New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES at A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan’s Big Clothing Store Dallas Club Meeting. Every member or fellow from Dallas County is urgently re quested to attend an important* meeting of the Dallas Club im mediately after dinner today in Room 93 Milner. Please come Put. G. D. Anderson, V. P. A meeting of the Brazos Coun ty Club will be held in No. 9 Pos ter after supper tonight. D. S. BUCHANAN. LOST— A head gear with Prank lin’s name on it at the EF-AB game Saturday. Finder please return to R. W. Briggs, 54 Mil ner. The Lousiana boys will meet tonight after supper in No 15 Mitchell. “ Guard Detail. November 23, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Priv. Fry, H. L. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Lieut. Kerbow, H. R. FOUND: The following asrti- cles are at the office of the draw ing department: 1 campaign hat, size 7 1-8. 1 white handle office knife, 1 set drawing instruments with J C, Richardson name in side. 1 1 ‘ First Course in Algebra” with G.. S. Wolston’s name inside 1 ‘ Sutton and Bruce Arith metic” with Arthur Long’s name inside. The owners are requested to call for them. A. MITCHELL ‘CADETS” We sell the famous Bostonian Shoes Ed win. Clapp Shoes and everything in Men’s Furnishing Goods. Yours truly, Webb Brothers Bryan