The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1985, Image 1

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PO POX 59062
Dallas, tx 73229
Upset city in Kentucky
Villanava shocks nation,
The Battalion
VoJ. 80 Mo 124 USPS 045360 14 pages
College Station. Texas
T uesday. April 2. 1985
U.S. Supreme Court
lets GSS ruling stand
A%«iW.#n/( irt hhtiH
(.««\ SiiKlnil SriNurs v^oii * hai
Mould lo tr ihr la\i iiHimi in
Ih«* IkiIIk* loi irt 0^11111011 MoikI.o
when thr l S Su|»irn»e < ouri lt*i
stand a loMrt tomi i ulmt' sialin^
ih.H I rxas WM inusl trioj^m/r lhr
Kui I r«l M.t)o\ sk.\ s\si< m gnu i a I
coutisH. saul tlu j l msnsilv Mill |>«u
sur am alln nalr Irgal avenues avail
VIondav moitiing lhr t mversilv
ie<eivt*<l Mold lhal die l S. Su-
preine t <Kin moiiIiI not lu*.n its v ase
agamM (,SS I Im* court « ned a la< k
ol |uiisdltlM>n in the inattei
Bv doing so. ihe Filth l S ( in un
( .«»int ol \p\ Kals \ugust ruling.
m huh states die l niversitv inusl i er-
ogni/f the group, stands
\s ol Mondav altemoon die svs-
lem hatl not vet teveivetl a topv ol
the tilling. Hafovskv v.ikI
\' s<M»ri as a tops ol the i tiling is
available, svstetn repieseniatives Mill
met i Midi i hen Lim v ei s to dist uss al-
tei nate legal at non
" I hete aten t mans (altet natives).
hut some, that Me Mant to exjvloie."
Majovskv s.ikI II all ptot esses ol
apjieals have l»»*eii extinguished. Me
m ill < omplv
VA Vl has a histois as Iteing goo«l
s«i|<hets and as a go»Kl viklier. Me
m ill t omplv
Majovskv said that the system Mas
naturallv disappfHnted" alxHit the
derision anti that he Mas tout ernet!
alMitit m hat the oultome implies He
salt! the ruling oj»ens up ijnesiitHis
legaidmg Iiom far an adminsttation
tan g«i in reguLiting student ton-
Majovskv said diistase Mas unique
lietause it was ha set I on sexual pref*
eience as a legitimate concern.
" This took a different Imisi." Ha-
jovskv saitf “that hasitalls it Mas a so-
tial. not a First Amendment case ~
Majovskv said the Stipteme
(aHin's decision not t«i heat ine t ase
is n«M unusual, consMietmg the mim-
Itet of < axes submitted to the court
eat h sear
While ssstem officials Mere disap
pointed. Marco Roberts, president
of t»SS. said members of tne
lelt claied and hapf»
'We re nervous, but vers excited.**
he said Roberts added he hoped the
See COURT, page 7
hr A VTWO.V V V. I A SPf ft
Marco Roberts, president of
Gay Student Services, (above)
announces the U.S.. Supreme
Court decision to let stand a
lower court ruling in the Texas
AJcM-CSS case. The audience
of about 35 people at Rudder
fountain responded to Roberts
announcement with applause
during a toruroon civil rights of
homosexuals which was spon
sored bv Political Forum and
Great Issues. I>ebh»e Brown,
vice president of GSS, also
spoke and later (right) answered
questions from people who at
tended the forum.
Amount of tuition hike unresolved
Delco says fight not over
Stuff W ntrt
Ihe chairman «>l the House
Htghei Education ( otnmitice said
M otidav. “ f he tuition light is not
ovei it lias just begun
State Rep Wilhclnnna l)eU<». D-
Atislin. told about HX) j>»*o|»le in
R iddei Fot uni that she Mill opjiose
a |»ian hv l i (.oveinot Bill Hohbv
lhal Mould i .use tuition lot tesident
students even highet than a bill te-
tentlv j»avse<l hv the I exas Mouse.
