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About The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1916)
pres. Corporals Gibbens, Wiedenfield, Frnka, and Rees. COMPANY “D” Sergeants Sanders and Hensarling, Corporal Hopkins. COMPANY “E” Sergeants Sneed and Wipprecht, Cor- porals Gardner and Griesenbeck. COMPANY “F” Sergeant Judd, Corporals Adkisson, - Brady, and Robertson. COMPANY “G” Sergeants Bittle and Starnes, Corpor- als Humphreville, Arledge and’ _ Wiseman. _ COMPANY “H” Sergeant Mogford, Corporals Con- over, McFadden and Carper. TO THE SECOND REGIMENT: COMPANY “A.” Sergeant Smith, Corporals Burns, Price, Amsler and Thornton. COMPANY “B” = Sergeants Lowry and Westerhoff, - Corporals Hatley, Jones, Gaedcke, and Cronk. COMPANY “C” Sergeant Greathouse, Corporals Mit- chell, Oates and Eckhardt. ; COMPANY “D” . Sergeants Nash and Becker, Corporal Potter. ‘COMPANY ““E” Sergeant McKnight, Corporals Sette- gast and Brooks. COMPANY “F” Sergeants McNew, Alex and Carna- han, Corporals Slemmons, Le- hoefener and Porter. COMPANY “G” Corporals Davis, J. W., Baker, Ayres and Abicht. COMPANY “H” Sergeants Savage, McLean, and Nor- ment, Corporal Watson. . TO THE BAND: Corporal Appling. 3. All changes necessitated by this order will be shown on Morning Reports to-morrow. Where men are transferred from one Company to another the number of the room and : be “turned in to the C be quartered after the nsfer will mandant’s Office with the least practicable de- lay. name of the hall in x: they will 7 By order of the Commandant: 0. S. GRAY, ‘Captain, Corps Adjutant, Adjutant. Headquarters Corps of Cadets Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas College Station, Texas.” Nov. 20. 1916. MEMORANDUM: Hereafter, Battalion Staff and Non- Commissioned Staff officers will attend all Drills. At drills other than Regime: tal or Battalion. they may be ex- cused by the Major of their Bat- talion; otherwise they are Yequir. ed to attend. By order of the Commandant. O. 8S. GRAY, Cadet Capt. & Adit. Guard Detail. November 22, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Lieut. Burkett, J. M. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Priv. Bramlett, F. L. " To Heads of Departments: When a cadet who lias been ex. cused from drill or other military duty, in order to enable him to work for a department, has been relieved from said work, itis re- quested that the Commandant be notified, in order that the cadet . may be taken up for full dug A ——— tea mae et meta tea All who have spoken for re- serve seats to the Thanksgiving game callat Y. M. C. A. office and secure them.