The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, January 26, 1917, Image 4
Swethe art Toilet Soap Best and Purest Coupons from Bryan Eagle, February 12, 1917; Houston Post and Hous- ton Chronicle, February 11, 1917, Are Redeemable At BOYETT'S STORE, North Main St. - A (. Bailey, Mgr Queen Theatre; Saturday. “The Stolen Triumph,” featurn- ing Julius Steger. A picture worth seeing. Specia! music. aiid] Cleaning, pressing, and alterations done neatly and promptly at a low cost at the Student Tail- or Shop. Liberal dis- count if you buy a tick- et. Tumlinson & Alderson boro] \ A. and M. possesses something | drier college in the South has —plxte glass backstops for bas- ketball court These backstops’ cost the Atheletic Council $160. Please do not throw anything in gymnasium except basketball. George A. Adams ~ Insurance of all kinds - including automobile Special attention to campus residents. Phones 265 and 539, Bryan. Campus Mail Schedule. Relow. is given the mail sched- ule for the Campus postoffice, Cadets as well as others should clip this out and post it in a con- venient place: Mail posted by 3:30 am will reach the northbound 12:12 1 & G. N or any other train doring the day. Mail posted by 11:30 a. m will reach the northbound 1:28 H & T. C. or any other train during the day. Mail posted by 2:80 p. m will reach the sonthbound 3:45 1. & (G N.or the 4:25 southbound H. &7T.C, Mail posted before 2:30 p m. will go north or south one tlhe night trains of the same day. Southbound mail posted be- tween 2:30 and 5:00pm. will go south that same night. Northbound mail posted after 2:30 p. m. does not go north un- til the next day. : 0). O. HENDERSON, LOST: —A designing book, for T HK students. Please return it to D.J. Japhet. 84 Leggett. Must “have it to pass my course.