I tau t tell von that Me are going
n* miii this concern she saic I B ut
Min. lose oi di.iM I tan assure von
that thev ll knoM that thev ve l*een in
a m hale ol a I ighl
\<toidmg to DeUo. Mobhv s plan
Mould laise tesident tuition from the
luitent S-f |k*i setuestet hour to $ I 2
for the l 1 »R'»-Rb whocif vewr HnhhvS
plan Mould then uu tease tui(M>n to
VHi lot the IMMb-MT veat and lo J24
|H‘i veat for Altet that, in-
siate si idents would pav tuition
equal to 20 |*ei(rnt of then educa-
( l< HI < ost s
Ihe < ost of a students education
would Ik- defined hv the slate i ollege
and umversitv c«K»rdinating IkxiicI
< iirtenllv. resident sttulents pav 2
pettent to percent of then educa
tion t osts through tuition
I)el«o said stie oj>jK»ses anv plan
that indexes tuition to the tost of a
student s etlut ation
With indexing, the c<K»rdinatmg
IkmiiI reefefines the cost of etfuca-
tton evetv veat A student Mill not
knoM hoM mu« h he is going to have
to pav lot t uttion. Dele o saici
“It s imjKirtant to me that we give
students an idea of what tuition is
going to cost.** she said
“It makes me nervous when vou
have somehtKlv in a state agem v def
ining i ost s.**
I he hill passed hv the House was
sponsored m lieko and would raise
lesMlent tuitHm t«* for
and to $14 f«w 14M*>-M7 I union
M-ociki then iik rease S2 iw-t hour ev-
erv vear until it reached $2t>
inester hour.
I he House's hill Mould set aside
25 peicent ol all tuition lor student
ImaiMial aid I he hill still laces Sen
ate approval
Heibbv's |»4an calls few V percent of
See DELCO, page 9
j*er se-
Crash victim’s family looks for witnesses
Sra/t H i itt i
Six months aftc-i imo I exas AXM
students weir killed in train colli
sions on Hollctwan lHive nc.ti W ell-
bo, n R« xcd. erne- * if the v »< tint s lamtlv
is kMtkmg for Mttnessc'* ot tfie .u» i-
l.vnn ( ash M» Monakf Mas killccl
when a Minsoiim Pacific Railroad
train coMided Mith his cal on Se|W
The previous night in a separate
hut simil.ii a*»Klent Katherine
H«»sslev v> as ktlkHi. m Im-ii tlie « ar she tiding in coHrded M»ih a Vlts-
scHirt P.k ilt« ii am
Ooug Robtnefi a fiwnd of Me-
finalists to
square off
St.tff H ttiri ’
Finalists m ti»e elecih*ii lew stu
dent bodv ptesrdeni Mill kxk horns
hw tIk* Last time *w» Wednesdav as
student voteis selrt t a le.idei foi tfie
owning veai
Run-off cdetiHHi* Mill also f«»- Iw-ld
I«h the Re sid« nt Half \sso< lainwi
Irrasutet i he ( la*» «»l Sl» j>, esident
and bmcHUMi. 1 .lass of ww I try scoot
and two senate posiocwis
Donald. saKf the lamtlv bkKtkmg lot
witnesses to find out fxrw the acci
dent hapjiened.
“ I fir lamtlv hasn't reallv hea/<i
amthmg about it.** Robing" said. "It
isn't revenge, it s a wav to get things
out in the oiK-n.**
I l*e Me Donalds have filed a law-
suti against \4issoun Par it k John
HenlioM allot lies lew the Mi l>onald
fantilv. sale I the suit is t<wS2 rmlhott
" I hat s a (will park tiqwie that Me
use to start m it 11, ** HenlfiJw said He
vatd the laMsuit agamstNlissoui i Pa
« Uk is lot “mentai anguish, jkim and
sutfrnng’' tluit the lamibr and l.vnn
“However, thev are more intet
ested m seeing that this nevei haj>-
prns to anvone again "
(a»lk*ge Station has < hanged the
inter sex IK mi sin< e tfi«- a« < idents hv
making the tracks mote visible- tan
cannot add cross-lkii' oi signals
Minch ate undet jiirtsdic non o| the
rail i • tad
RolMnett said ihe ac c ident lias
l>ecii all IhiI lc»t gotten Me said die
laMsuit could hi mg attention to die
ptohieni so that the minsection
c caikl Ire c h.ciigc-d < »r c l< >sc-< I
Ihe teason the suit exist, », •*,
lause the crossing is s<» datigc tons
he said We Mant action I his is a standing nghi iheie when it h.ipjw-
}>ossil>le of getting it ned
Rohmett said he dunks Mitnesses
Mill respond lo the plea I rrt vetv
optinnstH lie said
Be c a use die ac < idei ti « k c u i red on
a fiidav night at a Mell-tt avelecl in
lei sec lion neat sevetal apartment
complexes and restaurants. Rohme tt
ttiink' sc»mec»ne mav h.tve sec-ti ot
heat cl die c c illisic hi
Ben Ik >m said that tout vs it nesses
havealleadv lire n tound
Wc have fecur Mitnesses that are
out st ending )«e said "Imo t Merc
1 he- Mitnesses statements indicate
that the- cat Mas tied stalled on die
Hacks the ttam vs as iiaveling Iasi
and .i vshistle Mas n<M VHinded until
uiijcact. BettlcoM saici
RolMnett s.nd Mitnesses Moukl ncct
Ik- Ioic ed to testdv )rii anv mforma-
tion Mould Ik Mc komed lev the tarn
11 V
\nvccne m lio witnessed the ac c i-
dent cci has anv information is en-
cccuiaged lo call Doug RcciMiteii at
n‘W»-03T^ cm Rhonda Wilburn at
♦ >‘lo M| 5.4 at anv time
Committee favors
fee-hike package
Fire t k wi (awnirntMcwi Re preset
Mcwioav ni
live Jim (arllms said
thai polling kwaliuns
wcMikf be th«
the same few the rum
ni cos
»ft an
Sewn Rovall
fed the fitst c-lectMwr the Memorial
Mudetii Cenirf Main Lounge,
ckcv, n st an s m the Paviliou ami lh< A-
I kHinge.
