johnston is leaving us. Several that were specializing in his line will be put out of their course and probably will resign. Judging from the number of 'frocs” that, suddenly appeared Saturday while we were listening to the Kiltie*, more than qne senior must have been Vbroke,” and need ed the ‘'mon.'* Miss Ngnnie Lou Betts spent a few days on the campus last week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Powell. The battle came off, but my, it was tame And the grafters all saw the results of their game; And then to add to their utter chagrin. Carter could not be found to dig np the "ten.” We see our pictures and postals gal ore. j Carter did it; Likewise on cuts in Longhorns of jtoru Carter did it. But of all the doings that worry his cares, . | • ’ Is the ‘‘cane-rush,” which, wor rying, bears, Carter didn’t did it. It was thought, asciis work always sings. That Carter would fain do fool hardy things; So is it a joke or is it a fact, Did Carter really dffer a green back? The City National Bank OE8ION ATI oroiTco With capital, dred thousand over half a mil era! banking ices to the pul lute safety, as) experience an< the officers ai management the faculty ai College solicit Oi S. PI E. H. ALBEI ED. S. E. W. IVAM. TEXAS --■I 4 ■!) ' , ' ’ T. T DEPOSITARY O E T M E ATES QO VE R fSI K4 E f^T us and profits of one hun- ollars and total resources of ion dollar*, transacts a gen- si ness, and offers its serv ile with assurances of abso- fuaranteed by the character, financial responsibility of directors charged with the he Bank. The businessof students of the A. and ft. IKER. President 'IN, Vice-President W. WILKERSON. Cashier iRDEN, Asst. Cashier >ENSHAW, Asst. Cashier' How leim arc saved Just two things and a perfect tooth tooth powder becau ing them. It make* aseptic, antee. needed—a perfect tooth powder fsh. Our Tooth Powder is a perfect cleanses the teeth without harrn- ?fhe gums healthy and the mouth we guar- Price 25c. ! I Price 25c. tlpur Special Tooth Brush Comes in several sizes'and textures. I NHIN $ BRYAN ROLLER RINH THREE SESSIONS DAILY I mtt 'Hie present condition of our aata- (Mfum is » deplorable one indeed. We admit that the building and the convenience*, if one might call diem sudh, thereia. are not near what they should be. Still we ought to make the best of what we have. Things ought to be kept clean. The filth and waste should be kept out of the way. It » very’seldom that a per son folds warm water to bath in, and then hardly ever.i* a fire in the stove. Thpre is a man who draws pay and is supposed to keep these things straight. We think that the cadets would appreciate it very much if that person would look after things a little. Compaay Baseball The company baseball maoagers and captains have been elected for this season as follows: “A” Com pany manager, G. F. Moore; cap tain, Homeyer; “B” Campany manager, Boyce; captain, Maxsrell; C” Company manager, Wool ham; captain, Whitney; “D” Company manager, P. E. Cunningham; cap tain; A- J- Smith. A great deal of interest is Shown in the coming company games, and the members of the team are prac ticing, driving the stiffness from their arms and training their eyes for the benders. As yet, no Sched ule has been arranged. The regu lar games begin the last of March or the first of April. At a meeting of the managers I and captains of the oo&Spany teams 1 last week, a company baseball league was organized. W. G. Moore was elected president, the position of umpire being left Open for a while. At this meeting the offi the ccimpany teams agreed {with Capt. Smith of the first team, to ol.serve the playing of their men closely. If any of the men show good form they will recommend the good players for practice with the squad. If after any men are found to be incapable of playing on the first team, if they have played a few games, they are not debarred from playing company ball. It was farther agreed that those men who are asked by Qapt. Smith and who refuse to Join the squad, are not to be permitted to join a company team: 0:30 a. m. to isito; 7:30 p|m SOflETHING 3:30 p. m. to ao:oo p. / icefs of 1 JUST OUT1 A new book by W. G. Moore en titled “The Cane Rush Mystery, or What became of the Greenback. For sale by any senior. SubSjcrigtion the Battalion Af, Mr. Howard R. and M. boy and brother Cavitt who was here last y< bought out McDougal’s Post Drug Store ip Bryan and wil tinue the business at the stand. Besides the ordinary and sundries, he will carry complete line of athletic | is anxious to serve every needs for such things. His 1 ad. srill be seen in thm numt the Battalion. Mr. Cavitt isa I College man and has many ft both here and elsewhere ar alumni. We wish him fugs The Old Reliablaf j ’ ]’ JOHN WITTMANN Tailor Shop Can always ho depended I *’hM ys he ■■ for Quality, Btyia, ; •f Hu* It able to i from his fallows Chat MPoo ^ Fit and Pr<>mptna^A_ GIVE US YOUR ORDER AcctdoMally a Student found one of "fish* 1 Tucker’s letters, written to a lady friend whose name he had Sot j ten from a class mate’s lOMer. jm the early part of this letter Mr. Tucker gives a flattering descripoort of hiaa- self. dwellihg at some length on bis golden heir, apd-ends with this rash departure from facta, “don’t think mo vain hut some call me handaomet’’