The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, November 22, 1916, Image 3
New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS | TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES ab A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan's Big Clothing Store Dallas Club Meeting. Every member or fellow from Dallas County is urgently re- quested to attend an important’ meeting of the Dallas Club im- mediately after dinner today in ‘Room 93 Milner. Please: come out. G. D.-Anderson, V. P. ae eee 7% me et A meeting of the Brazos Conn. ty Club will be-held:in No. 9 Fos- ter after supper tonight. 5 D.S. BUCHANAN. LLOST-- A headgear with Frank’ lin’s name on it at. the EF-AB game Saturday. Finder please return to R. W. Briggs, 54 Mil- ner. The Lousiana boys will meet tonight after Supper in No. 15 Mitchell. ~ Guard. Detail. - November 23, 1916. Officer. of the Day: Cadet Priv. Fry, H. L. Offieer of the Guard: Cadet Lieut. Kerbow, H. R. FOUND: The following: arti- cles are at.the office-of the draw- ing department: 1 campaign hat, size 7 1-8. 1 white handle office knife, 1 set. drawing instruments with.J. C. Richardsen name. in- side. 1 “Rinst.Conrse So Algebry : with. C. S. Wolston’s name. inside 1 ‘Sutton and Bruce. Arith- metic’ with Arthur Long’ S name inside. The'owners - are: requested: to call for them. A. MITCHELL “CADETS” We sell the famous Bostonian Shoes Edwin Clapp Shoes and everything in Men's Furnishing : Goods. Yours truly, ‘Webb: Brothets - ‘Bryan