—— Sw^theart Toilet Soap Best and Purest Coupons from Bryan Eagle, February 12, 1917; Houston Post and Hous ton Chronicle, February 11, 1917, Are Redeemable At BOYETT’S STORE, North Main St. - A 0, Bailey, Mgr Queen Theatre, Saturday. “The Stolen Triumph,” feaiur.- ing Julius Steger A picture worth seeing. Specia 1 music. Cleaning, pressing, and alterations done neatly and promptly at a low cost at the Student Tail or Shop. Liberal dis count if you buy a tick et. Tumlinson & Alderson A. and M. possesses something m/^fc-her college in the South has —plate glass backstops for bas ketball court These backstops cost the Atheletic Council $169. Please do not throw anything in gymnasium except basketball. George A. Adams Insurance of all kinds including automobile Special attention to campus residents. Phones 265 and 539, Bryan. Campus Mail Schedule. Below is given the mail sched ule for the Campus postoffice, Cadets as well as others should clip this out and post it in a con venient place: Mail posted by 9:30 a m will reach the north bound 12:12 I & G. N or any other train during the day. Mail posted by 11:30 a. m will reach the northbound 1:28 H & T. C. or any other train during the day. Mail posted by 2:30 p. m will reach the southbound 3:45 I. & G N. or the 4:25 southbound H, & T. C. Mull posted before 2:30 p m. will go north or south