Cali ft ns also saad hr expects voter
turnout Wednevdas to be stgnifi
cantfv less" than that of last week
Finalists in the eircmwi lew stu-
deni IkkIv pie-swletil atr Mike < ca.k
aod Sean Rc >v all
l.vmie Radchlle and Laui a
W alstr.m) air t uniting lot RM \ ttca
RaNMWqK («»t (.iass o4 jm esident
are Prr Bail and Mark 1 aegms and
either I rati Rvan cw jccfin BccimI Mill
be the new (Hass of HM treasure!
\l Si IN — St v m tee I in attetn|>(s
to limit spending the Hcmis* Appro-
twiaiHwrs ( cermnittee t lined ns at
it-utKcn M «Midav to collecting more
me cnev to s|k*iic I
Ihe jranel voted trntalive ajcpro
val to a S2H*) millMMi lee hike (rack
age that Moukl dip into the pmkrts
ol drivers. Mrestlets. wouki-rir rm-
Ikalmers. people who like their li-
c r ns#- pialrs to sav c level tilings and
• m hi t I rxans
iveu with legislaiiv,r approval ol
I t-t and college tuiuon hikes. tf»F
Menise commitlre is alKHit StII irrlt
Ih >n sftort of a IsalaiMrti iHidget
acciwdtng to ( hair man |im Rudd
and S|ieak.ei ( ub lewis
I hat s short ol bring in tiaiamr
sawl lewis "I'd like to go in with
alMHit a S million to 5'»o millKwi
c UsIlMKl
lewis asseml4rd die appropria
tions commuter lor a 7 a m meeting
mi the members lounge He saw I it
was nothing more than a fwp rallv
"Its pietlv dist chji aging when
vou re tunning up against a wall rs-
erv tune vcmj k«ck an Hind. When
vchi te $2t** rnillMMi cm SSOtt rnillioii
sh<Mt vcHi need a little jcepptng up "
the speaker said
I he eaib rmwmng meeting was
(Hit pacxied as required les House
tules. Ihii Dm k Merkel la-wis press
aicle said he mHitird repicrters of
the meeting cwt F rwiav
(acmmitiee membeis overwhelm-
mglv v«Med down a proposal to take
more rtMMies out of their own poiiti
cal jKKkets hs rejecting a $5 fEe itw
tiling c ampaign ftnamr repiwrs
Some students
may need to
find education
NFLVF N <)Rk — F^luiatMin Sec-
ieta,v William | Bennett denied
Sundav that pro|»o»ed federal
budget cuts tew student aid will
result in “fewet people going to
college IhiI sawl some mav have
to ImmI alternative edut almn
Some college sturlents mav hr
hweed to move to less expensive
institutMWis he said “Ikm t as
sume that public mstuulMMis . .
aie less gcacd than private insmu-
tMWis. Bennett sjki
I lie new Is appcMnied sec rrtarv
was amccng olfnials discussing a
broad sarietv of rcfutatKKi topics
on tbe AIM.- I V program flm
Week Wah David Brinkiev
I he cm tiers were Cars Bill ( Jm-
tcmi of Srkansas. whose state just
tested Ms leathers tew cewnpe-
irtM v Mars Haiwood FutreM.
ptesrdeni of the Natawsai Educa
tion VsscHiaiMMi. and Albert
Shanker presadent of the Ameri-
tan Fedrratitwi of leathers
<Hs another top*, (imtewi sard
imi resuks were avaiftablr vet from
his scales tewn pete nt > tew
I imre-H portrayed the teacher
tests as me walls unjust ”
F v ahianng teachers alter they
are terrified is “changing the
rules in the middle of the game.'
she said
Shanker. who is < ham pawling
the cause ol higher teachers'
wages, said Mr Bennett seems
to think if we just give speeches
about m< wall tv and tough stan
dards. that will do M "